WVA Local tax specialist says Many forget tax exemptions general averaging provision By IltéllIRIH if The Examiner When people wish lom McBride good season they are not talking about the festive season They mean the income tax return season McBride 21 holds the and Block franchises for Barrie ttrilha and ollr ingwood Starting in the income tax business seven years ago chride look littthour inr structioii and Harbour homework course offered by TU NIfRRlIHC ta specialist It and Block itauadai Ltil Most II and employees he said have completed about 300 hours of instruction and practice before working on any clients income tax return chiidc said most people who complete their own returns miss out on areas where they coulil claim fur ther exempt ions Our biggest competitors is the guy who does his own return said McBride The thing is though that with all the things hes probably missing out on he could pay us to do his return for the next Itiyears But thats not the only reason chrIdc advises peo pie to have their returns done professionally You can save lot of time and bother when protes sioiial does it he said We know tiow to cut through the nonsense and we know who to call on for information then the way the return is presented is more important than anything else and we know how Reveutie anada wants the return to look chride said that with the exception of the child tax credit there are few changes for most people in the 1978 in come tax return form as compared with the 1977 form The child tax credit an noniiced III August ltiTtt gives parents in certain income tax brackets $2ttfiperryear tax credit for each child under Ill The child tax credit said McBride means there will be if million new tax filers this year most of whom will be mothers who do not have outsidejobs The problem with doing your own return said McBride is that you miss out on lot of things For exam ple said McBride Most people dont take advantage of the moving exemption If you move minimum of 25 miles for job you can claim your moving costs This exemption was made to encourage people to move to where the Jobs are In fortunately few people take advantage of it McBride said that to insure the greatest return for most of his clients he really has to dig information out of them You have to bc good iiitcr viewer and you have to ask lot ofquestions he said lost of the people who come to you dont know hat kind of questions to ask you so you have to dig mtorma tion out of them ttnly by talking with some of my clients could find out that theyve moved somewhere fora Job Although an income tax return with only one T4 slip could be completed in 15 minutes McBride said good interview shouldnt be hurried McBride said most people arent aware that they can go as far back as four years for income tax amendments If you neglected deiluction last year you could use it this year he said Through the general averaging provision of the in come tax act some people are eligible for increased refunds Returns for the past four years are averaged with this years return It usual ly has the greatest benefit for people who have just entered the labor force be said Besides working daily for It and Block McBride recently began writing business column every two weeks for weekly toll ingwood newspiiper The Enterprise Bulletin He also acts as talk show host for thctable it show Its Your Business The show is taped once month but runs four to si times month Mclhides show covers all illfilS til llllSllItNS itilll tll suinerawareness With his television show column and three II and Block outlets lcltiide says he hasnt hail time yet to complete his own income tax return form but then again this is his busy season Warehouse is creative private space for 50 artists musicians poets TURNNIU iII Musician Hidley Riley keeps strange company Some of my neighbors wear extremely long dyed hair sparkles on their fingernails and eyebrows and several males III my makeup consider that bizarre but in warehouse such people are completely acceptable The warehouse that Riley and his neighbors share as living building wear Food costs more in Newfoundland lttllltlr2 fld itli Itipound bag of potatoes here sells for $7 while eggs are $3 dozen An orange costs itii cents spokesman for the nearby Makkovik ommunity ouncil says that not only are food items exixnsive but by the time they reach these northern coastal settlements in Labrador their quality has deteriorated resident complains that frozen meats shipped in the fall and intended for winter sup plies often are freezerburned and dried out About itti per cent of fresh fruit shipment remains unsold and must be thrown away Quite simply residents cannot afford the steep price spokesman for the New foundland rural development department says that when sup plies ot vegetables fresh fruit and eggs shipped in the fall to governmentoperated stores are exhausted the cost of flying in additional stocks has to be absorbed by the consumer Ian Strachan Liberal member of the legislature for Eagle River says food supplies are flown in from loose tay to as far away as the northern set tlement of Nain by twin engined fitter aircraft which is expensive to operate The lakkovik community ouncil has asked the govern ment to consider subsidizing the cost of flying in fresh pro ducc but no action has been taken Strachan says the airways are the highways of Labrador aiiil the government should bear the extra cost not pass II on to consumers The rural development department spokesman says complaints are mostly the result of changes in attitude few years ago no one expected to get fresh fruit in northern settlements during the inter In addition to governmen towned stores in five or six set tlements along the coast the Hudson Bay has branches in Rigolet and artwright The delivery of supplies last fall was hampered by an unusually early freecup Freight ships out of St John and other ports were unable to discharge their cargoes because of ice in November and large quantities of supplies had to be flown Ill Northern residents also face high costs for mexull care Strachan says Labrador has the highest air transportation costs in anada aiiil for per sons not on welfare or employed by the government it is difficult to pay for seats on plane for patient nurse or other attendant It might cost up to $15m to take patient from northern Labrador to hospital the RIVERIA SCHOOL of SELF IMPROVEMENT Invites You To DANCERCIZE What is it ExorCIsos instructed to music Time hour 2Hove FUN learning the Disco Hustle Bus Stop Calypso Charleston Etc Time hour Beginners Advanced Only 12 per month Women were genuinely excited about this course so dont miss out Classes starting now Evenings from lOMoanhurs ENROL NOW CALL 7264723 quarters gives no hint of anything unusual to the thousands of motorists who pass by each day Its turn of the century facade is noiidcscript the worn brick front guarding the surprises within Inside giant windows disperse austere sunlight on what Riley calls my private space sandblasted brick walls worn upright piano and twostage loft bearing mat tress and several large arm chairs lttSl RIIIIII FOLK There are about 34 people living here fair number of musicians artists dancers what you could call creative people says Riley Its loose lifestyle Some wander the balls at night and drop in on others Some Ive never seen because they guard their privacy personally look at it as private place consider my room the building the streets fairly separate almost like womb space to be alone and hang liitist Rileys space about to square metres in site costs him 5150 month He moved in more than year ago replac ing friend ho was leaving for Ilurope The musicians room gives him immediate access to downtown and he liltin ttl tam freedoms that apartment living cannot offer really like the idea of building my own space building out of very little money and ttieii making it the way want it also practise clarinet at all hours sometimes at in without worrying about neighbors lltit there are disadvantages Warehouses are not oned for residential use aiiil there have been some close calls with city building inspectors tine caine around not long ago and Skth it lived here Just pointed to my piano told him it was my work space and sent him away satisfied Besides there are about Loon people living ttttemisfn loronto alone not even con VICTORS HAIRSTYLE FREE $2500 BODY PERM Phone 726938 for details OFF Limited time only inat0nal SHOP AT HOME CALL 7263401 Out of Town calf collect Beautiful custom drapes as little as seven days rapery sidering other tanadian cities nd the cities are not going to kick them out because they would then lose tlieii itlltss itllil pinls llliy vaulting space dodge works foi othii warehousedwellersiswill anessa tlll and andy laitiuire study llllllt and their lease specifies that then space is rented for working pin poses only handy document that has helped durini politi calls at their dooi lltil although their in sipiarcinetri lltlllllt allows theiii room to piactise lloiit says it also goes her tlitltt to mine be loud rolleiskatc and ride my bicycle something iouldn do tli lllt house lied in bctoie it also gins lltlllt ti bank of huge windows industrial liillitis reaching down from huh itl ings and bathroom iiea iIl taiiitoaintisiyisitois Walled off from thc rest ot the dwelling if ionaitis bii stalls remnant of initiisti iil days lllt iiitiii lt stt is ltilllltl purpose the other two llltlt shower and it hot itii heater John and Katherine Faris of Cookstown married 60 years ago pose in front of wedding cake at their diamond wedding anniversary celebration held recently in Alliston The couple were among those who moved in 1927 from the Scottish settlement near Bradford in caravan of teams and wagons to reestablish themselves in Cookstown Cookstown couple celebrate 60th wedding anniversary liy lllll lxlill iii titstii lt and In ltilitt liti ttl tiiiilbliivyli cileliiatid tliiii iititli weddiiii sininyiiniy recently with open llftlll itlcbiiitioir held it tliltt lwptist tlniih til Eioi tuui foo tinnib itid inighiioui iitiqilitii llii ttitlllt tlllitl tfl ittoiilinvir tioii hi tgiicei lIlt ltii livtit liudisi lllillllii lItlttttl iliii Liyn lll iiiiiiii iloi lt iiiiioil entit ll Rirs lilll liciltiiltiiin lllttitt Illl thi zillaite of lllllill to in lttltmli of liiinsfil in the iltllt of lttiiiiiitililniis lltltlt of Milo itt fotltity presented the couple with pin tine from uiiioi oiinty lhecouples son ticoiitt ac llilL as master of ttliltltiltlts recounted bow duimg the winter of 147 lil parents had made thi tiiiile move front the iolil sitlliiiiciit iitiii liiiltoiil toiikstoyui iii eiiii of lcaiiis and wigoiiloidsot belongings taiin eipiipiiient and tinstock as the neighbouis all brought their tennis and wagons to make thc lit1itioyi llc said his parents had winked hard through the llttitissttillHlslillltttllll iais mg chickens and taking III boarders toiiitoy tiltiiiiiitt sttt wedding album HanlonWagner Holy Trinity Church in Engiehart Ont was the setting for the Dec 30 wedding of Mary Teresa Hanlon of Englehart and Robert William Wagner of Barrie The bride is the laughter of Mr and Mrs Joseph Hanlon and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Ronald Arthur Wagner of RR Phelpston The couple now live in Hearst Ont Mr and Mrs Blake Constable of Gifford announce the engagement of their daughter Heather Grace to Alan Faris son of Mr and Mrs Murray Faris of Brad ford The wedding is planned for March l7 at pm at the United Church in Churchill cess always adhering strongly totheirthristianfaith Thank you all for coming said John Paris 90 It does my heart good to see all of my family all of my friciiils and neighbours and so many of our old friends here today This is one of the most happy and wonderful day of our lives iust want to thank everyone of you here today and all our friends and neighbours froin tookstown Bradford and Bolton said Katherine lar1s til Nobody realiyes better than do that when you are sick or need help ookstown is good place to be am just delighted to see some of my school pupils of tilt years ago present here at this celebration am grateful to everyone lrs karts was the former Katherine Robb of Bolton where her parents hail honiesteaded at tcdarville She vividly recalls how she and some of her pupils used to walk through the fields from her parents farm to the school where she taught at astledirke on the next concession She also taught at trecmore and tileii tifllll niece and former pupil of lrs laiis Stella luir recent ly nominated tinesiiigs titieii of the Year recited poem shi had writtin for Mr and lrs laiis wedding an niviisary In it she recalled the unpres sion the wedding had made upon her as little girl and guest at that wedding She said she icnienibereil the fringed pretty lace cedar and roses decorations making confetti from newspapers and iiiagaincs little girl pecking through at the pink and white ice cicani and all the other good things to be eaten at the receptionafterflitwedding lilt is the son of the late Ir and lrs Robert Paris his mother being Frances Wood lie was one of the early men to establish purebred llolstein herd III nncoe ouiify buying his first pedigreed cows in Ittï¬ti with iack Mctague to help maketheselection His son leorge Itaris coir titles to maintain the herd at the tookstow farm along with the poultry aiiil hog business he started in Bradford loliii and Katherine laris have two children George of iookstown and Lois ardlaw also of ookstowu it graiid children lcter John Paul Mary lcaii and Keith and great grandchild They were iuarricd at Bolton on ltlltlll 5th Ifilti They have resided llt ookstown for many years since their retire ment from farming KIDS VIEW Sftlfilll ltthtNlti itl An adult magawine with children as the theme is being published by hild Focus Inc Publisher Richard lraiisham has group of cliilil specialists on the advi sory board aiiil plans articles on childrens rights development day care family planning and exceptional children He is relying on free lance writers to contribute to the magazine hild Itocus which will be published six fillies year it the examiner Tuesday Feb 20 1979 Ann Lgnders 4J3 Decides not to meet father Dear Ann Landers When Was baby my mother and fa ther were divorced He dropped out of our lives and offered no financial support never knew him My mother eventually married man who raised me as his own love him very much To me he is my one and only father Recently moved to another city My natuiai luiiiLl cuned on the phone He wants to see me and thinks want to see him because he heard from relative that had asked if looked like him At first thought it would be romantic and exciting like something out of movie but now realize dont want to see him He has his life and family and have mine Whats more it might hurt my parents Hell be calling again soon to get together What should do dont want to be cruel but dont want to become in volved either4 the Father Is Enough Dear ne Apparently youve given your natural father the idea you ARE interested in reestablishing bond Now youve changed your mind Thats your privilege Simply tell him youve decided not to complicate your life or hiswby getting together and you now believe the early pattern of no communication was better for all con cerned Then stick to it Dear un Luiiilers May borrow your Column to speak to hitchhiker Dear Hitchhiker passed you slowly this evening As went by you said would have picked YOU up lady Sir there is no way Id ever try to hitch ride Id walk take bus taxi or calla friend or relative If still had no ride wouldnt go dont pick up thumbers because theres no way of know ing it they have knife or gun By the same token how do you know IM satc The newspapers are full of horror stories about softhearted people who gave nicelooking person ride also fhumbers who were murdered by kindly motorist The next time dozen cars you man or woman remember this letter They DO have reason for not stopping and its probably the same as mine Playing It Safe Itear Safe agree with you completely Often the nicestlooking people are the craziest Thanks for saying something that needs to be repeated often Dear im Laiiiters Some strange things pop up in your column Recently young man wrote to say he was turned off by his girlfriends dirty neck assume her neck was dirty He said if was have birthmark on my neck that has caused me dis tress all of my life first became aware of it when my aunt tried to scrub it off My firsfgrade teacher sent word to my mother to wash my neck When was teenager had date with boy who stared at me and asked Is your neck dirty never went out with him again saw doctor about the problem He called it pigmentation of the skin and said it can never be changed Still tried bleach creams lemons anything thought might lighten it Nothing did Now that Im grown my friends have sense enough to know birthinark when they see one Ill bet there are others who have the same problem am The Ieanest lat in Iissouri Dear leaii al There are more dirty necks around than birthmarks Id rather have the latter IIIIIiquroo40Iooa Emwbgt£rswltLth Carnival fun at the library Hy MARGARET WORTH Ideas are sometimes pretty difficult to transform into reality and the end result is usually rather different from the original concept At least thats how things work out for me lhis yearriur mtrihutmmaliarrie Winter Carnival was no exception The idea born one 5a tuber was to promote the theme of fantasy with swords and sorcery in the world of books The Crystal Cave we decided would be perfect envisaged magnificent cave built miraculously of some sparking material with sfalactites hanging from its lofty roof enthused over the possibility of fountain bubbling in never ending stream of water over cascades of white marble dreamed happily of large stone complete with King Arthurs sword buried deep in its granite side Then got busy pushed those ideas into the back of my mind and left them there Two months ago had to find them again and face the reality of what we could actually do on very small budget and limited time and space The end result was pretty far removed from my original dream but the basic concept was still there The magifiient cave sank to mere 17 by 18foot structure built not of sparkling crystal but an enormous sweep of plastic No stalagtites hung from the ceiling just shdows cast by clever lighting and some artful draping tiur sparkling fountain proved to be something less titan successful and had to be gracefully retired it leaked lot We did have magic pot though with swirling mist in its mirky depths our sword reposed snuggly in its stone perhaps not quite of granite but stone nevertheless and we had resident Merlin to inhabit our cave providing con clusively that the pen is mightier than the sword arnival days always mean hard work as well as fun We had both and as usual had more than my fair share of help both from the talented young men who were my coworkers this weekend and from my family who with the usual token amount of grumbling were always right there when needed dawn think we brought little fantasy and sorcery to the arvival We meant to Again and again heard the com ment Libraries sure have changed since was kid Yes they have Im very glad to say Pollys Pointers Turpentine removes paint DEAR lIIY My crcanHolored cotton blend sweater has red oil paint on it am afraid to try anything on it until feel sure it will work An easy way to remove used candle from the glass is to put II in your freezer upside down Tapping against the palm of your band should remove it without any messy digging MRS SS DEAR MRS SS Thank you for your Pointer had several voflvc lights leftover from the holidays that needed to be cleaned because the candles had burned so low Your suggestion worked like charm The wax all fell out in one clean lump left mine in the freezer overnight hope the following will work as well for you and those oil paint spots Apply turpentine to spots to soften rinse and then rub with bar soap rinse and launder as usual POLLY DEAR POLLY Thank you for the newspaper clipper and it could not have come at better time was letting the bums down on some drapes and had misplaced the gadget usually use for ripping and there on the table was the clipper figured that if it could cut paper why not thread and found it did better job than the gadget made for such use When making potato salad boil the eggs in the same water as the potatoes but take them out when they are cooked not only save gas but another pot ROSALIND DEAR POLLY To keep refrigerated vegetables fresh and crisp for prolonged period of time use small brown paper bags rather than the usual cellophane or fail wraps have had things stay fresh for as long as month because the brown paper absorbs any moisture while the other wraps do not HOWARD DEAR PULLY Mrs IKs Pet Peeve worries me wonder if she ever counts her blessings one being to have friends who drop in on her There was day when felt as she does but have discovered God sends these IxWI My suggestion is to reflect not reject MRS