Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Feb 1979, p. 17

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kinds school 75Math TIIE COLLEGE THAT CARES DONT LET 79 PASS YOU BY THINK ABOUT IT Each of the following career programmes takes I2 months or less to complete at Herzing Institutes on hour per day schedule CI Medical Secretarial Mos Legal Secretarial I2 Mos Computer Programming Systems Concepts I2 Mos EVENING PROGRAMMES AND HOME STUDY ALSO AVAILABLE PLEASE INDICATE THE COURSE IN WHICH YOU ARE INTERESTED lIIenIng Institutes I64 Egiinton Ave Dept BAX 378 Toronto MAR IA 416 4846996 Please Rush Information On Career Training TO ADDRESS PHONENo AGE EDUCATION 78 tenders 78 tenders DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE INVITATION TO TENDER Sealed Tenders addressed to the Canadian Forces Base referred to below and endorsed Tender for Cattle Grazing Privileges on 175 acres of Department Of National Defence property known as Brentwood RX site for period from April 1979 to 3i March 1984 or as mutally agreed shall be received until two Oclock PM On March 1979 The successful bidder must be prepared to assume respon sibility for erecting approximately 650 feet of new form fence and also ensure that any existing fence be of such standard as to prevent cattle straying onto private property highways roadways etc In addition the payment of all taxes rates and charges that may be levied in respect of his use or occupancy shall also be in accordance with the form of agreement prescribed by the Department of National Defence Further details may be obtained an application to the Com mander of the Canadian Forces Base indicated below The highest Or any tender shall not necessarily be accepted Apply to Base Construction Engineering Canadian Forces Base Borden Borden Ontario LOM 1C0 FI6I724 NOTICE TO CREDITORS THE BANKRUPTCY ACT In the matter of the bankruptcy of RONALD WINTHROP GRANT PENNYCUICK of the Township Of OrO in the County of Simcoe in the Province of Ontario wage earner NOTICE is hereby given that RONALD WINTHROP GRANT PENNYCUICK filed an assignment on the 8th day of February 1979 and the first meeting of creditors will be held on the 2nd day of March I979 at 200 Oclock in the afternoon at the Brookdale Inn l50 Dunlap Street Barrie Ontario DATED at Toronto this I5th day Oi February I979 WINSPEAR HIGGINS STEVENSON INC Trustee INC Trustee PO Box 45 NOTICE Deadline for classified word ads pm day previous noon Saturday BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers of the advertiser as soon in respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding however other Toronto Dominion Centre rep ms Toronto Ontario M5K iNI Attention Stowe FI7 71 help wanted 71 help wanted as possible we accept no liability the examlner Saturday Feb 17 197917 AN SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RAT Death Notices Engagements Cards Of Thanks was Es $550 minimum 40 words additional words 10 cents per word Births In Memoriam no verse $550 $550 Verse per count line extra 22 cents Coming Events comlng events OEoIIrtesn Would you like to under stand or develop the PSYCHIC ABILITIES you possess Come to one day presentation in Brad iord Sunday Feb 25th 10 am to pm 315 single 525 any two people For iniormalion and rapis tration call 7756275 Brad ford 7226465 Sutton FI4I72I BINGO EVERY MONDAY 8pm CANADIAN LEGION Branch 147 St Vincent St and Cundles Rd JACKPOT $500 CONSOLATION SIOO STF WATCH GREAT NEWS FOR THE WORLD CKVRTV Ch SUNDAY I2 NOON STF BIhhths FIRMAN Chuck and Sandi oi Dundalk are very pleased to announccthc birth at their son Matthew Charles lbs or at Markdaic on Saturday January 77 I979 First grandchild for Mr and Mrs Ray Scott at Barrie and Mr and Mrs Zekei Firman of North Bay Eiatcd great grandparents are Mr and Mrs Firman and Mr aners Tod Scoitalloi Barric GOGGAN Patrick and Heirn non BirrthelotteI at Pawatinq General Hospital Niles Michigan son Brn tamin Ryani on Wednesday Fibruary I4 1979 lbs 01s hrnthwr tor Christopher Grandson tor IIO and Eileen Berlinlotto oi Barrn and Mr aners Ftuqqanol brand Vapor Michloan Mdnlay ht li lrIlT iI ti Tuesday sf ruin lull III riry Wirtnisdiiy llil tuli til Wy Thursday at hitl tar taut riilay built iminii and JJIIIQ Saturday Flyid wins third for liVintj find IIvltI Itmt bath Day lair and raw and IIIINI and on mm lhi irm Ch Idrori Iittrtitu In JIVJ it mumy Cuticn Iiway want to nqu with Iv Id iii ttiv wow thrtr birtt tiah Ir ivr this anti othii important inloririatiun inr your ihiid iuturi Iin aminor Birth Announmnini vili inr ludv IIIU narrw at our rhiitl thi day of IV WIIR month and your UI tiirtti 1hr Ntlqh and othir vital mlmmaium printirt missadr can but 11 II IIITIVIFIIIIITI HOrtl in Baby Hum nr iivv iy Albums III ratr Ior ant IIVVIintr Birth Noll iv iSimlSS Si fllOPIf Hit It 71 heb wanted YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES TOO CUNOLEs EXAMINER nouns TIFFiNFERNDALE ARE NOW AVAILABLE ElMVALE CLAPPERTON 51 IN IE5 AREAS OWEN WELLINGTON AREA Phone 7266539 BLAKE ST DUNLOP PERRY ST MOUNTBATTEN RODNEY BURTON AVEHOLGATE ST ARDAGHPATTERSON AREA SUNNIDALE CUNDLES AREA CODRINGTON AREA DUCKWORTHNAPIER AREA ECCLES NWELLINGTON AREA SOPHIAWORSLEY STS Yes would like more information ObOut an Examiner Carrier Route NAME WWW ccAGE ADDRESS WWW cfivPIIONE PARENT SIGNATURE Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Barrie L4M 4T6 BONANZA BINGO MONDAY FEBRUARY I9 pm ANGUS LIONS HALL Hwy 90 Admission $2 TWO $100 games Share the Wealth JACKPOT $500 MUST GOI 0Early Bird games $25 $322 per column inch coming events $50 games 85 deaths WARD Maci Died at Toronto on Fitiruary IS 1979 Mac Ward brother of Metro Edna Hal and Kenneth Rosliiiq at tho Bcdiord Funeral Home 1w Ilinton Avenue Toronto ior ser Vice on Saturday at Cremation KING Jainisina Ilnal At the Wollcsliy Hospital Torontoon Thursday Fihruary l5tlI199 Ina King in her 6151 ycar DIIDVII Wile oi the late James inct lOVIiIft mother of William Drain of Scotland Raioi Niagara Falls Howie at Walnut rtth Calilornia and Alan oi IIrttlrIIOitl Iiiloved daughter of Mrs Mary Marclmank Oi Scotland Dear itimtdlttollttr of seven grandchildren III it SlJIIV Oi Nessie and Jessm both at Scotland Rustind at Ill ivnnett Funeral Homo 151 Bradford Si Barrio Vi5ita lion lrum Priday at rn Service and cornittai cmnplito in the Chapel on Saturday Fuliruary i7th at ii OIIOWLiI by CrtItIalion JOHNSTONE ELLEN Nollie AI Oriilia on Friday February 16th I979 Eiicn INOIIILI Hawkins beloved wile oi the late Earl Johnstono in her 89th year Dear mother at Marion Mrs Mel Jamicson oi Guthrie and Lillian Mrs Elwood Straws oi Barrie laying grand mother of Ellen Mrs Rod Kline oi Bcilcvtllc and great grandmother at Charlotte Sister oi Allan and Leslie Hawkins of Lake St George Edward Charles Earl Russell and Harold predeceased rm Iatc Ellen Nollie Johnstonc Will be restinu at the Crawtorri Chapel of the Doolittle Funeral Home 54 Coldwalcr St East OTtIIId tor iuncrai serVicc on Monday Lburary 19 at 30p rn Entomonicnt at yl Andrcws Cemetery Vault Orillia MLiiorial donations to your favourite hardy would be approcnatcd SIMPSON JOSEPH Suddenly at tho Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on FTIU Ftbruary ibth 1979 Joseph Simpson in his 88th year Beloved hus band at tho late Sadie Washburn dear lather at George oi Churchill Ross of Barrin and Peggy Mrs Cari wood oi Cambridge Nova Scotia Laying grand lather of to grandchildren Also survwed by oroihcr Wallace and Sister Phair Fricnds may call at SteckIcy Funeral Home 30 Warsicy Strcct Barrie ater rn Sunday Complete scrvrce in the chapel on Monday February I9 at 30 Interment Park Lawn Cemetery Toronto Memorial donations to your iavorilu charity would be appreciated 86 card of thanks ltAleLi hi IMINLSINO Words rarinot morons lt gratitude WI tool towards our IritthlI and nciqhbours ior thiir Litllltityily Ind thouuhtlulncss dur irtq our rIi tint loss hy irri at our homo and husimns Hotr iIl thanks to our IIINIIIIIUIII ii Mirwsinu Jim Clarkson and tire Fidhtnrs tho ttfifhly ltI in Iiinwali and thc Iyrik xii at until mlw Martinil halmvrs and twin HlHi rrv IiitrlYOlf thank IIJI IYilqu and wondirlui IllHHIYJIHY IUI Ilorai tribiiti rIII hat thi donations and IllfitUIIIIttlIIt Iliiriiio thi loss of dcar husband IiiI tirnthir Also thank to Hwy rump and itriiIiy Funtral thawt llllltlflTltSI701hnOWthUSfT lintity ytitplli an Alvrilill vitiinij liriraMuir B7 Dii inn yiar arm on cbruary II IVAI wry drvuIid Wilt and loving rriothir ilwrt was allcrl so suddenly to her IlIrnal rcst WP cherish her memory and nor love and devotion Will continue to linger in our hearts She is deeply missid by her husband Joe and dauqhtrrs Cnrryl Heather and Karen In mirntoriams new flos Myra Wanless 3272978 The first mccting of the New Flos 4H Homemaking Club met Feb it to discuss its new project Accessories The Final Touch New officers clccicd includc Daricnc Dcl Maxim prcsidcnt Jackie Lof tus viccprcsidrnt Murcia llrif his sccrctary and Linda Por rciizi irczisurcr The members dccidcd to name the club The Mndllziitcrs CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classified advertisements and notices lor than pages must be ehed by pm day preceding publication with the exception al Classified Display advertisements which must be In by pm two days prior to publication BIRTH NOTICE 3550 ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40words $550 Additional words i0 cts per word CARD OF THANKS 40 words $550 Addl tlonal words I0cts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $550 With verse per count line 22 cents per line COMING EVENTS $327 per column Inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Discount Rates apply Il paid within days One or two Insertions 9ic per word Insertion Three mmacutive insertions cents per word in sertion total $648 Stir consecutive inser tions alIC per word per lnsertlon total 224 Multiple insertions may be ordered subiect to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting lower than 24 words count as 74 words Each Initial abbreviation set of numbers etc count as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classilied Advertising Department re quires ad advertisers to kindly recheck their advertisement immediately after first Inser tion In order that any error or omission may be reported bolero am In order that some may be rectilied lor the lollewlng day publication The Elamlner is responsible lor only one incorrectly printed Insertion of any advertisement and then only to the extent ol portion of ad that Involves the mlsprint Er rors which do not lessen the value at the advertisement are not eligible for correc tions by make goods The Examiner reserves the right to classify revise or relect any want ads PHONE 72074 examiner patterns SPRINGS NEW WRAP DRESS GENTLY TUCKIZI THEN TAPEREI DALANI II PRINTED PATTERN 25 SIZES 820 The gcnilcncss of soft tucks emphasich springs ncwsmaking shape width at the top tapered below casy overall Its more slcndcr line that does the most slimming things for your figure Printed Pattern A525 is real wrap simplest fitting with Sclrlft waistband and separate sash Notice the long curve Of the diagonal shawl collar the modified blousing This should be made In fluid fabrictissuc faillc crcpc pongcc veilc or jcrscy Printed Pattern A525 Is available in Misscs Sizes 10 12 I4 16 18 20 Site 12 bust 34 rcquircs 38 yards 60inch fabric Send $150 for Printed Pattern to Barrie Examiner 109 rockford Blvd Scarborough Ont MIR 5B4 Add 25 cents for each Pattern for first class mailing and special handling Please print plainly YOUR NAME ADDRESS with POSTAL CODE STYLE NlMRIIR AND SIZE ONTARIO RESIDENTS ADD II cents SALES TAX FOR EACH PATTERN TFIFTUP DESIGNERS CREATE FOR YOU Send now for our NEW 1979 PROMINENT DESIGNER BOOKHs filled with beautiful daydin ncr dresses soft skirts jeckcls pants coals Pius 50¢ BONUS COUPONappIy to any pattern of your choice in the Book Scnd $100 now for Book 34 ENVELOPE PATCHWORK QUILTS Includes directions for I4 uniquc fascinating QUIIIS to makc wIIhouI frame All are qutck casy Book in cludes Charts yardagcs directions $150 QUICK EASY TRANSFERS book flilcd wuh charming designs to cm broidcr paint macIIIncxcw flowcrs alphabets dolls bultcriiics more All mullistamp transfers SI 50 AEGHANS ANI lllIlS book of great dcsigns to add Individuahly to your hdmc Includes cloths spreads $150 RAII llWliRS book of glorious flowers to crochet kml make of bcads fabric ribbon crcpc paper more SI 50 PltiAl QUILTS book of 14 casylumakc I0ISC3IPIIqUC quills that mat Idimcnsiunal cficct $150 EASY SOFTNESS FOR HALF SIZES PRINTED PATTERN A855 IO2202 dvcryiltings soft easy fluid about this shaping by Harwyn masters of half irc design See how gcnIlc gathers frame the neckline abovc raglansleeved asc NO waist scamwcar Irinlcd Pattern A855 wnb or without the sash Loop on the soft oblong scarf one daylcavc iI Off the next The original is print crcpc but let yourself be Inspired In your fabric choice by the new gpring jcrscys coIton and linen blcnds shanlung or shccr wool Scttd $150 for Printcd Pattim to Iliirric IIXRIIIIIIII 109 rockfurrl Rivd Scarborough Ont Milt 5Iti Add 25 cents for IICII Pattern for first class mailing and special handling Plcasc print plainly YOUR NAME ADDRESS with POSTAL OIIII STYLE NUMBER AND SIZE ONTARIO RESIDENTS ADI ll ccnts SALES TAX FOR ICACII PATTERN THI TOP DESIGNERS CREATE FOR YOU Send new for our NEW 1979 PROMINENT DESIGNER BOOKits filled with beautiful daydin ncr drcsscs soft skirts jackets pants coais Plus 50¢ BONUS COUPONappIy to any pattern of your choice in me Book Scnd $100 new for Book 34 ENVELOPE PATCHWORK QUILTS includes directions for I4 unique fascinating quilts Io makc without frame All arc quick easy Book in cludcs charts yardagcs directions $150 QUICK EASY TRANSFERS book filled with charming designs to am broidcr paint machmcscwflowcrs alphabets dolls butterflies more All mulIIxiamp Iransfcrs $150 AFGHANS AND DOILIES book of great designs Io add Individuality IO your homo Includes cloths spreads $150 CRAII FLOWERS book of glorious flowers to crochet knit make of beads fabric ribbon crcpc paper more $150 PETAL QUILTS book of 14 easyIomakc looseapplique quilts that create 3dimcnsional cffch $150 Empty classrooms predicted in study OTTAWA CPI More empty classrooms and outof work teachers can be expected in the next decade Statistics Canada study warns The study called The Class of 2001 was released by the fed eral agency Wednesday to give school boards across the coun try an indication of future en rolment problems Population projections in dicate the strains of declining enrolment will peak in the ele mentary school system in the early 19805 and hit secondary schools with full force about 1990 Looking into the 2151 century the study forecasts that roller coaster enrolment is about to become permanent headache for the school system The elementary school sys tem already struggling to cope with declining enrolment through teacher layOffs school closings and hiring freezes will 90 another 100000 empty desks by 19811982 the study predicts The crunch will come for the countrys high schools in 1990 By that time secondary schools will lose approximately one quarter of todays student population These problems are the out come of sharp decline in births in the early 19605 The study says this drop in the fer tility rate is producing even more problems than statisti cians were prepared to admit few vcars IIST FIRST WAVE But this is only the first wave Of an upanddown enrolment pattern to which the school sys tem will be forced to adjust Without planning the popu lation waves will impose hard ships on parents students teachers school administrators trustees all levels of govern mcni and taxpayers The 140page study suggests the problems now plaguing the school system Will spread in other areas of society Just as the school system had to be expanded to meet the sud den 1950s bulge in population manpower training programs the unemployment insurance system housing markct unit so cial service systems must enlargcd to mac thc coming surge of demand Ihcn III the school system services will have to decrease once the post war generation passes through Not all provinces will suficr equally in Ontario Aiiicrlzi and British Columbia lnwir birthralcs appear to be partly offset by ncw migrants Quebec Manitoba and Newfoundland on the other hand arc losing school my inhabitants in inlcrproviniiul movcmcnis The study urgis IIIlSl plan ning the school systcm in lake advantagc of dcclmiiig cnriil mcni to rcthink the objcctivcs of modern education Joe promises tax breaks if his party is elected By MICIIAEI BERNARD VANCOUVER iCPI Pro gressive Conservative Leader Joe Clark promised tax breaks Thursday for shareholders businessmen and homeowners if his party wins the next federal election Speaking to 1300 persons at $125aplatc fundraising dinner Clark promised that his party would cut down big government and encourage Canadian business Condcmning thc Liberal gov ernment for pessimistic out look and reckless tcficii financ ing that has given Canada Inc of the worst economic records among industrial nations Clark VOch his party would create tax system that en courages more Canadians to build personal sizikc in this country lhc moncy is thcrc thc incentive is not he said Last yczit Canadians were saving morc than 10 pcr cent of Ithr incomc want to got ihzit moncy out of Canadian socks and into nadizin stocks To do this tho Conservatives would dcclarc publiclytraded common shares of Canadian contmilcd companies excran from capitle gains tax IiNCOl IIAGII INVIISIMICNI llizil policy he said will flcr strong cncouragcmcni to Canadians to invest in com panics munagcd and controllcd by anziditins and will be an inccntivc to companies with minority unudizin sharchnld lo incrcasv that to at least 31 per ccnt Introduced this season Vic Slliiliiii Ilil Iiiliiliiili would rcducc icdiriil Ittiilli by no morc than $50 ITIIIItlIti or loss than onciiiili lII tilit ptl cont of 101le ICVCIilIlS ll cur rInl markct prims And that if SOCIIIS 10 Inc Is IIlIl lli IIitltttlS tic price to pay for Iillllll lIlli uialion 10Tanzirlinii liillilllll and Canadian lllillitl til ilit proposal we ICitlt Thc Tonscrvulivc icziillr Slilll the tax break would LIiciimuui privalclymviicrl iiIIIliilllt Iii broaden their utility participzi ion by Offering tliiir Sittitis ill the public markct leirks proposal wnilri ItiICII LI wide portion II IIII iilllill voltrs Now 44 Illl ilil ill fIi nadizin SITIIICIIOIiItlS hi said list IllmSl IS Ilililiitlb sales and clcriczil HillitlS or in Im crs Cresia run new sport here OTTAWA CPI daring new sport was introduced to Canada this season with the Opening of the worlds second Cresta toboggan run and the only one open to Women The Mont Cascades Crcsia at the nearby Mont Cascades ski area of Quebec is modelled after the famous mcnaonly Cresta at St Moritz Switzcr land churchill by Mrs Saunter 7752470 Mrs Keith Sinclair and Todd have returned home after weeks visit in St Petersburg Florida with Robert Sinclair They report Sinclair in ex ccllcnt health and enjoying the southern climate even though tempcratures are low The trio enjoyed one day at tho Konncdy Space Centre Mrs Edgar Sturgeon was hostess for the Ladies Bridge Club Tuesday night and Mrs Jack Constable and Mary Sloan were the prize winners Belated get well wishes go to Cathy Hampshire who is con valescing at her home aftcr ii few days in Barrie hospital and to Bill Thompson who has been patient there too The First Churchill Beavers enjoyed toboggan party and the hospitality of Bob and Audrio Shapton Twentytwo of the 26 member colony attcndcd Jean Constable cntcrliiincd Sunday at bridal shower in honor of her niece licaihcr Constable Gutsis came from Saskatchewan Toronto Hillsburg and the surrounding communities Sidney Sjobcrg and his wife of Davidson Sask are visiting their cousins Mr and Mrs Jack Constable and Mr and Mrs Blake Constable and other relatives in the district Congratulations to Mr and Mrs John Kell OII the birth of Christina Lynn zI litilc sister for Jennifer Ruth Terrell reports atten ding family reunion and din ner party held in Itluc Moun tain community Ovcr 100 of her mothers family attended Ruth andhhr sisters Dorothy Hopkins of Stroud and Porn Burns of Toronto wrote skit hinged around Twas the Night Before Christmas The reading of the poem was interspersed with appropriati solos and musical numbers while Ruth Stirred very uni quo pudding the ingredients being the many talents of her cousins oookstown by MarionIo Eldridge 4584487 world day of prayer will be held at Cookstown United Church March beginning at pm Guest speaker will be Mrs Jacobsen who has recent Iy returned from trip to Africa neihborly news Equipment for the 720metre run includes crash helmet chin guard slcclsiudded boots and padding for hands elbows and knees the Canadian run the top spccd this season is about 64 kilometres an hour but with the planned expansion of the rcstzi to 1080 metres for ncxt season the speed should reach 2ka1 Mr and Mrs John Paris celebrated their Goth wcdding anniversary on Feb 10 Ii Grace Baptist Church Allislon Sympathy of thc Cookstown community is extended to the families of thrcc longlimo Cookstown residents who died recently Dalton Draper Sr died at the Willows Nursing Home in Aurora Jan 27 Ho was 87 He Is survived by son Dalton and daughters Frances and Maric irzicc va dicd at Stcvcnson Memorial Hospital Allislon Feb Slit was 82 Shc was the mother of James and Ardiih Funeral was con ductcd by Nov It Ricc Laura Mziycs dch III Good Samaritan Home Allislim Feb Shc is survived by htl hus band Thomas and two daughters Doris and Evelyn Rcv Rooncy cunducicd Iiic funcrnl scrviccs thc Nursing The Swiss Creslu club hm barred women for 50 years Oil grounds that the facedown pit sition is too strenuous and the belief that womcn may be IOLH ing themselves upon to bicusl cancer through the spurt ONE EXCEPTION IIiII The rule was last debuted in 1933 but has stuck although an exception was made for British flying pioneer Amy Johnson who made two runs The Canadian club has IIIItt women In Its group of 30 ItSpIIt an earlier decision to follow the Swiss ruling The only IlSltIC tion is that members iw zit ICOSI 18 years of agc Construction of the zmadiun Tesla dcsigncd by bobsicd champion Nino Rihbizi SlillICfl last summer with bulidiicrs and dynamite clcziring lhi path on the north Side of tho IIIOIIII lain Its foundations IIt iiin IIIIII the side of tlic mountain with snow packed and built up to cover the curves and walls which are supported by mounds carth mixturc II slush IS Iddcd IO smooth out IIli lllIiilt and water is tililililil tn tronc II lhc IIIuIIIliniintc IS Lin11 ivc kccp StYlIi miii itiIKlliL scvcn days Hth lti ltlii thi run in good shapv suns ltitl Fallis ptcsldinl ll3sctpadvs lithiiuuurimg Club IlIiII liic ItliilltIiililIt unis abovc rum gcnciali haw In closc down bccnuw Ilil llIiiIIlI on thc tobaggzms LIIalc grooves and ruls Ill Illt soil surface PLIIII 24 TIIE PLIICE YOUR DO IIIRS Olnterest calculated every 24 hours on the daily balance °Paid Quarterly 09 Interest BARRIE COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LTD gt18 COLLIER SIRICILIT BARRIE ONT 7285191

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