When clowns get together you can expect laughs and thats just what happened this week when Red Skelton right veteran comic got together with Lou Jacobs veteran clown The two got together weekend notebook Any nonprofit organization or individual may have community event in Notebook Just call 7265537 and ask for Stephen iauer Calls for Mondays Notebook must be received by noon Friday for publication the following Monday alls for Weekend Notebook published Friday in Panorama must be received by noon Wednesday monday OThe Littles llill Players Barries amateur theatre com pany holds auditions for Present Laughter the Noel Coward comedy to be performed in June Monday and Tues day in the Central Collegiate theatre arts room from to pm Eleven performing roles will be cast The players are also looking for people to work in the backstage and technical crews of the play OTottenham Lions Bingo at 730 pm in the Tottenham Community Centre 3250 jackpot must go each week early birds sharethcwealth rolling $200 jackpot consolation of $50 goes OBingo at pm at the anadian Legion Branch 147 St Vincent Street and undlcs Road Barrie Jackpot 5500 con soltion $100 tuesday OEuchre at the Bell Ewart ommunity tentre at 5050 draw will also be held OThe GetTogether lub of Barrie will meet at 130 pm at the ANAF Club New members are welcome OBlighty Bingo at the tyevaleOrangecntrc at pm OThe Stroud Senior itzcns meet at 130 in the Stroud Complex OThe Belle Ewart Euchre lub plays at in tlic Belle Ewart Community Hall For more information call Dave Davidson at 45521357 OThe Canadian alorie ountcrs meet at at St Marys Separate School on todrington Street For more in formation call Flo Houghion at moms 0A proschool story hour is held at the hildrens Annex of the Barrie Public Library from 10 to it evcry lucs day and Wednesday No registration is required OThe Duplicate Bridge lub meets every lucsday at pm at the YMYWA Everyone is welcome For partners call 7374469 OThe Mello Blends practise cvcry lucsday at 730 at Oakley Park School irovc and Davidson Streets Women interested in joining the chorus are invited to attend wednesday OThe Independent Order of Forcstcis oiirt Kcmrwnfclt meet at the Knights of tolumbus Hall on Bcrczy Street at pm The Simcoe County Rescue Squad will show films and talk about the work of the squad OThe Thornton and District Horticultural Society meets at pm at Trinity lfnitcd hurch icorgc umining of the Royal Botanical iardcns in Hamilton will talk about land scape design plant sale will followtuminmgs talk OCatholic Womens Thrift Shop at anadian Forces Base Borden is open from to 30 Location is Building North side between the chapels For further information call 4240703 OThe Gingham Door Barrics Nearly New Shop operated by the May Court lub of Barrie who use the proce for community projects is located at 74 Maple St Barrie and is Open Tuesday to Friday from 1030 to 30 Satur day10z30am 02 pm Meetings are held every Vtcdnesdey for ltilS tlakc Off Pounds Sensiblyi nonprofit weightwatchcrs organiza tion The meetings are held at ioodfellow Public School in Alcona Beach for more information call Josie at 4303779 OThe Barrie Chapter of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America meets at pm in Monsignor lair School on Cundlcs Road east of St Vincent Men interested in joining the chorus are welcome to attend OArts and crafts are sold by Barrie residents from 12 to pm at the Farmcs Markct on Mulcaslcr Strcct thursday OThe Cookstown ireSchool Play group mccts from to it am in the Cookstown Town Hall OEuchre at the Alliston Orange llall Admission cents lunch is provided OKnights of Tolumbas bingo at 730 pm in the Legion Hall St Vincent Street and undles ltoad Barrie at the Points tithe Wellington about IS PROUD TO PRESENT IN CONCERT tithe Wiltngtnn taste Barrie 7232445 Photo Edith Piaf recreated by singer EDMONlON li Kathy Michael McGlynn is like 34 yearold version of singer Edith Piaf loving SlfSzllllttllll prisoner of show business stage her eyes are darkly excited and her face ls animated with an intcnsc scnsc of eagerness You wouldnt believe she had just finished another two hours portraying the Iatc lrrcncli singer in the Northern Light lhcatrc production of liai llir Songs llcr Loves As liaf Mctilyiin lives and sings about 20 impassioned earthy and tremendously per sonal songs llcr singing of llymnc Laniour is upsetting Shc displays such toriiiciit ocr ill death in an air crash of lltitt boxuig champion Marcel cr dan that one expects hcr to break down on static giicy ui gct tl llliilttl lli somethings my miiidjust vkll chcs right off shc say dont think would low ttiillltii of myself though lcit it hasnt happcncd yct STARTS ItYthi lhc formcr high school drama tcachcr almost lost coil trol on the plane to Edmonton whcn shc was rcading book on Mat came to the bit about thc morgue wlicic Edith saw hci dead daughter and just started crying it was cinbar rassing People were looking around woiidcring what was wrong lm very vcry StilSllHt person cvtrciiicly Sttllliliil tal Both thcatrc patrons and critics agreed that Mctilyiiiis performances wcrc star quail ty and the show was tltlltltll by 12 pcrtormanccs That was in Editionton lll lllTil But It Toronto 107 Mcfilynn was ready to throw htlStll tliltlcr bus After rcvtic of D1 lwcaiiic box otlicc succcss lll Montreal she was givcii tlic opportunity to be ill professional produc tion of saiiic rcviic Ill Town to lhc show closcd in four days and with no work and no friends in Toronto Mctilyiiii bccainc dcspoiidcnt illlS MANAtilult But then she dccidcd to gct manager and hc found work for her within two weeks was asked to fly in and audition she says of lltl luck in linking up with thc Northern Light Theatre in Edmonton Before thc show opened slic lid her homework on Mat and listened to tapes of liafs singing every day That one way learned hcr inflections found the very gut lcral sound dont read music you scc Like Piaf to share laugh when Skelton attended Bros and Barnum Bailey Circus in Birmingham this week AP Two colleagues in comedy show of the Ringling léWEST ST 326633 Hold Over NOW PLAINS AT 715 l5 Al mums anya y1 In llitli tnu tvvrrit Liwum mtor inxtw un Ht WARRIORS impth lttxlottt lmh viuhu UPWt lay by kiwi limb1 ind Nil tamer NOW PLAYING UNlVl iiiti HMSE fLHNllilll illi tumlino mini lhllilAlNMlNl now tonight jun tolkiens theQR Dimbi mom mt IMPERIAL LaMarsh defends first novel as good popular fiction By ROD URRIE OTTAWA CP The re doubtable Judy LaMarsh re turning to the scene of the novel says if reviewers find elements of malice and spite in her story of life love and sex on Parliament Hill well thats just part of the game Most reviewers havent really reviewed the book the writing style or the plot Instead she says theyve mostly made moral judgments about her motives in portraying thinly disguised real persons in fictional and often lurid melo drama But Miss LaMarsh here recently on crossCanada tour to plug her first novel Very Political Lady is frank wanted to give people good read and wanted to make money didnt set out to write beautiful literature says the former cabinet minister who lost 60 pounds during two months hard labor bringing forth the book Anyway beautiful literature doesnt sell Books that win the Governor Gcnerals Award sell only 3000 to 4000 copies publishers Purchase Mr Submarine sandwich hot or cold and receive another Mr Submarine sandwich of equal or Offer valid from 00 to clming only on the lQip cantstandthat RlllS ROUGH Wearing nowillfitting wool dress and relaxing with smoke and soft drink in her hotel suite overlooking Parlia ment Miss LaMarsh says her book is just what this country needs Good popular fiction good read Generally critics have given the book rough ride but shes getting lots of publicity and even negative publicity helps sales she reasons Some have suggested she used the novel to put the knife in political foes while also in dulging fantasy in which she becomes prime minister or might have Nonsense she snorts Anyone who would want to be prime minister of this country in the next 10 years needs his head examined Still the reader must be for given if he sees reallife people in the novel Miss LaMarsh middle aged lawyer from Niagara Falls became health minister and then secretary of state before quitting cabinet in 1968 and opening law practice in Toronto Her fictional heroine Kath leen Marshal is middleaged Top marks for vocalist TORONTO CPJ vocalist from Brampton Ont captured top marks Friday in the baritone category at the 36th annual Kiwanis music festival Mark Wilson finished first followed by Martin Vcall of Midland Ont and Wayne Line of Toronto Singers qualifying for the finals in Saturdavc silver trophy competition were Milissa Holt of Markham Ont Mallory Moton of Toronto and Debra Selig of Toronto Other events scheduled for the final day of the festival in cluded the Rosebowl competi tion for male and female vocalists and the finals for the Russell memorial piano trophy Another SEQStantial offer from Mr Submarine lower value at no additional cost 72 Dunlop St FILM TO BE PRIZED EXTRAORDINARYI om 3mm incw COMING SOON ate Sptt died in this mliertiscmcnt llllll two specials per customer lawyer from Niagara Falls who becomes cabinet minister switches to law in Toronto but then returns to politics to be come prime minister Kathleens vanquished fic tional foes include prime min ister noted for his intellect and arrogance who raises eyebrows by wearing sandals in the House and has been known to slide down banister during London Commonwealth conference Another is handsome young cabinet colleague forced to resign after it becomes known he signed consent form for an abortion for woman friend Although Miss LaMarsh in sists none are modelled after specific living persons many readers find strong images of parliamentary figures Its all game says Miss LaMarsh relating that willowy sports minister Iona Camp agnolo had denied she could possibly be the fictional Bonnie Costello in the book because Costello has thick legs Im 54 and my parlia mentary pension is $172 month she says want to make some money now 7283660 Youll never close your eyes again imiiiui cums