Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Feb 1979, p. 3

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Vs WsaI Mr titown country Committee obiections continue Barrie general committee continues to object to propos ed subdivision plan located 011 the north side of Big Bay Point Road east of the proposed annexed boundaries TriJ Developments Ltd has asked for council support on three different occasions but the city has refused Barrie objects to the plan because it could mean an ui General committee decided ban sprawl situation if Barrie obtained the land by annex ation The city will not withdraw objections to the development until annexation boundaries have been decided Monday to ministry of housing it would continue to object to the plan The subdivision which would involve lots on 135 acre site located on oncession lit in Innisfil Aldermen support AMO protests Barrie general committee reconnnendtxl support to the AssoCiation of Municipalities of Ontario tAMtii in its pro tests of provincial government grant to municipalities AMO says that 1979 grants to municipalities should in crease at the same rate of growth as provincial ex psnditurcs Provincial expenditures will grow by six per cent but grants to municipalities will only raise by five per cent says an AMU letter written to general committee The organization objects to the provinces lack of candor and openness in its dealings with municipalities Lee nominated chairman Bill Lee Barrie resident is nominated by Barrie general committee as emergency services chairman An emergency services operation has been proposed in the Simcoc County by the Barrie and District Red Cross Deadline extended for and Barrie has extended the deadline for property purchase by and Disposal Ltd at Welhani Industrial Park The company is planning to purchase two lots at the in dustrial park for 539396 The property was to have been purchased by March but general committee recommended Monday extension of the deadline until April Study to cost residents $25 copy The Larry Smith and Associates impact study on the downtown improvement project will be sold to the public for 25 General committee recommended the action Monday The action is recommended to help defray the printing cost of publish on copies Two copies of the study are available at the Barrie public library The copies to be sold will be available at the city clerks of ti ce The impcat study cost the city about $11000 Truck tenders being called General committee recommended tenders be called for the purchase of four vehicles for the public works depart ment Ltd be It includes pickup truck iused for sewer service maintenance sandersnowplow and two general purpose trucks for carrying leaf boxes for fall pickup The funds for the units will be obtained from the current 1978 budget Core study costs $907 more General committee recommended James IacIarcii Study final report The report studies the downtown situation and has reconr nicnded many of the zoning changes the city has put into its final core area amendment The city had spent previously $6272 for costs in connec tion with the core study paid $907 for producing tit copies of the core am Bus route extention considered The Barrie Manufacturers Association asked general committee to consider extending the Little Ave bus route to if scry ice the Welhani Industrial Park area letter from Manse Powell president of the ssociatioii was discussed by the committee Monday Powell suggested the route be diverted south along Bayview Drive turning cast to the industrial park their pro ceding south past the new Hayes Dana plant The service would help people looking for work in the in dustrial area and employees now who do not have cars said Powell The committee recommended the city not provide extend ed bus service now We will keep it in mind for the future says Don Kirkpatrick deputy city engineer in memo to general committee Ministry city discuss park space Dedication of park space by developers ill be the subject of meeting Friday between city and ministry of housingof ficials The provincial planning act allows municipality to ask developers to provide space for parkland with all new sub division developments Thc developer dedicates five per cent of his total lot area to the city However Barrie has also asked developers to do extra work on the site to develop the space Jack Stollar local developer told council last week the work would cost him an additional 820000 for one subdivi sion The city was acting illegally he said The question remains thorny question which makes me squirm said Aid Alex Arthur terry Tamblyn city administrator said most developers understood the citys desire for quick development of parkland and complied with the request If developers refuse to provide the additional services the City doesnt press them for the money said Tamblyii Is that discrimination has to pay additional costs of Should stick to it he asked Peter Westwood deputy clerk and Gary Stoner director parks and recreation will be discussing the matter with ministry officials asked Aid who fights for his rights gets his way The man who doesnt Arthur The man Widening alternatives on agenda Alternatives to the Dunlop Street road widening project are likely to be discussed next week tr ymsxx ienerat committee recommended acceptance of the plan ning board report Monday The board referred the matter back to the committee because members felt they lacked the expertise to come up with widening alternatives The widening of Dunlop Street between Mulcaster and Poyntl Street is priority budget item in 1979 The city is also proposing to widen the street to Blake Street in futurc years Ald Fred Ituemper told the committee he was prcparid to offer alternatives to the proposal Itut Mayor Ross Archer said the matter was not on the committees agenda for the evening He the alderman should phone the city clerk and have the matter placed on the agenda for discussion Ald Alex Arthur said administration should offer council some alternatives in in the future to the project He said alternatives should be laid out in graphic form so that we can see what we want Aid Ruemper is proposing the city examine one way II Preston Construction Ltd contract for the work Two remanded until April TORONTO Stalli has been awarded the street systems and reduce future widening on the street to three lanes Pollution centre improvements start General committee has recommended impriwcmcnt work at the Barrie pollution control ccntre begin Improvements will include new administrative building with new lab equipment to beset up Landscaping and road improvement work on the site will also be done The total cost to the city will be about $50701 The money was allotted in the 1978 fapital budget says an ad ministrativc report Harrie man and an ro Station woman charged with second degree murder have been remanded toApril 17 Brian Gerald Laurier 21 and Gwendolyn ludity Wilson 19 are charged in the December 1977 stabbing death of William Hughes 15 of Toronto Hughes was stabbed after he and friend accepted ride from couple they met on downtown Yonge gt Street Irv advise the With the l979 Barrie Winter Carnival over clean up operations began on Kempenfelt Boy Huts and portable washrooms were lllIVNIS llllil€ Of The lltllilltl Barrie general Olllllllitt ip proved the downtown iniproxc ment project Monday despitc Cleaning up after carnival Photo today obitctioiistroiii twoildii llttli ld lioitaii ltliil iiil lti would not support iiiip which would lvi ltltltli iwi tioiii tbcii lliiltii ODonal Dovyntown torpeople My idea of rcyiialiation is to Llt it liiililt to whats istiiig not to tear down liotics ltisaiil Slic said tliicity should not be Coloring contest winners For their coloring this group of youngsters won records year pass to the imperial Cinema and McDonalds Big Meals in jointly sponsored cartoon coloring contest The winners are left to right around the choir Evan Fraser Brian Kirpairick Suzanne Le Blonc Cobine Vomblokland t2 Helen Goedemondt Anna Marie Hunnet Michael Mitchell in the chair Meaghan Appleby and Rhonda Chapman Examiner Photo by Dave Fuller supplying money to private developers who certainly arent starving or on old age pension The city should not be helping developers who are out to make fast buck she said lIthltill IllllC llll€llflS And if its not successful thc land falls right back into lllt citys hands she said We already have enough white elephants in the city now Ald Meg lloiial objected to the committee approval of tilt inicndniciit to the citys olr ticial plan The amendment takes zoning changes in thc downtown ttilt which ill allow the improvement project to proceed llic aniciidnicnt says lllt downtown IS to become pco plt place said the aldcriiicii How can yoit call it that whcn you re iciiioying ptoplc lriini their homes she asked Slic said the city was prepared to tear down beautiful homes and convert thespaciiiitoparkinglots hangcs would turn Toronto Street into an extended major arterial highway running out to the Hayfield Mall she said VIIIli Illilililllt Ald Doug laggcs while sup porting the project wanted the matterdeferred He said he wanted to see detailed servicing costs and transportation report showing how the city would copc with in creased traffic flow iaggis said exact figures would more accuiitcly show ll taxpayers would lit expected to liltt an increasi III the years alicad iiirry latiiblyn city ad ministrator said final costs had not been tltltltlllllttl Much of the servicing work iii the future would be to replace aging sewers which would probably have to be replaced anyway litsaid SlLItVlt $ltittttitt Scry icing work for the lllltt project is expected to cost about $tiitiooo said laniblyti llll and police servicing costs would likely remain the same as now laniblyn said MIIIZI MINISTRY lltlll laiiililyn said administrative staff would be meeting with of ftcials from the provincial ministry of housing Friday More detailed financial or Improvements$29M The cost of the downtown IllI provenient project is estimated to be $29 million says developer for tiic plan Millet Salter told gciicral committcc Monday the monetary bcnclit to the city over tit year period would bi over $17 million Salter said that alter lift years the entire project would belong to the city Youre looking at substantial amount of money which will be at the hands of the public he said Saltcrs address followed the rcconiinciidation of approyal in principal of thcschcnic He said servicing cost would not increase to the city whcii llit dcvclopincnt was com plctcd lii tciins of sciyicing tiic impact to thc ltly will llt jxisitiyiiiistiif lncliidcd tIl lllt pioicit maid Salim is lltttll terminal and an elderly persons day care ccntrc to lit bitilt itlioiit cost totliccitylitsaid Salter said it iin fortunate residents will lit dislodged from their homes The residential arca is an aica in ti aiisition and better ticcomniixlation will be built as result said Salter The social impact docs not bcgin to compare with an entire city dying said thcdivclopci total oi in properties are in chided in thc inipiovcincnt pro tl boundaries Meanwhile gciicial commit tcc recommended zoning change in approving amend ment to tliccitysoflicial plan The amendment permits fill iiig changes in the downtown core that will allow more com mcrciiil development Planning board recommend ed High Street between Dunlop and Park Street be reoiicd in the future to allow for office uses Virginia iesswclllones resident of the area said it was one of liarrics finest oldest streets She said the city should recognize the value of thc neighborhoth and not interfere with the residential develop ment there The committee recommend ed the neighborhoml remain residential in use loaded on trucks and hauled away and above large beams used during the carnival were loaded and also hauled away Examiner Proiect approved over dissent rangcniciits would be made at that tune Mayor ltoss rchcr told ld laggis thi coiiiinitiie as only approving lilt project in piiiici pic at this tune The ltlJllS of thc schiinc would be worked out as tiiniwcnt on be wild Aid liiii Shirley said tlicri was no way council could look lll detailed tcrins now at pro ject of this magnitudc Were asking for ipproy il in principle be said crc cu dorsing an idea not the actual project gu thrie by Ms Campbell 4873201 Mrs Lauriow llt spint last week Ill liiitoii with lltl daughtcr Mrs tliiilcs Hire and granddaughtiis iiiniii and TM llllt Mr toii was away on business trip Deepest sympathy is extend cd to Mr and Mrs Iil laiiiicson Mrs lanilcsoii iiiotlici illtil iiitirilha Hospital Ioti to the examiner Tuesday Feb 20 1979 innisfil meets with cansulting firm on annexation issue liinislil Township Touncil will meet with consultants Wednesa day to discuss its approach to the next round of annexation dispute with Harrie Reeve Itill iibbins said Monv lay lilric Hardy Toronto planning consultant has been hired by Innisfil to examine the recent Ontario Court of Appeals decision calling for re opening ol the annexation Infill ing bcforc tiic Ontario Municipal Board itiMlii Itccvc libbins said the coir sultant has been asked to give comments from an inde pendant viewpoint Innisfil may decide to coiitiiitic arguing disputed population figures before the Mli or it may lftltlt to appeal the court deci sion to the Supreme ourt of anada ln Dccciiilicr the court ruled Innislii can argue against tortcasted population figures outlined in letter outlined by Darcy McKcough then ntario licasuicr in letter to the owl Innisfil had not been allowed to argue the figures in the original hearing in 1977 The MIS granted Barrics annexation of about 15000 acres but lnnisfil appealed and had the decision overturned Barrie appealed that decision this fall and the court called for reopening of the first 0MB hearing Hardys firm coordinated iii formation used in the original annexation case said lteeve libbins The consultant has now been asked to examine the December decision and deter mine Innisfils chances of winn ing at the MB hearing or in an appeal Council will decide its action when it receives the advice he said Itcch Gibbins said Hardy firm rcprcscntatives will meet with special council commit tec Wednesday The results of that meeting may be announc ed at Wednesday nights com mit tee of the whole meeting Conservation areas gate tees increase tatc fees for Nottawasaga Valley tonscrvation Authority conservation areas will have three changes this year iroups larger than 100 per sons ill now pay $50 instead of $43 for day use liuscs will now lit charged 32o at the gate in stead of Edit as in past years camping fee of 50 cents twrsoii each night will also be imposed The individual camping fee was introduced to prevent groups from taking out group camping permits for fewer per sons tiiaii actually appear at the gate said Hob Patton superintcndant oro station by Bessie Crawford 4873921 The First tro Cubs and Scouts are badly in need for leaders They meet at iuthrie Public School at in Monday evenings Anyone interested in becoming leader should ap pcar at the school at that time or contact Iornc Wass at uiTgrtlilt ongratulations are extended to Mr and Mrs Norman lilniins lift tiroStation on the arrival of seven pound tit ouiici baby boy Jan 23 Vern McLeod licrry is brother to lidw ard and William lltlll tables of players par ticipatcd at the weekly ciiclirc Monday night Winners were tuth Iiooiner Lloyd Schram llclcn McKay Hob Dellart llclcn Crawford Itred liragg lcnnii Fletcher and Rita Silt tiill congratulations are extended to Mr and Mrs Darryl Drake Hit iiro on the birth of Robert Anthony Feb ti weighed six pounds three tllllltt Sympathy is cxprcssctl to Mr and Mrs Dwight Itcll on the death of the hitters father Bob the adoptables This poor young lady has no name and no home Shes part Labrador retriever and Newfoundland which accounts for her beautiful long coat By the time new owner picks her up from the Ontario Humane Society on Patterson Road all she will need is her rabies shot Examiner Photo neighborly news In the past the conservation authority charged blanket fee for group camping said Patton Some groups however would take out permit for much smaller group than would ac tually arrive at the conserva tion authority lhcyd say theyd havc3i icainpcrsi and theyd come with said Patton The new individual fees will eliminate this problem he said because groups will now have to pay for all their campersat thc campsites Bell Jan Sympathy also goes to his wife and other faini ly members Mr and Mrs Doug Crawford are the proud parents of Jef ferey Gordon Delbert born Feb at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie has sister Jennifer Pro grand parents are Mr Mrs How ard aldw cll Best wishes go to Mr and Mrs David Shelswell of and Lakcshorc ltoad in Oro Station on the arrival of seven pound Iii ounce baby boy David William Ellis laii 29 Proud grandparents are Mr and Mrs Norman Shelswell and Mrs McHardy Congratulations go to Daphine and Bill Walker on the birth of Giselle Nataline Wig gins Jan 27 Mr and Mrs Aikiiis Wiggins arc the proud grandparents The annual congregational meeting of St Andrews Presbyterian church was held Jan 28 with Itev Macr Donald in the chair The board of managers in cludcs Norman Shelswell lack Martin George Machill Gladys McCuaig Helen Crawford and Everett Slielswell Eleanor McHardy will bc organist with Margorie Mchiay acting as an alternate organist Helcn rawtord retired after to years as treasurer replaced by Mrs Mcllardy Mr and Mrs lamcslavison ltlt lro Station are the proud grandparents of Michelle Robin born to Jim and arol Davisoii Feb Mrs Wanless 3222978 The Ieb It Sew Hos meeting was held at Mrs John Maninngs home lhelpsttm iticnsliip was theme of the meeting The March ti meeting will be held at Mrs leriy Iof tlis home The Mad llattcrs the it Homemaking tlub field itssc coiid meeting Feb 12 at lJisa Kciiiicy hoiiic ru by by Beatrice ohnston 326681 Mrs tirant Thompson of Ar dred is visiting her daughter and sonin law Mrs and Mr Albert Anderson Deepest sympathy is extend ed to Mr llarvie Mctaskell over the recent death of his wife The Womens Institute drew good turn out of members and visitors to its last meeting at inye home of Mrs Tyson Longinan Mrs onnie Shaw Ist viceprcsident of the in stitute was chairman Mrs Mollic Thomas secretarytrcasurer of the local lllSllllllt read the minutes and corresptindencc which included newsletter from Mrs larencc Diamond provincial president of the institute Members were asked to bring ideas to the next meeting on how to celebrate the institutes upcoming 60th anniversary ss

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