Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Feb 1979, p. 4

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the oxamlner Friday Feb 16 1979 dont care why theyre there Who cares why theyre therei with eight other officials from Myrtle Beach The dont mind What else could either of these passersby say when they spied South Caroline beauty queens Anna McDonald left and Patricia Moore resting in snowbank The two girls were In Barrie Wednesday for lunch and tour of the city along group was here to promote tourism for Myrtle Beach Barrie 125th onnivesary touques were presented to the girls to keep them warm during the photo session Examiner Photo by Dave Burc sik toda Downtown redevelo ment Salter project assures future lmpact study iosults on tho major domitown projch has assured Ilarrios tuturc tho project doyolopor said lhurs day Miller Saiior architcit tor the prejcct spolc at Thursday meeting of thc ltarric ltotary lub The study by Larry Smith and associates contiriiicd tho market potcnttal in llarric Salertoldthcgroiip He said it itarric did not do anything to holp its downtown commercial developmont would spring up in lainswick Stroud or tho layfiold strip That Would nican tho Littor dcath knoll for dountoun liar ric said Saltcr lhi cast sido of Hayfield Strcct docs not nocd hclp Saltcr said lhc aroa has the courthousc city hall library legal otticos most offico spaco and is thc sito of thc propost civic ccntrc Salter said The ycst sido doosnt rcally hayo ycry much said Saltcr lhc City Will ho LJtHHllL to tho south whcn aiiiicxation is complottxl said Sailor iho propct goos in tho diroi tion ol thc aiitioipatod uroutli said Sailor Somo rosidints lll llttl to mow to accomiiiodalo tho pro ject lhcrc Will lt sonic Lad casos said Saltcr tint thou cascs Mll tic tcw Thcro arc tiiiirs that thi will and host iiitircsts or ma jority must tako pitcoiliiii it Architects suggest solar heating Solar heated homes can be cheaper to build and cost less to heat Joe Som toy right of the University of Waterloo Architecture Department told group of 50 local contractors Thursday night He explained to the group which met at the Continental inn the pros and cons of solar heat John OByrne left of Orangeville read house plan over with Mr Somtoy after the meeting Examiner Photo oyir tho ciiiii ot llltllltlllill saltcisaid Ho Mitt illiHI iosiiloiit would it nioiwl to lai lttlltl lions iiiu lltttl tiioy llll now ii iltirgt1itdlitIstliaiikliillot tlii ltttlll siippoit iii iiciild troiii tliw tii itoi liiiii tliziniliri lti oiiniiciii and lllt ilouiitiiaaii tiiiiiil lo iiioiittn itto iii liaik ki intitvil will ltalpoiiiiu alii said thought tllltltl 1JlliiIHNlllit Sallir vllll lll on told in tho Iii ltllli oi ical lllt thin that litiiiliip striot had plitiioiiiciial potiiitial liiit tla lllt itf tiiil oi liiiii ltllllll uoiilii lllliltl iiiclop llltlll Without iitiition ot pridc tiltic litllitlltlil tiiiiiiiiit tho llligtllili iioiiiid said alloi llti llii tlll ltl lllt jiiojili iil llziirio ls lllllt orooiiii1to iiiako lltliltll Planters BUR Budd your own Dulu ious Senlood PIC mp Dovlllei As51dloiiiiiithoilditayol liayor laiili Sllc iill spoak at Dlscc til at Trinity lTiiitid liurcli Adul LS Featuring Slh Build yourown Chet Mikes owr whhHonyG°l 5mm Get Your Moneys JUS 3550 Worth ciicular on Page Bros Planters South of Molsons Site considered for $l0M centre 40 ach silo on tho 12m con ccssion is living considcrcd for location of proposcd Slit million rocriation ccntro in Barrio lho siti sotllll ot Molsons llroyycry is part of thc propos cd aiincxod boundary says Miko lolcr chairman ol tho rocriatioiial coniplos slotring committcc torincd in 1977 to discuss math purposc rocrca lion cont ro liicludod in tho contro would ho douhlc ico surlacc olyni pic siod swimming pool track gymnasium and squash and handball lacilitios lho comnnttcc has hircil an architoct to draw up concop tual drawing ol lhc contri it will ho ltstlllfll to city council yitlnii about tliroc months said lolt lhc rccroatioii laoility would tako caro ol llairio iicods today and l3 ycars from no liovrlcr said lhoro is mm lack ol rccroa tioiial lacihtios in Barrio lowlot said Many groups it tho city aro hoiniJ torcod to go to com iniinitios liko ltllt and llrad lord lo got icc tiino hosaid looplc today aro lttttilllllllf iiiro and moro conscious ol thoir physical condition said liowlor Moro pooplo want to Lct out and cxorriso hut thorc irc ory to liltlllllt to do it ith Ho says tho no ciiitii ttlllll ilso provido liltlllllt tor haa licappod porsoiis and thcrupiiitictacililiosrooll llioti art ciy to iitllt which havo hocn loft unturn od hc said Discussions havo bccn held lltll lcorgian ollcgc YW YMtA officials to cnsurc tacilitics aro not dliplicatcd ltlll said ltic coniinittoc is optimistic and possiinistic of its chances ol potting tho projcct off thc ground said lowlcr lot ol things hingo on it said lttltl Wlioro for cxam plc is tho tundiiig going to comolroiii loyiloi sid that coiiniiittco tiprosintatiyis would hc ad drcssiiip siryici oluh groups in thc lltl lov months to try and itot soiiicliiiaiicial support lho ooiiiiiiittcc ill moit tiljtll xiiicii lllt archiloct has lilllrvllttl iiisitaii Hilk tor lllt sciniiio lo lll said Planning board OKs downtown project liarric pltltllllllfl hoard ap proyod in priiiciplc lllt downtown iiiiproycmont pro joct Thursday Iho hoard dotidod to Ippltiyo tho projoct at spotnil lltltllllK which lollowod public mccting hold iodiicsday night lho approval lll so pilltl to goiioral ooiiiinittoo lllll midhurst by Mrs Nash 7289565 Midliiirst liiitid hintii ltW iiiot at vlrs ialtir oiitts homo ligizy ltopon and iudi llolton ol Shanty tin spoko about tho taiiadiaii loiital llcalth Association Itii lll lllttllllil is Man it at li Ci lt lou ois homi Mrs Loriic lllll ltllllltlttl church coiitcioiico at itllt£t laikttiillia iictiitly Midhuist Historical Sociity will iiioot Hit at in it tho Midliuist coiiiiiiuiiity tli tro ltoii lll ll oiiiroiiiiiiii tal studios uraduatc will talk about sax nip Wilton trcok Midhinnt tiiitod tliiinii Sim day school lll hold killlllL party at ilillllll ttltlllt on ifiiidzn tolicsliiiii ill ho uirod iocioatioi iiid llil lioaid ooiiiiiiittoos Ill llt=ll iiiiot tho iiiiuhliour iiiuli March Sunnistunts Put lakoii llit actiyitios llt lidhiiit and Hll ho loiouardod to arioiis orizantatioiis cspra liortitiiitural socioiy hold lllttlllll loi local unrdoiicrs laiili if at tho Midliiiist toiiiiiiiiiiity toiitii ltoiiir lti linti troiii Liiiii link lll ltJh on ciiotalili Lélldills stroud by Mrs Campbell 4351084 St lanios lllttttlitl iro making liiniioi dopictiiiu intornational ol lllo tliild tor tho lrosliytoi lill onloi oiiio lll llllill Mariii ll Nt lanios llniich Hll hold World llay ol llltl siivicc at in March itli othor chur chosparticipatiiiu Lakilaiids Sinior itioiis tliili No 2tth hold its monthly lun ltay at lakcsidi ilall lcona llcacli iiii Itl lhi llllt is planning trip to alitary lii lyli lllltll Mailood colohralod lior tttith birthday lch Il thornton by delic $535353 loliii and llll lIlsoii and in and lltllltlt tuiininuhain plaittl loiii llowor ii cascades Ol hi gmigiiinoiits in liiiiit linitod atmospl llllltll Fol it Come for lunc bar hot roast Iiolllllt iillioit of loronto iiii solo lhc liililo lclls Mo and Nancy loaook cntcr lallttil tho lltltlltll itli story llliiilll St Valiiitlnc Roy Itoii ltt scinion doalt yith tlic ppllttll What ls Maii liiita laiilin ot tho cns Aid Hocioty Will ho LJlthl spotlktl turnip CORRECTION mm and 42265 should read 399 st lor 960 not 860 as statod Also on Page the Mens sport shirts are not mmediately available due to shipping problems Orders will be taken We 3ng1 any inconvenience mesa eirors may have caused oufcostomers lll discuss thi issuc Monday llio impart study compiotod Iciontly it lari Smith and SlNlilllA as iiisciiliod as splonditl li id licd ltuoinpor lho study kas to itlllltlt tit illoct tlttlllllll piopit ttllltl liqixo on oxisiiiiil storis it coiicliidcd llltltlllllll ioull losc ilioiit Soon ow to ilo Jittii tlio tIisl oi liiit utililtl ll hack iii iziottii poatioi illoltllai tut ll Ituiiiipii llit tltttiltiti lii put lltlltlttll doiit io that ltlt cl ill said ltiiiiiipo ltlttiisi iiilttli lost ttlltt inono tlnoituliioiisririoa lli sid tho tiiipm itll lt titon militioiiV iltlll it um not Second tire Uiiii to on tho ltlt oi oxcistatiiifl tho tiist llo also ill tho impact study would iiolp city council in thc lutiiro iiioi it canto down loos llilili llll actual sitc plan itopoi Halliy aiiohir plann inii lttialtl llltllilltl sid tlic llttlil olijoitioii to tho projoct Hlllil likily conic troiii ri iiliiits iii ilio arca ljiioiiitli olijiotions tlatloy said could ilolay tho projocl tho it has until Maiih to nutiniit itltllttl plans ol tno propct tho pioyinoial finiciiuiatit itllllt oilgililo tor illtlllttli Ill tiindinu lroin tho itooriiiiiiiit Itaitio pays 512 iiiliioa io tho propct and ltlltii yzli pay tho roiiiaiii iiiiLILtliiiilloii in weeks destroys Everett home liltliil lilo iooiid lliillso lilt lltlt it los lltlli ltt coin iii io ll lli lltiljt ot lcriy lNlmMfi it wt tliiiill iiiciitiiwi Evilll tll iiid liisttliiiillii toli= tttlllll in tip ltit ill ltilt lions mil tl ttllt ltil mm tilt ltltl it lillWlltl it it llt lilI lllillt iiitltti ttllltttil ipmtzrii llilltitlli lltlttll illltl ili said lt iiiiiIis lll tho tiiiiis Il flit ltli iillllililt up Auto 0an sarjeant Insurance tm IllForm lit lame Come to llo tho iir ltlt lulttl in llt alum lill lilillli ill lli lowroll lrli ili 7ttiltl iii apaitinoiit llllilli lttllld llt taiiiiliw iijii to thclicii iio tllst lllx llttll littfllll Feb 1718 Burie Winter Carnival THE siiLE Jack Webb ebothing ON MENS COATS SWEATERS SHRTS PANTS SUTS ia mt cslutliyu lolly SAVE UP TO 75 ON WOMENS RESSES SWEATERS SPORTSWEAR £RUISEWEAR Jack Webb LTD Hotlinks lbiMCn 35an Pantyhose 93 lt Va elm rfl Va alum I°tl Va elm °t Friday Nite Saturday or while quantities last SUPER JW sum SPECIAL SAVE lEVls cwc 635 MENS JEANS Levis GWG Boots Jeans and more Unwashed prowashed denim cards Broken the ranges Our Woolworth Rog values up to 2595 pair OUR SPECIAL PRICE Tide laundry sat Detergent Only litre box Limit box per customer No rain checks OurWootworth Spochl Price 37 Box Paper Towels rolls per package Limit pkgs per customer Our Woolworth Special Price Legs SAVEl3 200 With gusset in taupe beige or spice Sizes SML XL Our Woolworth Reg Price 99 pair OurSpocialPrica Ladies 100 Acrylic gggg Sweaters il4g°9f Short sleeves assorted styles colors Sizes SM Our Woolworth Peg Fri lor 700 OUR SPIClAl PRICE lounge Pillows Detorative and useful throughout the house Assorted prints plain covers Ooi Woolworth Reg Pricetor399 OUR SPECIAL PRICE npainted Wardrobe Mode tram poplar birchwood Unassembled Finish to your own home Our Woolworth Reg Price 4299eoch 0W SPECIAI PRIC NW SlutELL 343i 99 Pkg xc ooo woooru Ski Packa Wooden skis boots poles metal bindings installation Our Woolworth Reg Price 7430 pkg WISPICIM PRICE Delicious Banana Rolls lovely treat for dessert Baked trash daily in our Bakery OuWootaorth Spochl Price 11 each 5676 IAYFIELD 51 Open every night until 900 pan Saturdays 600 pan tttim 231mm JR Use these Cards Woolworth Stores adford Street Barrie

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