OIL By ARI IellRSII The Examiner Home owners in Simcoe County are searching for ways to cut their winter heating bills and local oil suppliers say they arefeeling the chill Customers are keeping their thermostats turned down and suppliers say the difference is noticeable Even if each customer only reduces consumption by few gallons each month it means major reduction in oil sales they say Some customers have switch ed from fuel oil to woodburning stoves to heat their homes and some have installed better in sulation they say Frank Henirose agent for Gulf til anada Ltd in Barrie says the trend towards wood burning stoves started last year Bemrosc says household sales ot fuel oil are down about 10 per cent from last year Ross Simpson partowner of Rolls and Simpson Ltd in Bar Learning to cross country ski Making it up hill isnt as easy as it looks when youre wearing pair of cross country skis rie says there has been noticeable shift in the number of customers shifting from fuel oil to wotxirburning stoves Particularily young people and families in rural areas where wood is readily available have made the switch he says Youre not going to get the older people going out to cut wood to save money he says Simpson says wood stoves are less expensive to operate if owners supply their own wood but you can have wood delivered and still save money He says customers can save money on their fuel bills by lowering their thermostats for substantial period of time such as during the night or when theyre on vacation but it doesnt do any goal when the husband lowers it few degrees and his wife comes right behind him and turns it back up Bruce Ashe general than ager of Sunoco Heating Oil group of Grades and students from Codrlngton School found during an afternoon outing at Molsons Park Thursday Examiner Photo says hes noticed dramatic upswing in sales of dual purpose furnaces which can burn wood and oil and sometimes coal Were selling more of those titan ever before he says Ashe says customers use dualpurpose furnaces to save on fuel bills but some use tficiii to burn garbage and papers lim lemerling of Simcoc District cm perative Services says there has been iiiaikcd trend towards alternative methods of heating such as wood stoves in the past two years Any losses are picked up by new accounts though wouldnt think therc are any noticeable differences Ilt says ltemcrling says any losses recorded by oil suppliers lIlls season could be due to mild spell at the beginning of inter Sales of wood stoves have bcen SIXttitttliitl with nocnd iii sight says am Hill chair man of the Huronia Woodland fiwnersAssociation Merry Minstrels singing their way to top honors Eighteen girls from Alliston are singing their way to top place honors at the 36m annual Kiwanis Music Festival in Toronto The girls called the Merry Minstrels are music students of Marjorie McKelvey of Alliston the first days of competi tion in the provinccAwidc event the Merry Minstrels have cap lured first place in the 16 years and under and 20 years and under ensemble singing classes Downtown board supports project The Barrie Downtown lm provement Hoard supported in principle the citys downtown revitalization project in mo tion unanimoust passed at its last regular meet ing The board says the project would benefit the ttllllt core area and would encourage fur ther development to revitalize all commercial institutional and residential components of downtown Harrie Board members Views were that Barrie would not lose con trol of development within the core because of the citys good financial position and the back ing of the provincial govern ment Revitalization is essential to the growth of the city says board release The developer and the city should be encouraged to proceed with plans and development at the earliest possible convenience it adds They also placed second in the open class womens voicc ensemble Leann McKelvcy lit placed first in the 2o years and undcr individual folk singing class In the duel vocal class for girls under l3 lwynclli McKclvcy and laiicl Mcltiicr placed second lied for third were Mary ttwens and Leann Mclxclyoy and Tracey Mctaguc and lioinse Hewson all of Alliston Im really proud of lIlt girls Mrs McKclviy says lheyre working really hard She says her students arc us ing the music festival for ex pericncc and to improve their ability by competing against other strong singers Mrs McKclviy says the Merry Minstrels was only form ed about three ycars ago and have just recently started entering choir competitions llic Kiwanis lcstival coii tiiiues until next wcck llic Alliston girls arc cntcrcd lil several more cvcnts Canadian banks beware Local MP warns against expansion Canadian banks may get the worst of the deal if they try to expand internationally while foreign banks come into Canada warns Ml Sinclair Stevens PC YorkSimcoei Stevens is member of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance Trade and Economic Affairs which is now revising the Rank Act Foreign banks could open branches only in large ana dian cities and devote their business to servicing large Canadian corporations or businesses from their own country he says Foreign banks may offer very little financial help to medium and small size enter prises in Canada at time when small businesses have already encountered difficulty in ac quiring loans from Canadian banks he says He says the entry of foreign banks would probably result in larger outflow from Canada income earned from banking mices At the same time there is no assurance Canadian banks exr panding overseas can develop opportunities Stevens says It will be difficult to draw business from domestic banks in the US Japan and Switzerland The network of Canadian firms abroad is not as extensive and provides fewer available customers for Cana dian banks abroad he says Foreign banks are seeking the same legal and financial arr rangement in Canada as Cana dian banks have overseas he says The implication of this situation appears to be that Canadians will welcome foreign banks but will in turn receive the legal letter of reciprocity but not necessarily the financial advantages associated with it the member of parliament says Stevens notes assets of the 11 chartered banks in Canada have grown by more than 400 per cent in the past 10 years with the number of bank employees up ttl per cent Assets in ltltitf were Sill billion and in l1t7tf wcrc SIT ti billion About 20 per cent of these assets in limit were in foreign currency whic in mm 33 per cent were in foreign ciirrcii cy The draft Rank Act prepared by Stevens and the committee proposes to limit all foreign banks in anada to total of $7 billion in commercial financ ing He estimates that the to foreign banks in anada have total assets near $38 billion while the foreign assets of Canadian banks total near $50 billion for activities in 54 coiiii tries The structure of banking in Canada is an essential aspect for the future of Canadas economic development he says It is my hope that the new Rank Act will stress flexibility to accommodate interests which can best help Canada to grow Residents cut heating suppliers feel chill Hill says there is danger that people with wood burning stoves will cut trccs not yet ful iy grown Wood lots today are like tiankaccotintsf he says clicqiic can bc cashed vii ttially anytime but sometimes its prudent to let the interest accumulatc Committee meets to protect swamp By STEPHEN Niciious Of The Examiner ANGUS The Joint Manage ment Committee for Minesing Swamp Planning Area met for the first time Thursday and is designed to protect the swamps fragile ecosystem Nottawasaga Valley Conser vation Authority members and ministry of natural resources Huronia District staff are work ing togethr on the committee for land use management said Wally McNeice committee member The committees purpose is to establish cooperative management of ministry and conservation authority lands in the planning area and to pro vide an advisory service to other landowners said McNeice Theres fractured land ownership in the area he said The conservation authority owns land the ministry owns some land and private citizens own the bulk of it Land management on au thority and ministry land can be controlled private land however the committee can on iy suggest practices to owners Special guidelines are written to help protect the swamp said McNeice Any management recommendations such as these must first be approved by the ministry and the authority Suggestions can then be pass ed on to all area landowners who affect the swamp Thursdays meeting focused on establishing objectives and interim management guide lines said McNeice Current uses of swamp resources and individual landowner rights were considered in the guidelines he said Recommendations were made on the swamps water systems plant and animal communities forest produc tion fish spawning areas and deer said McNeicc The committee will meet again March when it will visit the swamp for field inspection vcrrbrowsing by deer will also bc closely ex amined then he said Management giiidlines will probably be released March when they will be brought before the authoritys executive committee said McNeile today Canadian Rescue Services Government hears appeal for more assistance today anadian Rescue Services will meet with government ofr ficials today to urge them to provide assistance for its rescue training programs lary loicc RS co ordinator said five represen tatives will meet with members of Interministerial Task Force on rash Rescue and Robert Humphries coordinator of tin tarios highway safety activities in Toronto Well basically be laying out the overall concept of rescue and training programs and well emphasize the amount of town country Farmers winter carnival Junior farmers from across the county are invited to the Nottawasaga lunior Farmers Winter Carnival Day Feb 11 at the Avening Community Centre Activities start at 1030 am with log sawing wood chopp ing nail pounding and tug of war contests in the afternoon there will be snowmobile toboggan and cross country ski event Annual meeting The tntario Simmental Association will hold its annual meeting Feb 24 at pm at the Nottawasaga lnn in Alliston lhe topic of discussion will be advertising and breed pro motion with guest speaker Sandy Sharp of Simmental Scene the national publication for Simmental breeders Leitz wins contract tllr lIrnst Ill operations in Midland have won two contracts with Lockheed Aircraft orp for products associated with the delivery of Aurora Ho long range patrol aircraft The dcpaitmcnl of supply and services explained that the company agreed to provide sofa worth of lens and $352 worth of precision lens during thc supply period which ended latc last ycar in total the industrial offset program from the St o3 billion Aurora project gcncratcd Sitittt million in business for more than loo anadian subcontractors if that $3M million was associated with construction of thc llttt aircraft while Sitflo million was to be spent on related antisubmarine war tarcor military transport projects Asparagus session feature An asparagus session is one of the new features at tlic in tario Horticultural tontercncc March it to it at the Skyline Hotel in Toronto Keith McKriicr Ontario Ministry of Agricullurc rcprcscn tativc for North Simcoe said more and more farmers in Simcoc oiinly arc growing asparagus He said there arc apr proximatcly zoo acres of the crop near Alliston and some in the ollingwotxl area lotalo sessions should also be of interest to county farmers McKriicr says Simcoc produces 40 per cent of tin tarios potatoes involving 170th acres titlltiillS and potato session start at 10 in March it cgctablc and apple seminars are at Still in March and the inal sessions are on innovative roadside marketing llic conference also includes tour of the new Knob Hill Farms oullcl reportedly the largest retail store in anada and trade show featuring storage equipment and supplies irrigation equipment seed and chemicals The conference is sjmnsorcd by the intario Fruit and cgctablc trowcrs association the tntario Apple commis ltlll the ntaiio IilSIl harm Marketing ASSOCltltitltl and the ministry of agricultiircand food iifillllSSltIlt is Slit per day which includes lunch New position created llAHtliAY lniiislil Township is creating the new posi tion of wrong administrator in its planningdepartment llic zoning administrator will be expected to carry out the policies of the official plan and zoning bylaw and assist the secretaries of the planning board and the committee of ad justment among other duties The salary will range from between SILJJS to $15464 Hob licmon planning coordinator said his new assisaiit would ideally be community college graduate in the draf ling ticld CORRECTION NOTICE In the Wednesday Feb 7th edition of The Barrie Examiner there was an error in the Dominion Stores advertisement Dominion Cholco Tomato should hon nod 99 and not 19 fl oz tin also Dondnlon Choice Cut Woxod or Cut Green Boon should have road and not l4 fl oz th Dominion sincerely regrets any inconvenience this may have caused gaminion requests weve had around the country for it said loicc anadian Rescue Services has been requesting financial and moral help in their pro grams for two years he said Larry lioncro task forcc chairman said the ltS re quested the meeting to providi Humphries and the task force with further information on the rescue service training loicc said todays meeting resulted from prcssiiic by Mlls responding to recent public outcry for government assistancc in ltStlit training Damage more than $12000 More than $2000 damage restlted this morning when four vehicle including snow plow and tractortrailer col lidod on Highway 400 at Duckworth Street Barrie ll said ministry of transportation and communica tions snow plow had $5000 damage tractor trailer driven by Robert llatson of South River had total of about $7300 damage to truck andload vehicle driven by James Hoyle of Hamilton had Still damage and another car driven by Robert Sim of Rarric bad slfltdamage IT IS POSSIBLE lent on now been can go toward you down payment For In tomtion all Mr lervll 726 6805 24hour Iorvlco ON MENS COATS SWEATERS SHIRTS PANTS SUlTS 267 Bra malty fashions lbrMcii C5 Xbiiicn dford Street Barrie The HS will not go down the tubes villioiit govcrtltiiciit liclp Htltl loicc but it cannot givc liclp to iiiaiiy groups who want rcsctli instruction lthiiists for icsciii training ari comuitt to tltS daily ilt said tlroiips from talgary and tgiicbcc asked for rcscuc lll toriiialioii lliuisday and liiiicc Ititltti Island Iltlttlti lion lSlltfi tbc Midliuisl litail qiiartirs tcdncsda saiil loicc Rinaban iifsttll Ficixiciu has special tttlll tiaiziiiiii pro grams licsaid tiayc tltHliipiti good ljtlillt witii iiiiidiaii ttil tciit said loicc jucial lcsitlt lcciiiitpics thumped liir tanadiaii wcatlicr liau litcu incllidcd in lIll iiistiiiction pio gram licsaitl It Help Auto lite Business sarjeant too Farm sumo om Feb 17118 Bertie Winter Carnival ON WOMENS DRESSES MSWEATERS SPORTSWEAR CRUSEWEAR the examlner Friday Feb 1919 Vk we I°tI Veohxmrth Vnelnnuth FRIDAY NITE SATURDAY SUPER SPECIALS 15 MINUTE SPECIALS Friday Nite from 600 pm to 5676 BAYIIILD Open ovory night until 900 pm Saturdays 900 pan Uu thou curds in Woolworth Stom