Car crushed AMoruealOttawa VIA rail passenger train was delayed for more than six hours when it struck car parked at crossing outside at Ottawa Sunday There were no persons in the car at the time of the crash The car had been stolen and left on the crossing CP Photo The sign says it all This sign posted beside the icedover entrance to one at several small shops destroyed in Friday night fire says it all Over $500000 damage was caused when the shops and offices in an old twostorey red brick building went up in smoke CP Photo 2500 protest weapons show ROSEMUNL II AP demonstration ahout 331m persons opposed to an Inter national mm lillltlltL ltlll tereiiee air all Hi make it liv Matti low arni ha in llliltIl Slitlt Ii ltitleit Hon livttliii leader ot leigji and Lam ourirned Called lllt lilliltl on Sunday filltliirlli altx llttts tul laurvipi llill CONTINUES SAVE up to 70 on all stock BARRIE TV and Appliances Temporary location 83 DUNLOP ST ST Trust Company Certificates BARRIE MATTRESS FOR m5 BEST IN SLEEPING COMFORY NAMQBRANDS AT DISCOUNT PRICES Is DUNLOP ST EAST 7219922 NEXT TO LAURA St lt onusl FIVEYEA GUARANTEED INTEREST PAID ANNUALLY MORTGAGE Fun mi WNW EAST BARRIE PHONE 75 726098 Tehran returning to life Khomeini faces unity task Nevvs Analysis It RUIHIRI II Illill IlIllltAN il Ayatollah ltuhollah Khomeini faces the difï¬cult task of organizing working government vhile sat istviiig the demands ol the vari ous groups who eontrihuted to Irans revolution Khomeiuis success in paeity mg students omen lettists and the Western orienth liusi iiess Ullllllllltll Will be decisive in moulding government eapahle ot sustaining his ideals Although scattered lighting is continuing between lvhouieinis torees and few holdouts of Shah Mohammad ltela lah lavis regime the streets of Tehran and other major cities are returning to life with sounds ot horns replaeing gun the Some Western observers are pessimistic ahout Irans llllltlt lhev cite the devastated econ lll radieahed middle class and the proliteration ot ieapoiis looted lroni lttllllill garrisons and police stations Frankly think our xorst fears have heen horne ont said one Western diplomat lhousands of weapons are In the hands It the people and lod kiios hovv man nevv guerrilla groups are torining It looks like the tIrst stage ol total on arehy Khomeinis goverimient is conducting wholesale purge ol the armed ltiltt It llits lllttl more than to generals and eolo nets and arrested doeiis ot sen Ior commanders hiring squads have shot tour generals in eluding the toriner SAVAK so eret poliee hoss ten Nematul Iah Nassiri and about 20 more are threatened with execution At least 400 tormer SAVAK agents and other supporters of the tornier regime have been rounded up along with 7000 Air ghan nationals scheduled for deportation ltut the end of the shahs povver and the leleat of his torees has removed the cement llll torie that united the move Ineiit which made Khomeini its svnilml Divisions In the move mcnt are becoming apparent STUDENTS ANGRY Radical students at Tehran University many of whose comrades died in street battles were angry with the appoint ment to Bazargans cabinet of Karim Sanjaby as foreign min ister and five other leaders of his National Front The Front espouses Western social de mocracy incompatible with the lettists goal of Marxist state The leftists including the proMoseow Tudeh Com munists the new Communist party of Iran and the Peoples Fedayeen guerrillas have so tar been left out of the government Many of the Fedayeens members trained with the radi cal Popular Front for the Liber ation of Palestine Apparently to avoid increas ing friction among the factions Khomeini has softpedalled talk of rapid lslamization of Ira nian life still heavily in fluenced materially by the West Come by or call today 7266539 Thousands read the examiner weekly It pays to advertise