AlaI WA sss To the oxamlnor Tueday Feb 20 1070 oo EVERYDODYs CHILDREN NEWs WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF HOLLYWOOD SQUARES EXT CAROL BURNETT AND NOVIE DRAMA Ace EII N08 and Roger or thsosuea Ion POLKA 001 000R television guide TUESDAY EVENING VIEWING The doctor says By PAUL RUBLE MD 00 Dear Dr Ruble con NEWS troversy has arisenin our house cgc using over my threemonthold in my NEWS fant It has to do with solid food EMPLOYMENT FILE What is the current thinking MOVIE this Is three months too soon fBIOGRAPHICAlCRWEI Some doctors mine seem to 9W 1745 think it is too soon but other mothers say it isnt My baby ms REAthORY seems ready for it because he news will take bit cereal etc 1125 if it is offered on spoon at the QUESTION penioo table Please commentM 1121 The thinking on this used to NEWS be much more conservative 1130 than it is today Some doctors THE TONIGHT SHOW Hosi used to advise waiting until 12 Johnny Caraon Ouaata Buddy Hackalt Sally mo RENE siMARD sHow NBC NEWs LAVERNE AND dSIIIRLEY 001 Sh or 6w may TYLER hmonniiramnihraaltnn°to eand their hi olt nix r335 COIAPANY PE NEWS 000 PM 0A THREES COMPANY JEREI ROOTS THE NExT GENERA th HATTYTOWN TALES Tl Raul iTiil iiiazpï¬im blac Oi community In Hanning Bertha almerll IICOII wanE Rtalcitilleeoto rigidigllggezmere aha meeta DATING GAAtE LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE CONVERSATION WITH MARY rYLER MOORE HOW TIC TAC DOUGH HEADLINE HUNTERS NEWLYWED GAME DOOMROLT CHASE GOOD TIMES PRICE IS RIGHT 730 UPPETS SHOW Guest Harry °iiEWLYWED GAME CONLONS ONTARIO FAMILY FEUD GRAND OLD COUNTRY Guests Sadeter Davis The Origin Diittinq Cowboys Dameis EIGHT Is ENOUGH TOmmy mm the Bradford Iamrly foundation with the shocking new of his impending marriage and erhood 60 min MAGIC SHADOWS Doc NEWHART SHOW 800 BIG EVENT MOVIE The Eagle Has Landeo 1977 Stara Michael arose Duvall HAPPY DAYS TUESDAY NIGHT MoviE white qultn 93 SIars Burt Reynolds Ned Benn the young and ambllioua Simon Haley flood Ill bra CHARLIE ANGELS When in Angela no on holiday vacation at mountain village Where Kriaa uncle la aherill theyre coldly met by citixana Who fear for the safety of town women who have been kidnapped aa barter for captured Syndicate leader eo NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC ahmenoltheKalahari WAR YEARS 030 FIFTH ESTATE 1000 PAPER CHASE Hart heady atmoaphare at corporate law and dtacovara that thirdyear law atudents are less than parlecl when Professor Kinoalield handtaa mummillion dollar Court of Appeals 60 mine STARSKY AND HUTCH rm bluaa aingar puts her life on the line when her oanqatar boaa learns that aha romantically lved With Hutch ROLE CALL NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 BARETTA 1030 FORTUNES Up Shut up The Cane For Game It Alone Chiel participant In this diecuaaion is John She pherd DIrector Oi the Canadian Scuence ii iii CONE WORLD Id Eubie Blake 00 mine CBS LAT hard JaaCkeI Jenllar abhor MOVIE DRAIIA and er tees EET TALK 1145 CANADA GAMES REPORT mPev Ernie Alaaania reviewa momenta of the daya competition 1150 MOVIE ADVENTURE AtrlcaTexahsala ioer WORLD AT WAR Woltpack Canada and the tried to ahip troops and ammunition and lood to Britain In her time of duperate need the German Navy aanI out packa of aubmarinea to alnli Allied ahipa tn the North Atlantic But the tide turned by May 00 mine MEDICAL CENTER MOVIE MYSTERY Sylvia 1066 1210 MOVIE DRAMA In Cleopatra Jonea 1913 100 TOMORROW MARCUS WELBY MD 130 PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY historically speaking today in history By Till ADI PRESS Feb I979 Printe Minister John Die announced the cancel the program for build to Arrow CFlOS su yet interceptors 20 cittiday 11959 The the decision was an nounced the Jobs of nearly workers were terminated at ra that Avro Aircraft Ltd and renda Engines Ltd In making the an nouncement Diefenbakcr said Canadas armed forces would eventually get nuclear weapons although the tnited States would retain custody of the atomicwarheads 152 Spanish explorer Ponce de Leon sailed to Florida to found settlement I566 Explorer Rene LaSaIIc settled in Montreal I895 Cuban revolution be gan ISSX Secretary of State EI len lairclough became the first woman acting prime minister I95It Nathan Leopold scn tenced along with Richard Loch in I924 for killing Bobby Franks was granted parole barries stag February 20 ifiTitl According to Caesar in formation dIVISlOD of the On tario Hydro Commission speaking to the Barrie Rotary Club 195m would be the golden year of electricity With an estimated population of 27 million people then with twothirds more money to spend hydro consumption was expected to increase fourfold to 21 million kilowatts per year One third of this would be pro duced by nuclear energy For the householder snow removal would be matter of throwing the switch because driveways would be heated electrically The housewife would cook in an electronic oven usmg ultra short waves for the cooking process and house heating by electricity would be common place Fly mrnacc would be conteracted by an electronic fly trap The Barrie Collegiate Band directed by Iishcr receiv ed the highest mark 90 at the Kiwanis Music Festival IIlcvrn fire Chicfs an acting hicf 32 firemen and four visitors were in attendance at thc regular monthly meeting of the Simcoc County Mutual Aid iirc Association which was ad dressed by Harold Hunter of the lntarioIircMarshallsfffice Workmcn were demolishing the old band shell at St Vincent Park in Barrie The shell had deteriorated until City Council no longer considered It safe Demolition was expected to take about two weeks and the board of parks management cx pcctcd to build washrooms and another band shell In thc park later that year Theimmediate need to obtain building site so that Barrics YMYWCA may be permanent Iy established in thc communir ty was stressed at the second annual meeting of the Associa tion held in the Parish Hall of Trinity Anglican Church on ol Iicr Street Both President Gahlc of the organizations board of directors and Dodds secretary director of the YM YWCA referred to thc need for the to go forward with the new city of Barrie and to establish eventually building which would be the centre of ac thltICS for the youth and young people Barrie City Council gave up proval in principlc to anothcr park Alderman Fred Churchill in trouccd motion that the Finance Committee consider the possibility of using council owned property at Innisfil Street behind the Gcnrral Electric plant as park Thcrc was he said money left over from last years budget available for development and there was no park in Ward Five Simcoc county health unit canadas stog Fight For North America Began Before War Declared Preparations for the Seven Years War of I756I763 when Britain took Canada from France were masked by secrecy and hyprocrisy Although the war did not begin officially until May 17 1756 the preparations in North America started in I749 In fact it might be said that they began in H589 when Count Frontenac opened his second term as Governor of Canada with instructions to drive the British from North America In I749 the Marquis dc la Galissonierc was Governor of Canada Although hunchback he was good scaman and defeated the British at Minorca onc of the few naval battles the French cvcr won over the British The British were so humiliated that Admiral Byng was executed In I719 Galissonicri sent an expedition to Lake Erie and then along the Ohio River to warn English traders mostly from Virginia that they had no right to be in that territory The expedition was commanded by Canadian Ccloron dc Blainville The traders fled to Virginia and their reports led to the battles for Fort Duqucsne now Pittsburgh and the war George Washington then British officer led the first expedition from Virginia to try to capture For Duqucsne from the Canadians and was defeated Britain then began putting on the pressure and sent General Braddock and two crack regiments to Virginia They arived on February 20 I755 and marched on Fort Duqursnc in July one year before war was declared They were defeated on the way and Braddock was killed George Washington was his secondincommand and had to return to Virginia defeated once again Irancc sent General Montcalm to command the forces in North America in 1756 and he was successful immedia tely capturing Oswego that year and Fort William Henry the next Those victories gave him control of the Lake Ontario and Lake Champlain regions OTHER EVENTS ON FEBRUARY 20 llilllt Joseph Willocks was arrested for contempt of Assembly mm Governor Franics Bond Head formed Upper Can ada Council ladsLegislative Council voted 4515 for Confedera tion I950 Princess Pats were In action In Korea I961 Prime Minister Diefenbaker conferred with Pres Ident Kennedy in Washington reportch that the rabies situa tion in the county abated somewhat during January There were fewer cases in cat tlc lltli but more cases in foxes III and skunks The III cidcncc in the disease in cattle it was thought would drop fairA ly soon as most of the animals had been stabch well over three months and the incurbav tion period was generally shortcr than that The Ontario Government was to give control to the Kings Highways within Barrie to the city council The offer was made in letter from the Department of Highways Council members were study ing the offer to sec if it could be acccptcd Not included in the Departments proposals was Highway 400 complete with clovcrliafs Barrics MHA Juvcnilc champions were forced to move into the Major Group aftcr eliminating the lollingwood team from further competition At the local arena in their first Major game the locals blasted wcn Sound NH and took six goal lead in the goals tocount scrics Harrie Flycrs were in another of their hot streaks and playing in GUIIph they made it threc wins in row trouncing the Biltiiiorcsli In IIIend playoff at Harric Curling Club Mel Ayersts rink won the Labatt Trophy defeating Johnny Johnson in the final Skip Ayerst had Reg Tuck as lead ExMayor Grant Mayor as second and Fred Pearson as viceskip Johnson had Ken Ireadwcll as vice with Albert Clifton and Johnny Mcrrctt on the front end Seminary student slashed TORONTO CPI Baptist seminary student was slashed with razor blade as church service ended Sunday Edward Hodges 21 suffered Iocentimetre gash in his left check when middleaged man attacked him at the end of the morning service Metropolitan Toronto policc said Hodges was taken to hospital where he received 50 stitches and was released The attacker entered the church during the final hymn and tried to chat with Sunday school students in the front pews Hodges said in an inter view at his home Sunday When the benediction was over Hodges said he and another student went to talk to the man who said he wanted moncy for food The man began to curse and search his pocket When saw the razor blade didnt think he would do anything said Sir you are in church Suddenly he had the razor in his hand and he just struck me in the face MO IE BARNABV JONES StandIn For Death man kllla the man ha auapecta la hla witea lover MAKO The Java 01 Death 1975 Start months Differences of opinion can still be found If you have pediatrician advising you certainly wouldnt want to be the one to tell you to go against his wishes His thinking may be based on factors you do not mention in our letter For ex baby was premature things might have to waitawhile Otherwise current thinking does not discoura early in troduction of soli food and this is commonly done between three and six months Solid food is not needed though in the first six months Its best to begin on one mealaday basis and its wise to use the meal at which he seems most hungry lot of infant psychology enters the picture but from what you say doubt you have any such prob lems However keep in mind that eating habits of lifetime are formed in these early months so dont stuff hiiii with giant portions of any food Try bit of fruit at first then begin introducing cereals and meats Dear Dr Ruble Two years ago had gallstone attack Tests showed had large stones The doctor suggested try to control it by diet the whole was successful by principle of NORTH A92 vQJaa 994 K9 ZvZOA Vulnerable Neither Dealer South West North East South NT Pass Pass 11v Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead With mere 21 highcard oints South might well ave let the bidding die at five hearts but like most players South hated to stop In nomans land between game and slam Things started out well for him with diamond lead up to his acekingjack BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Opinions still differ on this eliminating fried food and gen eral going easy on fats My prob em is that have had an inordinate amount of gas Is this related to the stones What icods create the gas eat lot of vegetables Dont be too quick to blame the gallstones for your gas Stones may have nothing to do with that An extensive study was done recently and the con clusion was that gas and belch ing are no more common for people with stones than for those without them This was true even for those who ate gas forming foods foods high in cellulose and certain oils Cellu lose is major constituent of vegetables and among the chief offenders seem to be cabbage broccoli cauliflower brussel sprouts onions garlic radishes turnips cucumbers melons and beans Usually though gaseousness is more related to how you eat rapidly than to what you eat Dear Dr Ruble notice that even in otherwise spotless homes that the cutting blades of can openers are often encrusted with spoiled food ould it be that some stomach disorders may be caused by thc articlcs of Iilcd food falling irom the blilt cs Mrs MI Its possible and good point to keep in mind It is wise to kccp the blades as clean as one would any cooking utensil Dear Dr Ruble Should normal varicose veins hurt If they do Would it mean thcrc is infection MM No varicosc vein is normal lot of people have thcm and never havc troublc Somctimcs the legs swell and there is gcricralizcd discomfort Skin changes may occur that are painful clot in tlic vcin may also givc rise to pain Infection in the arca is always possibility good play There were still plenty of problems He was going to ave to try heart finesse sometime or other as Well as adc fincssc here Is wellknown principle of good play Take our offsuit fincssc first here was also the matter of rotting rid of his posstblc Iamond loscr so South started by cashing his ace and queen of clubs Then he took and lost the spade fmcssc diamond came back He won led the eight of ades to dummys ace anr was then ready to attack hearts He was careful to start by leading dummys eight This held and he led the queen next Wcst showed out Now South cashed the king of clubs to discard his deuce of diamonds repeated the trump finesse again drew the last trump and claimed Ask the Exocrts You hold An Ore on reader asks if we open his hand in third seat The answer is resound ing no 22041 daily crossword ACROSS 41 Helmets 41 Burst Colors Skin ailment Lending boat 49 Actress Taylor Force unit 50 Make mad 125 Theedeb 51 In thil manner 52 Povertywar 14 31 period of 53 Egsncly abbr 15 Folklinger 232 6mm 55 Massachu 16 Chmth capo foarol charac 56 Yawn 17 Wall border 18 Pinod DOWN 20 Sprays 21 To the FL iNormand 22 BY binh anasion ay 23 Corner Fr song ago ongatreu 26 Causes 30 Church part 19° Safekeeping 31 Wet 32 Mae West 00 rubber 33 Southern T9 one Highlanders 34 iver in Tummy Woodwork 35 Strike out mm abbr Cheers 36 Goalie need 10 Protuberanco wds Seths son 38 Washed down 19 Hebrew letter 39 Rent out 20 Pack 40 Lighted 22 Verne hero Answer to Previous Puzzle 23 Horses shoe 38 Start of spur college cheer 24 Spread out 40 Philippine Ii 25 Phrase of un derstanding an 41 Has archaic wds 26 MCNallys 59 59 puma 43 Burden 44 Nothing Fr 45 Animal waste 27 Bravos Sp 28 Cleopatras chemical 29 vehl°° 46 Do farm work 47 Family of 31 Exclamation medieval of annoyance Fem 34 Monkeys 35 Drawing 49 Hawaiian points volcano 37 Earliest born Maurie ¢Your CBirthday February 21 1979 Secret ambitions youve been harboring for some time stand an excellent chance of becom lng reality this coming year Aim high Keep your powder dry PISCES Feb 20March 20 There is no inbetween with you today Youre either dynamo or you are dud Youll fare better if you strike happy medium lNinthrop ARIES March 21Aprll 19 In trying to be nice to everybody you could forget to be kind to yourself and yield too easily to someones ways that benefit only him TAURUS April 20May 20 Just because youve got the deter mination today to follow through doesnt mean others do Trust only yourself to com plete necessary tasks GEMINI May 21June 20 You have what It takes to get your points across today Unfor tunately you may waste your pitch on the wrong person CANCER June 21July 22 Its nice to help out people in need However dont do so at the expense of breaking promise to those at home who were depending on you LEO Jul 23Aug 22 You cant be all th rigs to all people so dont get upset today when coworker doesnt see the same virtues in you as your friends do VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 In your urgency to accomplish your purposes today you could get carried away and handle your possessions in wasteful or foolish manner LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Nor mally its more important what you say or how you behave than how you are attired Unfortunately todays appear ances are most significant SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Bernice Bede Osol misunderstanding could put damper on what otherwise would be good day Be extra careful what you say and to whom ou sa it SAGIT ARIU Nov 23Dec 21 Youd be wise today to concentrate on areas you can play solo or pals may draw you into activities that overtax your finances CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 You have the ability today to turn little into much 8e ex tremely careful however that you dont attempt to do so by being too domineering AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Its an excellent day for proj ects that pique your imagina tion Inviting another aboard however will mess things up Frank and Ernest Born Loser III In tA Bugs Bunny ONE OF THESE PILLS EVERY NORTH ERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 IDA or hi on WHY DID ITIE FARMER SHOOT HIS CORN WHEN HIS WIFE WOULDNT TOP TALKING HA5TO 9AYGUVNOR IVE FOUNI Ari INTERESTING INSCRIPTION ON THlé QUIT OF ARA10R THrs MAY MEAN Bouus FEIZ YAGYLvesTERI WHAT5 IT WHAT64YWE 80in COZY FIRE AND OPEN BOTTLE 0F WINE not an we swim ON 01 INCOME TA IlE COULDNT STAND IT ANYMORE HE HAD To PLUG HIS EARS acmel ILL DEFqu IT FOR lens on gt0qu souTH RUBEnb THE WICKED CITY Your wedding invitations Announcemen ts Headquarters We provide annual service NO LAW GAYS AN A5TRQNALIT BE eERIOLE ALL THE TIME OMARlt59 DOWN IO comp555 F0 THE GALE EUREKA IVE INVENTED THE HEADACHE VOU WEIGH 156 LBSAND DEPOSIT GOLD OUVE BEEN CHEATING COINS AND WONT TElt THE KING REIGN THE WILDEGT THING YOU CAN SEE DOWN THERE IS