By BRIAN BAKER THORNTON Most peoples reaction to todays high cost of dismay Just who is getting rich in the food industry For ages farmers have been heldup as the main culprits causmg food costs In the first place the farmer finds himself in the position that he must ac cept for his produce what the processors of the marketing boards choose to give him One businessman who left the ity to try farming came to conclusion most farmers are already painfully aware of Farming is the craziest busmess because you have to uy everything retail and sell it wholesale gt Not only that farmers tnust =pay the shipping costs of verything they sell to buyers processors Farming today is far cry rom grandpas day when you ould buy farm for $2000 or 000 and set yourself up in vestock and machinery for 1000 ORROW IO FARM Young farmers starting out are finding it necessary to bor row $10000 to $200000 to get started in farming Today tractor costs anywhere from 312000 to $50000 and combines go up to 350000 or more The average farmer today works as hard possibly harder and longer than did farmers in earlier days because all the help has gone to live in the towns and cities making ex pensive mechanization and automation on the farms Efood is of anger shock and DQCPSSRIy In many food commtxlities the only time the producer farmer gets fair price is when that commodity is in short sup ply Not infrequently the tana dian farmer who must produce under rigid health standards and under climatic conditions that greatly add to production costs suffers when large qua titles of produce are brought in from abroad where mild climates make cheap produc tion possible and often where no concern for the healtii of the consumer is shown Fruit and particularly vegetable growers who must originally pay Stooo or $3000 an acre for choice land atid spend hundreds of dollars aii acre every year to grow the crop are often lucky to break even selling vegetables at the rate of three or fotir cetits pound wholesale lRlIAN IIIttllil FORGET What many urban people forget when complaining about the price of food is the fact that their average wages have gone up to point where they actual ly only have to work one half to onetiurd as long for pound ol butter or pounds of meat as they used to 23 years ago few urban people in recent years have decided to do something about the high price of food and grow frmts and vegetables in their backyards or rent patches of land from local farmers VICTORS HAIRSTYLE FREE $2500 BODY PERM Phone 7269381 for details Scars Food in Canada still bargain at current prices farmer Thornton farmer Brian Baker explains the issues behind food costs and maintains food In Canada is still bargain Examiner Photo 11 is good for their pocket books and their health but still many think it is smart to say that it is easier to now than to hoe As prtxlucer do not think the food processors and the stores are losing money However we must not forget the processors wholesalers and the stores are faced with high operating costs property taxes increasing wages and respon bility to return fair interest tc shareholders Warehousing and distribution of grocery or food products to keep the food stores stocked continuously throughout the year with the great variety of food products demanded by modern shoppers is expensive in itself One hot Sunday last summer we stopped to look at two big Santa be refrigerated box cars loaded with citrus mm at the Barrie railway station their refrigerators roaring at full blast to keep their alitornian produce in top condition for anadian stores We thought about our parents and many other older people who have often pointed out to us that the only time they saw oranges was at hristmas if they were lucky IAKIZN ItIR ERANIIII Today we take it for granted that the stores should carry full line of not only oranges but all kinds of tropical and temperate fruits and vegetables every shopping day of the year Refrigeration makes it p055 ble for stores to offer year round many foods including meats fish and vegetables that ltlttlt itl Forget what your teachers told you about the evils of using your lingers to count says Metro politanlorontoeducatiomst Susan Silverberg says finger tip math has existed in some torm or another for more than with our would otherwise only be available oti seasonal basis But it adds to the cost In grandmas day cake mixes were unheard of and she made the soap and churned the cream to make butter There were no such things as pre dressed chickens any other poultry Flour and sugar and other grocery items were served out from bulk barrels and boxes in to paper bags by the grocer who bought local produce often by barter wherever he could to reduce costs Apart from limited supply of canned foods readytoeat foods were con spicuous by their absence Today we tend to be lured by fancy packages even though we know better and you can hardly blame the stores for pro viding what they find sells best For readytoserve foods we pay at least twice as much as we would by making them ourselves In addition paper products cleaning products magazines home hardware candies and soft druiks and even pet foods and light bulbs obtainable in most grocery stores are carelessly considered by customers as groceries Even government agencies seem to like to point to food as the chief offender in the rising cost of living Do you ever read that the cost of living has gone up due to rise iii the price of televisions home appliances cars beer boats entertainment travel sports eating out and other fun things that are gobbling up peo plcs money so that they have less and less left over to nav for food housing and other staples of life No farmers and producers it has been done so only to enable farmers to install machinery to do the work once done by people who have left to get an easier job in the city Such machinery can cost tens of thousands of dollars to buy and operate and what with taxes rising costs of agricultural products feeds eeds chemicals fertilizers and utilities may despite 10 and 12hour days and in vestinents of $150000 or more may end up with net profit ofj less than an ordinary urban worker would expect 52 Vegetable growers orcharg dists and small fruit growers in particular find it almost imï¬ possible to get help in the critical harvest season Nobody wants to do it They must lookf outside the country to the liaha inians and others who are delighted with the opportunity and pick two and three times faster than much of the local help Again speaking as farmer do not know what problems1 grocers may have to face other than have seen hundreds of dollars worth of frozen pro ducts ruined when refrigera tion unit quit have seen several hundred boxes of strawberries that had to be dumped because they overripened in hot weather have seen food items that have had to be practically given away because nobody was buy ing them have seen worried store managers explaining unavoidable situations to grocery executives and have seen store employees practical ly on the run to serve customers during rush hours BlY WISELY It has been shown that people who regularly shop with grocery list and refrain from shopping more than once or twice week tend to buy more wisely and avoid impulse buy ing and the buying of trash foods saving 20 to 30 percent on food costs and live just as well By buying ahead one can make use of special priced items as they regularly appear in most grocery stores It has also been shown that especial ly in meats it does not necessarily mean that the more you pay for it the more nutritious it is The next time you think about food prices think about the fartncrs who put lifetime of experience and investment into food prixluction the great agricultural machinery iii lustry dedicated department of agricultural and food workers and officials allied agricultural industries livestock and grocery truckers railroaders and sailors who br ing btilk and exotic foods from afar milk industry and meat packers warehouse men wholesale dtributors packagers SluttkttlXIS and their staff atid not least in vestors and shareholders Twatgaï¬ufln IF Using fingers for math becoming popular again 3000 years and in part was the basis for the present system of calculation The concept of using com binations ol fingers to perform basic mathematical functions and to get better grasp of mathematics has gained new Exciting colour and variety portrait backgrounds Have Portraits taken now for Easter gifts 8x10 colour portrait FIRST SUBJECT HANDLING IN PORTRAIT OPER pORTRMT US family groups welcome tiring the entire family in our backgrounds ilo pcrleci tor portraits of family groups grandparents and couples All ages welcome frames extra Now you can enhance all your portraits with our colourful collection of backgrounds nursery scene perfect for the little ones fall or spring Htlllllgs great for children and adults Our traditional studio setting is also available No appointment is necessary One offer per person twp pct family $I 25 for each additional person in groups Purchase of addi tional prints at reasonable prices is optional We use Kodak paper for the ood look PICTURELAND HERE DAYS ONLY Photographers Ilours lue 930530 Wed Thurs Fri 930800 Sat tilt 500 Tuesday February 20 through Saturday February 24 SimpsonsSears Ltd 509 Bayfield St Barrie popularity in North America in the last year says Mrs Silver berg and several systems of fingertip math have been de signed Its possible to count to with the fingers and to 1500 by properly positioning the feet as well as to calculate algebraic statements and work with negative numbers Mrs Silverberg says the greatest benefit of the finger tip system is in helping children particularly those with learning problems to understand mathematics in examlner Monday Fob 1a 1979 is Common Cold winner speech called The Common cold has won Joan Nixon l2 two public speaking trophies and entered her In further competition The Grade stu dent at St John Vianney School In Barrie captured first place In the Royal Canadian Legion contest on Feb and the Catholic Womens League meet on Feb l3 The wins gained Joan berth in the area competition in Creemore on Feb 25 Examiner Photo Not all fun fun fun Hard work planning behind modellin IIIIAIIINltIN itl licmga fashion model is not the glam orous profession its made otlt lobe its lot of work says Wendy Welychko whos been in the business for more than year Wendy is considered high fashion model because of her striking face with high cheek bones and her tail slim body which lends itselt to iiiodrlliiig StiplllslltélltdSllis dont tune lot of tree time Most of it is spent keeping my clothes iii order and in re pair keeping my makeup to gether in case get called to do ajobin hall an hour The 27yeai old model says tier prolessioii Illilkt tor short lived career Most of the jobs that are really happening go to younger girls You can model until youre II but it would be in different vein When you get around to that age you do wliatcvcrs left But the job requires lot of training Wendy says You lltttl to know how to walk and talk properly how to communicate with lili pliotogiiplier and how to apply makeup Selfcoiifideiicc is as iiiipoi tant as striking appearance and every model itiiist learn the tricksof the trade lhey tiiust carry extra shoes pantyhose masking tape for lIl visible patching scarves to put LESS mod lots of heads when and llltll clothes over tlllittl makeup ICXIICNSH II ltlli Its an expensive job Wendy says You have to keep up with the styles You cant walk around in blue jeans and expect to be believed as model You lime to look the part Most people she says believe that models walk around with mink coatsnud all the clothes they want ltut they dont just givi you the clothes say Well thank you for niodelling and pay you as well You spend lot of time Ill stores lookitig at whats new and you spend lot oi tttiic riadiiig magamcs and trying tokeepahead The modelling life is little easier for Marty Alackay 212 who has been part time lash ion model tor five years but who can also tall back on his partnership in prospering op tical business Mackay who is iiiariied and has two children spends two or lllltt hours week modelling lie says he is in the business because you meet lot of iii tensting people and tliiuk theres always the glamor as peel it It lts iioi really that hard for man think its much more involved for woman with makeup and clothing llc regards modelling as AT CANADA TRUS Opening retirement savings plan doesnt have to be costly proposition With Canada Trust RSP there is no sales COiTliItlSSIOil opening or costs Closuig charges And that could cut your RSP HSPs aretot alike Canada Trust BARRlE Dunlop at Memorial Square 7264848 open Fri til 30 Sat 10 to lark btit admits that its not all fun fuii fun The biggest problem is sched uling time although if every things going smoothly can go down it two oclock and be finished at ittafter IRlIlpll£ IRUIHSSIUN There are more than 500 fash ion models iii Edmonton but spokesmen for the citys three modelling agencies Icggi Adams overgirl and Vogue says fewer than five work full time Mixlclling just cant be full tiuie in Edmonton says Deanna Neale booking agent for leggi Adams You just cant make enough of livhig here The average pay is $30 an hour but most models dont get enough assignments to make iivingat it Male models usually are partners iii businesses own their own firms or work in fields which enable them to take time off Women models may work parttime as receptionists coatclieck at teiidaiits or cocktail waitresses or else make arrangements for time off before they accept La job it girls heart is in mod elling shell find way to do it says Audrey Sadowsky of Vogue Models Agencies cant cut down on the number of models thereby enabling the rest to work full time because clients want ver satility Audrey says if theres In your futuro Wolcomo Wagon planning Special Party for bridastobo and their mothers Wednesday November I978 Continental inn Barrie 72I614l Youll lod you did Ann Lgnders Offers advice for teens Dear Ann Landers Your advice to the teenage girls who need information about preventing pregnancy and cannot go to parents or counsellors is wise government pamphlet can be helpful but in most areas more can be done Cities of any size usually have health department free clinic Planned Parenthood or womens centre where infor mation and counseling on contraceptives and their use is available Some young women need counseling to give them the con fidence to decline sex if it is not safe for them They need to be able to say to their partner You must use condom condom is simple rubber sheaf reliable safe easily available and good way for young man to show he is willing to accept some responsibility for his actions woman must carry the burden of pregnancy with or without the aid of man Pregnancy should come only when she wants it It is not unreasonable for woman to insist that man protect her if he wishes the pleasure of her com panyx Austin Reader Dear Austin As recently as two years ago letter such as yours could not have appeared in this column not becauSe it wasnt relevant but because so few papers would have printed it Too little has been said and written about the males re sponsibility in intimate relationships Thank you for presenting this dimension to my readers Dear Ann Landers In smallish towna respected citizen got himself in an embarrassing spot It made page one of our local aper Theres no way person in this community could have missed it My husband and opted to pretend it didnt happen We continued the relationship in the normal way Apparently most people decided to do the same Later we heard that the man and his family were hurt and disappointed because friends didnt call or visit and say Its okay youre still tops with us What do YOU think is the kindest thing to do in case like thi57Any Town Dear Any Town Silence is approval Your continuing to be friendly with no mention of the unpleasantness spoke volumes Too bad the man and his family didnt view it in that light Not all people are equipped to get into discussions which may cause embarrassment so they remain silent They should not be criticized nor should they be considered lesser friends In my opinion you handled it with class Dear Ann Landers What do you think of the in vitation we received in the mail today Just sayThumbs up or Thumbs down Miss 25 daughter is getting married on date at place Because the bride and groom have been on their own Ann this means living together for year or more they probably wont need much in the way of household items Therefore we thought money tree would be the best gift If you would like to participate in this gift please ob tain whatever amount you woul spend for shower andor wedding gift in NEW $100 bills and give it to in the office before 00pm on Thursday She will give you receipt and have you sign the card If you would prefer to give gift please feel free to do so Flummoxed Dear Flinn Thumbs down Its the pits Erma Bombeck Hard to keep kitchen clean By ERMA BOMBIXK Southern newspaper has as one of its features column devoted to exposing the sanitation or the lack of it in local restaurants The list of improprieties consisted of the following Food not covered in refrigerator Improper dishwashing practices Hot dogs soaking in water in refrigerator Tank top broken in womens restroom Restrooms not labeled tutting board not smooth Thermometers needed in refrigerator Back door open to flies Employees working without proper hair restraint arbon buildups on pans orroded vent ans No soap or towels at sink Outdated buttermilk possibly unwholesome had to stop reading The list had just described my kitchen Keeping kitchen clean is like trying to tidy up after sandstorm Besides employ cheap labor My own kids Somehow you dont get the pride from them that youd get frotn say transient Mexican alien The other night walked into the kitchen with clipboard and made out my own list of health violations Dog drinking water out of Old Fashioned glass Wet fingers running around rim of mashed potatoes pan Hair dryer oti countertop Halfeaten sandwich and glass on back of commode Ice cream in carton at room temperature Melted ice cubes on floor creating safety hazard Fight among kitchen help using cold hard peas as am munition possible danger to cook Loading dishwasher while diner is still eating off plate Emptying raw garbage into wastebasket with no plan of removing it from kithen As was writing down the violations my mother catne in her eyes panning the kitchen area slowly This place is dump she said My face brightened Thank you thought you were going to be sarcastic Pollys Pointers Talcum powder cleans suede DEAR ILIY hope you can tell me how to clean my goldcolored suede clutch purse Also how can sharpen serrated knives have several that are very dull HELEN DEAR HELEN Sprinkle your suede purse with talcum powder and then brush it well with little wire suede brush Any surface dirt should be removed There is spray suede cleaner sold at many shoe repair stores recommend taking serrated knives to profes sional knife sharpener Doltyourself methods for sharpening might break the tiny points POLLY MM DEAR POLLY After years of fighting to make neat cutout cookies found that if one dips the turner in the flour being used for the cookie cutter the cutout cookie will slide right off the turner onto the baking sheet with no wrinkling or tearing LINDA DEAR POLLY am answering Mrs WD who has navy knit dress that is covered with lint since it was washed with green towels She should put the dress in her dryer with sheet of fabric softener and run on the air fluff cycle This will remove lint The air fluff cycle is cool so there is no heat to hurt the polyester fabric MRS AB DEAR POLLY and Mrs WD piece of nylon net put in the dryer will remove lint from knits and the same piece mine is yard by I2 yard can be used over and over again Recently when washed pair of navy blue slacks with towels turned the slacks inside out to avoid tinting but when dry and turned right side out they were covered with lint ut them back in the dryer set on AIR along with the ny on net and in few minutes all the lint was gone If lint is really embedded the article may have to be washed again but this does remove the tint PAULINE DEAR POLLY Silver fish can be controlled by spreading powder not detergent under newspaper liners under drawers or wherever this would not be bothersome MRS NSF