Eleanor McCue left and Jane Lapp centre presented Joan Armstrong president of the Bar rie chapter of the Ontario heart foundation with cheque for $1000 at Wednesday nights meeting The money was raised at an Elvis Presley By DENNIS lTlllER The Euiiiiiner Aid Jim Shirley said today ity council general committee was squandering $43000 of the iaxpayers money by recom mending rates for Barries landfill site be increased to 52 12 ton General committee recom mended Monday that rates at the Barrie sanitary landfill site be increased to $2 42 per metric ton in 1979 The citys original goal was to raise $1331 to removethe financialdeficit By the formula proposed 3450 deficn would still re mainsaid Aid Shirley Aid Shirley said that by proposal he has worked out the city would be left just $5000 short in 1979 He said that all industries with the exception of two local ones should be charged $4 per metric ton Robson Lang Leathers Ltd and Barrie Tanning should only be charged $2 per metric ton this year because of the extent to which they use the site The two industries em loy ing alxmt 275 employees ump about 8000 tons of waste an nuallyonthe site Aid Shirley said he surveyed two other firms at random in the area The firms which Simcoe County Forests Ministry taking inventory BySTEllllC HlltlLLS The Fa miner Ministry of natural resources officials are examining uses and features of 4400 acres of Simcoe ounty forest land recently purchased by the tariogoyernment Dan Mansell Huronia District manager said Wednes Liay planning team will com plete resource inventory of Copeland Forest ltesource Management Area by Sept Copeland lormt was pur chased last litt tllilltfl said Mansell it is the largest tract holds an armtul of articles that can be rec bottles Examiner Photo of forested land in the Toronto area The area is very attractive and developers could have caiyed it up said Mansell The province bought the land to protect it he said Lniuuc physical features stnams wildlife populations Jail for $30 Peter leBlanc 25 of oll ingwood was sentenced Wulnesday to two years less day in jail for armed robbery Nov 28 he used an air pistol to steal $30 from sinokeshop Codrington school Students at Codrington Public School were taught about recycling and reus Ing materials by members of the Huronia Recycling Association at the school Tuesday The presentation was in preparation for Ranas Pond an ecological musical students plan to put on Ruth Wainwright right member of the association shows Kelly Spears l0 that articles such as clothing plastic bottles and paper bags can be reused Darren Buck l2 Memorial dance held in January Theme of the meeting was Down With High Blood Pressure with guest speaker Dr David Wainwright medical adviser and internist at Royal Victoria Hospital Examiner Photo toda Shirley claims committee suggestion wastes money combined employ 1400 employees place just 2500 tons of waste on the site annually he said The citys proposal would mean the smaller industries combined would be faced with combined cost increase of $2200 That increase would shrink to $14000 by his pro posal said Aid Shirley 1f the city accepted the pro posal total of $112000 annua ly would be generated by the $4 per metric ton charge Another $16000 would be rais ed by the $2 charge making for total revenue of $128000 Aid Shirley said the St charge would not be too great and species will be listed in the inventory Present and potential land uses including timber harvesting trapping and recrrsition will also be mention ed The inventory will be used to determine management prac tices and future use for the area he said lublic meetings to discuss the forests future will be held when the inventory is coin pleted The future planning phase is to be finished by March 1981 said Mansell ycled such as newspapers and an increase on other industries whodoiit use the site asofteii in addition many industries which the $4 raise would apply to are located outside liarrie said Aid Shirley The two exceptions would be charged the full $4 rate by 1081 by Aid Shirleys proposal ity council meets Monday to consider the general committee remminendation The city hasnt raised rates foilandfillsincc1973 Sentencing date set Three men pleaded quilty to attempted armed robbery in liarrie provincial court luliicsday lhomas 1cluigan it of lirampton liandal latinn 20 oi ltopia and laiil Lawson 20 of ilencairn are also charg ed Willi possession of weapon forcoiiimittlnganoffence liial on the weapon charges was adjourned to Feb LIT when they will also be sentenced on the attempted robbery charges The three tried to rob an Angus conycmenci store ith shotgun Jan Kim ikrSoo store owner wrestled the gun from them beat them Willi it They fled sarjeant llouoflotolllvlulnuc Jogging may not help prevent heart attacks says medical advisor By LORI COHEN Of The Examiner People jogging to reduce high blood pressure and prevent heart attacks rather than for enjoyment are jogging for the wrong reasons and it probably wont help them Dr David Wainwright said Wednesday nigit Speaking at meeting of the Barrie chapter of the Ontario Heart Foundation Dr Wain wright OHF medical advisor and internist at Royal Victoria Hospital said stress is major cause of high blood pressure which is risk factor in heart disease Jogging and other forms of exercise can be fun and shouldnt turn into stressful situations he said He said it was true however those leading active lives over period of years have fewer and less serious cardiovascular diseases buses of high blood pressure are largely obscure he said but it doesnt mean the ailment cannot be treated Dr Wainwright said smoking is definitely contributing fac tor Not smoking is well established proven and documented way to decrease chances of heart disease he said Blood pressure is measured at its highest and lowest levels when the heart first pumps the MPP says Preservation of land should have priority Preservation of good agricultural land in Simcoe County must be given high priority Mp George Taylor PC Simciwvtentrel said recent ly Taylor said pressure to ex pand urban centres will con tinue and certain areas used for this purpose may be good agricultural land The SimctwGeorgian Area Development Strategy Study said the county has good agricultural land and climatic factors but there was danger of it eroding away by the encroachment of growing ur ban centres Taylor said aylor does not see place mmt of freeze on use of these lands as an answer to the pro blem IT IS POSSIBLE on Ml homo can go towards you down paymont For in tonation coil Mr Jorvis 726 680514hour urvico blood out to the body and when the heart relaxes and blood flows through the arteries Obese people run great risk of high blood pressure because their blood is forced through greater network of arteries than average built people Dr Wainwright said Too much salt in the body causes water retention in creasing the volume of the blood which also drives the prtssure hgher he said He does not give blanket ap proval to salt substitutes because they often contain other substances like potassium or ammonium which could adversely affect certain people He said softened water in which calcium is removed and replaced by sodium does not pose great danger but it not recommended for drinking Speaking Michael Cassidy leader of the Ontario New Democratic Party MPP Ottawa Centre will speak at the United Steelworkers Hall 29 High St Barrie Tues day At the meeting the i979 executive will be chosen for the local riding SimcoeCentre Feb 1718 Burie Winter Carnival in dawn mental healthharm ill the tiarr ll united appeal We are seeking interested members for the Board of Directors 197980 Please Help Us Help For information contact Box 252 Barrie Mental Health Keep it in Mind BOTTLED eono nucu mu nuo Get Involved Softening only hot water is good idea he said Only one out of eight people with high blood pressure is ade quater treated he said through diuretics which cause the body to unload salt Other drugs can relax the small arteries and decrease the force of heart contractions He said many people take treatment mostly in the form of pills for short period of time then stop because they find the treatment bothersome or are disturbed by possible side effects such as headaches ornausea Keeping high blood pressure patients on treatment is pro blem Dr Wainwright said The meeting was held in con junction with heart month the Canadian Heart Funds annual drive for funds Joan Armstrong president of the Barrie chapter of the OHF said the organization hopes to raise $20000 locally through the work of approximately 300 volunteer canvassers film entitled Silent Count down was shown at the meeting it emphasized that everyone is susceptible to high blood pressure not only tense people which is the popular con ception Although the afflication has no symptoms in its early stage treatment is imperative before the secondary stage which could result in heart attack or stroke delicious discovery Plantersa warm pleasant restaurant with cascades of hanging plants comfortable friendly atmosphere and the best food in town Come for lunch from 12 to pm and enjoy salad bar hot roast of the day This and more for $425 Saturday from 530 pm dinner is served Theres salad bar roast sirloin of beef scalloped potatoes seafood platter honey garlic spareribs and more Just $750 adults $395 children Our Sunday brunch is real treat From 1030 am to pm you can enjoy scrambled eggs bacon sausage pancakes home fries salad cold cuts muffins roast of the day and more Only $475 adults $250 children Planters restaurant to experience Ilia examiner Thursday Feb 1979 town country County court trial 19yearold Alliston man was sentenced to 90 days in jail onadrugtraffickingchargeTuesday Stanley Rudnicki was also given two years probation County Court Rudnicki was charged with possessmn of drug for trafficking purposes on May 12 in Alliston The charge arose from an RCMP undercover investigation Bus route changed Cumberland Street will no longer be used as part of the ci tys bus route General committee recommended Monday that Gowan Street be used as an alternate route in the Allandale run While the city buses go along Cumberland Street now Gowan Street is more major street said Don Kirkpatrick deputy engineer Thenare traffic lights set up at the corner of Gowan Street and Essa Road making it easier for city bus drivers said Kirkpatrick Stop signs to be changed Stop signs at the intersections of Huronia Road at Little Avenue and liig Bay Point Roads are likely to be reversed Barrie general committee agreed Monday with lnnisfil township that the stop signs should be placed on Huronia Road presently the through street at the intersections Traffic volumes on Little Avenue and Big Bay Point toad is greater then on Huronia Road says city council ad miiiistralive report The city conducted traffic count study on ian 11 at the two intersections involved CUPE talks incamera news blackout was placed on negotiatons held Mon day between the city and Canadian Union of Public Employees Discussions were held at the Continental Inn with mediator appointed by the Ontario Labor Board The union is seeking 10 per cent wage increase but the city is offering the union six per cent Gary Deason local CUPE president Sdld he would likely have statement to make following the city council meeting Monday night Marina fees increased General committee recommended Monday an increase in marina rates for 1979 The increase averages 310 per cent for winter storage and 99 ter cent for launch ramp fees and your own loaf of bread and return to in the Holiday Inn Barrie Highway 400 on Fairview Road Barrie Ontario Telephone 705 7286191 Its Andalusia for the truest Flamenco and San Sebastian for the most skillful Pelota but for fine whisky You find it just about everywhere in Spain Canadian Club Its nice to know the world can get together about something Around the world when people think of the finest lightest smoothest whisky they think of Canadian Club Canadian Club Th Boot In The HOUSO in 87 lands Algli motto Aiitigim Alotm Australia Austria Bitiiniis Barbados Belgium Bermuda deIll Canada Canary inland title tiiiiinlni tmta lot ltinitao tyiim Denmark ioioinitari Reptlhlll ft uadoi lljl llllldlltl lrante Germany Gibraltar tireie tileenland Grenada lilltliitltltilll llnl Holland Hoop hung lliingiiy litlnlmii India lltiltlilti ltdll Ireland Israel Italy Ivory Coast Juinaiia Japan Jordan henyn holed tlmtlilir lhN MdtiilJ lvldtllls Malays Malta Maitioiuoe Memo Montserrat MUlUUli Nepal New Zealund Nigel Norway Pakistan Variants Pamguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Sierra Leone Singapore South Alnia Spain Sn lanka Eiiirinani Sweden Swimrt ind latiiti lliailand T080 lllllddli lorkey United Kingdom United States Veneloelti Virgin Islands Yugoslaw and lauitm Canadian Club distilled and bottled In Walkorvlllo by Hiram Walker Sons Limited