Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Feb 1979, p. 10

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flmm uo Lugacme fiiiwgsw 10 the examiner Monday Feb 10 1010 EVENING 00 II in NEWS HOLLYWOOD SOUARES CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS POLKA DOT 000R 630 NRC NEWS FANTASY ISLAND CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME JEREMY 645 1D READALONG 655 WRITE 0N1 700 DATING GAME CROSS WITs MARY TYLER MOORE 0W TIC TAC DOUGH FLATBUSH group at young men ltorn Brooklyn known as the Fungoe discover that their beloved vehicle hae fallen victim to gang of car thievea Stare Ioeeph Cali ian Zmed Premiere NEWLYWED GAME DONT ASK ME GOOD TIMES PRICE Is RIGHT 730 El 8100000 NAME THAT NE NEWLYWED GAME GENE TAYLOR SHOW HOLLYWOOD SOUARES COED FEVER SHA NA NA Gueet Dick Clark AGIC SHADOWS aoa NEWHART SHow 800 ID LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE when the town bigot act out to get revenge on Jonathan Garvey he aoon finds himself on trial for burning Garveye barn and aeaaulting young Andy Garvey 60 fih THE WHITE SHADOW FLATBUSH group at young men from Brooklyn known an the Fungoe discover that their beloved vehicle has iallen warm to television guide monday tv gang of car thievea Stare Joeeph Call 11 ed remi it liooi THE NEXT GENERATIONS in 1092 the political praaaure on black people to increaaing outrageoua literacy teeta deny Tom Hervey the right to vote lor the llret time eince the Emancipation and lynch law ie appearing in II hf AIE iéu NEEb Is LOVE lit STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO MOVIE COMEDY The Heartbreak K115135072 II 00420 FEVER 000 MONDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES Backetalre At The White Houae re Laaile eme Harry Morgen MAS Lt Col Clilf Lacye daahing good looka momentarily impreaa Not Lipe but the coionela unuaueliy high battalion fluent eicken Hawke SPECIAL MOVIE PRESENTA TION Marathon Man 11170 State Dustin Holtman Laurence Olivier An introspective graduate atudent tlnde hlmaelt at the mercy of in lo lfive Nari war criminal Wain ADVENTURE le File ten 73tIAGE OF CHARLES DARWIN DOCTOR ON THE GO 930 II WKRP IN CINCINNATI Andy Trevie warne Mr Carlaon that unleae he raieee atalf eaiariee to living wage he might loee aome pereonnel and euro enough Dr Fever ie ollered in Caitlornia wmbNE DAY AT IME mlelake by deliveryman leevee Ann with grand piano and he Owner lodged in her living room 1000 NEWSMAGAzINE LOU GRANT mother obaeaeed with tracking the hitandrun driver who killed her eon aroueee Roaela fighting instinct and ieada to human irrtereet etory with en xpected off do mine BAfiIESTAR GALACTICA Apollo uncovera blackmail operation and linda hie own lite in danger ea he recee againat time to clear Starbuck who haa been accueed urdering fellow ilot so mine SPEAKING OUT NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 DARETTA 1030 MAN ALIVE Life 1mm 01 Sacred Thla program eraminee the oontu eion eurroundlng the queetlone at when It ever ie abortion euicide capital puniehment or euthanaela iuetllled 00 NEws CDC NEVIS CTV NEVIS EMPLOYMENT FILE MOVIE DRAMA XV Ind 101 115 THE REAL STORY 1120 NEWS 1125 OUESTION PERIOD 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW at Oeor Carlin Do mine CSS LATE MOVIE we Rook FORD FILES The Girl in The Bay City Boye Club Rocklord inllItratee charity club tor myaterloua client TOUCH OF CLASS 1913 Stare Glenda Jackeon George MOVIE HORROR my nd tliell Houee 197 It IREET TALK 45 CANADA GAMES REPORT Ernie Alaganle reviewe highlighta Of the deya competition 150 MOVIE ADVENTUREDRAMA No un Room 1200 LORD PETER WIMSEY MEDICAL CENTER MOVIE ADVENTURE Fathom 1067 12 10 II MOVIE WESTERN Ulzanee Reid 016112 TOMORROW MARCUS WELBY MD PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY $5 hrstorrcally speaking today in histogy TODAY IN HISTORY By THE CANADIAN PRESS Feb IS 979 The Marines landed at lwo Jima 34 years ago today in 1945 and began one of the biggest battles in US history Japanese entrenched in caves pounded the Marines on the beach then put up desperate resistance for almost month at cost of 22000 Japanese killed or captured and 21000 American casualties photo graph of Marines raising flag on top of the hardfought Mt Suribachi caught by American Press photographer Joe Rose nthal became one of the most dramatic symbols Of the PacificWar 1873 Canadian Pacific Railway was incor orated under Sir Hugh Alan as president 1915 Fleet of obsolete Brit ishwarships sailed into Darda nelles and bombarded Turkish orts on both sides 19211 Hollinger goldmine fire claimed the lives of 39 min ers in Timmins Ont 1915 Midnight curfew on en ertainment imposed in the United States 1951 The 2nd Battalion of the Princess Patricias Cana dian Light Infantry became the first Canadian unit committed to Korean War barries story February 19 1931 At the town council meeting it was decided to have bylaw prepared to stop dogs in Barrie running at large Alderman Lang said he was fond of good dog but since the war there had been breed of canines imported into the coun try that were not dogs but savages He referred to the German police variety and blamed them for nearly all outrages committed by dogs in the town or country side Alderman Moran also dealt with the menace of German police dogs running at liberty on the streets There had been lot of complaints and it was up to the council to do something he felt The concensus of opinion was that there could be no discrimination against any one class of dogs Whatever the council did would have to apply generally Work was to be started on the extension of hydro lines in the district around Barrie The biggest line would be from the top of Littles Hill to Big Bay Point for which 165 contracts had been signed At the lnnisfil Township Council meeting held in the Stroud Community Hall mo tion was passed to pay reward of $10 to any person shooting dog not his own found molesting injuring or killing sheep in lnnisfil Completion of concrete pav ing on Highway No 11 between Barrie and Orillia in 1930 was practically assured according to statement made by Cummiford resident engineer for the Toronto good roads district during conference held at the Queens Hotel with road foremen of Simcoe Coun ty Up to that time nine miles of the route had been laid with ce ment Tenders had been called for by the Department for pav ing distance Of eight miles from Barrie to where thevcon crete began and while he could not state definitely he in timated that the other miles linking the paving with Orillia My Dumont Was Pardoned But Ric Was Hanged Today it doesnt seem fair that Louis Riel the vision ary should have been hanged for his part in the North west rebellion of 1885 but his military assistant Gabriel Dumont went free Dumont tried to incite the Indians to kill every white person on the prairies yet was pardoned for his part in the rebellion on February 19 1889 History is trying to make amends for Riel Dumont was honored almost from the beginning As military leader he almost deserves to be ranked with Pierre LeMoyne Ibervillc During the Northwest rebellion his force of 500 Metis poorly armed checked General Middletons army of 2000 men for weeks although they had artillery and machine gun Dumont used buffalo hunting tactics and Grant Ma cEwan in Fifty Mighty Men wan as saying If Louis Riel quotes son of Saskatche followed Uncle Gabriels advice and our halfbreeds didnt run out of ammunition not one of Middletons damned soldiers would ever have seen Toronto knew how to fig Dumont became leader of ain Sure that old halfbreed Dumont the buffalo hunters on the prairies when he was young man He knew how to call buffalo as hunter calls moose There was no better rider on the plains and he trained wild horses for his own use He was deadly shot with rifle and bow and arrow He could put bullet through the head of duck 100 yards away Dumont knew the prairies like the back of his hand and how to overcome their many dangers Indians and fur traders used to get him to tell them when it was noon Dumonts method was to face the sun and when he could step the length of his shadow it was 12 Oclock When John Diefenbaker was young boy he saw Dumont give an exhibition of pistol shooting at his home at Batoche where he died and where there is memorial to him OTHER EVENTS ON 1732 Religious houses were tives from justice FEBRUARY 19 forbidden to shelter fugi 1860 Ship Hungarian was lost off Cape Sable with 205 lives 1869 US Senate received report on how to annex Canada 1897 Adelaide Hunter Hoodless founded Womens In stitute at Stone 1911 Japan abrogate sale to government Creck Ontario treaty with Canada 1920 Grand Trunk Rallwai shareholders approved Canada tmFlre at Holllnger mine Tlmmfns Ont killed 39 people would also be constructed in 1930 That increasing use was be ing made of the Public Library by the citizens of Barrie was evident from the annual report of the librarian Miss Lila McPhee presented at the in augural meeting of the Board The total issue for 1929 was 47895 an increase of 2464 over the previous year Of the total 11119 were nonfiction books 333 new readers were added during the year new scale of pay for the Fire Brigade Was unanimously approved by the Town Council at special meeting report of the fire commit tee read by DeputyRecvc Rogers the chairman recom mended that the brigade be paid two thousand four hun dred dollars year the brigade to consist of twenty four men and not less than twenty under any circumstances There was to be two hundred dollars aid for insurance on the men the brigade retained membership of twenty four but if it fel below that membershi the in surance money would taken out of the twenty four hundred dollars Complete destruction of the toss building at Camp Borden entailing the loss of irreplaceable war mementos was wrought by fire which broke out at seven oclock in the morning Two hundred men were eating in the dining room ad joining the Officers section when without warnin blaze broke through the wal Flames swept the wooden building and nothing could be done to save it One estimate laced the loss at sixty thousan dollars At the Capital Theatre Noahs Ark with Dolores Costello and George OBrien was showing The New Dreamland Theatre featured George Jessel in Love Live and Laugh Hunter Clothing Com pany in Barrie was having sale Specials included boys bloomer suits at $295 mens shirts at 98 cents mens ties at 15 cents mens wool felt hats at $249 and mens socks at 39 cents The same store was having contest in which the customer was to guess how much com rooster on display in the win dow would eat in three days His ration for the three days has been carefully measured out the exact number of grains counted and verified PEOPLE RETIRE EARLY WASHINGTON AP The mandatory retirement age in the US has been raised to 70 but statistics show most people are choosing early retirement Some authorities 3a liberal so cial security benefits and mi vate pension plans offering gen erous early retirement provi sions are ream why many re tire early is annoying By PAUL RUBLE MI Dear Dr Ruble have been bothered with twitch in my right eye as though the eye was blnking rapidly But when look in the mirror nothing seems to be happening My doc tor said it was nerve roblem and to take vitamin am taking vitamin supplements with zinc once day still feel like rabbit Also my eyes at sore after reading or watch TV for long time am 89 ans arthritic but otherwise healthy Id like your comments on this twitching businessRPL See next two letters Dear Dr Ruble Im giving my husband drops of chloroptic ophthalmic solution in his eyes four times day Now he has terrible twitch in his left eye that is driving him crazy Can help in any way to relieve this twitch He is diabeticMrs FP Dear Dr Ruble Can you tell me what causes the muscle of your eye to twitch unc0n trollablyDM It seems every mail delivery brings letters from eyetwitching readres great many pie develop twitching of one id or the other sometime in their lives It is called myokymia and usually mns ittle Even very minor irritation of the muscle con trolling eyelid movement will cause lid to contract repeat edly The flutter is often so rapid that it cannot be seen It is annoying and embarrassing and seemingly impossible to control If such twitching persists Eye fluttering however it might indicate medical problem virus in fection may inflame the nerve controlling the muscles People with overactive thyroid glands may develop twitch Often the answer is simpler Eyestraln which may be contributing factor for Mrs RPL can cause it or it may be com llcation of Mrs FPs hus nds diabetes localized ir ritation can cause the trouble and She ml ht try different eyedrop aoution Vitamin may help if the nerve is in flamod neuritis For the most part however eyestrain and simple fatigue are the commonest causes of eyelid twitching which as mentioned is harmless and sub sides when conditions are cor rected Dear Dr Ruble was told that we have hair on our tongues am using peroxide preparation prescribed for my gums was told that by usmg this wash the hair would grow and would end up with mouthful of hair Is this true DP Its not hair but tiny threadlike projections on the tongue surfacecalled papillae Some antibiotics and some mouthwashes such as the one you are using can cause the apillae to become enlarged This is called in correctly hairy tongue You wont wake up some morning with mouthful of hair But if you have mouth discomfort you should abandon the mouthwash and seek dental BRIDGE treatment for your gum problem Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Leading to your strength from the bidding that at Vulnerable NorthSouth Dealer South Weet North East 39 Pass 50 Pass 69 Pass Pass Opening lead 0Q By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Oswald After readin Peter Stenbergs new boo Play Bridge in Four Hours it seems good idea to devote some articles to re all simple hands Ian Here is really easy one It illustrates Peters basic rule of play which is to lead toward our high cards not away rom them Oswald South knows worst his slam contract will depend on finesse so he bids it Sure enough it turns out that Norths king of clubs is worthless and the king of hearts must be finessed Alan Clubs are led and continued and South ruffs the second one South wants to be able to lead twice toward his high hearts Therefore he must be care ful to ruff that club with one of his honors Now he cashes his king of trumps leads his eight spot that he has saved to dummys nine leads heart from dummy and finesses against the kin After that it is simp matter to lead an honor overtake with dummys ace finesse once more against that king of hearts and bring the slam home Oswald Elementary for an average player mighty good for beginner Ask TM INN Youhold 0A vaxx eAQxx OKJxx California reader asks why we do not open this hand one notrump We never Open one no trurnp with singleton even singleton ace Such hands almost alwa play better in suit and he way to find suit contracts is to start with suit bid INEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN 2198 daily crossword ACROSS 39 Bits of llutf 40 Communica Rocky tione agency Mountain antIr park 43 Songatreu CompoeitIon Della II Mythical 45 Biblical king aviator 46 Suction l3 Glacial epoch 49 Splinter wde 51 Sheen 14 Hooded cape 52 LODI 15 Spotted 53 Leg joints wildcat 54 Macabre 16 Fencing eword DOWN 17 Reducer 19 Color Large an 20 Singer Horne duck 21 Wild plum Amplitude 26 River croeerng Made celm 26 Baeebell City in player Mel Earths star 27 Mietreet Behold Lat 30 Splnilh penineule Actor Mineo 33 Curved Gone by 34 Nethermoet 35 Actreee Gabor ing 36 Rieque 12 Detoxilied 37 Hindu 13 Jot garment 18 Ampersand 24 State Fr Pennlylvania 25 50 hair 27 Lawyers Fortune tellere 28 Bulgarian Answer to Women Puzzle all DECIDE DH HDDDO DDBBEEJ ED DEBDUE DD 51 EBB ED DDHDD DEEEED 20 Mieplece 38 Furious 22 39 Melicioue look 23 Amerrcan 40 patriot 41 Deer one Fr 42 Execrete 44 Squeelee out 46 Swing mueic 46 Same thing patron uint currency 29 Regene father 47 Religioue 10 Notwithetand 30 Melody eieter 31 Athletic content 32 Female ovine 36 Two times 50 50 Bernice Bede Osol cYou Birthday February 20 1970 Several things that youve been wanting for long time could finally come your way this coming year Your persistence and atlence will turn the trick PIS ES Feb20March 20 Your nterests might have to take back seat to those of Others today it could seem like every one has better reason than yOu for demanding the atten lion Winthrop L00llt5 LIKE 0L1 WALTER CRONKITEES GETTlN 561 ARIES March 21A r11 It would be beat to avo working with tOOlS or machinery today YOU are exceptionally careless and wont have your mind on our work IAURUS Aprll 20Ma 20 Dont be influenced by rlende Or associates who would talk you into gambling or speculating today Chances are youll end up feeling victimized GEMINI May 21June 20 Bringing others into the picture concerning an important goal may be your downfall today Not having all the facts theyll create opposition for you CANCER June 21July 22 Or ganization and planning will be necessary to act vour work CORD HOULD FORCE 5U65 TO PROVIDE FREE FISH ALA 506 SAILING lLL lsulculo 741474 HALIDUT HEY ELWOOD HAVE YOU EVER 60NE SAILING THE OCEAN 6UCCESS HA5 CROWNED MY EFFORT5 Frank and Ernest our Min Ilae Lia 1373060 Arm Eb IMN NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St SCION Your Wedding Invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service He ms 002 near PRESIDEUT WHO navaz TOLD L15 TCHITHE OYUFFTIlEV PRINTTHESE DANG done today Otherwise youll ilnd yourself skidding around corners LEO July 23Aug 22 You could find yoursell brooding because you just cant seem to make ends meet today frivo ious purchase to ease your feelln wont help matters VIRG Aug 23Sept 22 Dont take things out on your family if you feel overpowered or out maneuvered today Theyre on our side and want to help IBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Today is bad day to attempt difficult chores There are too many unforeseen complications that could arise tO mess up the project SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Others might not have the necessary funds to go along HERE5 CHEEsE 9ANPWlCH EAT lT AN BEAT AND 601 THINI YOURE TAKlNév 09 overs THE c04le AND BELIEVE ME THAT wAs THE LAST TIME EVER TALKED BACK To MY DAD with the social events of the day and your plans could get rained out Smile and res chedule SAGlTTARlUS Nov 23Dec 21 Something or someone could stand in the way of longsought goal today Blow ing up may make you feel better but it will hurt your image CA RICORN Dec 22Jan 19 There is lot going on behind the scenes today You arent getting all the facts It would be big mistake to make commit ments or put things in writing AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Outside help you were depend ing on wont be forthcoming today Theres possibility this could cost you in some man ner AM pesiccATED WITH DISAPPOINTMENT MUNCH9NAFFLE ANOTHER Mi LlTANT WHETHER 10 GET LAWYER or Tb TELL THE TRUTH THAI

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