Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Feb 1979, p. 4

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is our At mmfii mien as Lm the eXaminer serving barrie and simcoe county MondayFob19107O Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 Bruce Rowland publisher NEWSROOM Craig Elson managing editor Ian Muigrew city editor Bill McFarlane wire editor Dave Fuller sports editor Claudia Krause Lifestyle editor POR TE Carl De Gurse Stephen Nicholls Dennis Lanthier Nancy Figueroa Lori Cohen Stephen Gauer entertainment Gary Forbes sports Betty Armer camera operator ADVE RTISING Len Sevick manager SALES Bert Stevens Julie Franks Ian MacLeod Aden Smith Steve Skinner Brenda woods CLASSIFIED Ruth Blaissupervisor Freda Shinner Peggy Chapell Dana Homewood Janice Morton BUSINESS Marian Gough accountant Delva Mills Gail McFarland Vikki Grant athie Mitchell CIRCULATION Bill Halkes manager Steve White assistant manager Andy Haughton Alva LaPlante Pat Merson Elaine Porter Cheryl Aiken COMPOSING ROOM Jack Kerney foreman Glenn Kwan asst foreman Don Saunders Lorne wass wilt Cadogan Stan wray Bill Raynor Ed Allenby Janie Hamel Susan Kitchen Ron Gilder Barbara Strigl PR ESSROOM Don Near loreman Published daily except Sunday and statutory holidays WEEKLY by carrier 90 cents VEARLY by carrier $4680 BY MAIL Barrie $4680 SIMCOE COUNTY S3650 MOTOR THROW OFF 5398 year The Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CF and Audit Bureau of Circulations ABC Only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Presse and local news stories published in The Examiner The Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material created by its employees and published in this newspaper copyright registration number meis register at National advertising offices 65 Queen St Toronto 864 I710 60 Catncart St Montreal The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages ans log out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space ac tually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error 0c CLASSIFIEDS 72824 NEWSROOM 7266537 ADVERTISING 7266537 CIICUMTION 7266539 BUSINESS 7266537 Dont misinterpret high school decision The Simcoe County Board of Educations refusal last week to support separate French language high school must not be misinterpreted The board is not saying to hell with the rights of French people It is saying French students have the right to French education within reasonable financial limits The board decided those reasonable limits do not in clude new school for perhaps 350 students At the same time the board made commitment to provide suitable French wing at the existing high school Thus the decision is middle ground between the rights of the minority and financial feasibility The issue will now be decided by the ministry of education They will have to choose between the boards decision and two recommendations in favor of separate French school The ministry should take hard look at those recom mendations One of them issued by the Languages of Instruc tion Commission favored separate school largely on the basis of the situation in Elliot Lake which they say is similar to Penetanguishene The comparison doesnt hold up True French language high school was establish ed this September in Elliot Lake But Elliot Lakes population is about 17000 and its in one of Canadas most rapidly growing centres indication Theres no the population of Penetanguishene will grow anywhere near that fast Its worth noting too that the boards decision was not hastily made The issue has been before the board more than one year and the subject of three major reports The philosophy of language and education should enter in at this time In this connection Bruce Cumming board trustee made an interesting observation Speaking for one school that would satisfy the needs of both English and French he said If we let them go to school together perhaps they wont grow up without problems and biases dont want to be part and parcel of dividing this communi ty The question arises By building separate French school would we be helping to split Canada instead of uniting it Tax break election issue being debated in Commons OTTAWA CPI Two major election issues will be debated in the Commons this week tax break for home owners and the future of PetroCanada the government oil agency Almost any issue debated in the Commons these days can be related to the election that Prime Minister Trudeau is to call this spring But these two show special division betr weenvthe governing Liberals and the Opposi tion Progressive Conservatives who hope to throw them out of office What is debated this week can be expected to be debated again during the election campaign The Commons is scheduled to spend twu days this week debating housing bill which will give MP5 on both sides of the House am ple opportunity to discuss the kind of help they propose for home owners key Conservative proposal is to allow in come tax deductions for mortgage interest and municipal taxes if they form govern ment The government and the New Democratic Party have scoffed at the idea saying the Conservatives are proposing assistance for the rich and ignoring those who rent They write your mp 199 if you would like to write your Member of Parliament or Member of Provincial Parlia ment printed below are their mailing ad dresses If you send us copy of your letter it might be suitable for our Letters to the Editor columns After all if there is matter of concern that makes you want to write to your MP or MPP if it is not personal matter it should be of interest to your friends and neighbors too FEDERAL lb Iyurd MPNorth Simcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont Ian Mlle MPPoolDufferinSimcoo Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont Stevens MPYorkSimcoo Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont Gee Iltgos MPGraySlmcao Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont OVIICIAI George Toybr MPPSimcoe Centre Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto Borde Salli MPPSimcoeEost Ontario toglsloturo Queens Park Toronto Burp league MPPDufforin Simcoe Queens Park Toronto say the Conservatch proposal would bc cnor moust expensive GOOD PITCH But the idea is acknowledged to be good election pitch helping some Conservatives get elected in Nov 16 byeleclions To counter lhc Conservative Initiativc the Liberals have made some proposals of their own on the subject The Liberal shelter tax credit plan wuuld offer something to rcntcrs anti give the largest benefits to those with the lowest in comes As incomes rise the amount of tax credit would decrease Conservative Leader Joe Clark has promis ed to introduce over four years program to allow up to $5000 year of firstmortgagc in terest on principle rcsidcncc and up to $1000 yciir of municipal taxes to bc deducted from incomc tax Debate this wcck will centre on govern ment bill introduced in December to amcnd the National Housing Act and allow morc home owners to renovate their homes with federal financial assistance Walter Baker Conscrvativc House leader says his party will support the bill because he said number of municipal housing pro jccts have been held up awaiting its passage THREATENSIIELAY But the NDP has threatened to delay passage saying the legislation doesnt do enough to provide lowcost housing PctroCanada the Conservatives have vowed to abolish the Crown corporation say ing it has not produced any additional oil for the country Thc governmcnt has New Democratic sup port in defending lhc organization and Energy Minister Alastair Gillespie last week challenged the Conservatives to continuc their opposition to it He is expected to continue his counter attack this week as the Opposition taxes him over the diversion of crude oil to the United States from the Atlantic provinces He told Conservatives last week their deter mination to disband PctroCanada would only lead to further decreased supplies of oil New Democrats argued strongly last week that PctroCon should be the only importer of crude oil in the country thus assuring con tinued supply for all Canadians INTERESTS FOREIGN Party Leader Ed Hroodbcnt said future oil imports should not be left in the hands of the multinational oil companies whose first in terests lie in other countries Gillispie said lctroCzInada is negotiating with its counterparts in Mexico and Venezuela to increase Canadian imports ad ding thol even small imports from these countries would not be available until late in thc year He joined the MW in blasting the Conscr vatives for their pledge to sell PetroCanadtI to private interests if thcy should ever form the government The Tories who would dismantle and destroy PctroCanada have nothing to put in its place Gillespie charged Friday Conservative James Gillies Toronto economics professor relorted that Petro Canada has not put one barrel of oil in place inCunadzi Dave Burcsik photographer 0km Mr brezlinev Washington Allanla Houston Seattle AND 5alurdoq Night Fever Parliament Hill By SlllllAlll Incllillll Ottawa llltilll Thomson Scry in As lhc tlnlfiltl llll lilL Iround llll behavior of Rum lccqui during lhc iil of French lrimc Alllllsltl ituymond linrrc sm that thc Qucbcc pIiIIIIir bcIng collcd cv crylhing frmm on Igoccnlric to if tool Thc gincrul conclusIon that lhc prcnncr with his leptlltlll lhpln of piiuloncc and bad munncrs has criously dnlnngcd his own Inuigc that lIc llil tllllilllliltl liIlow Qucbcccrs fillfl llmt lhc Slpitiulhl movcnunl muy huvc suffcrcd il first major sctbgick If you hccd lhc words of lcdcrul luslicc Ministcr Marc 1Ilondc you will bclIcvc lhni lAvcsqucs bchunor was not only pctly but lesorudc chIIdIslI and sick Queen park fly llttN tlllllAltN QIIIIIIS Iurk llurcziu Thomson Ncws Scrvicc ltftlNlI Not too long ago had up porlunlly of bcconnng ItilStlIlillIl wcll acquainle with woman phys cd tcnchcr lII our school systcin Uni of lli womans lilllltlllill prulcs was that shc was tcoclnng hcrsludcnls lcnnls Shc did look wcll on thc courts lfcr outfits wcrc lhc IIIglIisl Ill lcnnis houl coulnrc Wcll Iboyc lltl ploy which uzis not good My scycn ycnr old doughlcr could fIIc bcntcn th Ind shc couldnt ploy AII illltlllIH of discussion brought what was lhcrc to talk about Would shc llkc to borrow on old book by Bill lIltchI hnppcncd to hurc Oh no casual flsdznnful oh no lhc path of hcr tcnnis Instruction would bmc bccn lbnl tlIIrc was it lot of scopc III lhc gumc for clolhcs and that you should kccp lhc bull wIlhIII tlIosc wlnlc lints Shc might huvc bccnttblclolloch lhccounl lcrhxips Itlllll HUN lhul rcccnl ltusslnn lcsson III hockcy pcrhzi is lhc grcntcsl thoughtdislurbcr lo ltlt nnm inn sincc lhc Sccond World WzIr has nlrczidy dirtcch our illltlllitlll to how wc liitlil our youth for hockcy illitl prolnlscs to pcrllups Inch us ill lctisf it stcp or two out of our smugncss In that fIcld And may it also pcrhops Ind hojkfully cvcn lllt us bcyond tlInl onc fIcld For thcrc Is grcul dcnl of tltltflt or ill Ictist ground for strong suspicion that lhcdis SCOOPS Fred Prince asst foreman Harris Blanchard Brian Marr ELSEWHERE iN CANADA $3850ayear curred whether such error is due to the negligence of its servants or other wise and there shall be no liability for non insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement lIdIloruIIs lIl most ncwspupcrs English lnnguugc ncwspopcrs lllill Is hith coir dctnncd lhc Qlltlltt prcnncr for thc wuy hc bchnycd IIl lllt prcscncc of thc dlgnificd Frcnch prunc nnmslcr lhc Frcnch lungungc ncwspupcrs pcrhups for rczisons of lthr own dont sciIII so nggrnvntcd but lhcn wcyc scldoln bccn Iblc to gut lhc two cullurcs cxcrciscd Ihoul lhc snnIc things III lbcsnmcwoys ltltllt Slltl llziscd on till accounts of what buppcnml It sciIns fair to say that lccquc lilllttl lo coycr himself Ilh glory during llurIcs vistl fly any standards his IIIIIIIncIs lch grcul dcul to bc flllttl whcn In proposing wcll wmcd toast to liorrc hc lct fly at his domestic polIlIcol opponcnls it gcxlurc that Appearances can be deceiving litlll syndroinc In hockcy and ot coursc lllill Is Wllill It was Is rcully just onc rcllcclion of sndly gcncrnl condition in our gcncrul cducut Ion clInInlc today ASSIINIIHA llll short thIc ngo liduculion Mmislcr llcltc SIiphcnson sklrlcd lhIs whcn shc trwa to pass on it Incsxngc that it was getting to bc fimc wc ll sonic lhInkIng about lhc fundumcntofs of llKllllilIl And you will rccnll lhc rcccption it got From icndcrs of lhc tcnchcrs scorn and disdain Along with Int of lo tlIobzIIIitiItlcs llek And from somc sections of lhc morc unctuous prcss wondcr If lhc lady was not actually lclchcd she was pcrhnps ill lcnsl frutnpy As if mom thought now that wc finally know wc Ircnl pcrfccl pcrhups wc will be Ill lclligcnlly human and lcurn whut wc can from lhc llliSSIHIIS and any others who hurt had to do it lot of thinking about lhcir cducleIoII And us it Incidcnttil but rcnlfy vcry pcrlincnt rcflcclion will the lcachcrs illitl xnliculurly lthr Iczidcrs cvcr rctIIIrc that by uping ilfl Industrial lrudc union which froIn lhc publlc iInugc It lcnst has bccn all of thcir Icccnt cInphaisis they illt turning tllcmsclycs Into asstmny hnc workcrs And that though lhcy vcry sclfscHingly spcuk of lhcmsclvcs us profcssion today they tlllllt ncross us hardly cvcn ii skillcd lrndc Somclhing for lhcm to think about linlelEV BUT WITH ONE EXCEPTION WST me rwls FOR MY TRIP IO AMERICA wuu as AT YESI CHAIRMAN WERE REPLACING THE CHOPSTICKS FROM LEAST A5 groom As most FOR VICE PREMIER rm ll Barre visit major setback for foolish Rene Levesque appurcnlly ctnburrusscd lhc gucst of honor And rcgnrdlcss of how you mczisurc bchmior it Is tllll Icull to condonc lccsqucs titlcmpts to how linrrc rcpcut that famous or notorious Ic lc tlcbcc librc cry that thurlcs dc inullc ultircd III flit Again flurrc was clcnrly cIIIbnrrzisstd whcn hc fcll obllgcd to Inform lhc crowd that lhc Qucbcc prcmicr was wlnspcrlng suggcslions in his or In liltl cvcn lccsquc lookcd cm burrusscd llut flurrc always lhc pcrfccl host didnt tll During lhc dcszrlurc ccrcmonics IAvcsquc lookcd both undignificd and pclty whcn hc dcclmcd to stand at tiftcntlon for Canada whcn hc hcld cigzirctlc during lhc playing of lhc Frcnch notionle illlllitlll and when he rcfuscd to accompany flurrc to his plunc btLiIuSC lIondc was also thcrc When you pill cycrything togclhcr you would be inchde to go along with lhc vicw that Levesquc bcllnvcd hkc juycnilc that he sccmcd to bc losing his grip and that lIc wont recovcr from this cscopadc of cmbnr rassmcnts llilltlllflt sound morc likc physician than tllllllilli whcn hc said lhc premier was suffcrIng from pcrscculion complcx lcrhiips hc should lnkc rcst curc he said ll3llllliltslll ltll2 Wcll perhaps hc should know nothing about chcsqucs gcncrnl condition thcsc days But do know that thc prcmicr is basically ii shrcwd polIlIcizin that he has good many hothcnds to lppcnsc III his lartl Qucbccois and lliill so far his boorish behavior hasnt scnl nny shock wavcs through lhc Frcnch Innguugc lilttllil lcrhups chcsqucs handling of lhc flurrc visit will provc to bc lhc onsct of his dcclinc Perhaps it will bc it mnjor sclbuck to thc separatist Inoycmcnt lcrhups it will discourugc Frcnch intcrcst in Qucbccs fu turc Perhaps it will lililkt fcdcruhsls look full by comparison just dont know Ilul dcspitc cm thrrtIssmcnl ovcr Wllitl huppcncd suspcct thcrc is ccrtznn scgmcnt of lhc IIrli Quc bccois which is opcnly applauding lhc cvcnls And of coursc cant forch that lhcscpnrzr list movcmcnt in his various forms has managed to survivc cycry cmburriissmcnt from mudthrow mg to nIurdcr So apart from ckIIowlcdging somc Iilllitl slczy bchnvior pcrhnps it mIglIl bc host to wait month or two bclorc assuming lxVcsqtlts cuusc and crcdibilily huvc bcgun tocrumblc Wc do lcnd to forch things rnlhcr quickly In the midst of all his nnscucs lhc prcnncr did drop onc significant isidc am not an idiot hcsnid TAIWAN WITH ROMANIAN SILVERWARE The world today Juan Carlo lucky indeed By JOHN lIARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson Ncws Service The many monarchs who roam Londons swank shopping districts stay in that citys now exorbitant hotels hunt for rich gifts and beautiful women are no longer European but Arab and Middle Eastern Rather thc many exmonarchs of this world most of them from former European kingdoms had dinner of their own recently in the swank Savoy llotcl tsingle rooms now running at about $100 per day They included cxkings whose thrones disappearcd very long time ago like former Archdukc Otto of Austria 1918 and exKing Umberto of Italy 1946l Some ncwcomers like the Crown Prince of Ethiopia hose vast and once feudal kingdom is ruled by Marxist army officers joined the party spending lavishly and wondering no doubt it tho good old days will ever come again Yet to join the party is Irans Shah Reza Pahfavi who currently sits in Morocco on vacation rumbling to the world press about return to his deeplytroubled empire Not very likely now Archdukctnlo or rather Mr liabsburg is the grandson of Karl Hills1918i the last Emperor of AustriaHungary who saw one of Europes great family empires collapse around him ill the end of World War One Otto has rcnounccd all his titles and all claims of thc liabsburg family to the Austrian thronc to return to his familys homeland WAS KING IllIITIZR Umberto of Italy must bc wondering why they sent him packing after World War Two 33 years ago Italy has had morc than 35 governmch better than one yearl since he left Others with no hope at all include pretender to lhc Frcnch royal throne which hasnt had monarch on it since 1870 and that was the sclfvstylcd Napoleon III The French claimant belongs to the Bourbons who havent rufcd in France since the arly ninctccnth ccntury All of which brings mc to the point that Bourbon Iof lhc Spanish branch of the family and from ruling housc which has survived them all cxccpt lhc British rules well and comfortably in Spain He Is of coursc lhc handsomc shrewd and as we hlet found out also wisc Juan Carlos who was officially croncd in curly l976 as Spains first king sincc his grandfather fled the thronc in first Juan urlos was lucky bccausc granddad Alfonso XIII did not abdicalc but went to Rome whcrc lunn orlos was born And in bclwccn lhc long livcd Franco regimc functioncd constitutionally as monarchy ccrlnnlly sincc fill when thc ill powcrful icncrolissimo Francisco Franco declared Spain still to bc kingdom by the Law of Succcssion The dirch thr to lhc thronc was Don Juan de Bourbon lhc futhcr of Juan Carlos And during most of thc firms and llllitis hccxpected Franco to dcclnrc him heir to thc empty Spanish lhronc But Don qun ho lived in Esloril the lortugucsc hangout for European royalty in exile was too hbcrnl for Franco and in 1969 he proclaimcd his son hcir For thc rcst of thc Franco cra which would last to his dcnth in Norcmbcr 1975 Juan Carlos as lrincc of Spain appearcd to be cipher an nppoinlcc of thc aging Spanish Ieadcr who would bc swcpl away with his death EASY MllVlC Tl NIIW KING None of this cmnc to pass Spain turned painlessly Into if lCIiltXIllt and con stilutional monarchy with Juan Carlos in role not unlikc Elilabcth II of England Juan Carlos is El succcss story of monarchy in an age of rampant plcbclanism and it looks as though his czirccr might stay that way Interpreting the news US suffers series of foreign setbacks lty ATIIY McKlCIttlllClt WASHINGTth itll St Yalcntincs Day camc and went but lhc inilcd Slsitcs didnt gct much in thc way of low and kisses The day may go down as recording new low in American foreign policy From Iran Afghanistan and Mcxico serious problcms wcrc dumpcd in President Carters lap raising anger and frustrufimI in the White llousc Curler howevcr didnt sccm able to do much about thcm III Kabul Ambassador Adolph Dubs was kidnapped by gucrrillns and killcd during Sovietassisted rcscuc mission arrangcd contrary to CS wishcs In Tehran lhc l7 cmbzissy was invaded by armed guerrillas who hcfd lhc um bassador and 100 olhcr Amcricuns prisoner until lhc building was rccuplurcd by Ayatollah lthuullu Khomcinis Incn III Mcxico City urlcr got it scolding from Mexican ircsidcnl losc Lopcl iortifio about Amcricun crossbordcr rclnllons lorlillo could afford to bc forthright Mcxico has oil and the US IIccds it badly Carter had to swallow his pride and rcply quictly While the events were not Infcrrclafcd they formed part of it continuing scrics of foreign setbacks lhc prcsidcnl has suffcrcd in recent months on almost cvcry international front MISIHCADING SIGNS His one rcccnt accomplishmcnt was opening normal diplonuilic relations with China but against that gain was the question of whether somconc in thc Whitc House has been misreading lhc political signs in Iran Afghanistan and Mcxico Some critics lltht suggcslcd that major factor is the weakness of the Central In telligence Agency in providing skilful analysis of sensitivc areas abroad

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