Efl The Exarniner is member at The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau of circulations ABC Only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Pressa and local news stories published in The xaminer NEWSROOM Craig Etson managing editor tan Mulgrew city editor BUSINESS Marian Gough accountant Delva Mills COMPOSING ROOM Jack Kcrney foreman Glenn Kwan asst tortman ADVERTISING Published daily except Len Sevick manager Sunday and Timothy Fob 20 1979 eeaminer serving barrie and simcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited lb Baylield Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 Bruce Rowland 7+ publisher NEWSROOM 7266537 CIICUlATION 7266539 ADVERTISING 7266537 ClASSIFIEDS 7282414 No its ands or buts Theres something different about Barrie city coun cil these days No ifs ands or butts The difference is that smoking has ttot been banned in council chambers motion passed last Monday by council forbide the evil weed during publiic meetings Council chambers becomes the first and to our knowledge the only public place in Barrie where smoking is prohibited According to the city there are no plans to extend the nosmoking ban It will be interesting to watch if this initial motion sparks an antismoking lobby to push for further smoking restrictions Our own view is that the city motion has the merit of being an educational vehicle for the antismoking campaign It reminds smokers of the health hazard of cigarettes and of the rights of nonsmokers too The city deserves credit for voluntarily setting that kind of example More of us should follow their lead Lets fact it If nervous politician catt SUlVlV fivehour council marathon without puffing cant the rest of us do the same Message may be getting through Environmentalists have fought long and often los ing battle for the preservation of clean water aitd woodland Their message may be getting through The province recently announced the purchase of 4400 acre parcel of land for conservation and rccrca tion purposes The land located just 16 kilometres from Barrie is important for two reasons First the tract is virtually untouched and almost totally undeveloped affording unlimited potential for the future The land also contains the headwaters of botlt the Coldwater and Sturgeon rivers as well as Willow Creek Guarding these headwaters against pollution is necessary to protect water quality downstream Fishermen especially will be pleased They know these streams as home of some of the prettiest sport fishing anywhere And they dont want to see thcm deteriorate the way so many others have done Still unanswered about the purchase is the question of land use If conservation is the prime purpose will recreation activities like snowmobiling be curtailcd Conversely if recreation is stressed what effect would that have on wildlife in the arca These questions do not detract from the purchasc as positive step Were fortunate that Simcoc Younty still contains many relatively unspoiled areas We should do all we can now to protect them for the future Your business By VINCENT EGAN Business and onsuittcr Affairs Analyst Thomson News Scrvicc In the depths of winter the thought of home in some warm sunny climate has an undeniable appeal to Canadians especially to those such as the retired whose presence here may not be essential That peat has been reinforced in the past couple years as economic mismanagement has forced down tltc value of the Canadian dollar and raised fears that foreign exchange controls may be imposed as last desperate measure to shore up the dollar and check the growth of inflation lf you are thinking about buying homc iii the sunbelt however put aside until latcr all those pleasant thoughts about happy bows to be had and make sure that you dont fall into any pitfalls along the way Buying property is scrious matter regardless of where the property is located It should be given careful consideration much more than an evening of looking at promotional brochures and slidcs or hurried lookaround squcczcd in between lunch and game of golf Some parts of the US South and South west and of the West Indies are notorious for bad business practices in the developmcnt field for example the decision of an Arizona subdivider to develop floodpront site where flash floods later claimed thrcc lives and wrought destruction in the amount of $4 million BUYER BEWARE Even after you have selected good well located place in the sun vigilance is still essential By all means retain the serVIccs of lawyer who can advise you fully about the im plications of tax law both in Canada and in the jurisdiction to which you plan to move Gnefact youll discover is that nothing is simple and straightforward as it was in the Sunbelt calling but avoid traps days beforc our government started to tax capital gains as income Another is that thc Tanadian tax collector has boardinghouse reach that stretchesjust as far as your interest in vacation property if for example you were to buy place in Florida with view to occupying it during the worst of the winter and rcnting it out the rest of the ycar tltc govcrnntint of anada Would tax that rcntal incomc rcgardlcss of tlic fact that it was generated iii foreign country Similarly wltcn thc timc coincs to scll that homc in tlic sun or to pass it on to the next generation any apprcciation in its valuc will be taxcd by zinzidzi as capital gain lhc fact that lht propcrty isnt in Canada or that you may not liavc rcalilcd any cash gain iit turning it ovcr to son or daughter wouldnt cxcnipt you trotn tltc tax bilc TAX luQlllY Since the tax burdcn is tltc samc as if the sunbclt propcrty wcrc in anada the tax collcctor has to honor lllt tcw tax exemptions that would apply to propcrty hcrc Canadian incomc tax law docsnt require for instance that tltc principal rcsidcncc of taxpaycr bc located in anada Thus it couplc owned hoitic here and another in tlic US South that was occupied 01 at most part of iiic year by spousc former spousc or dcpcndcnt child and if each spouse took the legal precaution of designating one of the properties as his or her solc principal rcstdcitcc then lhcrc would bc no capital gain to bc taxed when cithcr property is sold And if the property is to be rented while you arent using it you will at lcast bc ablc to do dUcl from taxablc incoiitc the usual cxpcnscs property taxes insurancc mortgage iii tcrcst repairs and maintciiancc and capital cost allowancc in proportion to the amount of time the propcrty is rcntcd out If the foreign jurisdiction imposes an iii comc or profits tax on you our government will grant you corresponding tax credit BUSINESS 7266537 SCOOPS l5 THAT MNTON THE FORMER TENNE$5EE SALES Bert Stevens John Franks tan MacLeod Aden Smith Steve Skinner Brenda Woods Bill McFarlane wire editor Dave utter sports editor Claudia rausc Lifestyle editor REPORTE RS Carl De Gursc Stephen Nicholls Dennis Lanthier Nancy Figueroa Lori Cohen Stephen Gaucr entertainment Gary Forbes sports Betty Armor camera operator Dave BurCStk photooraphcr CLASSIFIED Freda Stunner Peggy Chapcll Dana Homewood Janice Morton Parliament Hill ll STICW ltl lzicllIOl Ottawa Bureau lliomson cws Sciw icc lii oitr glorious priocciipatioii with loc lzirks lost luggagc wc iiizidvcrtcntly ovcrlookcd inotlicr madcap lllttlltl iiitsadvcn tiitc tltc zimbiishing of Jiisticc Miiiistct Marc lalondc by sonic intrepid rcportcrs Mind you tltc lalondc incidcnt ncvcr did havc tltc samc humorous ovcrtoncs as larks suitcasc sliiitllc although cant figure out whats so funny about losing baggagc Bangkok but iioncthclcss tltc justicc ministcr was wcll and truly spcarcd iii tltc bcsl ot iiiipniliiiiiicnlgiry traditions From the legislature It ltlllthK NELSON Quccits lark Burcau Thomson iw Sch ici lOltONIO Onc incthod ol prcdicttng tltc fuliirc is to study thc cntruils by tltc light of thc full moon lcrhaps Ontario llydro analysts should takc look at tltc sttcccss ratc achicvcd by practitioners of that ancient Roman art lhcy couldnt do worsc than tlicyrc cur rcntly doing using thc lzitcst scicntitic gim micks graphs orcomputcranalysis Last ycar llydro prcdictcd pcr ccitl an itiial incrctisc iii pOtl dcmiind lhczictiial lttTtt figure was pcr cciit Last wcck tlicy rcviscd thcir projcction downward to per cent which numcrous critics alrcady contcnd is far too high Docs it mattcr much Yes to thc tunc of billions of taxpayer dollars If cncrgy growth avcriigcs six pcr cciit pcr annum to tltc ycar 3000 wcll iiccd to build ninc nuclcar stations viii rcactorsi beyond tltc fch currcntly built or iitidcr way just to inch demand lhc pricc tag will cxcccd $00 billion 11970 dollars LONG TIME But if growth is only four per cent the cost drops to less titan $30 billion for the four nuclcai stations iiccdcd If it is only two per ccnt thcn one station docs tltc job for $7 billioti Still tltc drain on our pockctbooks is btit half thcstory What mattcrs cvcn morc is whether or not well bc frccring iii tltc dark conic tltc ycar 2000 dccadc is the minimum time rcquircd to build generating station inorc likcly 15 years So if prediction of futurc power dcmatid is GOVERNOR WilO RELEMEP ALL Ruth Blais superviSOr Gail McFarland Vikki Grant Kathie Mitchell CIRCULATION Bill Hatkcs manaqcr Steve White assistant mannocr Andy Hauqhton Alva Latlantc PatMcrson Elaine Porter Cheryl Aiken Don Saunders Lorne Wass Wilt Cadogan start Wray Bill Raynor Ed Allunhy Janie Hamel Susan Kitchen Ron Gildir Barbara sirqt PRESSROOM Don Ncar torciiian trcd Prinrc asst lOrLIlrln Harris Blanchard lirian Marr And now that wctc got tlic hang of it lain surc lhcrc will tic rcpcat ptllOllllillttts Its all about this inciciit giivcrnmciil piic ticc of blaming lllt opposition tor holding up larliziiiicnts lcgislativc lilitt ltltlltt that bcgan with Sir John licdonad and has bccii ginning in ptiptlltitll ttl siiici And whilc opposition partics deny all such chzirgcs with routinc rcgiilarit journalists havcscldom bothcrcd to cntry thcdispiitc hot that Marc Lulondc ishcs thcy would continue to kccp thcir iioscs out ot thcsc tradi tional disagrccmciits NO IllltltY As you know the govcrnmcnt has bccn tak Hydro prediction $3 billion guess too low and we build too tcw stations wcrc stuck with tlic rcsiiltttig blackouts and tlllOli ing for ycars LINN lllltttltl If the gucss is too high tlicn thc plzints sit idlc churning out clcctiicity for which wc havc no usc just burning up tltc capital cv pctidcd in building tltc hitc citpliant And hopes of exporting surplus powcr on longterm contracts arc just that litipts Hydro cant littd any customcrs who irc intcrcstcd At tltc best of timcs lttlltlltlL an art not scicncc Hydro docs licld survcys to scc what in dustry is contemplating for tltc futurc tlltl social and ccononiic trcnds arc factoicd lll But lastly tlicy add intuition lhat tcnds to work iii rclativcly stalili world whcrc tltc futurc follows ttic past witltout majordisruptions NOT NOW lhus llydros longtcrni prcilictioii ot scvcn pct cciit growth Ill cticrgy diniund workcd liitc until 1074 whcii thc cllccts of tlic Ollï¬t oil pricc hikc bcgaii to makc itsclt tclt llydro cant bc blaiticd for not torscccnig the formation of that oil cartcl nor lllt rip pics that havc bcctt sprcading sincc lIOtll capital shortages to inflation to consctvation efforts They might bc blamcd for not bciiig iiiiickcr to lowcr thcir Sttl1ltlll tigiirc which thcy kcpt through 1077 cvcn though ttlllttl citcrgy dcitiaiid has liccii fluctuating lltll sincc lCt Still llydros tltcory is that in tlic crunch thcyd rathcr ovcrbiiitd hit than scc its all frccrc iii tltc dark lrcdicting nowadays icminds onc of tlic old World War II air lorcc song about coming in on wing and praycr Thickcn innards anyonc statutory holidays WE KLY by carrier 90 cents YEARLYbycarrmr the Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material created by its cmployccs and published in this newspaper us 80 Copyright registration number 7038l5 register at BY MAIL Barrio 80 National advortnsmq ottices 65 Queen St Toronto 864 I7l0 60 Cathcart St Montreal SIMCOE COUNl 336 50 The advertiser agrees that the publisher shalt not be liablC tor damaqcs arts MOlOR THROW OFf $39 year ELSEWHERE IN CANADA 5358 501 year me out ot errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the spacc ac tually 0CUpl0d by that portion at the advertisement in which the error oc curred whether such error is due to the negligence at its servants or othir WISf and there shall be no liability for non insertion of any advertiscmcnt beyond the amount paid for such advertisement Blaming opposition wont do in marijuana law debate mg lllllltl casual approach to tltc modcr niation ot our inariiuana laws always main taming that tltc lllljttl is tlllltl undcr study undcr rcicw or utidcr tltc oppositions blockadc of tlic Icgisliitivc mill This gocs back to lJTB lhcic was tltc iiiiiuiry iitto tltc ltOlHltCtlltill iisc of drugs licadcd by lrofcssor icrald lc liiii which rccommcndcd sottcning of laws surrounding lllt usc ol niarijuaita lhcn thcic was that govcrnmciit bill to rcducc marijuana pciialtics which passed through lllt Scnzitc llltl thcn dicd on lllt onimons Oltlll pzipcr Mcaiiwilc cvcryonc was being assutcd that such lcgislation would bc rc llllltitltttttl ltcccnt public opinion polls showcd that 40 pct ccitt ot anadians citdorscd tltc dccriminzilimtion of llltlltjllitllil which has tiicn siiiiiptcd by ill cstimatcd thrcc million tainidigins llul last year sonic 35000 of thcsc aiiiidians wcrc convicch ol posscssion which is still criminal ottcncc liist lcttllll liondc in iinistcrtiil out burst of iindcistatciiiinl said it may bc good lnnc to iccxaminc our laws in this rcspcct llc Hitltltlttl aloud whcthcr it is good to maintain law which is apparcntly rcjcctcd by majority of tatiadnins And ltc wcnt on to zissitic its that lll officials arc sttt lllli thi inaiiiininn situation on an urgcnt basis OIINIII llut llt doubtcd hcthcr any such lcgislzi tion could ttl bc squccIid through that iincoopciativc litllltlllltlil bctorc tltc itcxt clcctiott This would obviously ippcasc tliosc iinilccidcd otcrs who favor tltc picsctit laws And actually tltc oiiscrviitivcs ltavc ncvcr otfcrcil clcijr cut iltcrnativc Whilc sup porting thc dcciitniitalixation of iinirijiiziiia laws thcy say tltc mattcr wouldnt how high priority in Tory govcrnincnt Anyway as our cycs vcrc focused sqiiarcly on loc larks luggage laul Dick tltc lory Ml trout laiiarkltcnfrcwtarlcton stood in tltc ominons and ziskcd lilondc just whcti tic proposcd to cliangc tltc iinirijuaiia laws ltc got tlic routiiic rcply am glad to scc that tltc hoitorablc mcttibcr iiidicotcs his party would co opcrzitc in spccdy considcra tion of bill which might bc introdiiccd iii this llousc will consult with thc othcr parties Normally thc ittattcr would rcst rigltt thcrc But this tititc taiiadian lrcss rcportcrs wcnt right ittcr tltc opposition partics and askcd licllicr tltcy would ugrcc to spccdy approval at such lcgislatioii lioth tltc lorics and Ncw lcitiocratsunswcrcd with icsoundiiig ch lhcii it was back to tltc startled itiinistcr Okay now would lic intiodiiccd iiiirijuatni bill lctln hc wasnt sure it would bc wisc to build up cxpcctatioiis and thcn liavc thc lcgisliition disiiiptcd by an clccliott ltiit his covcr had bccit blown What Lalondc probably docsnt want is an clcction that might licdisiitptcd by cxpcclatioiis The world today Left turn for Jamaica By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service TORONTO Michael Manley Jamaicas articulate and still very handsome prime minister is more than half way through his current term in pursuing his policies to turn Jamaica into socialist state lt has been costly development in terruptcd early in its course since 1972 by the world oil crisis of late 1973 That event bumped Jamaicas oil bill from $40 millions to over $200 millions last year it has been costly too because of Mr Manleys turnaround of some major Jamaican sources of external revenues increased participation of the government through higher royalties taxes and state participation in the foreignowned bauxite firms and different structure for the historic tourist industry We were victims of our own failure to develop our tourist product Prime Minister Manley admitted in an interview with selected Canadian journalists here There has been major rcstructuring of our tourist industry it is no longer fuelled by wealthy pcoplc but through cheap and new tourist packagcs And we have changed tltc perception of the Jamaican people to tourism he contin ucd iii an effort to end their view that all whites who come to the island are rich and uttfccling aitd where the whites are con ccrncd that Jamaica is one large tourist beach lts unlikely that outside companies doing business inside the island nation these days or those concerned with Manlcys very close and personal ties with nearby Marxist Cuba and Fidel Castro sec Jamaica any longer as one large tourist bcach Rather they are more inclined to see Jamaica as beachhcad for dangerous socialist policies which could make it like uba and Guyana the third committed aribbean socialist country Nor did the outspokcn Manley allay such fcars here when he admitted that he is an unrcpcntant antimonarchist and that his itcw constitution will turtt Jamaica into republic and her leader lpcrhaps Manley htmsclti iitto eithcr ait elected or appointed presidcnt This may come as less of blow in the United States Mexico or Venezuela which have always had presidents than iit anada and the rest of the Commonwealth Jamaica has always been viewed as star member of that informal group of global nations with tltc common but informal bond of the British monarchy But as Manlcy said forthrightly in Toronto everyone in Jamaica fccls that an Anglo Saxon queen 4000 miles away is irrelevant to our black aribbcan country Mcantimc Manley attempts to balance new and llllpltSSth shifts in Jamaica exports tthrough major incentives drivel against the ltcavy statc outlays needed to continue do mcstic policics of education hcaltlt facilities attd highcr standard of living for all Jamal cans The tall and slim 54ycarold Jamaican primc minister who is one of thc most honest Third World leaders in admitting to his problcnis says that Jamaica borrowcd short few years ago and as result went to the International Monetary Fund the bank of last rcsort as he calls it for $250 million standby loait The IMF has compelled tltc Jamaican prime minister to ordcr major cutbacks iii Jamaicas ccottomy and dcvaluc the coun trys dollar But the Jamaican leader remains most articulate when he recalls that he took over as primc minister in 1072 facing social position highly unsatisfactory with ac cumulating problems of social neglect and of highly elitist society He admitted too he has changed this considerably and proposes to change it even ntorc so long as he continues to win national elections Interpreting the news Labor MP upsets home rule plans LONDON ttli dccadc ago icorgc unningham was sccond sccrctary iii the British High omtnissioti in Ottawa Prime Minister Janics allaghan probably wishes he had stayed tltcrc unniiighani is inavcrick Labor back bciichcr who may ltavc cripplcd thc primc ntinistcrs campaign favoring measure of ltoitic rulc for Scotland allaghan said recently Scotland should scizc with built hands tltc opportunity to vote oti devolution on March Cunningham ltowcvcr has tied one of those hands behind their backs llc came up with thc proposal that for devolution to suc cccd 40 per cent or ittorc of thosc eligible would havc to vot ycs llc bclicvcd that propottcttts of dcvolutiott iii Scotland ought to be able to overcome the 40 percent lturdlc if tlicy want such an im portant cltaiigc in the constitution That also applied to Wales which goes to tltc polls on March although Wales stands to gaiit somewhat less than Scotland under dcvolution The proposed Wclsh Assembly would win authority only to administer laws passed by the British Parliament EXERCISE SOME POWERS In the case of Scotland it is proposed that some legislative powers be exercised by Scottish Assembly on such matters as educa tion municipal government roads and health care Devolution in both cases will not approach the federalprovincial system granted to Canada by Britain more than too years ago