Father Owen Lee professor of classics at St Michaels College University of Toronto is renowned expert in the poetry of the poet Horace and in Virgils Aerried He is also passionate movie fan and devotee of opera but likes play ing honkytonk best CP Photo Father Lee is versatile TORONTO itll ier yyeii ec is £1 tl l1ll1l priest or an average classics Stlltiitit mmie goer or author At 48 he is all that and more member of the Basilian order of Roman tatholic priestls he is professor of class1cs renowned expert in the poetry of Horace and iii Virgil Iill He also is movie and opera flan whose writings on these SUIIS are awaited Hlll th same anticipation as his books Horace America His book Word Sound and Image in the tides of is found on many college reading lists iii North Besides writing hook on the best movies produced he is the author of dozens of art iiles for scholarly jtllltliillS such as the lassical Quarterly anal tlassical lhilology He teaches at St Miciacls ollege federated college of Lniversity of Toronto During sabliaticyil last year he wrote his forthcoming Tum ienitor Name latherrSon Relationships in irgils Aeneid Although his lllrtlslt training is limited to five years of piano with the Krasters ot harity Father lec sings mass each morning before he scours the papers to see what m0lS lllf Wiltyllifl lll It II Its been more than 51 years since his interest in the priesthoezfl began Within to years Father Lee had received thrfijï¬leaiiversity degrees an honors 1M in classics from Irfnyersity of loronto then masters degree in classics mind theology degree After to years ot teaching in loronto he went to St lhomass ollege in Houston Tex it here he taught com parative literature art and music Points to ponder Reach out andlove Hy INIIIUIIIY Kllltlll The other day my husband came in and said think that you should go and visit the Italian lady across the street She came to visit you said nothing After all had my day planned and much as liked my neighbor visiting her was not in my plans also had Bible class lesson to prepare and cookies to bake would he embarrassed to hau friends drop in and have nothing to ol fer them And it it were the Lords will for me to visit today Firms may face pressure PUEBLA Mcxtco viin Canadian companies operating in Latin America may lace growing pressure from the Roman atliolic thumb to Show greater social rcspon sibility say two anadiaii churchmen attending con ference of Latin American bishops Archbishops tiilles tiucllet ol ltimouski Que and Joseph McNeil of lldinoiiton said Wednesday in interviews they expect posit ions being prepared by the Third Latin America Episcopal Council will prompt the church to act more con cretely in social and economic matters Far from getting better the economic situation of many Latin Americans is actually getting worse Uuellct said Several speakers here have taken strong positions against some of the less acceptable practices of multinational cor porations which in their eyes have promoted economic in justice He would have told me not my husband reasoned with the resentment So worked all morning qttite comfortable with my decision but alter lunch began to feel uneasy Suppose God wanted me to Visit If did not go would be unfaithful that did not want So decided to run the risk of having company with no baking to offer them and go and visit my neighbor was rewarded with her warm welcome and her sincere It is so nice to have neighbors drop iii We started talking about my son who is handicap ped and that gave me an op portunity to tell her of my faith in the love of Hod In answer to the sympathy and concern in her tacc for my son said believe that God loves you and that He loves me and took the punishment for our sins on alvary do not understand why my son should be han dicapped but because know ind cares so much simply trust Him about the things that cannot understand could feel her warm response to my words and we chatted for while When arose to go she brought out my favorite cake Italian laiiet tone huge fruit bread type of cake and gave it to me So did not have to be embarrassed it company came My heart was singing Is this what Sod meant when He said Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall he added unto you That visit was the high point of my day and wondered how many high points had missed in the past when refused to fortgo my own plans and to reach out in love to those around me Religion roundup Minister gets HALIFAX CP Rev Dori ald Skeir Baptist minister has been awarded the Nova Scotia human rights commis sions certificate of merit The award is presented in recognition of outstanding con tributions iii the area of human rights Skeir is minister for more UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Timothy Chrirthn Sdiool 49 Ford Lono My Fly Now 1000 Ivbg Worflp 700 pm Christ is the answer to your needs Pastor ohnson 7282358 Lutheran Church 220 Steel St Barrie SERVICE at 400 pm SUNDAY SCHOOL at 430 pm FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 156 St Vhtcont St Phono 7286035 REV BIERMAN Join us for worship ot9 and 110m and 730pm no9am service on last Sunday of the month Tune into The Buck of God Hour Rodio Monong SUNDAYS Toronto CHINFM 800 onI 1010 Toronto CHEH 930 am I430 CUNDLES HEIGHTS CHURCH At Cundles Heights Public School 11 am Morning Worship and Sunday School Guort Spookor Rev McKILLICAN The more we count the blessings we have the less we crave the luxuries we havent For information 72871 33 than 2500 CARL BULL Lauderdale Florida which in than 4000 residents of Preston Cherry rook Housing issue EDMONTON CP The Catholic Church can play an important role in seeking ade ESSA ROAD Presbyterian Church 59 Euro Rd at Burton Avo Minister Rov Gourd Ionord Organist Mn Voro Diamond 1100 AM When The Pressure Is On Olurch School for oI upon at tho lino tho hitrt Nuroory Coro Providod ALL WELCOME 630 THIS SUNDAY NIGHT SEE STARTING MARCH 4th two sundoy morning services 900 1100 AM GROWING TO SERVE YOU BETTER PASTORS the nearby communities of East North Preston and SUNDAY FEB 11 950 am SUNDAY SCHOOL ipiilii BEYOND AND BACK dynamic message concerning death and the hereafterl Citing specific cases of those who have been declared clinically dead vPastor Ray Running preaching Hear what the Bible says about 95 Presbyterian iF ONLY Service Broadcast Cable pm Barrio Boyc Choir Concert Fob 18 730 pm FULL GOSPEL CHURCH LoL HALL BURTON AVE SUNDAYS II am pm FELLOWSHIP YOU ENJOY LIVELY GOSPEL MUSIC SINGERS PROPHETIC MESSAGES MUST SPEAKER CHIEF OF RAMA RESERVE NORM STINSON With his guitar on the battlefield for his Lord Service Youll Remember Solvation Hauling Chorosmotic Meeting quate housing and health care for poor people Guatemalan professor says Julio Quan told workshop organized by group called Ten Days for World Development that the church can organize people at the parish level to seek such necessities The group includes represen AS Westminster Presbyterian Church 170 Stool St noor Pugot MINISTER PAUL MILLS 1000 am MORNING WORSHIP Nursory Coro Provldod 00 am Church School Wednesday 830 pm Bible Study and Prayer Everyone Welcome to ChristCentred Ministry iwgt oucim innit in Canada saint ï¬lament nutvi Iirl Wt Haley St LKE MIGHTY ARMY The Most Widely Used Film in This Decade Motivating Christians to Witness It tells the story of Dr James Kennedy and the Coral Ridge Church in Fort years grew from 17 to membership of more FREE METHODIST CHURCH 200 BAYFIELD AT DALTON BRUCE SWANSON tatives of the Anglican Roman Presby terian and Unitied Churches in Catholic Lutheran Canada New mission CALGARY CP The first Ahmadiyya Muslim mission in Canada has been opened here Mission president BA Raya former officer in the Pakistan army said number of books on Islam have been donated to the Calgary public library the University of Calgary and to lo cal schools The mission house formerly private residence is the head Hows YOUR LOVE LIFE GOD WANTS TO KNOW that perfection It starts ATTENTION PLEASE On an average Sunday St Georges Anglican Burton Gronvlllo 900 AM HOLY EUCHARIST 1030 AM MORNING PRAYER Church School and Nursery FIRST BAPTIST 37 CLAPPERTON ST Mlnister Rev Stewart Liddell FAMILY WORSHIP 1030 AM HE VALENTINE MARTYRS This morning we welcome Young People from Baptist Churches of the Georgian Bay Association WEDNESDAY PM Prayer Bible Study At the Heart of Barrie With Barrie at Heart Whool Choir Romp ovoiloblo at tho rido door Anglican Churches Jesus left us two basic commandments to follow They were both centered around our neighbors as ourselves and we are to love the Lord our God with all our might God is concerned about our love life He wants it to be perfect in every way But we are the only ones who can bring about love We are to love with us And being more ersonal it starts with you Get iump on valentines ay Begin your love attair tomorrow with God 10 am SUNDAY SCHOOL II am The Fruit of The Spirit is Love lnniswood Baptist Church 175 Yonge St Dorrie 7280718 in Barrie recent survey shows on attendance at churches within the city limits of 7062 people If you are one of the remaining 28524 people we invite you to try something different join us in Morning Worship EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 128 St Vincont St Barrio 7283017 Rev Frank 945 om BIBLE SCHOOL Somothing for ovoryono 1100 am What Should Have Done 700 pm Evening Service 730 pm Wednesday Proloo Prayer Bible Study DIAL BIBLE MESSAGE 7371251 Wuoot Pootor St Giles Anglcon Church 95 Cook St Barrie SERVICES 830 AM HOLY COMMUNION 1000 AM HOLY COMMUNION Sunday School ad Norrory St Thomas Shanty Bay SERVICE Rector Rev Kaye BA All Welcome TRINITY CHURCH BARRIE 24 Collier St Next to Post Office 1030 AM MORNING PRAYER SondoySchool oodeory Canon Spears Rector Rev Samuel Obol Assistant Epiphany am Holy Communion 10 am Mottim Holy Baptism Sunday School oll dopto pm Prayer Praise Eucharist Upper Room MIDWEEK EUCHARISTS Tuoodoy 730 pm Thursday 1030 am worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness the examlner Saturday Feb 10 1079 giliarters of the local chapter of Ahmadiyya movement Gets OK TORONTO CP Toronto synagogue has received 9p proval from the federal govern ment to sponsor family of Vietnamese refugees GRACE UNITED CHURCH Grovo St cost of Cook Mhhtor Rov Arthur Storoy 1030 am Morning Worship Ioouo Llfo and Touching No Tho Adultrou FAITH MISSIONARY 229 Crawford Street Barrie 7373062 Pootor Rov Woyno Donun 7268750 945 am Sunday School 1100 am Morning Worship pm Evening Worship Wodnoodoy 800 pm Biblo Study and Proyor Jesus said will build my church Matthew 1618 Christian Science Society 159 Collier Street Barrio Church Service Sunday School 11 am TESTIMONY MEETING Second Wed each month pm Reading Room open Tues Thurs 24 pm Thurs 730 930 pm Tel 7261602 United Churches human rights certificate Rabbi David Morison of the Beth Sholom Synago says details of the sponsors op have not been decided upon Morison said the synagogue was following the example set two years ago by Israel when it became the first country to accept South Asian ref ugeos LIVING ON LIFEBOA Somon Thoo ot Burton Avenue United Church 37 Burton Avo Barrio WORSHIP ot 1030 om with Nuroory Coro and Church School at the some hour Mhhtor REV PAULO MORROW Mock Dhoctor MR DOUG GARRAWAY EVER YON IS WELCOME FLnitcd Church Ross and Toronto Streets invites you to Celebration of Worship at 1030 AM THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS Rev DONALD JAY Tho church school moot at tho sumo hour Welcome to ChristCentred Joyful Fellowshipli Next to the RVH Barrie Ontario HOWS YOUR LOVE LIFE 12 Collier St JESUS IS CONCERNED Collier Unith Church SERVICES SUNDAY SCHOOLS am Gods Wings For The Wearv Noor City Hull