ma 79minsï¬s ARCHER COL WILL ualified Recognized Authority AUCTIONEERAPPRAISER FARM SALES FURNITURE ESTATES ANTIQUES REAL ESTATE semis SUCCESSFUme 195 BEEP IIERD DISPERSAL If MVALESALBSTAILB It OneIslesteflhvï¬eellhbeey THURSDAY EVENING 22H It 1130 Selling calves pigs and cattle Featuring complete beef herd approximately 60 head Mixed breed cows with calves at side some heavy in calf also yearling steers and heifers Herd blood tested and pregnancy checked Also load of Holstein steers approximately 700800 lbs Cattle will sell at approximately 900 pm ARCHER COLWILL AUCTIONEER F19 80 peblc notices 80 peblc eetioes $2514 tgétzt Ila69 PUBLIC NOTICE 1979 Licenses are now due and should be procured at the City Clerks Office City Hall 84 Collier Street for the following Auctioneers $5000 Barber Shops and Hairdressing Establishments per chair $200 per dryer 200 Billiards Pool and Bagatelle Tables first table 5500 eoch additional table 1500 Bowling Alleys each alley 10 Butchers each shop 1500 Car Washes each self service bay LN mechonical automatic 25W Cigars Cigarettes and tobacco each shop 1500 Clrcuses and other shows per diem 10000 Business promotion shows without games of chance flrst week 40 eoch subsequent week 20 Dogs Male dog spayed female If licensed before March 1st after March 1st Female dog if licensed before March 1st 8m after March 1st 1000 Drain Layer Contractors 2500 Drain Layers 500 Driving School Operators 35 Driving School instructors 10 Dry Cleaners each location 10 Electrical Contractors 254 Mater Electricians 500 Fuel Dealers Coal coke wood oil etc 100 Gauge public and automobile service stations 10 Hawkers and Pedlars each person 10000 Lalmdries each location 1000 Lamdromots each location per washing machine 200 Mobile Home Parks approvals for park 1000 Newspaper boxes each box 24 Pawnbrokers each shop 6000 Photographers non resident 10000 Plunbing Contractors 25 Master Plumbers 1W Journeyman Plumbers 21 Public Address Systems each shop or vehicle 10 Public Halls fee depends on size of hall Restaurants lunch counters and victualling houses up to ten seat capacity 500 rnore than ten up to twentyfour 1000 more than twentyfour seat capacity 2500 takeout 2500 Roller Skating Rinks each rink 50 Shooting Galleries each gallery 10000 Theatres each seat 20 DriveIn Theatre each car space 25 Used Car Lots each location 2500 Vehicles from which refreshments are sold first vehicle 10000 eoch additional vehicle 2500 Since penalties and lines can now be imposed In accordance with existing Bylaws you should endeavour to obtain your license before March 1979 at the City Clerks Office STRAUGHAN AMCT CMC City Clerk Bax 4W Barrie Ontario J22F519 33 me CORPORATION or THE CITY or 1mm NOTICE 109150 IN THE MATTER OF Bylaw Number 7917 of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to close Parts of Highway transferred to the City of Barrie by OrderinCouncil dated the 30th of December 1959 illustrated on Department of Highways Plan P204793 and variously called Service Road and Part to the West thereof between the Service Road and the Kings Highway Number 400 lying to the South of Wellington Street West TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Barrie will after the publication of this Notice at least once week for four successive weeks in The Barrie Examiner at its regular meeting to be held at the Council Chambers at the City Hall Barrie Ontario at the hour of seven oclock in the afternoon on the 12th day of March 1979 consider and if deemed expedient pass Bylow Number 7917 to close and step up and sell and convey Parts of Highway transferred to the City of Barrie by OrderlnCouncl dated the30th of December 1959 illustrated on Depgrtment of Highways Plan P284793 and varioust called Service Road and part to the West thereof between the Service Road and the Kings Highway Number 400 lying to the South of Wellington Street West and more particularly designated as Parts and on Reference Plan Number SIR8411 AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person who claims that his land will be prejudically affected by the said byIaw and who ap plies to be heard shall be heard by the Council of The Corporation of the City of Barrie either in person or by his Counsel Solicitor or Agent THIS NOTICE was first published on the 12th day of February 1979 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BARRIE by its solicitors BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE 13 Owen Street Barrie Ontario ANY PERSON interested may see Plan of that part of the road proposed to be closed in the office of the City Clerk City Hall 04 Collier Street Barrie Ontario during regular office hours MM5 Illpubic notices MW NOTICE Deadline for ciasstfied my word ads NOTICE TO ALL DOG OWNERS The final discount date for the purchase of dog licenses in the City of Barrie is February 28 1979 To take advantage of the discount you may forward your money by mail or call at the Treasurers Office In the City day previous noon Saturday BOX REPLIES Hdl The discounted rates until February 28 1979 are $600 for mde or spayed female and $800 for female After February 28 1979 the rate will increase 3200 Straughon AMCT CMC City Clerk J22F519 While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers of the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage oiledged to arise through either failure or delay In forwarding such replies however other wise TF SPECIAL NOTICES CigH RATES Deaf otices Engagements Cards of Thanks $550 minimum 40 words additional words 10 cents per word lirths $550 hMemoriam no verse $550 Verse per count line extra 22 cents Coming Events $322 per column inch 01 de Vries February 3rd 1979 To Mr and Mrs Peter de Vrles 1129 Blake 5t daughter Erica Dorlne Louisa sister for Richard Granddaughter for Mr and Mrs Ronald Melson Port Sydney and Mr and Mrs Peter de Vrles 5r of Bar rle Great granddaugth for Mr and Mrs Lawrence Maison Port Sydney and Mrs Thelma Kllgour of Barrie ROBERTS Gordon and Jennifer nee Lennox wish to announce the birth of their first born Joshua John on February 14 1977 at Toronto General weighing lbs 5V 02 Proud grandparents are John and Roberta Roberts and Mrs Clara Lennax Mondays Child is fair of face Tuesdays Child is full of grace Wednesdays Child is full of woe Thursdays Child has lar to go Fridays Child is loving and giving Saturdays Child works hard for its living And child that is born on the Sab bath Day is fair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other lm ortant information for your childs fu ure An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name of your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become permanent record In Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for an Examiner Birth Notice lsonly $550 PHONE 720 2414 ISdeetbs SIMPSON JOSEPH Suddenly at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Friday February 16th 1979 Joseph Simpson in his 88th year Beloved hus band of the late Sadie Washburn dear father of George of Churchill Ross of Barrie and Peggy Mrs Carl Wood of Cambridge Nova Scotia Loving grand father of 10 grandchildren Also survived by brother Wallace and sister Phalr Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsiey street Barrie aler pm Sunday Complete service in the chapel on Monday February 19 at 130 pm interment Park Lawn Ceme ery Toronto Memorial donations to your favorite charity would be appreciated GALLIPEAU John Jack Suddenly on Thursday February 15 1979 John Jack Galllpeau in his 43rd year Sur vived by his parents and family Private funeral service was held at steckley Funeral Home Barrie on Saturday February 17 interment at Barrie Union Ce DUNN Lillian May At the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Friday February 16 1979 Lillian May Bellamy Beloved wife of William Dunn in her rd year Dear mother of Elsie McLean and Doris Dunn of Barrie Joyce Mrs Mulhern of Codrington Ont Ruth Mrs Vernon Ellison of London Ronald Dunn of Toronto Sister of Ruby Mrs Burrall of Oil Springs and Cecil Bellamy predeceased Survived also by nine grandchildren Private funeral service was held at Steckley Funeral Home Barrie on Sunday February in interment later at St James Cemetert ilia MlLLS Hugh Corporal Ontario Pro vlnclal Police Al the General Hospital Sault Ste Marie on Monday February 19 1979 Corporal Hugh Mills beloved husband of Mrs Catharine Miiisof 488 Lake Street Sault Ste Marie dear lather of Debra Linda Douglas and Julie Mills all of Sault Ste Marie Son of the late Thomas and Ethel Mills of St Thomas brother of Frank and Charles Mills both of St Thomas Robert of England and Mrs Pat Chip man of Winnipeg Resting at Barton and Kiteley Funeral Home Sault Ste Marie from pm Tuesday February 20th Resting at the willowgrove United Church from 17 noon Wednesday February 2151 until time of funeral ser vice at 130 Rev Dan White officiating interment Greenwood Cemetery Sault Ste Marie Corporal Mills was member of Branch 25 Royal Canadian Legion Sault Ste Marie Doric Masonic Lodge and Minnnewawa Chapter Parkhill Ontario Donations may be made to Willowgrove United Church building fund ROCKEY William Edward At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Saturday February t7 1979 Bill Rockey in his 59th year beloved husband of Gwyneth Rockey of Barrie loving father of Carolyn Mrs Foss of Orillia and Dennis of Gravenhurst Dear grandfather of Cathy and David dear brother of Jean Powell of Barrie May Dewar of New Brunswick Gwyneth Gallant and Florence McLeod both oi Nova Scotia Rees of Barrie and Fred of Nova Scotia and predeceased by George Resting at the Jennetl Funeral Home 157 Bradford Street Barrie Visitation from Monday at Ser vice and committal complete in the chapel on Tuesday February 70 at pm interment Barrie Union Cemetery uodeftbks ONEILL We wish to express sincere thanks to relatives friends and neighbors for their contributions cards and floral donations during our recent bereave mhe loss of loving husband and dear father Darcy ONeill Thanks to Dr Dick Dr Thompson and the nurses onoC lCU and to the Steckley Funeral Home Special thanks to Father OBrien for his comforting words Mary and Family 87hIeerleus CUMMINGS in loving memory of dear daughter and sister Geraldine who passed away February 19th 1977 Though you didnt have time to say goodbye Your love and memories will live forever Lovingiy remembered and sadly missed by Mother Dad sisters and brothers CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 72112414 Oasellied advertisements and notices for thoe pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the exception of Ouslfied Display advertisements which MbehbySpmtwadayspriarta publcation TH NOTICE 0550 ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTKES 40 words $550 Additional words IOcts per word CARD OF THANKS 40 words 8550 Addi tianoiwordsiOctsperword WlAM NOTICES No verse $550 thhverse per count line 22 cents per line COMNG EVENTS $322 per column Inch 24 WORD MINIMUM WED ADVERTISNG Cash Discount Rates apply If paid within days One or two insertions per word hsertion Three ooreecutlve Insertions cents per word in sertion total 40 Six consecutive inser tlorl Ilrc pot word per insertion total $1224 Multiple Insertions may be ordered subject to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer U24 words count as 24 words Eoch Initial eviction set of numbers etc count as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECT 0N5 All phone Insertion orders are accepted as oomenlence to the advertisers Therefore he Classified Advertising Department re mlres ad advertisers to kindly recheck their advertisement immediately after first Inser tion in order that any error or omission may be reported before am In order that some may be rectified for the following day pqucatIon The Examiner Is responslsle for only one incorrectly printed insertion of any dyertlsement and then only to the extent of portion of ad that involves the misprint Er rbrswhichdonotlessenthevalueolthe doertieement are not eligible for correc Iorl by make goods The Examiner reserves Useer to classify revise or reject any want do HOONE 744 uoenhgeteets BINGO St John Vianney Hall EVERY TUESDAY $200 Jackpot MTF Jumper warms up to victory STE ANNE DE BEAUPRE Que CP Belowzero temperatures and gusting winds produced frigid condi tions for the threeday world junior Nordic ski champion ships but Horst Bulau of Ot tawa warmed things up con siderably in the final event Sun day the special jump Bulau liryearold who has been practising the sport for eight years turned in surpris ing victory on the newlybuilt 70metre jump at nearby Mont Ste Anne soaring 875 and 83 metres for total of 2404 points from thejudges It was enough for razorthin margin of threetenths of point over East Germanys Ulrich Pachera who had jumps 01 865 and 815 metres Bulau who became the first Canadian to win an interna tional championshi in jump ing received big in his efforts to earn beth at the Winter Olympics at Lake Placid NY next year He was not highly regarded going into the event despite an lometre effort in practice last week OFF THE MARK Other Canadians competing in the jump included Ronny Richards of Oshawa 0nt who was 30th with 1641 points and Steven Collins of Thunder Bay Ont 38th with 1524 points Earlier Sunday the Soviet Union squad of Sergei Nichkov Aleksandr Tchalko and Aleksandr Koutoukine won the mens 3x10kilometre relay in one hour 28 minutes 3310 seconds and East Germany captured the womens 3x5 kilometre event Curling bouquet evasive NORANDA Que CP Jake Block of Abbotsford BC was saying Sunday that he had been the bridesmaid in West Coast curling many times but never the bride After Sundays fourth round in the Canadian senior mens curling championships it looks as though he might just have caught the bouquet After Sundays two wins he was alone in first place with four wins and n0 losses in the roundrobin tournament Going into the round he was tied with Art Knutson the defending champion from Elbow Sask and Laurie Men zies of Fredericton In the third round he polish ed off Maurice Sears of St Lambert Que 107 and in the fourth came through with 10 victory over the Halifax rink skipped by John Pertus Knutsun beat Dr Lloyd fox of Charlottwtown 114 in the third but was upset 125 by Sears in the fourth Menzies took Gordon Peter son of Kenora from Northern Ontario 115 in the third and in the fourth was shaded 109 by Ontarios Bill Lewis of Kingston on an extra end FOUR SHARE SECOND Saskatchewan New Brunswick Alberta and tario were tied for second place with 31 records while Nor thern Ontario Quebec and Manitoba were 22 At 13 were Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland while the Ter ritories and Nova Scotla were 04 In other fourthround games Ralph Atwlll of St Johns got his first win 09 for New foundland over on Peterson handed Archie Bevington of Fort Smith in the Territories his fourth loss 84 and Cliff Forry of Lethbridge Alta won 741 over Eldon McLeans Brandon Man rink In other thirdround games Lewis beat Pertus 72 Forry topped Bevington 115 and McLean got by Atwlll 745 Block said after his four thround win that both he and his teammates had little broom trouble and they were lucky to be undefeated We arent doing that good but well do better he said You never walk out on that sheet of ice thinking its going to be easy Knutson said after his defeat to the Quebec rink that there was no way his rink could curl as badly as it did and expect to win They curled well but we curled very badly he said And Sears agreed with him They had bad game and we were lucky we had good one They missed few key shots First Bay race attracts 327 as the examiner Monday Feb to 1m Icicles froslchill runners lcicles hanging from their ears and faces white with frost 327 runners from across 0n iario finished the first annual around the Bay road race Saturday Subzero temperatures hampered the runners who braved the cold for the full race lasting about 35 minutes Dave Yaeger of Guelph was least hampered and finished first among the top contenders Ted McKeigan of Toronto finished second followed by Murray Hale of Sundridge The best Barrie entry in the open race was Bob Maludzinski of the Huronia Striders track club and Human Energy North Malduzinski finished the com plete course in time of 3449 Wally Grasmeyer finished se cond to Maludzinski followed by Ron Miles both of Human Energy North Race organizer Maludzinski said there were as many as 450 entries for the event but the cold kept the number of starters down to about 350 Three races were run for the various age groups eligible in cluding Mites Tykes atoms bantams midgets juniors novices and masters Marie Maludzinski of Barrie won the novice adult womens class in time of 2501 over the km course In the mens division Peter Gysbers of Team Hydro won in time of 1838 Doug Garland of Collingwood won the outof town division in 1841 scoreboard hockey N111 Wales Conference Norris Division WI FAP 39 11 236136 116 24 25 ii 204 203 56 23 24 11 195 I99 54 111 30 194 242 45 12 3014177 214 311 Division 321510 2211179 74 21121 11 180179 57 23 2211 1111 176 57 22 20 11 11113 Ilili 12 onferrnrr Division 215 1010 2411141 iii 31 19 234 195 ill 31 22 232 1911 07 2519121112174 62 Division 212510171 190 52 18 311 if 1611 22044 111117 2171251314 12117 1115K 241 I12 Sunday Results Atlanta St Louis hlcagn Colorado Delmll Illsturgh Philadelphia Minnesota Montreal Buffalo Washington NY ltungirs ti Saturday Results NY Rangrrs lhllliililphlfi NY Islanders Vancouver Ii Allilfllil ulnruilu Montreal Washington Pittsburgh Buffalo Toronto 105 Angolrs hiragn Si Laws 11min Minnesota 1i Tonights inmrs Toronto ill Dcirmi NY Islanders ill National llnckiy mg leaders games Montreal 105 ngelos Pittsburgh Washington Detroit Adams Boston Buffalo Toronto Minnesota ampbell Patrick Islanders Rangirs Atlanta Phila Smylhr hicugn Vancouver St Louns oloradu 103 Angola Longin sour ullor weekend Lallrur M11 42 51 iii Troiticr NYI 111 51 89 Dionne LA 42 46 till MatMllliln All 2H 57 is Bossy NYI 46 37 ilii Irlerku 511 24 54 711 houinnrd All 32 43 7f illlius NYI 21 47 71 Taylor LA 12 l4 6r lnivm NYl 21 43 iii If 27111 217111061 30 21 2014 167 til 26 24 214 210511 26 22 1119 175 fill 211 27 195 202 51 21211 411111 2111413 111 New IJng Edmonton Winnipeg QUubtt mcx Birming Indiiinap xdisbnnded Sunday litsuits Quebec lnrlnnnli Edmonton Birmingham NH England Winnipeg Salurda ltrsulh incmnnll ii Winnipeg 711 140 12 New England Quebec Tursdny taints Winnipeg at inrinnuli New England at Edmonton Quebec at Birmingham World Hockey Association scoring loaders after weekend games Plank ln 110 511 Ill Mnrk llnwt NE 34 5f 84 Cloutior Our 47 11 111 Nilsson Wm 26 54 lift Lacroix NE 27 42 as 1ukuw1ch Wm 44 21 iii Tardil Que 12 13 if irotzky Mm 12 iii litrnivr Que 2f 15 61 Sullivan ng 31 2r Iiuskowski ng 111 Mi AMERICAN Northern Division W1Ti 31 Ill El 231 170 29 Ill 215 111 27 211 222 214 25 25 194i lliti Diilslon 515 11 2210 1114 24 211 215 222 21 ii 206 211 III III 201 24ft 15 113 135 2117 Sunday Iiisuits Nova Scnlm ii Binghnmlnn New llnvin 11 Rochester Springlivlil lhilzidvlphm Millnf Ii Nlv Brunswick Maine New Bruns Nova Scnlia Springlltl Southern New Haven Bingham Hershey liochrstir lllllil Saturday Results New Haven Iiinghumtun Horslny 11 Philadelphia Rochvslur Sprmgfwlll Tonights lami Ilenluy lit Maine tllllll klnims 1Jttli Illusion Illi2l Tfi 314 22 Tu 27 I11 Kitchener 25 lnrnnln 2i II 11 Ilrnntfurtl lilt1 ltlirlmrn lslmwn 14 Sudtlur 2n til Iiiiiwn III II 174 15110 ngslnn 11 11 117 17 SS lniu it 3m 111 Sunday IIINUIIK Kingston Snull Sir Toronto Sillllnir it Niagarn F111 It Klillllliir Ottawa shzmii lirzmlinril Wimlmi Salurdn litsuit Irlorllnrnugh 5111111111 Tutsills 11mm illzmn Il xliuwn Kinguun 11 Magnum lillttlitll il luruiiln Nililliun 11 811111 Mr Niall Hills Londun Windsor 29 314 111 ILT 2an till 511m Full 111 basketball SUNDAY NBA 110 Philadelphia 1117 Detroit 124 San Antonio 104 Denver 115 New Orleans 112 San Diego 116 Atlanta 101 Kansas City 130 Chicago 107 New Jersey 126 Houston 124 105 Angolos 122 Indiana 111 Portland 111 Boston 104 Washington 105 Seattle 94 SATURDAY NRA ltvtlund 127 New York 117 Phoenix 136 New Orleans 112 intercollegiate Bishops 90 Laval 67 sirloimi 112 Toronto 55 Laurenlian 100 Ryerson 511 Windsor 79 Brock Western 77 Laurivr 51 Mzmilnbn 1111 Regina 56 Alborlu in Saskatchewan 67 Lakohoad 77 Winnipeg 75 90 lxthbrldgc 74 algnry 1111 Victoria 711 NORANDA Que Standing in the Canadian senior mens curling championship iillir Sundays fourth round Milwaukee British nlumbia Saskatchewan New Hmnswick Alberta Ontario Northern Ontario Quebec Manitoba Princi Edward Newfoundland Territories Nova Scnlin NURANDA Que lCll Ce nmluin Stnlttt mens curling championship results Sunday Third Round 200 102 000 011030213 11 001 003 021 020 230 300 10 120110011 000 001 100 Island =¢urwuuua£ aouuNcf Iniuriu Brunswick Quubit 11 nlzirin Nova Srulm Allnriu Trrrilnrnw Nllfl Munitnbn Susk 120113 202 101 000 010 1211021 001 till 000 2211 110100le 10102304 Fourth iinund 31211201 002 10 101 030 1101 00 202 04011 10 1110110102 00 022 020 213 12 300 002 000 200 200 1311 0112011 102 It 101 1110302 11 1111011010 1i Naval Slnlizi nltlrln Brunswick Qlflltll Sask 12 Nllil nlzirm llTrIlfHllN inilulm Millr121 112 100 101 1200301110 Jackson wins best overall at Barrie fourwheelers run Brian Jackson really gets aroundin four wth drive vehicle that is Jackson won the bestoverall award Sunday for his driving in the Barrie Winter Carnival four wheel drive competitions spon sored by the Base Bordon Pour Wheelers The Barrio native won Satur days short stock four cylinder Class drag race and followed it up Sunday with win in the lrecstylouvonl Nineteen vehicles competed in what organizers believe to be the first fourwheel drive com pct itlon ever held on ice In the short stock six cylinder class drag race Debbie Mohan captured the prize Gary lino won the short stuck eight cylinder class race In the mixliflod class Dwight look of Toronto was fastest John Nelson won an hon orable mention for his pur formanco in the long stock eight cylinder class as did Harv Rumsey in the short stock six cylinder class Sunday Dan Hart of Barrio drove to win in the short stock six cylinder class freestyle Gary Cline won the short stock eight cylinder class In the long stock classes All RSPS are not alike RSP OPTIONS Bruce Rainbridge of Zepchr was 110 quickest six cylinder driver Kovln Tonge of Barrio won the eight cylinder Class Service Call 14 AT CANADA TRUST Canada Trust Retirement Savings Plans offer you the widest range of investment Options Put your money into one or combination of the following certificates with high guaranteed rate Of return on terms up to ten years savings stocks bonds mortgages The right RSP should do more than just save you bundle on taxes Its plan or your future All RSPS are not alike Canada Trust l1 IARRIE Duniop at Memorial Square 7261848 open Fn til 730 Sat 10 to In the midget category Bar ries Margaret Mulder finished second overall just five seconds behind May Aliazadeh of Thor nhill who won in time of 21 03 Other local winners were Susan Cockburn of Orillia in the tyke girls three km race in 1404 Alex Best of Collingwood intheatomboys1226 Bev Renwiék of Barrie won the Barrie open 10 km division in 5414 Patricia Cooper was second followed by Branda Young Steve Nyitray won the Barrie Masters class in 4105 Raf Yenko was second followed by Willard Kinzie Bruce Smith and George Taylor The oldest finishers in the race was Bill Sheridan 63 of the Hamilton Athletic Club Sheridan finished his class third in time of 4427 followed closely by Marven Hebner of Midland Creemore midgefs suffer elimination Creemore ostervale Farms Midgets were eliminated from further Ontario Minor Hockey wssociation playoff competi tion recently in 64 loss to Meaford in the third game of their bestofthree series at Creemore arena Creemore won the second game of the series 43 in over time after dropping the first game in Meaford Scoring for Creemore in the third game were Allan Wylie with two goals and Peter Len nox and Philip McKee with one apiece Meaford will now face Elmvale in the next round of the allOntario playoffs In other recent Creemore minor Hockey Association ac tion Port Carling took one game lead in bestbfthree series against Stan Nixon Motors and Creemore Collision Juveniles with 74 victory Creemore Lions Atoms won the first game of their series against Wasaga Beach 62 and Creemore Star Peewees beat Brampton 31 in tournament ac tion in Slayer Bill Scott with two Mike Kingham and Greg McKee were the Creemore Juveniles marksmen in their loss at Creemore arena Mike Coe scored two goals to lead the Creemore Atoms to Henry Black Also in Barrie represent ou tO the District Taxation Office Should your income tax return be questioned we will not only take responsibility for how it was prepared we will represent you to the District Taxation Office at no extra cost At HR Block we are income tax specialists Han BLOCK® THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE 55 DUNLOP ST OPEN 900 am900 pm weekdays 900500 Sat Phone 7263822 OPEN TONIGHT Sears Georgian Mall the Furniture Dept Durhg Regular store hours OPEN SATURDAYN0 APPOINTMENT NECESSARY their win and single goals were provided by Greg Whitley Bryan Tri tt Bryan Henderson and Darren Gibson The game was the first in the bestoffive allOntario quarter final series Brent Millsap with two and Dwayne Gibson were the Creemore goalgetters in Star Peewees win over Brampton in the recent Stayner hockey tour nament The Star squad was eliminated in secondround play with 62 loss to Newmarket EXAMINER WANT ADS 7282414 PUT OUR WANT ADS TO WORK FOR YOU 7232414 HR Bloc will all year round and ELECTROHOME Service Electrohome thats us Well repair your TV whether its color or black and white no matter what major brand it is Fix your stereos too ur train technicians really know their stuff Best of all theres just one number to remember Walnut ermllon you SERVICE ELECTROHOM Telephone 705 7265982 49 Morrow Road Unit Barrio Ont L411 3V7