Thuredey Feb 15 1979 NEWSROOM 7266537 CIRCULATION 7266539 the eXaminer serving borrie and simcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited I6 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 Bruce Rowland publisher ADVERTISING 7266537 CLASSIFIEDS 728 24 Pay homage to our flag Canadians on the whole are modest people We dont ordinarily indulge in flag waving and the like Today is an exception to the rule Exactly 14 years ago Canadas Maple Leaf flag was first raised above the Peace Tower in Ottawa In Barrie the Red Ensign was lowered and the new flag raised in ceremony at Memorial Park At the time there were misgivings by some and references to Pearsons Pennant But the flag won almost universal acceptance as distinctive and worthy symbol of our nationhood Time has reinforced that feeling To children of public school age and older it is the only flag they have known Others see it true symbol of peace flag that has never been stained on the field of battle The nation can be proud of its flag and of the coun try it represents Our flag is part of continuin of the Canadian nation growth and maturing We do not intend to forget the traditions of our past But because of our flag we are more Canadian than ever before With holiday We think Flag Day than it gets deserves more recognition Why not declare the weekend closest to February 15 as an official statutory long weekend The holiday would tie in perfectly with number of events February 15 is about midway between January and Easter natural halfway holiday in the long Canadian winter Theres Valentines Day on February 14 Its the time for many winter carnivals our own Barrie Winter Carnival included Its the beginning of reading week at many schools and universities The idea for such holiday has been put forward before but never acted on Why not holiday for Flag Day Dont we all need midwinter break Dear Sir Each month the administrators of the Simcoe County School Board make us acutely aware that parents are fast losing control of education in Simcoe County Each month we are painfully aware that the School Board trustees are losing control too We now have the tail wagging the dog Dr Jack Ramsay Director of Education quoted as saying about the Human Relations program Parent groups and the public at large questioned sections of the pro gram and challenged the qualifica tions of teachers who were to impart such knowledge as sexual relations and homosexuality to their children But there was more support of the program than opposition the an tagonists just spoke louder What has happened to the Boards rationale for such program quote the last two paragraphs from the Human Relations Rationale In accordance with Board Policy No 56 teachers will deal with core topics in the context of well plann ed total curriculum Parents will be aware of the general content and the purposes of the course and will be afforded the opportunity to pro vide input for the curriculum Parents shall have the privilege of withdrawing their children from segments of the program which they might find objectionable In working closely with parents in the teaching of human relations we anticipate the education of the whole child very noble statement Quite we want your opinion Something on your mind Send Letter to the Editor Please make it an original copy and sign it The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned let tors but it you wish pen name will be used Include your telephone number and address as we have to verily letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condense or reject letters letters to the Editor are run every day on the editorial page Send yours to letters to the Editor The Examiner Post Ofï¬ce In 370 IAIIIE Ont WA letters the editor contrast from Dr Ramsays remarks about the antagonists For moment let us examine part of the Boards rationale for this cur riculum How well planned is the cur riculum On scale of 010 it would rank about There are no text books for the children the teachers have been given very vague teaching instruction some sub jects are void of teaching instruc tions question the qualifications of the writing team for such course Is there even one psychologist on the writing team In Grade 10 Unit IV students are required to analyze methods of coping with stress They are asked to define stress and to in vestigate theories of stress and much more Yet for such an impor tant subject there are no guidelines or suggested resources for the teachers How much training does teacher require to teach the Human Rela tions programme The Board in their wisdom tell us the teachers will acquire the necessary expertise in 82 days The teachers are now the professionals in this area with only 82 days training How long does it take teacher to acquire the skills and knowledge to teach mathematics English history and geography hope it is more than 82 days Over the past four months have read lot of the curriculum Many changes have been made in the con tent and many more changes will be made But still find the whole pro gramme disturbing find it disturb ing too that our school trustees who have been democratically elected appear to have relinquished their responsibility to the taxpayers call on all concerned parents to unite and tell our trustees that parents are responsible for the education of their children Teachers are just employees and trustees are just elected officials They are not gods Tell these representatives of the taxpayers of Simcoe County to be positive and decrease our school taxes improve the level of services in the three Rs and insist on getting value for our tax dollars Yours truly Gordon Nixon Barrie BUSINESS 7266537 NEWSROOM ADVERTISING Craig Elson managing editor Len Sevick manager Ian Mulqrewcity editor SALES Bill McFarlane wire editor Davc Fuller sports editor Claudia Krause Lifestyle editor REPORTERS Carl De Gurse Stephen Nicholls Dcnnis Lanthier Nancy Figueroa Lari Cohen Stephen Gaucr entertainment Gary Forbes sports Betty Armor camera operator Dave Burcsik photographer Bert Stevens Julie Franks Ian MacLeod Aden Smith Steve Skinner Brenda Woods CLASSIFIED Freda Shinncr Peggv Chapcll Dana Homewood Janice Morton Ruth Blais superwsor BUSINESS COMPOSING ROOM Marian Gough accountant Jack Kernev loreman Delva Mills Glenn Kwan asst loreman Gail McFarland Don Saunders Vikki Grant Lorne Wass Iathie Mitchell Wilt Cadogan CIRCULATION 32312271 Bill Halkcs manager Ed Amnbv Steve Whitca55islantmanaqer Jame Heme Andy Haugmon Susan Kitchen Alva LaPlantc Ron Gilder PatMerson laine Porter Barbara Strigl CNWAIken Pnessnoom Don Near foreman Fred Princeassl torernan ELSEWHERE IN CANADA Harris Blanchard Brian Marr 7719 new game plan Joe is 20 keep qou Cmmbé and Stevens under wraps after the election Parliament Hill By STEWART MaclEOl Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service About 60 Liberal organizers from Ontario got together over few cigars in Kingston few days ago mainly to talk about the next election campaign And in thc coursc of thc discussions Gordon Gibson the partys new national director said that his candidates would be furnished with crisp easytousc statistics on the governments economic performance have been wondering when this would The world today By JOHN IIARIIRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service The legacy of the Vietnam war still plagucs the United States not in any scnsc of high diplomatic or military policy but with the ruined lives and futures of thousands of Vietnam veterans Unlike the veterans of World War Two who came homc as heroes to thcir country and families very much as did the latcr vctcrans of the Korean War the American veteran of Vietnam came home ignored and by sonic evcn criticized for what hc had done Sonic veterans remember west coast homccomings of the late 1960s and early 1970s with the war still in progress when groups of fellow young Amcricans gathered in the airports to call them baby killers and miir dercrs Thousands came home early disgusted with the wars brutality and aiinlessncss and with military discharges which arc ncithcr honorable or dishonorable but which prcvcnt them getting jobs Often the wouldbe em loycr is gungho American with oldfas ioncd values of patriotism who cant understand why young veteran couldnt stick it out like he did during World War Two These unfair discharges were way for thc military establishment to get back at soldiers who had gone to fight but were supported by the growing antiwar elements at home DRAFT VADERS BETTER Oll Moreover tens of thousands of young Americans who either fled the draft or deserted from the military rcccivcd pardons at the beginning of thc Tartcr presidency and are free to come home Many of them are getting jobs and picking up careers whcrc the Vietnam veteran cannot do so because of the above bad papcrs as they are called or because of physical and psychological wounds frotii that mindlcss and ever so brutal Asian war Even though the young head of thc SCOOPS WELCOME TO MEXICO PRESIDENT CARTER MEXICO HAS VAST 5UPPLIES OF OIL JUST llKE SAUDI ARAï¬IA YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEAN5 happen If thcrc is one arca in which lhc Liberal party has been woefully wcak it is crisp casylousc statistics on tlic govcrn incnts economic iwrformancc And oddly enough it is the area in which the challenging onscrvativcs have been strongest Trouble is most of the Tory candidates didnt usc all the material thcy had iii haiid ovcr lhc last ycar Perhaps they thought the Liberals wcrc on suicidal course and didnt nccd thccxtra push In any cvcnt most of thc Toryprcparcd crisp casytousc propaganda iiialcrial has bccn sitting idly in Vietnam legacy still lingers Veterans Administration is paraplegic Vic tiin of that war VA and other government and state agencies are not coping with the Vietnam veteran crisis lhcy fill up the jails uncmploymcnt of ficcs psychiatrist clinics of thc United Stalls And III tinic of very high uncm ploymcnt Victnain vcls without clcar skills are becoming tlic chronically uncmploycd This is especially true of black COIII inunitics whcrc thc black ictnam vctcran is trcatcd no bcttcr than the other blacks in his community whodid not have to fight for their country in squalid war liadly organilcd politically which was far from true of thc stridcnt World War Two vcls who fill thc ranks of thc rcactionnry Amcrican Legion and Vctcranss of Foreign Wars the Vietnam vets arc only now gctliiig congressional support The recently structured Vietnam Era Vcterans in Congress now iiicludcs 2i Congressmen all of whom admit the vctcran of the Vietnam war is Ill being adcquatcly cared for artcrs personal intentions to publicly assist thc Vietnam veteran have bccn bogged down iii Whilc Ilousc political ploys lhc Iicnd of thc ouncil of Vicliiani Veterans former Marinc orps combat licutcnant charges not single Vietnam veteran is on thc Whilc Ilouscstaff How can you bc formulating policy for niiic million guys and not hnvc thcsc guys icprcscntcd he is reported in The New York liiiics lichind it all is anolhcr psychological factor which lhc veterans of Americas last foreign war sccni to be hearing The constantly visiblc and highly disoricntcd Vicliiani vclcran is reminder to American polil iciaiis and llll public leaders that Vietnam was the first foreign war the UnitcdStatcs lost lhcy sccni lo tic saying to thc hardpressed veteran of that lost war the bitlcrcst words of all Why dont you lcavc us alone lliSlrs The Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CPU and Audit Bureau of circulations tABCi Only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this newspaper credited to The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Presse and local news stories published in The Exarniner Published daily except Sunday and statutory holidays WEEKLY by carrier YEARLY by carrmr 346 30 Copyright registration number YOJBIS register at BYMAILBarrie 80 National advertising offices 65 Queen St Toronto 864 I7l0 640 Cathcart St Montreal SlMCOE COUNTY 5345 50 The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arts ing out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space ac tually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error oc curred whether such error is due to the negligence of its servants or other Wtif and there shall be no liability tor non insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement MOTOR THROW OF Slvayear $38 50 year Crisp economic statistics needed in election arsenal constituvncy offices And in the meantime we havc bccn buried under an avalanche of soggy difficult to digcst statistics from both parties ECONOMIC VARIETY At various times over the last fcw years we have been told that anada has had the worst economic performance in the western world that it has had the best performance of any industrialized nation that our inflation ratc is the best andor worst that we have the highest and lowest unemployment rate but that wc created more or was it fewer new jobs than anyone else that all vital statistics point to an cconomic resurgence orand economic disaster And every party in the country can produce set of statistics to support their assorted claims liut so far all tlic ccononiic arguments havc bccn rathcr csotcric What we obvioust needed was set of crisp easylouse statistics that the rest of us could undcrstand Its good to liciir that Gibson has that projcct in hand thii gciicral election was expected year ago thc iinscrvativc party produced raft of such information which was quietly distributed to candidates for use in thc campaign And sincc thc lory party makes no claim to impartiality during clcctions the statistics were entitled liccndc of Failure summary of economic pcrformancc in the Irudcau ycars Although the titlc will obviously be changcd assuinc this is roughly the type of thingGibson is talking about TORY ARSENAL Had an clcction bccn held last ycar licrc arc some of the crisp casytousc statistics that would have conic your way via your Tory candidate The inflation ratc in April 1968 was 45 per cent The latest availablc inflation rate is it pcrccnt Iii I968 thc avcrngc cost of new NIIA dwelling was Stlili22 In 1977 the cost had risen to $40515 In itttitl lcdcrnl budgetary main estimates lotallcd Silo billion In 1978 fcdcral budg ctary main cstinilcs lolallcd $411 billion In the lrudcau dccadc personal incomc tax rcvcnucs have quintuplcd rising from $2tt5 billion in Him to$ll4 billion in 1978 lhc dcficit of the Post Office has risen from $67 million in Mitt to $567 million in 1978 The public scrvicc has grown by ovcr 44 per ccnt in tlic lli ycar period Mitt7ft The prime ministers staff has grown froiii cight lotto in thc illyear pcriod 196878 llic ralc of inflation in April liilili was if pcr ccnl lhc lalcst available inflation rate is 87 pct cent almost doiiblc The purchasing power of the dollar has fallen to 529 cents sincc Trudcau took power in April I968 am not sure tlicsc arc the particular statistics that Gibson has in mind for his distribution list But it will givc Iiiin the gcncral idea of the enemys arscnal And can hardly wait for the fullscale batllc in the war of thc crisp casylouscstatistics The Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertismq material 90 CHI created by its employees and published in this newspaper Your business All RRSPs notahke By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Remember that March is the last day on which you can contribute to Registered Re tirement Savings Plan RRSP to cut the tax on your 1978 earned income The RRSP is the most popular tax shelter available to the average Canadian This year it should be more popular than ever because of the legislative changes introduced in 1978 to provide much wider choice of ways to take your money out of your RRSP when that time comes Heres brief recap of the basic rules of RRSP investment You can contribute 20 per cent of earned income to maximum of $3500 in com bination with contributions to the registered employee pension plan you belong to or to $5500 if you dont belong to such plan Over and above those limits you can transfer to your RRSP any money you receive from Old Age Security Canada Pension Plan or private nsion plan retirement and lossofoffice al owances and income from deferred profitsharing plans Earned income means income from earnings and net income from rentals but not investment income Your contribution is deductible from 1978 taxable income But when you withdraw the money whether before or after retirement it becomes taxable MORE OPTIONS The changes made in the federal govern ments budgets of April and November 1978 bring the rules more into line with the original RRSP conceptwhich is to en courage you to save during your working years in order to provide retirement security for yourself and your spouse rather than to promote the use of sophisticated tax gim micks In the event of the death of an RRSP holder for instance if the designated beneficiary is anyone other than the spouse or dependent child or grandchild when there is no surviving spouse the legislation now requires any balance in the RRSP to be taken into income for the year of the death of the planholder Assuming the planholder lives there is greater flexibility when the time comes to dcrcgister the RRSP which must be by age 71 Previously the only options were to take the entire RRSP accumulated funds in lump sum fully taxable in that year or to buy life annuity from life insurance firm Additional options available now are the purchase of fixedterm annuity or the transfer of the RRSP money into retirement income to be paid in installments to age 90 When the beneficiary dies the fund may go to the surviving spouse When the survivor dies any remaining money in the fund passes to the estate and becomes taxable Its possible now for instance for retired person to use the RRSP money to buy combination of say life annuity retirement income fund and one or more tcrm annuities MORE THAN ONE It is also possible as before to contribute to several RRSPs during your working years and then to dcregister one per year up until age71 Thats the most direct way of dealing with your retirement savingsyou take the money from one plan each year pay your tax and nobody else gets involved The disadvantage of course is that it cant be done beyond age Nevertheless theres much to be said for starting variety of RRSPs if only for the sake of diversification In that way you can spread your retirement savings into plans that are invested in bonds mortgages and so on It also diversifies your savings among number of different trustees trust firms banks mutual funds insurance companies some of whom achieve better investment performance than others Whenever you buy an RRSP assuming that you havent left it until the last moment on March 1you should look into the trustees growth record current rate of return on fixed income investments and the service charges and penalties if any on starting up or terminating plan All RRSIs are definitely not alike Interpreting the news The ratings drop for JimmyCarter Ry GLENN SOMERIILLE WASHINGTON CPI Jimmy Carter is widely seen as decent hardworking man who is not doing particularly effective job as president of the US national public opinion polls show Continuing confusion about US policy toward Iran and other countries worry about threatened energy crisis worse than the one in 1973 and rising inflation rates are taking heavy toll on Carters popularity Significantly the sharpest criticisms about Carter are coming from his fellow demo crats notably Senator Adlai Stevenson Dem III who recently called Carter embarrassineg weak and surrounded in the White House by bush leagueis California Governor Jerry Brown now making little attempt to disguise his intention to challenge arter for the 1980 presidential nomination for the Democratic party makes no effort to muffle his criticisms of the president Brown running hard with proposal for constitutional amendment to balance the fed eral budget calls Carters promises to reduce the spending deficit gradually while aiming for balanced budget sometime after 1981 nonsense and dangerous