li £526 billion for year Nothing hidden in spending Treasury Board President Judd Buchanan checks over federal government spending estimates in his Parliament Hill office Monday before presenting them to the Commons The estimates repre sent spending plans for the finan cial year which begins April CP Photo Ottawa OTTAWA iCPi The government put $526 billion in spending plans for the next year before the Commons Monday calling it the absolute total and promising nothing is hidden But the opposition had doubts and sug gested the government was practising some sleight of hand to hit the spending target it had identified last fall after series of highlypublicized budget cuts Treasury Board President Judd Buchanan said the $43billion budget in crease for fiscal 197980 89 per cent above spending for the last year showed the governments commitment to restraint It compared with 95percent increase in the previous fiscal year and 71 per cent in 197778 Buchanan called the estimates story of determination of achievement and of restraint But the opposition suggested the real in crease would be closer to 10 per cent if the government had not used accounting tricks Flim flani is too light word to use in these circumstaiices said Ilarvie Andre PC Calgary Centre hope the public recognizes how the government can cook the books He said Buchanan was only able to air rive at the $526 billion government target by inflating the estimate of the amount of money that will lapse never be spent by departments although it has been allocated to them and by reducing the estimate of extra money to be requested later in the year in supplementary estimates to cover unforeseen payments Buchanan acknowledged at news con ference there had been some juggling to allow the government to bring in estimates that hit the spending target INCREASES NlMlllttllS The figures showed that 31 departments and agencies will spend less money in 197980 than year earlier while 51 others will spend more Carbon monoxide gas hits Barrie players By BARRY FORBES Of The lIvainiiier team of 9yearold Barrie hockey players and their parents underwent treatment in Niagara Falls NY hospital Sunday for car bon monoxide poisoning after playing in tournament in nearby Wheatficld Bill Haley manager of Barrie Lions Club minor atoms said he was told by Wheatfield arena officials that faulty icemaking equip iiieiit caused the release of the poisonous gas into the arena Haley said some of his players began to feel nauseous and complained of headaches dur ing their first game early Saturday morning We werent sure what is was though and we had couple of hours until the second so Wants workers to get training IiiRt iNIt ilI large anadian union says anadian industry should give all workers at least 20 days year in paid leave so they can train to be better trade unionists Edward Seymour national representative of the 20000member Communications Workers of Canada said Monday it is in employers best interests to have welltrained shop stewards in their companies Oro wants rates raised ro Township ouncil has endorsed resolution which if approved through pro viiicial legislation would allow the municipality to raise its monthly interest charge on overdue property taxes The resolution made by the Town of lin colii at recent Rural ntario Municipalities Association is asking the provincial government to amend the municipal act to allow municipalities to raise the monthly charge from one per cent to onc and half per cent said im Reeve Howard ampbcll Uro ouncil endorsed the resolution and sent letter in support to Tom Wells minister of intergovcrnmental affairs The increase would act not only as an in centive on ratepayers to get their taxes in but also would save the municipality bor rowing to pay its own expenses at current rate of about per cent Campbell said The rural municipalities have been at it for couple of years through their associa tion to persuade the provincial government toallow this increase he said The deadline for property tax payments this year IS August 15 said Campbell Ratepayers who miss the deadline will pay the current penalty charge of one per cent per month he said The township does not yet have system of interim billing whereby it could raise part of the taxes based on percentage of last years rate Campbell said tuesday to for county we just stayed in the arena Haley said But it got worse More players and some parents werc getting sick to their stomach and getting headaches he added Shortly after the sc cond game started players were asking to be taken off the ice Other teams and spectators who had been in the arena for considerable length of time began to display the same symptoms and an emergency rescuc squad was dispatched to the arena to administer oxygen The Barrie team was in the arena six hours At it am Sunday the team was admitted to Niagara Falls Municipal Hospital and were given blood tests and erays Most of the effects of the poisoning had disappeared by that timc llalcy said but doctors warncd the team not to return to the arena for the rcmamdcr of lllt tournament Arena officials were notified and the ice making equipment shut down Haley said Almost everyone associated with the team suffered from poisoning he said but most are fully recovered went to my doctor wlicn we got back from New York said llalcy started to get headaches Saturday and the pain just went away Iiicsday Troubles for thc tcain werent ovcr aftci the check at the hospital however The clubs bus broke down in Niagara Falls and replacement parts were unavailable The players andtheir parents had to wait eight hours liilc another bus was sent from Barrie to pick them tip JOHN BANKS lists barriers Communication topic Interpersonal business communications was the topic of lecture given by Prof John Banks of Wilfrid Laurier lniversity tWaterlooi Monday night to the Barrie and District Personnel Association Listening skills are not being used by managers he said Managers are unaware of the actual process of communication Due to this Banks said barriers such as stereotyping defensiveness and general bad overall work climate come into play Changing this trend is not quick task Banks said and rewards of it will not be seen immediately but he added managers will be more effective if they learn to accept and understand people when they operate from the feeling level Care has to be taken for the manager not to show his feelings Banks said as this 115th year No 43 Tuesday February 20 1979 15w ready Carder Hm Weekly the examiner serving barrie and simcoe county Chinese drive into Vietnam renewed say some reports BANGKOK tCPi Intelligence sources said today Chinas invasion forces have resumed their penetration inside Vietnam ig noring Soviet Union warnings to get out of Vietnam or ace the consequences Fierce fighting was reported near the border while the Chinese insisted that the en tire operation is being restricted to specific time and area But Peking declined to give details And there was no way of verifying casualt ies on either side But Chinese officials in Peking finally denied reports of any pullback of troops ne Lebanese embassy official reported that his ambassador Elie Boustany had been told by Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Ho Ying that the war was over but it hinese official later said no such statement was made US awaits confirmation WASIIINGIUN tAli intelligence is unable to confirm reports that liiiia has reversed its drive into Vietnam although IVS officials say the liincsc arc conccn trating their military action in an area eight to 13 kilometres inside Vietnams border Reports from Thai and thinese sources that lekiiigs troops are withdrawing are be ing discounted in Washington Meanwhile Peking has not responded to appeals that it call off the invasion of Vietnam thinesc Vice Premier lciig llsiao ping on his recent ninerday tour and later in Japan warned that thina intended to punish Vietnam for its invasion of nm bodia Pckmgs ally and its alleged ill treatment of ethnic Chinese rcsidents XS official who has watched the situa tion closely said he doubts the liincsc will respond to kashiiigtons appeal or pay much attention to it The official who declined to be named said lcking intends to settle its grievance with Vietnam regardless of appeals But officials said they do not expect the fighting to spread far beyond the border areas Icng while warning in Tokyo two weeks ago that Vietnam must be punished for its actions also cinphasicd that tliiiia has behaved with restraint They are not withdrawing back to the border the official said of the thousands of Chinese troops reported to be spread along wide front about 95 kilometres inside Viet nam Peking new reports said Chinese troops in north China have been all alerted for possible war with the Soviet Union and civilians have been evacuated from some border areas Intelligence sources in Bangkok said that after withdrawing some units Monday the Chinese sent in replacements and pushed ahead kilomctrc or more Previously tlic liincsc were reported to have txnctrated no more than nine kilometres along any of the various invasion corridors they used across 700kilomctrc front Japanese news agency said Soviet and Vietnamese sources in lcking reported heavy fighting between liincsc and Vietnamese forccs in the area of Lao tai northwest Vietnamese city just south of the border ACTION LIMITED Sincc launching the invasion Saturday liitia has stressed that it would be limited military operation aimed at teaching lesson to Vietnam The Bangkok sources tcpottctl Monday that the Chinese advance liad halted and some of tlic invaders might be pulling back arousing speculation that the invasion was over Btit analysts in Washington said at that time they were unaware of any withdrawal or of slackening ot the assault Borden to get new facility The Department of National Defence ill spend an cstiiiintcd 3310000 on base construction engineering facility at FB Borden Parks Canada plans to spititl SiJIttitiitio on navigation dams on the Trent Severn and $5000 on the Trent Severn Iarinc Railroad An cstiiiititcd $7ioooo will he spent on planning and acquisition costs lor ttiRIS and another Sllwioo on Phase of ttiltlS development From federal government County to get more tax money Simcoc ounty municipalities are among more than 2000 liicli will receive more tax moiicy from the federal government Jean liretien federal finance minister announced Monday that grants paid in lieu of municipal property taxes will go up by $25300000 at the end of four year ltéIStlllt period Ilerb Kirk city treasurer in Barrie said to lay the announcement would iiicaii little to Barric He said Barrie has oiin limited amount of federally owned property The city is already obtaining tax free grants from the federal government for the property said Kirk Full grants in lieu ot property tax will be paid for the first timc on major deiiiicc bases would lower his image to his corporati superiors Ilcttcr coiniiiunication may makc the work world better place to be ll said Question two in slaying MONTREAL Itli Police are questioning two men today in connection with the slaying of one policeman and the wounding of two others during robbery last Friday Constable Norman touillard of Montreal lrhan omiiiunity police said the suspects were arrested after their car was stopped by police in aSlrtlltl Montreal during rout inc check ouillard said thc men were the first suspects to be picked up since police launched an intensive provinci wide manhunt for the police killers and added it would be premature to say the case was closed Wedont want tojump toconcliisions too fast theyre being questioned thats all he said The mens names were not released oiiillard declined to confirm reports that the men were taken into custody because one of them resembled police compositi sketch Constable Rene Vallee 28 was shot at pointblank range Friday evening while sitting in patrol car along the getaway route of two men fleeing the scene of 5100000 robbery in the Town of Mount Royal Hangs banner on tower PARIS li An American climbed part way up the Eiffel Tower today to hang banner reading Save the Seals Doug Allen 23 from the Greenpeace Foundation climbed from the second plat form on the tower and attached the five metrewide banner half way up to the top platform Irmnpeace members said he previously climbed radio relay antenna near Chicago They described his stunt today as the start of crusade against the killing of seal pups in Newfoundland waters next month such as aiiadian Forces littst Borden on na tional parks and reclaimed lands and conser vatioii projects Barrie which not included in any of tlic categories ill not be ittcctcd by the new ad ditioiis said Kirk About Slttt million year is now paid in grants iiitinicipal l1llll ict will be introduced in parliament slttilll tlll ill take iftcct in With The oiin types of property Silll cciided will be cngincciing structures such as wliarvcs and liltik£tttt urban parklands and Indian rcscivcs Most of the existing deductions from grants for iiittiiiciptil scivicis provided by the fcdcral govciiiiiicnt ill be ended Picasso stolen Thieves stole on oil painting by Pablo Picasso from midtown Toronto art gallery on the weekend after smashing the front doors and grabbing the first pain ting that came to hand The pain ting Woman in hat carrying lambs head was on sale for $500000 CP Photo 303 held in looting Bllllltiltl3 IAIi Autlioritics say they will prosecuti all 303 pcrsoiis arrested in connection with 133 looting incidents that occurred after record Sticeiitiiiictrc snowfall crippled the city An additional 26 Come home to The Examiner Call 7266539 for home delivery Texan gets commandos to rescue two in lrgwnm DALLAS AP Texas millionaire Ross Perot says he unsuccessfully sought help from the US government before sending his own squad of combathardened men to Iran to rescue two imprisoned employees of his com puter firm We went to the department of defence the state department the White House and every other level of our government said Periot But there was nothing absolutely nothing they could do So Periot told reporters Monday his men paid Iranian revolutionaries in Tehran to storm the Iasre prison Feb 11 freeing about 11000 prisoners Among them were engineers William Gaylord and Paul Chiapparoni employed by Ierots Dallasbased Electronic Data Systems FDSi Inc Part of Icrots 15man squad then led the engineers on 72okilometre journey to the Turkish frontier where they crossed the border to freedom Perot said The leader of the patrol was Arthur Bulb Simon 60 retored colonel who served in the lS Army Special Forces tGreen Beretsi In tti7o Simon led US Army mission to the outskirts of Ilanoi in an unsuccessful attempt to rescue prisoners of war in North Viet lltllll The other squad members were Perot employees with prior military experience all volunteers Perot said undue Dont let the Ayatollah catch you wearing lipstick inside today Moster entertalnment county sports comicsw guide 10 classified 13 supplements Towers 12 pages persons were arrested for violating an all night curfew Mayor William Schaefer imposed the to hour curfew from pm Monday to am today in the interest of public safety after widespread looting broke out Monday About 100 Maryland state police helped city police through the night By early today police spokesman Dennis Hill said 568 persons had been arrested toil on suspicion of looting and 265 for curfew violations urfcw violations are misdemeanor and often violators are merely taken to police station and then sent home States Attorney William Swisher advised police to charge each person arrested with breaking and entering which carries maximum sentence of 10 years in jail Boy survives crash ltS viNtilILllS tAPi An ttyearold boy with broken hand trudged three kilometres to safety through waistdeep snow and ice after surviving plane crash in the rugged San iabriel Mountains authorities said female survivor who tried to make the trek but fell and was unable to continue laterdicd authorities said The boy Norman llestad of Malibu walked into the Chapman Ranch on Monday afternoon and said he believed his father Norman Sr was dead in the snowbound wreckage of singlevengine Cessna 172 along with flying instructor Bob Arnold 27 of Mar Vista Young llestad told authorities that the woman tentatively identified as Sandra ressmaii 30 of Los Angeles friend of the Ilestads also survived the crash but slipped on an ice chute and was unable to continue llc tthc boy said he had to abandon her so he covered her with leaves and twigs in an attempt to keep her from freezing to death said Sheriffs Sgt Pat Klootwyk Officials said she may have died of ex posurc ROSS PEROT arranged raid Mill claims to be heard hearing into allegations concerning in cidents at The Wyevale Mill will be held March Barrie Justice of the Peace Ron Tracy said Tuesday Tracy said he could give no details on the allegations and he said the hearing will be closed to the public and press The Wyevale Mill is religious community operated by the Fellowship of Christians The Mill has been centre of controversy since Sept 12 when Phillip Blake 29 died in diabetic coma shortly after leaving the come mune His widow Cheryl Blake 26 and their two children Christopher and Kenneth still live at the commune Mrs Blakes mother Betty Foster 47 of Cobourg nt is tryig to gain custody of her daughters two children Mrs Foster said her daughter is being held against her will and has stopped taking medication for thyroid condition Provincial police are investigating the commune after complaints from former members It wasnt pirates HONG KONG tAPt Three US citizens are being held in the Maldive Islands in con nection with the shooting of local official aboard their oceanographic survey ship the US embassy in Colombo Sri Lanka said today spokesman for the embassy in tervicwed by telephone knocked down earlier reports from amateur radio oper ators that about 300 Maldive Island pirates armed with axes and handguns boarded the survey ship Alysse Maru in the Indian Ocean looted the vessel and kid napped the expeditions medical officer There are no pirates in the Maldives and contrary to some radio accounts the vessel is in no danger the spokesman said He gave this account of what happened The Alysse Mani and its crew of nine US citizens and one Japanese sailed into one of the northern atolls of the Maldives an independent republic of 1087 islands southwest of India Saturday morning without prior radio clearance to enter the harbor The atoll chief the highestranking civil servant in the area boarded the ship to carry out clearance procedures and there was some kind of altercation Someone on the ship shot the atoll chief He was not seriously wounded We do not know what caused the incident Nightmare for students DESBARATS nt Cli It was nightmare come true Monday when tractortrailer and schml bus collided in juring seven students and the bus driver It was every parcnts nightmare and every teachers too said Ann Brauer teacher at Central Algoma Secondary School the school attended by many of the 33 students on the bus Other students were being driven from nearby elementary school weather Partly cloudy today with brisk southwest winds high to Low overnight i0 to Periods of wet snow Wednesday high near