12 the examiner Tuesday Feb 20 1919 34Msonrltrallors I973INTERNATION TRANSTARJIB l3 Speed good condition with iob Telephone 705 526 953I I976 GMC TON V8 automatic power steering power brakes low mileage Excellentcondition 737 Il2ldays 37motorcycles I973 KAWASAKI 500 Rebuilt motor New drop bars chambers and hall lair mg Phone 726 2740 alter 330 BARRIE MOTO CROSS CENTRE LTD 389 Bavlield St at Cundles Rd CAN AM CZ HODAKA HUSQVARNA sales and servce Always some ex cellentbuysin used machines 726 all 38snowmobiles ARCTIC CAT SIDWMOBILES ACCESSORIES Sold at SPORT HAVEN MARINE Shanty Bay Rd Innis 72610M MI8 I974 SKI DOO Elan twin cylinder QOOdCOIKIlIIOII asking 5550 also I973 Wiscol double trailer asking Sl75 Telephone anytime 728 5638 I97I YAMAHA GP 39¢ tach speedo licence cover $300 or Telephone 726 0552 238 Duckworth St I972 SKl D00 310 air cooled rebuilt carburetor in good condition needs somework Asking 5250 Telephone alter 5pm 436 3397 I975 CAT 440 EL TIGRE 55 hp ex cellent condition I700 miles SL250 or best oller Telephone 726 9893 alter pm 1972 ARCTIC CAT Cheetah 410 Kawasaki enaine new Windshield cowl ina sliders plugs and bells Excellent condition Must sell Asking $550 728 0l42alter50 40 articles for solo XLI 00 20 Color Portable TV While 2334 66 Pay iust S4week No payments till April 79 Phone tonight for delivery tonight KRAZY KELLYS IARIIE SHOPPING PLAlA 737ll82 PENTON MOTOR bike I25 cc 5200 Yamaha Trombone almost new $l75 Lacrosse stick 55 Phone 726 6365 ANT IOUE DOUBLE WARDROBE 7F In rxcoilcnl condition Asking $400 or best all Telephone 728 257 for inlorma ICVFT SWIMAHNG POOL MANUFACTURER has new W73 Aluminum Pools regular Drice S2 I90 00 now at our all season pecial $135500 Pools come With walk around deck patio lencing pump motor and litter delivery arranged to your onvenience For bestselection and inlormation call loll lreel 800 268 5970 NEWANDUSED FURNITURE USED Stoves front $2999 Refrigerators Frflt $3999 RealOr $6999 oscolont position pc kitchen dNS6999 MW AND USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE STORE 201 Street lost Inst of the Barrie Aron 7374774 Closed Mondays F22 SWIMMING POOLS TO RENT Will lease and irstall for homeowners family size aluminum swimming pools wtth patio Choice at styles meeting all tenc ind regulations on one two or three year rental basis wrth option to own Try lirtori you nuy Call toll tree 800 68 $97 ROOv KIDSP with planter box wrth rcllers 70H limboSit high Bayshore My COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER I0 ton 3phase water cooled with dual compressor SI 500 Cal JIM 7372432 TF WANO ifBY GRAND throughout 37Sil Call 628i I796 PINKO HFENTZMAN good condition TiIcphonriJSR 7281 iyO Cross Country skis tor adult rr teenagrr lnrludl shoes size 7r skis and pors asrt Trlenonr72B 6489 gt1 tT iTOR for sale unused Best ot livr Tcirphonr 726 0l9y GENDPON STROLLER CRIB makes norarr riql strolllLrar bed tivemon flis old Irzy SSO Taliphone alter cr Jl Ily SihPi 1Y THIN WASHER good condition Trlrphonr 778 276 COMPONENT PACKAGE For iust $399 you can own this now JVC storoo component system This package includes JVC receiver JVC turntable and pair at AS speakers or pay iusl $375 wookly on our ronttoown plan Phone tonight delivery tonight XRAIY XELLYS IARRIE PLAZA 737I I82 TF opt Irl FIJHHTURE tor salr Desks and hairs lTl door onrtilion Telephone 718 67 SAXAPHOIIE SUPER KING tenor new $1200 Slllinq S175 ACCORDIAN vivona I20 bass medium model made in Italy red and white prarl new $550 sell mg 3225 CLARINET Meirme Paris top model ebony wood cost $570 selling $235 All In excellent condition Trrlephnnl776512l HUMIDIFIER lor sale New Asking SIOU TrliphON 737 288 INCREDIBLE For only $6 50 week you can buy this 26 RCA XLIOO Spanish console colour tolavisioh Put no money down and start payments in April 79 Phone tonight and take lroa delivery tonight IRAIY XELLYS IARRIE PLAIA 737I I82 TF THRE AQUAPIIJMS exrrIiont reach him lully IVIUIDFTTU With power tiltrrs glass laps canopirs plants rlc Valui $750 lskilirISIIS TlllDIIOnl 776 6960 SEVERAI EARLY IIUO hourth opirs it harrtbirs Journals Telephonr 778 3509 PE TES sURPLU SALES Just open in Old Bargain Bastnirnt in Orillia across lrom Woolworth II parking IOIl new Bauer skatrs slo trailer hlIlITLS SIO stereos $50 track Iaprs SI suits SIS SIS large assortment ot hangers 97 cents to $3 used marllini 575 and much much morrvl Wholesale TIQIIIFIIS anlIlI 776 5738 30 OFF New 26 5le colour TV in cratos for full $59995 or pay 36 weekly on our super rent to own plan No money down no paymonts til April 79 Phona tonight delivery tonight RRAIY KELLYS I65 WELLINGTON ST IARRIE PLAZA 737I I82 TF leisure I2 wall car stereo speakrrs macrarnr adding 72824 FRALICX ALUMINUM RR No Strouil llI830 Kaiser Aluminum Siding Soffit Fascia Windows and Doors Call now for free estimate 4364830 TThSTF ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorizoc Sales and Service Froo Hamo Demonstra lions IBAllian lvd Unit 77286392 Take the worry out of winter driving Join the ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE today For details call LEW GRAVES representative 7260265 Jo F20TTh5 IEDIHG BARRIE BOOXEEPING 55 Dvnlop St 7263822 800kkeeping and payroll Reasonable prices Owned and operated by Block Franchise Owner Myl7TThS and CATERING To All SIMCOE COUNTY BOWLING BANQUETS PRIVATE PARTIES WEDDINGS Our Specialty ROAST BEEF 249 ALLIEI CHIMNEY SWEEPS NO MESS NO FUSS REASONABLE 7267693 or 7263820 AARAH CHIMNEY SWEEPS 4589684 DRIVEWAYS PATIOS SIDEWALKS ETC ALSO ALL HANDYMAN AND REPAIR WORX CALL PODEWILS 7269559 SII 4t boots and motors 25 Excellent condition Used tour summers Race and crUisri eddipped Many extras Four sails including spin Merc Asking 6700 Call 726 2772 days 737 2349 evenings 42articles wanted CANADIAN SILVER COINS bolero I967 American belorc 196A No collection too large or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards iewellcry 776 I663 evenings 726 3l62 CASH FOR old turniture books dishes old plCIUVt clocks odds and ends Pri V750 items 728 8231 CASH FOR OLD cracks furniture pic lures glass china tools or what have you Telephone 487 249i LOGS WANTED Pine spruce hemlock etc with large diametres elding With Logs le 726 I966 evenings 72B 5800 WANTED Relax Cirer musrlrr nxrr CISIng machine Telephone 728 Idll alter Sp 44dogs and pets BARRIE POODLI Salon Sharnpnning and clipping at all brands Sophia Street East 726 4I4I POODLE TRIMMING prolessional grooming all breeds pick up and dc Iivery726 8798 Pet Studio TROPICAL FISH Best selection in town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edge hill Aquaria IA Ardaqll Road 716 0094 MAYS POODL PARLOR Protcs Sional clipping and grooming Reas Uflrlllll ralrs Phone 726 COM 54 service and repair TELEVISION REPAIRS alsorepairsto stereos etc OUick elticiont guaranteed service Within 30 mile radius ol Barrir call STEWART ELECTRONICS 778 9457 57livestock tor sale WANTED DEAD or crippled larm animals tor tree removal Call anytime collect 705 326 9243 Simcoe Recycling HORSE BOARDING Angus area Telephone 474 I7l7 WELSH HORSE Id hands vrrry quwt broke tor saddle and harness lcIephu ii 32 IO Elmvalr 20 YORVSHIIJF Tlrllplltï¬ll 778 $615 59poultrychicks DEKALB Rf ADY to lay pullets Farm trash eggs Laying cages tor sale Craig Hunlrr Poultry Farms 436 IBII LIVE LFGHORN lowl Approx tour lbs SI 000nm Available unlit March Craig Hunter Poultry Farms 436 Hill 67trurtsvegetables APPLES Apply Koolr and Son on ccssion Oro 728 8489 or 716 I907 No Sunday sales APPL FS bushels Georgian Bay Mars Cre gradi SA rxtra lanr 56 99 Spy PIGS tor sale 5799 Your containers CANCILLA FRUIT MARKET l7 lapperlori st flarrir EXAMINER WANTADS PHONE 7282414 DULXSET DRAPERV lroe shopalhome service Quality drapery and much more priced to suit our budget LET THE STORE CWE TO YOU DOOR 7374737 ESSMAXING DRESSES FIT it made by JOSIE AQUINO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and oltera Item 42 Euga to St Phanor7266000 DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS 45 Austin Lana Latitia Heights Telephone 7268I67 OFFSET DUPLICATING alth printIII qoolty No lab too small PHOTO COPIES vrliitc or color copier paper Malan labels Proloctlon Transparencies SERVICES OTyplnp Pastsups stc Prices sent on request IAVI DUFLICATING SERVICES 5r Alum cm Iggy 76005 LORNES DUPLICATING ONth shortrun copyprinting News letters bulletins assorted forms Bond Photo Copies etc 7260955 EAVESTROUGHING SUPERIOR EAVESTHOUOHINC SPECIALISTS roofing and roofing rapoirs Shoot metal work Martin Vorslraton Now Lowell 4244956 Stewart Electronics Repairs to TELEVISION STEREO RADIO Other Electronic Equipment 74 PEEL ST 7289457 TF FIBREGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS boats snowmobiles anything fiberglass Fr estimates wintor rates Workmonshi ad go ood VIC WATSON Fireplaces and masonry for iron estimates phone 728 I599 CUSTOM BUILT and designed Specialixing in natural stone and antique brick using bollliros Workmanship guaranteod Pator Norsstra 7372B7I BRICK AND STONE Fireplace spuioiim winter pricas 25 years experience one 728 80I00r 72B 3320 FIREWOOD I6 MIXED SEASONED HARDWOOD $30 per facocord delivered Please call 726 S724 soasottod maple and ash FIREWOOD Dalivorod Frank Hirschlold 72B 9357 SEASONED HARDWOOD iC52aNeed help Just look over the ads below The ad vertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest iob possible GENERAL REPAIRS renovations rubbish used furniture and appliances removed gBarria Innlsfil Call Gard 43654 HOME IMPROVEMENTS fl CONSTRUCTION House raising loun dalions renovations additions Phone 4362955 after pm NORTHERN CARPENTRY Spaciulixlrtg in in terior work Roc rooms kitchens bath roams panelling finish work 7269002 CARPENTER FULLY EXPERIENCED with renovations cedar docks bathroom tiling roc rooms atc Telephone 726 I27l HOME MAINTENANCE specialists chimney cleaning snow removal roofs 424 Ol34 4365I3l ofter6 SPECIALIZING IN CUSTOM MADE raplaca monl windows patio doors storm doors and windows patio door knockouts and decks Alcan aluminum siding soflrt fascia and aavestrough We are bonded members of the Better Business Bureau service and guarantee what we sell eliminate salosmans commissions Give us call to da for free estimate collect Allislon 7054357974 and Toronto 64434845 Imm ACTON BOOKKEEPING 8i TAX Porsanal and business raturns 9a to 8p 72652m in from STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and storm work chimney ra arr Fireplaces spocialty Fran estimate 705 424 SISB GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Pupular MarcolPotvinGuitot Studio 726 I489 ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin nor and advanced Two months trial inslru rrienl loaned lor home practice Canadian Academy olMusic I2I Baylrald 728 I799 GUITAR LESSON Classical popular and rock For further information call Gary 7799098 In Es VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating tarioi exterior Work guaranteed tablishad 30 years 726 2225 726 PAULS PAINTING Paper hanging Murals Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fost service Satisfaction guaranteed 7371295 TF DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING interior anterior paper hanging custom work Satislactionguaroniood 726 6806 OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom framing at all types We stock many silos Phone 728 3270 PLASTEI REPAIR Iullcy moulds artistic coil ings decorative walls apply on plaster or drywall KOBRA Free estimates 72646l2 ANNlSWAY SIGNS Shea I948 Designers Muiuloctursrs at Noon Ii Plastic SALES RENTAL SERVICE FIREPLACE STOVE oar vortlshg OIEAPR BY THE FULL CORD mg mm PM Mn ll PEIIVE sill operator for minimum 7231637 595Wcst5tS0rllia 3251211 TThSFI3 low DRY MAPLE SEASONED YEARS I6 FACE CORD $30 FREE DELIVERY 4872l ma HARDWOOD cut for stove or has or had and hos dolvory heartsslot KARI FORSTL SNOWBLOWING Driveways parking lots sidewalks at Reasonable ratos Phona72fl 579i Barrir STROUD AREA days wnlily Reasonable rates Residerliol commercial private longs HORNFS SNOWBLOWING L16IZI6 Read The Exa for weddings parties dances banquets meetings etc nilos of Barrio Hwy 26 7289902 EVENINGS 68pcrsonals rip NV iii II It llrilll iiiriri lllTr IIW wattr rum im MI tlllll II ll lh rwI linx IyI llllJI Itlllltltlrll yriiir rival tum and up lllillllllilll aim 7M RIM llÂ¥f NI Nillllllll lffTlll IR yitlivtyll viiii iiii rliiii lIt Iiiiruir Tilll iiiii rilllllll iIill ttrril illkll iii Allildl Irrliii lriirltl normlimit iit ntriim iriiiii TThSMyl5 rll 777 Iylii iJJv Afilei II4l Al ril lIll SLEIGH RIDES AVAILABLE ANYTIME Schools and clubs vrslcorns Reasonable rates 4584409 TTItSF7l WOWE IS IN BARRIE Ask about WOMENS OPPORTUNITY WITH ELECT ROLUX 7283392 TF RIDING INSTRUCTION Inrlrilir rlTlfld Horsts boarded Barrio IlVl ITIIIIUII Nindy Hauqli Farm 776 Olrl BETTY Card reading and psyrliir counselling itr Phonr 1171074 tor ip pmnlnient TE LECARI atom7 Let lfllTTlI help 726 797 anytime FACIAL AND BODY hair proliliiii Removed permanently MaliInitiali ClltnIIl Errrrntisultalion yrlin ltriII chuk lrr trologist 737 Will BIRTH CONTROI INFORMATION 56 Mary btrerl Oprn Monday and Iuisday 00 30 and Thursday lli to III 477 776 9300f xl 7M BOWL WANTED Finish tlii bowl inc season with us min league at Krrripview Bowl Openings still available mun wuriiin couples Allir noons nr evenings 718 76I ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Hit 65TH It you drink thats your businiss It you want togurl thats ours all any tiiiii HORSI DRAWN SI llï¬ll lJllIl pcr hour TIIlKHIOlIl itll IIi CONCERNEI AIIUUI AIIURIIUN Thirr HI fllIlrIIrIIIVlS Call I26 895 or 717 3040 AUTOS To It DRlVf In Flurlrlri uas allowarici also ars lo Wrslvrii ariarta anrl sortirilinlrs lst Torolllri IIFlVII Away Scrvrrlu illli Ylllllll it wil Inwrliilr Otil All 276 Milo MONICA psyrliir and card ri iililiq rounsrllinu Days and iviniiiiis Monday through riday Pliuni 778 will LFI iiVI you momy wtiittiir liiiy ing or srlling IlllIIIl all rnri Giirrir le II 776 llll7lut liill parlirulats Why lirilit yriiir prrililitii rill lilrriiri $75 RIDF Ni EDT Iii Itiqliwiiy Alli and from Barrie Monday Iursday and ri day Telephone IIlIWlltI hi to In l4l6 flSl 7B3l allir 7p lor Shelley 72H llilll ask IIIJIIIIII il llrrr IIIII iiiitity iil iirir iii lllllliy Ills1 TTItIIl that will IlllY tir Vlllllliilill lot it rlrlil irtr iirrrrl iri Iti riartiii rit win iiiiry IHy without Ill wriltinriinsrnt 70 lost and found ADIT NiVY Ill ill pursi IlirllTll triirii slioppiriil riIFI it lililaw lll Wrill IIlllllll Ilillrl DvIIPIIHI lot it Iriday iltiriirrriii try7mm tiir illly iiiliiiriintiiiri Hi1 illl 7l help wanted Active office requires an experienced typist Responsibilities include in voicing soles reports filing and general clerical duties Please call for interview 7370220 munnocx srm SERVICE CENTRE CO LTD F24 TEACHERS Business or marketing background PARTTIME PHONE 7269574 M8 AVON SELLING CAN PUT SUNSHINE IN YOUR llFE Bored by one gray day alter the next Develop sunny new aspect of yourself as an AVON Representative Sell quality products earn good money and have flexible hours too For details call 7289652 or write P0 Box 485 BARRIE Ont LAM1T7 OPEN TERRITORIES NOW AVAILABLE IN BARRIE and surrounding townships MTTF PAULS SNOWPIOWING Three trucks for prompt dependable sarvico at competitive rates Call Paul 7373064 sNowrloWINo Residential and small commercial Reasonable rates Fast dependable service Call Lorry 7264599 BILL ALLAN SNOWPLOWING Reasonable rates Radio dispatchad 24 hour service Telephone 71372892 WRIGH TS SNOWPLOWING Small Com Residential yrs Serving BarrieArea REASONABLE RATES RADIO ISIATCIIED DEPENDABLE 7267757 TTHS M3 oduos SNOWPLOWING Small Colttmor cial and rosldontiol Reasonable rates 7288460 TONY SNOWPLOWING Reasonable rates 24 hour service Radio dispatched Reside rial and commercial Call 726 52I7 ricrcum snow PLOWING and Snowblow tllg Reasonable ralas Contracts seasonal or by clean up all 726 5666 COMIIAERCIAL und RESlDENTAL snow plow ing Driveways widened Piles blown or hauled away Coll Whiskers 7269ST NANDAS SNOWPLOWING I52 Cundlos Residential Reasonable rates Telephone 726 728 SNOW WIN Reasonable rate 7260997 DRIVEWAVS cumco and widonod by Irorit end loader Average driveway SID Call anytime 726 5333 ORIVEWAYS ONLY SNOWPIOWING 24 hour IONK Reasonable rates Call anytime Poiiiswick 737 272 GENERAL HANDYMAN roof cleared of ice snow chimneys eaves cleaned small moving jobs rubbish handyman repair work 7265378 ar4873I4I 24 hours daily Na lob too small Call vourio MAN wII tomova snow from tools Prompt sorvico Reasonable rotos Call 7287556 SNOW ICE removal Iram roofs driveways Experienced roolors Reasonable pricos 728495l allor Rob or Frank ROG TOP SNOW REMOVAL prompt and experienced Reasonable ratas Call 7262498 anytime SNOW REMOVAL ori roofs and driveways Experienced and alliciont workers low rules 726 5606 and 726 0975 TOWING FAST DEPENDABLE radioequipped service vehicles Reasonable Rates III years In the business 7260265 F20 REYNOLDS TV SERVICE Ropairs to color black and whito TV storoos etc All makes andinodals 424 6IBI CUSTOM UPNOLSTERY Poasonabla ratas Workrnanship guaranteed Free estimates Call lORNE 728 5435 miner To Buy hohl slanted business and attractive starting salary interested please call Labor and food cost control essential Reply in person to JOHN CLARKE DUE TO EXPANSION Our company has several permanent fulltime openings Those 7371902 for details EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR SALESPERSON We are looking for an aggressive salesperson for stationery and office supplies sales within the Barrie area Sales experience in this field is definitely an asset but not the main criteria tor the position Salary andor commission are looking for position with future send resume to Ii CXIN NORTHERN SI IONERY LTD 29 DUNLOP WEST BARRIE 0N ARIO L4H IAI 7IItsb ousted cm sxscurvs CHEF Holiday Inn Barrie Required to supervise banquet coffee shop and dinner Full company benefits INNKEEPER F2I F2I If you ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR plastic manufacturer has an excellent opportunity for the self starter who wants to become involved in general accounting cost accounting and EPC systems The individual we seek should be enrolled in second or third year of the RIA or CGA program and have BComm or equivalent If you have years experience in manufacturing en vironment send resume to PO BOX 667 BARRIE ONTARIO LAM 4Y5 ATTENTION CONTROLLER F20 weekly 7I liohl wanted folleNCFlJ HAIR STYLIST salary plus commission Apply Housi tt Bellini layliilzt Mall or call 726 462I nr 716 Hill rIIIlI pr NEED WORK lull or part trrm Call 776 7407 PART IlMl WORF availlili tor person iIIIIP II work ivvtlnus and Saturdays TIlrplluni will lItAvalNLi JOII Looking lur extra in ltlTl Vv nirt ambitious people at Ivtlillll iritiIIiiriii itll iSUlIIIy who must iirrt minimum it $200 Wltk part tirrw Slsll Wtlk tiilt tittti Must hayi usi at car Tip ciriirtiissioti lliilyln tabli appointments Hit in IllVllW TlllIIll7Il 77h HRH HIARF IM TIIORIIINlTV Boy and girl iirriirs FIQUIILT ll Barrii ti T7tnUIt llyiiri NaipaulI and advrr lis nu ltliIIlVlJl WM iVrIIIrTIJIl low to your ITOIIlt niiist Ilt dependable paid promptly Tiliptiririi 778 T7 MIN out FLOR II RuiiN tii IIVI in as crimpa nirin housekeeper lrir lllIlFiy widow iri Iztxiil llrrillll Tnliphutti 778 ARR BIJTCHI NIFAT CUTTER ri iuirrrt only tully IlDtflftTltI iioph llltll ipply liltrleltttl ll 71l II nnnrt tiiip rt fli il l4 IIHLJVH VONJANY IOQUirrs IIIVIt rilipirltmi part TlTIl or lull iii ll srirk in limb Nelson Puntt in Yuri IITITTIITTT paiil If Wlll iiiiwn liiiili iiiialrty prndur Is Only IIIl riiius rriiriilirt will be aruptril Phoni AMI HUN INTVT I1 l26HJi liir irttir 1M aprirriiilrriirlt III ri IIIlTII Itll lW ltiirtliiri it Wist in an III liirs liii LIIII iitirriirliritiily iiruin Ill iiii minimr Ir lIl it 7H lILI WANT ADS wows24 OY GIRLS Eleven years and up To work evenings and weekends for our subscription department Transportation supplied You can earn up to $80 CALL 8352733 no toI ANTI PART TIME is atlliirlant iiliply lIT person to lvrrlilali lyl stAIIRANt FlQUlFl Apply In l7lt Diirilop IF otnploytnont IIIM EXPERIENCED DRUMMER available tor weekend work Phone Jim 7261737 FLUENT FRENCH ENGLISH GETI MAN experience in reception sales clerk waitress Illl clerk cashier Ac copt lull or part time employment Able to start ImmlderIPIy Call 424 0498 BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers of the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however other wise TF PUT OUR WANT ADS to WORK FOR YOU PHONE 7282414 NOTICE Deadline lor CIaSSllled word ads pm day previous noon Saturday YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES TOO EXAMINER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN THESE AREAS Phone 7266539 Route NAME PARENTS SIGNATURE BURTON AVEHOLGATE ST ARDAGHPATTERSON AREA SUNNIDALE CUNDLES AREA ADDRESS LWL ELMVALE BLAKE ST CUNDLES TlFFINFERNDALE CLAPPERTON ST OWEN WELLINGTON AREA DUNLOP PERRY ST MOUNTBATTEN RODNEY CODRINGTON AREA DUCKWORTHNAPER AREA ECCLES NWELLINGTON AREA ySOPHlAWORSLEY STS AGE PHONE Yes would like more information about an Examiner Carrier Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Barrie L4M 4T6 ESPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thanks $550 minimum 40 words additional words To cents per word Births In Memorlam no verse $550 SS50 Verse per count line extra 22 cents ComingEvents 8Tblrths Mondays Child is lair at face uesdays Child is lull ol grace Wednesdays Child islull olwoe Thursdays Child has lar to go Fridays Child is loving and giving Saturdays Child works hard tor its living And child that is born on the Sab bath Day Is lair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day ol the week was their birth date Keep this and other important inlormation lor your childs luturc An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name at your child the day at the week month and year at birth the weight and other vital inlormalion printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate tor an Examiner Birth NOIICL is only $5 50 PHONE 728 2414 85doaths ROCKEY William Edward Al the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Saturday February I7 1979 Bill Rurkey in his 59th year beloved husband at Gwyneth Rockcy ol Barrie lotrho father at Carolyn ers Foss ol Orillia and DIITFIIS ot Graventiurst Dear grandlathrr Cathy and David dear brother ot lran Powell ot Barrie Dormn FTIIIFI 0t Toronto May Drwar at New Brunswrrk Gwyneth Gallant and Florence McLeod both at Nova Scotia Recs ot Harrie and Fred of Nova Scotia and predeceased by George Resting at the Jennctt Funeral llonir I52 Bradlorrt slrret Barrie Visitation Irom Monday at SlFVICI and romrtiittal coni ploti in the chapel on Tuesday February 20 at Iritrriiirnt BIIVTII Union Cemetery GORRY Phyllis Joan At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Monday February 19 I979 Phyllis Corry in nor 58th year Belovvdere ol thelatrFrank Gorry toying mother at Jean Gilpin Raymond Keith Maureen Weaver Mary Metcalte Frank Jr and Patrick Dear grandmother pt Grandchildren Resting at the Jonnetl Funeral Home I52 Bradlord Street Barrie Visitation trom Tuesday at 70 Service and com mittal complete in thr chapel on Thurs day February at lntirmont Angus Union Cemetery MILLFR Alexandrr atthriRoyalJir loria Hospital Darric or Tuesda February 70th I979 Altrandir Millrr in his llrltl yrar beloved IIUSI7r1ITIOI ttiriatri trmirrs Minnikri Dliar talliiI 0t Reginald OI Sundrictiir Marion ers liltorii itarrisi ot Barrie Maurice ll ilhi and rtiory ul Barrio Crancllattii it anIl Ifrtl1 nldrin Brother ol Estliiw Mr HaryIy Johnston ril larrir Mar orui irvrs Altiirrt Mount Iir torn Mar hour Annii iMrs Jiirtirs crormrrl rit slruurl Juan ivJs Isilliarti lalluu Midland Olivi larksciri Iiltorrt and William Millir all pro dlLrtSlI Vllinri at Stuck ly UVIITyTI HTIITJ TIT Worsliy ll Rnrruv ittir Nrdrlisclay Crirli plrtr ilYiIT II It thpiil on Thursday February 12Itil at llIlTTIt nl hm rte Union lVTllli 86aarllof thaan CERSWELI Thr lamily nt Gort Cerswnll wrsh to thank lrIrncls nricilihnrs and relativrs tor tnrir help and kindness shown during my recent stay in the Toronto General Hospital also thanks to the Barrr Ambulance and helicopter servici to Toronto Dr Wain wright and the nuts at thr Pnyal Vir tori Hospital IIATL We wish to sincrrrly thank triortcts neighbors and relatives tor tloral tributes donations to our grand children and to sic hilctrin HIISOIal also lrir IIIt many hvautilul cards TLlI rid during our rrin ltrrrilvvmrnt ii dear sort and hrcithi larry Thanks alsotoPiv Morrow Riirldnnve Jnitrvn hurrti arirl Stricklry Funrral Nomi Russell Edna Batus rindtamily 87In nioinorlorns MOFFAT Clare InlOVIlTUIlTTlry at dear husband lathir and arandlalhrr who passed away Fribruary 70th I077 He labored hard tor ttiow llt Iovvct Then Irtt us to TLIYTPTTIIHI Always remembered by witty Ivan rlaunlitrr Carol and son Allan CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classiliad advertisements and notices for those pages must be received by at day proceding publication with the exception of which must be in by pm two days prior to Classiliod Display advertisements publication BIRTH NOTICE $5 50 ENGAGEMENTS MAHRIAGES DEATH NOTICES Aprrds $5 50 Additional words IOrls per word CARD OF THANKS lional words IOcts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES With verse per count line 22 cents per line COMING EVENTS S3 22 per column inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING insertions sortion total $648 Six consecutive inset tions per word per insertion than 24 words count as 24 words Each initial abbreviation sot ol numbers etc separate wards ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the CIGSSIIIld Advertising Department re quires ad advertisers to kindly re check their advertisement immediately after first inser tiori In order that any error or omission may be reported bolore in order that some may be rectified lor the following day publication The Examiner is resporuible for only one incorrectly printed insertion of any advertisement and then only to the extent of portion oI ad that involves the misprinl Er tors which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not eligible lor carrot lions by make goods The Examiner reserves the right to classrly revise or reloct any want ads INDIANAPOLIS lAll is slill ill ii IIILIIIZII hospital Illlllk uni0 lruppiI ilpilll IIIlIII laiiiiiigis were lIlI pillll 40 words 55 50 Addi No verse S5 50 Cash Discount Rates apply if paid within days One or two 9c per word insertion Three omeullvo insertions cents per word In total SI2 24 Multiple insertions may be ordered subtract to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting lower count as Kidnapper refuses psychiatric tests S322 per column inch examiner patterns Inches Slimmer Printed Pattern SIZES lO2I82 élflhm 744 4905 FEEL FREE and at ease In this pleatpretty Inches Slimmer shaping No waist seam Its flattering WithWithout sash Zip it up In carellee blends Printed Pattern 4905 Hall Sizes 1012 1212 142 162 18 Size 1412 bust 37 takes 234 yards 60lnch lablic $150 lor each pattern cash cheque or money order Add 35¢ each pattern for firstclass mail and handling Ont residents add 11¢ sales tax Print plainly Size Style Number your Name Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept The Exarnhor 109 Cracktord Ivd Scarborough Ontario MIR 534 CHANGE The big fashion changes are in our NEW SPRING SUMMER PATTERN CATALOG Dresses tops SllllIS pants vests Jackets plus $150 free pattern coupon Send 75¢ tor catalog l30SweatersSizes 38565150 IZSQuick Easy Translers $150 128Patchiiioili Quilts $150 lZ7Algllatis Dailies 3150 WHICH DAY IS BEST MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSIIAY FRIIIAY SATURDAY Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recom mend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results Alter many years of experience will millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to advertise in The Examiner Classified Sec tion Anthony Iiiiitsis was found not guilty by reason of insanity zillvl he held ii mortgage execll II Iiusliigi III shotgun wired to the mans iiick Kiiitsis IIllll ill culllvliilil liil Iulllsilig ll be exuiiiiiierl by ITSyLIlliIIIISIS You urnst ii iiizill Illl Illlllk llIlIlII Illlll yiiu siilwi IIIIII up Slllll Kililsls who says he was lllhillll ill llil IIIIIl iii the hostage ulrliul hill says he has slilii IlLlltIll Are you going to keep him In jaiil the rest Iil his llll llllilllSl lll was In Vol I977 Killlsts iillllllrliil lilillillll Illlll from his downtown olliio illlll held him hostage liir liil hours to gll lxick ill Iliills mortgage coliipiiily IIIlII he sziiil lliiil SIIIIILI hilii on 2i llIIII Icul During most lll llltll lllllt till the shotgun wired to his neck was IIlllI iii IIiitsis lllII KIIIIhIS SIIIIlmllIllI ziltil Illllsvltllllls piiiiiilsiil lIIlII IIII IIIIIlIII lulgnvllvss lll lIl lllrillpilgv zillrl $3 IIIlIlIlllI III Iulliilgis llii Illllllllllll grant was lllltl lIIllIIlIlll iiIiiI IIIl Kllilsls is lllqullllll iii IILIlIIItI 1071 III charges of kidnapping lllIIII llllllNI iiiiil £IIIIIllI lxllllllllll Simv NOVLIIIIILI 107 Ill has been confined to Liillur lilllle Illispiliil IIlIl int colitcliipliitiiillil Lllilllllll IlII refusing to sulililil Ill iililllloliiil psychiatric tests