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Harris Blanchard $38 We year Brian Marr NEWSROOM ADVERTISING Craig Ison managing editor Len Sevick manager tan Mulgrew city editor SALES Bill McFarlane wire editor 59 sevens Dave Fuller sports editor June pranks Claudia Krause Lilestyle editor an Macaw Aden Smith Steve Skinner Brenda Woods Published daily except Sunday and the eXaminer serving barrie and simcoe county Silurday Fob 10 1079 REPORTERS Carl DeGurse Stephen Nichotts Dennis Lanlhier Nancy Figueroa Lori Cohen Stephen Gauer entertainment Gary Forbes sports Betty Armer camera operator Dave Burcsik photographer Copyright registration number 2038 register at National advertising oltices 65 Queen St Toronto 864 I710 640 Cathcart St Montreal Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited to Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 Bruce Rowland publisher ADVERTISING CLASSIFIEDS 7266537 72824 CLASSIFIED Ruth Blais supervisor Freda Shinner Peggy Chapell Dana Homewood Janice Morton The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable tor damages aris ing out at errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space ac tually occupied by that portion at the advertisement in which the error oc curred whether such error is due to the negligence at its servants or other wise and there shall be no liability tor non insertion at any advertisement beyond the amount paid tor such advertisement NEWSROOM 7266537 BUSINESS 7266537 CIRCULATION 7266539 Thumbs up To support staff at Georgian College for settling their twoweek strike in an amicable and responsible manner and allowing the college to get back to its business of educating students To local music teachers students and everyone con nected with the production of The Sound of Music It was music to our ears too To secretaries of members of parliament who help politicians work effectively on their constituents behalfAnd to secretaries everywhere Whatever would we do without them Thumbs down To the provincial government for not providing more support to Canadian Rescue Services Their cs pertise and obvious energy deserves better hearing To the Toronto media for their overblown coverage of the bus driver charged in last months fatal bus tractor trailer accident Everyone deserves fair trial in court not trial on the front page of ncwspapcr Dear Sir Many times in the past recom mended to Barrie city council that the city of Barrie purchase the tran sit rolling stock from Travelways It would appear that this years general committee has taken positive step in this direction by recommending that the administra tion approach the ministry of Transportation and Communication for 75 per cent subsidy to purchase the buses It is to be hoped that if the subsidy application is successful then coun cil will take the next logical steps of purchasing the buses and calling tenders for the operation of Barrie city transit It is most important that when tenders are called the ct ty administrative staff prepare ci ty tender without bias or prejudice We might find that with properly prepared city tender keeping in mind efficiency and economy tax dollars can be saved by the city operating the system itself Annexation The court of appeal has handed down its decision As is Your business By JOHN IIAKBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service The effects of Irans continued political chaos and economic standstill continue to widen in the outside world not only for that countrys oil customers but potential arms exporters to Iran The first of these effects is of course the cutoff in Iranian oil exports to global customers For some nations this has been dramatic and critical South Africa which relies for 80 per cent of its crude oil on Iranian supply and Israel for 60 per cent will permanently lose this source write your mp 199 It you would like to write your Member of Parliament or Member of Provincial Parlia ment printed below are their mailing ad dresses lf you send us copy of your letter it might be suitable for our Letters to the Editor columns After all it there is matter of concern that makes you want to write to your MP or MPP it it is not personal matter it should be of interest to your friends and neighbors too FIOIIAI In MPvNorth Simcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont In Ilia MPflPaelDulterinSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont Mb Storm MPYorkSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont in Mltgn MPGreySimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont PROVINCIAL George Iaybr MPPSimcoo Centre Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto WW MPPSimcoeEost Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto George McCain MPPDufferin Simcoo Queens Park Toronto letters to the editor three provincial parties to legislate Iranian upheaval widespread threat quite usual it is two headed deci sion that gives neither side clear cut victory It would appear that council is sit ting idly on its hands awaiting con vening of Ontario Municipal Board hearing What will the cost be $150 an hour for lawyers to all parties concerned if we enter into another costly round of arguments The logi al solution to the pro blem would be for the mayor to open negotiations with the leaders of the the Ontario Municipal Board decie sion that has already been handed down after many long months of costly argument The government makes the laws of this land They have the power to legislate decision Ncithcr opposi tion party would risk political suicide to oppose legislation that is so important to the whole province May thank you for the use of your paper Sometimes voice cry ing in te wilderness is heard Nelson iarrctt Both the survtymg Itakhliari iovcrnmcnt and the extremist romiscs of the religious leader Ayatollah omcini now returned to Iran havcannounctxl in the first instancc and promised in the second that these two countries will rcccivc no morc Iranian crudc The results of Irans now indcfimtc with drawal from the worlds oil industry mcans reduction of about ten pcr ccnt in total global oil consumption much of it from Japan and North America In the United States thcrc arc more than hints from the artcr idmlnistralion that gas stations may close on weekends and during evenings after April lst And several of thc largcst multi national oil corlxwations Exxon Icxaco and British Ict rolcum arc alrcady rcallocating supply primarily result of thc Iranian crisis In anada Itl anada thc local subsidiary of British Petroleum which relics hcavily on Iran for its oil has Indicated to customers reporth 30 per ccnt drop lIl supply until next March Imperial il Limited the anadian sub sidiary of Exxon Torp will receive about 30000 barrcls per day less than prcscnt supply according to press and government reports even though Imperial il Limitcds foreign oil comes mainly from Venezuela and none from Iran Nor can the llnitcd States and anada necessarily count on either Vcnczucla or Mexico soon to become one of the largest oil producing countries in the world to pick up the Iranian shortfall Venezuela knows it has limited oil reserves and might even cut back on prcscnt exports regardless of thc Iranian situation And Mexico has not been able or willing to work out long term large export sales of its oil and gas to the United States in part because Canadian gas imports to the United States are sold at cheaper rate per cubic foot The othcr result of Iranian domestic upheaval with more immediate effects on foreign work forces arc major cancellations of Iranian arms ordcrs by the Ilakhtiari government orders which came to almost $10 billions These will lncludc tanks missile systems and naval support ships where Britain is con cerned or orders of about $4 billions About 200000 British workers in defence and related industries will be immediately at tectcd in country which needs these massivc foreign wcapons ordcrs to help balance its payments position The cancellations for American weaponry are less serious but again will mean early employment cutbacks in key areas of high technology output geared to defence in dustries Parliament Hill IIy SII III Iaclljtll ttttawa lIuriau Thomson News Sciw Itt lory lcadcr loc llulk lookiil lll cont ulcnt host as thc latcst tiallup lolls conlirnud that thc tirits wirc closing in on him And hc an nounccd that an immcthatc clcclion would rcsult majority onscrvativi govcrn mcnt It makes you wotltltl lust what typo of ma Jorlty llc rxpcctcd two months ago whcn lllt tonstrvatlycs wcri lcadmg thc llltlll by It pcrccntagc points This lIIIll thc lcad had narrowiil to tllll pcrccntagc point and as wc havc lwcn taught many timcs all politicians havc dcvclopcd novcl ways of intcprcting thcsc rcsults Iiut what docs sccm lwyond dispulc this timc thc fact that tor thc sccond consccutnc month their are indications that the two ma lor partics arc in virtual lcad hcat And what is also significant this timc is thc tact that tho latest poll was conducth Iiitori lark rcturncd from that troulilcsoim world tour and liclorc llt bccamc snarled scman tics ovcr dclicit financing and bclori hc and MI Ilavid romliic lid their solt shoc lancc ovcr possiblc ncgotiations with ucbct separatists It Is reasonable to expect thc Iorus to sul lcr furthcr dcclinc in ncxt months polls which now arc bcing collictcd SCOOPS GUESS WASHINGTON REALLY IRAN It is dillicult to decide whcthcr thcsc latcst polls incrcasc or dccrcasc thc chances of an April clcction as opposed to widely prcdictcd lunc clcction Whilc somc pollti clans argue that Irimc Minister Irudcziu will want to scc ncxt months vital poll results before pulling the plug on Iarllamcnt othcrs think that Libcral gain is torcgonc conclu sion and that the impact of those results would bc grcatcr lll mid campaign Momcn tum is an cxtrcmcly important factor in clcc tion campaigns lhcrc Is littlc doubt that dcspitc larks ltl cltorts III the licld of enthusiasm thc polls buoycd Libcral spirits Ihc party had ltttll plagued by skepticism sincc thc licccinbcr polls wcrc published in January Iliosc results as mentioned earlier in dicatcd that the Tory climb in popularity which bcgan last summer had come to sur prising halt In fact the change from month earlier when that 10point lead was in dicatcd unlxIicvablc to many Liberals Sonic worricd that it was an abbcration and that the IIcbruary poll would increase thc lory strength thus starting another swing of thc pcndulum And there wcrc othcrs who worricd that the January poll far from being an alibiration was thc start of suddcn sw mg that would not only pcak loo carly but would rally sympathy support to thc sidc ol loctlark Liberals closing in fast but Clark still confident Its not yet clcar what most anadians thought of that hcclic world tour by Iark when he lost his luggage said some funny things and appcarcd to bc stumbling around in state of exhaustion Would they think of lark as an intcrnational bumblcr or would they regard him as the victim of an under worked press corps Nobody is yet sure but the Liberals ob vioust didnt want tlic Tory leader to be in the midst of sympathy syndrome while the questions are being asked So what they basically hoped for was that the February polls would remain rclativcly static and that thc postthristnias Iory problems would be rcflcctcd in thc March results when such momcntum would be more beneficial Thats lhc way it has worked out so far although there are going to be some shocked Liberals if the March poll shows the Conscr vativcs surging ahcad again That possibility doesnt seem to cntcr the scenario as the Libcrals conduct lhcir own private polls and whisper advice in thc car of lrudcau But if the prime ministcr accepts the advice of thosc who arc itching for an April election think wc can all assumc that the private polls arc all pointing toward Liberal upswing over the next two months Otherwise we can relax until lunc THE PRICE or CONGRESSMAN IS UP ONLY ms YEAR Mast feet are the ugs By TRAYNOR McFARLANE have the nicest feet you know The Old Bore at the corner table was saying Eh we said glancing up from our tapioca say have the nicest feet Ive ever seen he reiterated So symmetrical Uh huh we answered glancing around the crowded restaurant in case anyone could hear his words How did we always end up beside him anyway can tell you dont believe me he went on smugly Well see for yourself To our dismay he started undoing his left shoe lace peeled off his sock and held up his leg hands under the calf proferring knobblylooking extremity He kept turning his ankle everywhichway in unhidden ad miration We felt like chiropodist Yeah oh yeah we replied trying to look interested YECH It had to be the ugliest set of foot wed ever seen the great toe was far too long the se cond and third toes all but overlapped and his little toe was crooked How about your feet he asked staring us straight in the eye in that sickeningly lemandin way he had Well ve never really noticed we said laughingly tucking our feet further under our chair We began to think maybe he had some sort of foot fetish skulking around shoe store racks and snatching womens odd shoes as they tried on new ones As he held the sicklooking foot up he kept glancing at other patrons in the room seek ing an audience few looked over out of curiosity and within minute or so some of the more curious came over to see for themselves Shortly there was quite group around the table and we started choking on our cereal The Old Bore chatted to the onlookers and asked them about their feet Fairly soon first one then another started peeling off their socks displaying weird assortment of feet to each other The Old Bore examined them closely noting discrepancies in some of the digits points of beauty in others but none he said compared with his ROWIiATIIEREI We were still staring in disbelief as the crowd milled about the restaurant holding feet up to mothers fathers girlfriends wives and lovers ne got carried away with his foot fad and placed it on the nearest table for better view but the manager soon stopped that Within five minutes arguments had broken out about whose feet were the nicest The arguments became louder and the restaurant broke into chaos as fists started to fly as the feetfever boiled over into violence Startled we looked around at the unbelievable scene bare feet and bare fists were flying all over For split second heel landed in our tapioca lashing our clothes with the cereal The attac ed foot pulled the heel up and away back into the fray That was enough for us We bolted for the door leaving the screaming Bacchnalian crew behind We glanced around as we reached the door lust in time to see someone put his foot in the mouth of The Old Bore Hed done that himself so often in the past that it didnt look at all odd We felt good and whistled our way along the street Interpreting the news Too late now for Rhodesia NEW YORK lCPt Rhodesias white minority has voted overwhelmineg in favor of black majority nile with special safeguards for the whites but it may be case of too little too late Some 85 per cent of the countrys 67000 whites voted in referendum last week to en dorse new constitution that will transfer power to black leaders after an April election But there have already been complaints from blacks in Rhodesia about the inordinate amount of power that will remain in white hands even after the transition Although whites make up only about four per cent of the population they will hold 28 of the 100 seats in the new parliament and onefourth of the cabinet posts as well as retaining measure of control over the army police and civil service In campaigning through the country to drum up support for the new constitution Prime Minister Ian Smith dropped the de fiant attitude he maintained since the colony broke away from Britain 13 years ago He urged his white countrymen to face up to the fact that black rule is inevitable and that the constitution is their best bet to maintain grip on the situation SITUATION DETERIORATES But the situation is getting worse and the white grip is weakening Thousands of whites fled the country last year and more are leav ing each month The reality in Rhodesia is war guerrilla conflict being prosecuted vigorously by the Patriotic Front under Joshua Nkomo and Robert Mugabe Their forays have become more daring in recent months with terrorist attacks hitting towns and cities including the capital of Salisbury It is estimated that there are as many as 12000 guerrillas in Rhodesia itself and thousands more are in training and reserve in neighboring Mozgmbi ue and Zambia During the re eren um cam said the Rhodesian Army Whï¬lllgls black would hold out for years if necessary