vsr the oxamlnor Monday Feb 19 1979 01 Entertaining the troops Striking New Orleans patrolman Stanley Burkhardt juggles some oranges as two Louisiana National Guardsmen watch from the doorway of the lst District Headquarters Saturday Over llOO members of the National Guard and the state police have been called in after the police went out on strike Friday night AP Photo Union opposes treaty Nttllrilt itli telc the tentative agreement gram has been sent to federal reached Friday it anadiaii Fisheries Minister Romeo Le and tnitcd States negotiators Blane urging the goHrniiient to reject proposmt West toast tisbing treat the president of the liiitcd Fishermen and lied titktrs tnion said Sun la Jack Nicol said his union Home Auto Ute luslnoll sarjeant and several smaller tisher mens unions and vessel owners associations have signed the telegram opposing WCall 726441 SlmpsonsSears Ltd Reg and Wes rater to SimpsonsSears Ltd prices Store address 509 Baytield St Georgian Mall Barrie Stan houn Mon Tues Sat 930am to 5309 Wed Thurs Frl 930 am to 939 pm Sears has something extra star extra Extra special features extra quality and extra value Look for them plus the everday good values that youll find in all Sears catalogues PQ asks Supreme Court for Quebec as French as Ontario is English OTTAWA CP The Quebec goveinments cam paign to make the province as French as Ontario is English moves into new arena today the Supreme Court of Canada The countrys highest court will be asked to hear an appeal against judgments from Quebec courts declaring uncon stitutional portions of the prov inces language legislation the barter of the French tan guage The Supreme ourt is ex peeled to grant Quebec leave to appeal but may not hear the case for several months Quebec felt forced to ap proach theSupreme ourt an institution the larti Quebecois views with suspicion after the Quebec ourt of Appeals ruled last November the Quebec national assembly exceeded its powers by making French the only Official language of provincial courts and the legislature The ruling upheld an earlier one by the more Junior Quebec Superior ouit lhcsc rulings were based on Section Hit of the British North America Act anadas con stitutioii which gives English and lrencb equal status in Que becs judicial and legislative proceedings The Quebec gov eriinicnt argued the ceiituryeld act gave the proVince powers to pass laws siipcrseding Section lltll Mtillllllt other pioVIsions ot the language law limiting en roliiieiii of students in English llltlllS and restricting the use at lIiiglish til the business world ire being challenged the language law popularly knouil as liill lot is the flag slit of the larli Quebecois dine in see Quebec become COLEllA DENT RE THERAPY CLINIC Complete Denture Services 7264721 149A DUNlOP ST BARRIE MEMBER DENTURIST SOCIETY Charge It Enioy it now Use your All Papoo Account politically independent French speakin state The aw runs counter to Prime Minister Trudeaus view of Canada as bilingual fcdcrr alist country Trudeau refused to initiate constitutional chal lenges against the law or to in voke the federal power of dis allowance but is providing fi nancial assistance to some groups opposing the legislation Action against the laws pro visions concerning limits on the use of English in the courts and national assembly was sparked by three Montrealarca lawyers leter Blaikie Roland lur rand and ioine loldstein At tached to the case is similar one initiated by another Mon tieal lawyer lleiiiiWillrid Laurier grandnephew of Sir Wilfrid Laurier ainille liaurin Quebecs cultural development minister and architect of the legislation suggested last November the Suminc Tourt traditionally rues against Quebec but chptioiis are always possible IVEYEAR GUARANTEED 05870 INTEREST PAID ANNUALLY Trust Company Certiï¬cates yerwrmmww TORONTO Clt IoWs are more sensitive than most people think and even avtape recording of hungry calf bawling will make cows give more milk says an animal scientist at the University of Guelph Prof Frank Hurnik said in an interview Sunday that cows mus ical give give slightly more milk and give it faster when record ings are being played in pilot study he said calves were deprived of food for hours to make them hungry before recording their sounds All RSPS are not alike RSP RATES HIGH AT CANADA TRUST Canada Trust Retirement Sawmgs Plan certificate guarantees you high rate of ltlllltl in itlllY from one to ten years For emrriple earn 892 on money thlSilt3tl for years $1000depo3ited mm wiil griti Haltx $1613 in years That an increase of 6t 7r or it you already have an RSP consider Canada trust In mm cases ENtifiittlig eat Car or name ill tor details RSP aremt mgl lrl lui Canada Trust I1 BRIE Utilitth at Memorial Samw 7264848 ripen Fit ill 30 Sat 10 t0 2i