the exemlner Mosuly Feb to 1m 11 7282414 DEADLINES BUSINESS HOURS The Examiner Offices are open from 830 am to pm WORD ADS pm the previous day or noon Saturday for Monday SEMIDISPLAY 48 hours prior to publication CANCELLATIONS Acceted until am Cf rr iri C3 mn MMWNMS 510 26 births 81 cottages to rent 27 farm machinery 64 houses to rent 17 lost found 70 opportunity for menwomen 74 property for $0 TOM 03 IMMONIO 39 ï¬pbt 82 boats motors 41 cottages for sale 28 farm machinery wanted 65 houses wanted to rent 19 lots for sale 04 Palture for sale 61 FOPWY WBMM 05 W91 33 PL to ï¬t 16 business opportunities 07 cottages wanted 29 feed seed grain 60 im mentorlam 87 market basket 66 posture to rent 62 W°P°W wanld 02 GMT 45 OPtI wmtod to fit 18 camping equipment 56 deaths 85 financial 11 instructions 69 marrich WSW wamed 63 Wtic Mic 8° mm mm mld 19 5° 40 card of thanks 86 dogs pets 44 florists 89 insurance 10 mobile homes trailers 14 personals 68 resorts so swaps articles to rent 43 cars for sale 32 employment wanted 76 fruits vegetables 67 landscaping 53 money to loan 13 photography 49 room and board 21 teachers wanted 73 articles wanted 42 cars wanted 33 engagements 83 garages 25 leasing 39 mortgages 12 plants and bulbs 52 100 to Ml WCttO 80 79 coming events 88 exchange 48 garden supplies 50 legal 77 motorcycles 37 poultry and chicks 59 f0¢m$ W001 22 Mid 0001 75 auto accessories 36 commercial sale or rent 09 forms for rent 06 help wanted 7i livestock for sale 57 nursing homes 15 professional directory 90 sales help Gagents 72 trees and shrubs 51 rate service and repairs construction machinery 55 forms for sale home improvements 47 livestock wanted 58 office stores for rent 23 property for sale 01 service and repairs 54 trucks and trailers 34 91 property for sde ONTARIO or ï¬m lllllllllllllllllllllllll LEPAGE lllllllllllllllllillllll ALTO EVERYTHING YOU NEED451900 gem and priced for quick sale Call Murray Perry at 7370011 or 7372893 one 10CollierSt 22 offices Bertie to serve you 4401 The name fnends recommend to friends 355 Bayfield St Barrie 2893 01 property for sele 01 property for sele Royal Trust 357 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 728 8800 TOR LINE 8814174 SUPERB COUNTRY SIZE LOT FAMILY DELIGHT Select 0114 property for sde not it REAL ESTATE LTD MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS HEAD OFFICE 98 BAYFIELD ST 7284067 ALLANDALE OFFICE 35 ESSA RD BARRIE 7372880 TORONTO 4168899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL pm SIOLLAR COIISTIIICIIOII LTD Peter Bracalente 7263916 Simon Beekhuizen 7373795 MOE Fred Reynolds 7285333 Doug Baker 7283274 REAL ESTATE LTD 12lortgeges KINZIE FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED FIRST SECOND MORTGAGES Existhg mortgages purdiesed Call Mortgage Manager Ian Keri for valuable Odvle 107 DunIOp St East Low rates Old or new home and Co Telephone 424 0215 any time FULLY OPEN Mortgages year term on NHA conventional or high ratio in sured mortgage loans Phone Canadian imperial Bank of Commerce ask for Verna Wilson 728 2459 MORTGAGE MONIES available first and seconds We also have private funds available at lower rates for prime pro perties Call Jerry Rose at Allandale 737 4277 14mobile homes 16epts tereltt 1V2 BEDROOM APARTMENT on John Street Fridge stove utilities and park lng included $225 monthly Telephone 726 2910 ONE AND Two BEDROOMS $165 t5 $195 monthly Totally repainted white Call Patrick 7282785 LARGE THREE bedroom suite on 12th floor of The Bayclub with excellent view of the lake two bathrooms log burning fireplace air conditioning and all recreational facilities of luxury building Offered for rent by private owner For information call 737 2000 Two BEDROOM partment bright friendly by park bus and school at pliances parking laundry facilities $261 7373416 BACHELOR APARTMENT central Adults only Suit older person Rent in cludes stove refrigerator above ground area Outside parking Telephone Lockyer 728 7533 TWO BEDROOM apartment available April Clean broadloom throughout $245 monthly heat water parking in cluded Telephone 7263833 after pm BACHELOR AND one bedroom apart ments From $150 monthly plus hydro Stove fridge parking central location No pets Call Peter Bracalente or Chuck Lambert 728 4067 TWO BEDROOM Fridge stove laun dry facilities Heated Parking Payown hydro First and last months rent One child welcome Available March lst $239 monthly Allandale area 728 3612 17housterset BEDROOM HOUSE few minutes from Barrie Available immediately gating9257 TOWNHOUSE FOR RENT three bedrooms 11 baths four appliances some broadloom No pets References required Telephone 72174356 FOUR BEizTROTOMTlTouse for rent Available August Eastvlew area $325 monthly 7263607 EAST END TOWNHOUSE three bedrooms stove and fridge immediate possession $295 monthly Enid Day Rep AE Le Page 73700 THREE BEDROOM house to rent In Barrie carpeted throughout includes fridge and stove $300 monthly utilities extra Telephone 4240033 THREE BEDROOM house in Angus Available March 15th $225 monthly Dayy own utilities Telephone 4245476 after Four bedrooms double garage double paved lane close to Escmu mumu Bus 7371331 $3335cr25°3c DeniHELL schools walkout from dining area first mortgage less than um um ResToil Free 4872990 23 16$ WW 3230333$gfiégéfym3lgg 10 Vendor will take back 2nd mortgage from qualified WILLOW mer M19110 grggdfggggaflflracggggï¬gfllsggg Anne street south Barrie Telephone purchaser Call Murray Perry of 7370011 or 7372893 QUAUTY HOMEQUAFITY fREATssq moms lm tral Barrie close to transportation $200 73619 WE East End bedroom brick lsbranot Built bungalow Plus car gm mun FINANCIAL monthly includes parking and utilities 5ng voupeggoo cgtryougeglong mittPEfgï¬ggiojEï¬stNigsiziyhas single garage rec peting and draperies throughout 20x35 Deck overlooks heated Rm GOAL HOME SERVICES 31miliegéiiigggégégiiiï¬ï¬c athnlihgngllilesprirrghs bios utilities lnground pool and well landscaped yard Located on quiet JohnStrulk 7263555 Larry pwd 7233253 mum Two BEDROOM ApARTMENT lzgggzgaltgrjflpgwgghflw rmtexcellem access 1° SCh°°l5 °d ShDPP9t 5h°ws MW street Close to schools Call Murray Perry at 7370011 or 7137 BlllHockley 4364545 Jlm Hanls 7267173 available immediately Gunn Street 20rooms to leg CLEAN COMFORTABLE room F19 PWAbW 7293397 Norman McMillan 7268957 80 ONE ANOTWObTeJnIomatMidTiursi avallpbie for one or tyvg Fuil nurse 0653 Two bedroom close downtown Barrie Drtv £965 In warm 50cm mosp Tom calms 728 Pm GUbeh 72812435 Memge onbus routeFirstand last months rent Fireplace appliancest parking TV Chuck Lambert 7288001 Bill Evans no toll322l575 k°°A °9°9° 99etsAltertr7266125 Lgxggiga°9arpces VW°V° Jim Can illa 7371597 633 95 55000110 ONE BEDROOM Two BEDROOM 728 9745 cu 728 MWFTF both include heat hydro broadloom FURNISHED ROOMS downtown TY BWWOI John Colwell 7267726 balconys Close to all conveniences Lgrge clganktlsrlght ammsCentlzal Teie hone737 2488 en or no ami on ea Rt CH OLKAN CO Ll ITE Harry Maglll 726 356 DonAllcn 4372412 MORTGAGE Mamas AVAILABLE 73471000 ROOM FOR RENT downtown area share kitchen and bath Telephone 737 4757 for further information ROOM FOR RENT on bus route Share kitchen and living room Parking Woman preferred Phone 73174886 LOVELY CLEAN home large bright furnished bedroom with sink Rooms cleaned linen changed weekly Kitchen facilities Free parking central Gentleman 728 0598 cENTRALLOcATiON clean rooms kitchen privileges free parking Work neighborhood minutes to Barrie bedroom side split In Wt ANGUS 4246358 and aners AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY TWO 1099111919mifyï¬iflflfiï¬ 12TH or VESPRA 1600 sq ft rancheron 886 acres with 40fruit sunny kitchen recreation room double garage 55000 gagigiines 13333 szooheaniontiiivd gNitLaanï¬chZLIrthSEuaabmor13032 trees and frontage of 810 ft with 40 fruit trees and frontage of Clown Royal Trust will mortgage at best current rate ussu cauc Teeimne 77 WINS georlfleman Telephone 7281398 between 310 ft with possibility of severances Two fireplaces full 551500 Immediate possession Anne Maronic 7288800 mgzlggROOMAPARTMENi 5c SamM91929 LE 77 basement circular drive double garage Details Pat McGrath 83le Am on Donald Street suitable lor one beer 79 39611 7284401 Office NEW LlSTINGINNISFIL Four year old brick split on huge lot Glass sliders from kitchen to deck ideal large family home near plaza with hardwood floors brick fireplace TV tower with rotor steel shed Nine rooms Second time round reduced drosï¬cu for immediom ale ml GM 7284409 Hannah Pentland 7288028 Ross Miller 7260563 Norhhndgn Travenmuu unfurnishedtridge stove and hatwater 728yum 15 cm into this spacious bedroom With possible 5th Two log NRC 7288H6 Bruce Dangemeld 7284959 Glenda shamrock Anyailagfeirrgrngggiarfglylrgzliaglï¬ actults es burning fireplaces bathrooms Large deck with walkouts or eep Harvey Weber 4363815 Marg Wood 4873148 hm up To Your busmes hours 726 6774 spAcgs FOR RENT valkw $75900 Vine Crescent qutet culdesac on rav1ne poolsized Mam 00 l°UndrY Toom WOWta waldr 7283800l38463Ml Lorry wood 4873148 Esther Kennedy 4245471 Highway 50 ONE BEEROOM apam° sizes Rent negotiable by day lotwtth oodles of mature trees Glorious setting Davies built ANTEN MILLS $35900 VACANT Three bedroom with Dean Arbuthnat 7374720 GeraldO Neill 7267733 no Bunon Av 7239866 rcéclftggrfalofalnclluldgltes Nï¬tagellsg 515163 month or your Furnished or WTh d9 PC lNOShIOOmr fireplace 00d WolkOUi f0 FOLIO nursery off master bedroom Stained wood siding mature Helen Burns 7262386 Ross Burwell 4589248 TF Energies swag 771 T°Y unfurnished Extra services ia en Fciiielled gaggle MFgleclhbggdljggnomroughout and other tread setting wtth workable detached garage Under power Al Calhoun 0352742 Paul Mallory 7288796 77833965 °° °° available if required QOOdIGS 70 ICG of sale by mortgage company Wayne Ward 7288800 Bob Saunders 7263111 Ken Miller 4873365 9w To 79 oowniown Barrie 171100ses to rent NEW OWNER WANTED for this bedroom brick bungalow WOlBM 71609 Kitchen with separate eating area now completed rec room and SPAleH ARCHED popnco HANGING pLANT Decomnon BARRIE ANNE IIihslIIOORMI 4th room in its full basement Quiet location Ruth Gibbons 728 Joe Dyson 7262090 Res 7284401 Off SO REMEMBER BUYING OR SELLING CALL CHOLKAN THE FORWARD REALTOR GEORGIAN COLLEGE AREA $42900 Clean and neat beder brick semi 104 mortgage carries for only $258 per month plus taxes Wayne Ward 7288800 B9000M SHOREVIEW DRIVE LARGE EXECUTIVE Move your family furnace and 40x60 barn suitable for horses etc Located on paved road and river runs through this property Could be divided into parcels Call 7261938 No 1661 OWNER HAS MOVED leaving this very desirable bedroom bungalow with full basement new furnace and water pressure system Ideal as starter or retirement home Located near the plaza in Angus Call Mary Morrison 7261938 or 7289933 MLS 397 MILLER LIMITED REALTOR 67 DUNLOP WESTBARRIE 726 881 TORONTO 3647941 formation call Lil now ACRES $45000 Older bedroom ham ga ge surrounded by trees with pond site garden soil arranged Coll Ron excellent 07 beshess opportunities MTWThTF Illlllllllllï¬lll Industrial Centennial SALE RENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes cured appliances sauna close to shopp ing and bus Telephone 726 3577 BACHELOR APARTMENT on Baylield Street Fridge stove utilities and park lng included Telephone 726 2910 SMALL ONE BEDROOM heated unfurnished with stovr and fridge Pay own hydro $180 monthly Available now Call 726 7663 alter FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 726 0988 weekdays son fridge stove and parking included Telephone 737 0942 after 5pm TWO BEDROOM furnished apartment central laundry facilities parking $250 monthly Available immediately Telephone 728 0755 ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent FOUR BEDROOM SEMI DETACHED back split Tall Trees area fully broadloomed close to school and shopp ing utilities extras First and lasasmon ths rent required $325 monthly Cw Marlene Knowleshnguu or 737 2351 IT Is POSSIBLE Rent on new home can go towards your down payment For information call Mr Jarvis 726 6805 24 SENIOR ClTlZENS Family ac commodation downtown Meals and laundry Non smokers Write to Sally Box 967 Barrie 23offices stors for rent 320ersf0rsels CHECK RUSTI WITH RIISI CHECK SEVEN working chemicals in privacy Sunny family kitchen bedrooms livin dinin GARDENS M12 1409 Res 72844010 rooms delightful family room brick fireplace $5000 down 259 DULlOP W1 Attractive bedroom home 00 SQ FT OFFlCE SPAce 54 ON HUGE LOT 0N MURRAY STREET 4000 sq ft storey Anne Moronlc728eeoo88404M OltllllA Spacious sules ovatlolrtt nearly newl Fully MapleStAvailabieanytime728174311 colonial overlooking Barrie Custom built with superior fittings lNVESTMENT ppopgmy 22 ha hwo 90 EAST FOOD muons Ullme Sld°d C°°° broadloomed Near plazas LRUJZSBEWPJIE801LL 09° 395 726 577i MODERN OFFICE space for lease and ecor throughout Numerous exitslrom main level to cedar metres 1296 to be annexed rezoned indusmol or availabl d0 Mc oco Md Avallable small or large suites immediate 0c balcony and lower level to heated kidney pool and fenced highon commercial in he immedime luture Anne Maronic Donalds High traffic 090 771 immediately Call 7284931 cupancy short or long term 7263400 landscaped grounds Air conditioned electronic filter central 7ngaoovooo4M 86 OF SI Bldg lSOOsq fl 5peeekdeys only agglggï¬césH flawail vac I2 gorgeous rooms fireplaces sauna baths den ROYAL YRUST RP DUNL Bldgyggoo sq Mg thl park ng and tilt es ncluded family and games room Executives dream home built for CO ORAT ON OF CANADA REALFTSR 7269933 Ample Parking WEImm Puc D°°wl°°aTeemlmén° 57nd entertaining Details Pat McGrath 7284401 Office BEACH AVE INNSFIL FOR LEASE OR SALE Pnumn ggzgglerxejrggjgmeggï¬esen79 GARAGE AND SNACK BAR Thriving business showing excellent Price $38 lm edi in Ummré swim meal °r service Cimy 000 ate IILI MILLER 7267696 SPOCOUS bedroom Overhead doorsfrontrear 726 4265 return in chaice location With room for expansion Present possession bedroom mos Clean we i4 LfWL volume over 300M showing good net Statement of chattels home with fireplace building Closelto shoppingepa Sb isgasebgrjgpr gt etc valable only through listing agent Call Joe Dyson 726 separate dining room 09commerciaIindustrial buses Monthly rent includes mwmm 5356533513iéiéstiérlguililwa 2090 es728440101f kitchen panelled Hem Light water parking little AWWIVPJ Angelï¬ï¬‚L Lc WWDLAND HEIGHTS on 38 acres Stunning year old brick broadloomod hroughom tn Slove 00d 599 ml lmulm $553333 Tyglggigghleeetcérdgg rancher With everything Being sold for $50000 under Asklmwkl To view please call 7263827 mmum lease everything included $475 mon nplgcement cos 3000 50 full bums beouyifuuy ROOM To EXPAND HIGHWURHOOO PLAIA or 7267153 SIOPIIIOITIIIMCTIOI tttlyApplyétewfftlhfttolesale7283051 broadloomed air conditioning electric garage opener REAL ESTATE LIMITED Only $42900 level twin l°°3i9 10 1° °lt TF oum lust 3509356Ilinltï¬libfihkieï¬gliraligggrt °P°°v °Yf9° dishwishe 9nd finQWld 1199 119 DUNLOP STE7261938TORONTO 8844133 home with garage 00 it Clumsy various unit sizesfor JUIW gggrigtitruiitgtcaggro tagangst pool Owner sacrificmg as moved to California and will consider AppRArsyNG AND HNANCING your way unfinished am V°°Y 01 JU Milk pandihgindustrialmaligzo 7130 GHOTTGTS Detalls P01 MCGTOhr 7284401 Office trirgllllf level wnh fruits and v99 40 Im OPEN UNTILBpm DUB WAREHOUSE OR FACTORY 40000 SOMMERS BLVD 54 500 lace and restaurant professional Nk °P°° a° M1M square feet Sprinkered high ceiling eet is par like freed setting nice 99 on and two bedroom tic reasonable rent long or short term interior country kitchen stone fireplace bedrooms single VANCOUVER 51 Brick bungalow about 1000 sq ft level 1511 05 YOU 919 0lY cOlllmtirCIol Home with man mum gzw 775 35830r71oronto244ï¬86 AWW garage plus other buildings and youll buy today Asking only bedrooms full divided basement all drapery included Buried please 10 down to one °V°l°bl° l°90 lgmick 0mm ms 26accomm°daï¬ons $41500 Ruth Gibbons 7281409 Res 7284401 Off beneath our winter snow is rear deck large gardening area mortgage Ask for Ron all MO 760 mm to share WATERFRONH Home fooyures bedmoms large living room and floral landscaping Asking $44500 Cali Harold Davis 726 GOOD ppiCE you BET R001 Elm MWFn qENTLEMANHlkéGEGE with floor to ceiling stone fireplace large 225 ft depth lot lmor 728753 No I727 ple do downlownl 72806 131492 gligwugeï¬iengssiigéï¬itirs112933 looded with mature trees located right at the junction of the JUST 10 MILES OUT OF TOWN $75000 97 acres of workable shaws good return at only M99 930 Id 430 MISSISSauga C1 ApTS ml plied Phone Len 7372756evenings river and Georgian Bay Listed at $46500 with good terms Call land and bush recently renovated bedroom house new $14125 per unit For in pm Two bedroom apartment available Col TD F19 F19 LIL WILKINSON 7289326 forseleerloese 7163422 TF ONE AND TWO Bedroom apartments $210 monthly plus hydro Central park Hour Service THREE BEDROOM storey house ful specially formulat OIL BASE ing fridge stove No pets Telephone Iy broadloomed with fridge and stove VICKI KENT 4365598 39ifsgaNASyvhghï¬zmrï¬luniquz 737 090 Monday to Friday 00 supplied Rent$325 Call 726 3257 Complete Ob for 1c ug an RON JONES 7268997 beautifully restored downtown century 00 IPWNHOUSE for rem mree bedrosmS vethIe old huridtng should locate with other NEWLY DECORATED M° bemm bams basement 92 we pmmssionals apartment with large living room and deCOTGtEd 005910 5010016110 51109011 AGENTS FOR LEO PROCEE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED FOREST HILL ESTATES ANTEN MILLS PlNEVIEW ESTATES MlDHURST LOOKING FOR HOUSE on huge 88 180 ft lot with stream 2231110 MUST BE MOVED From property as soon as possible storey brick veneer Berczy Street Telephone Mrs McMaster 726 9021 APPROXIMATE LY 200 sq ft for small office or busmcss located on Dunlap St near paint Phone 737 0641 from 30 kitchen completely private Available February 10th no pets $280 monthly Telephone 436 2263 after two BEDROOM one $250 including heat and hydro in Barrie one $220 pay 726 4338 IN TOWN OF ALLISTON bedroom home den eat in kitchen garage near schools and shopping References required $325 per month FOur is $4950 mittout only mm mam own hydroin Angus Tele none 726 6271 Cit 14355483 6119 7130 901 This bedroom house is on the edge Of town Excellent starter WM flupl°c° G°°d °d ALLAN DALE altcr4p weekends Atterboers 7169961 or rememem henna Also has paved drive and rcmro neAUuI condition For further In TWO BEDROOM sunny separate din SUBLET Three bedroom townhouser wa Auio tached garage why not have look Al Beacock 71372101 or formation call 72l4911 95 COMMERCIAL 19 laundry backyard central quiet February September 13315 monthly 4873090 HOW ABOUT THIS FOR DEAL$5000 down on this bedroom side split on Sunnidale Road Home offers fireplace garage and large 80x265 fenced lot Al Beocock 7372101 or 4873090 47 COLLIER ST Barrie 7262611 MINESING Four bedroom home with new foundation new wiring large living room with fireplace Large freed lot Good value at $39900 Call 726261 veskdeys only M9 ALLANDAl HEIGHTS eight year old executive bark split home three or four bedrooms family room With fireplace ltuilt tn teak wall unit walkout palm to Classic storey brick home Cira 1850 corner lot ample parking will renovate for surlable long term tenant ideal for doctors dentists consulting firms lawyers insurance offices etc Phone Johnston 726 6801 Adults No pets First and last $257 plus hydro Days 436 1701 evenings 726 2936 737 3258 ONE BEDROOM Apartment including heat and hydro $180 monthly Telephone 7371599 after pm LARGE UNFURNISHED two bedroom 726 4196 weekdays after pm all day sunday THREE BEDROOM HOUSE on Queen Street available March $275 monthly First and last months required No pets Telephone 728 6980 AUTO INSURANCE and home in surance Competitive rates call John Nelson insurance 728 9571 9am pm 1969 CHEVE LLE aosr éeriient condl ill lit if THREE BEDROOM bun alow in Barre APARTMENTSThis income property is located close to unli1 itilllltlirimmaggor abeltroomlgwrgiio EXMLNER PD FWY 5993 t3 AGNES Street rec rigor Available Dukes downtown on 80 132 freed lot Even room for expansion AMANDA HEIGHTS $3000 DOWN very tastefully Private $310728 0790 WANTADS Yrgrtcmparktxglanfflcblyridrezor pts$l235 March $300 per month No pets ï¬gsafsgvgzlroaskgrnemfzshlwmne Dont miss his one gamed 7374101 01873090 decorated bedroom bungalow featuring broadloom sliding we RF Ni REE for four months and PHONE 7292414 Telephone 68 Teepmne 05 start to own your own new home For full glass door walkout to cedar deck and fenced landscaped lot 0500 14 SrPERhHSBBKFAsMfo Cleagedjl bedroon cent m3 New $31000 mortgage of 10 Coll Corby Adams bitingmic in millgt If IzW pm rac iv 1c woo OI urnace ence pa F19 MORTGAGELFORECLOSURE has docks two large barns huge maple trees picturesque setting taken place on this beautiful raised $69500 Bob Hockley 7372101 or 7264142 Dorothy MacQuarrie 7286358 H010 HOPkln 7284662 ll°rli2r£ 3135303 SUPER BACK Spur $4 500 down Three bedroom 90 in Corby Adams 7286829 Ross Leeder 7269245 and some me moflgage Bugle rlf 100 ohne than formal dining bur wnh fridge pod and deck angulnlan 222132 32 62 33431333goggiï¬uswapgggehf0 Immediate 1st and 2116 Open Mortgage Loans mms II 1458 9243 an 121 no 91° °°2°° °d°°d °°d 3° °°°Y 737 BobFord 7265627 Frank Hooey 7263585 737L730 3r 7761881 RrepeEmorv Mm Anywmre h°m°s c°°9°s can NOR TENANTS 20107264142 and commerc1a properties We love to help you mu 36 00 ALLANDALE HEIGHTSSpotless bedroom back split oqlosmr sale on consolmaie dam mo my DRUG 5081 broadloomed throughout full basement attached ora and ACRE L075 9W SUDGiVSlm pavmsn pond drive Owner leaving own $5500 John Kgipe 737 fililllby gig71560 regggiyzatggpild homes Ottomelmplovemenls anywunhyreason biersection of COMIC R000 Id To pay all existing or malunrlg mortgage Conslrucuon lunds free when try us 2101 or 7286724 front Street Pethg for 360 cars 07business opportunities trge have ready cash to purchase mongages JOHN COLE 7288017 ART MAW 7281346 foEUEwnNgoff 33 legg $02 may cor 7287631 RICK HAMILTON 7233693 restaurant excellent locatlon all new Fast 00 restauranttavern Variety Store umcocx no toll 4073090 DAN HENDERSON 7286065 ï¬gglmugglaggfm ¢vg¢ 9H0lrdressel Hardware 000 HOCKLEY 7264142 808 URRY 7205811 I73 figure 9900 705 534 mo Clothing shoe store etc etc MN KUIPERS 7286724 TF RESIAURANT Family business for sale Full equipment long Icaso Busy 129 OUMLOP ST EAST Realty 1d all yrat round For appointment on 14 um 47 ST lolepliclie 487 2639 Serious buyer Will be mo om Shown r1 statement 71609 OM Wk lo 124 DUNLOP ST EXAMINER ass3411 IAN7634 2414 BARRIF WANT ADS Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc F26 PHONE 7282414