the examiner Thursday Feb 1979 15 7282414 DEADLINES BUSINESS HOURS The Examiner Offices are open from 830 am to pm WORD ADS pm the previous day or noon Saturday for Monday SEMIDISPLAY 48 hours prior to publication CANCELLATIONS Acceted until am Wmodoï¬ons yo shore 26 births Bl cottages to rent 27 farm machinery 64 houses to rent 17 lost found 70 opportunity for menwomen 74 property for sale or rent 03 shawmabiles 38 WHOM 32 boats motors 41 cottages far sale 28 farm machinery wanted 65 houses wanted to ram 19 lots for sole 04 pasture for sale 61 909 manoggmmi 05 space for rent 24 ï¬ts to rent 16 buSiness opportunities O7 cottages wanted 29 feed seed grain 60 im memoriams 87 market basket 66 posture to rent 62 prer wanted 02 stamps and cains 45 wamed mm ta camping equipment 56 deaths 85 financial 11 instructions marriages 84 pasture wanted 63 public notices 80 summer properties for sale 31 articles for sale 40 card OI lhml 36 d°95 P5 florists 87 insurance 10 mobile homes trailers personals 68 rm 30 swaps 46 articles to rent 43 cars for sale 32 employment wonled 76 fruits vegetables 67 landscaping 53 money to loan 13 christmas trees 49 rm and board 21 teachers wanted 73 articles wanted 42 COTS wcnfï¬d 33 991991Tiellls 83 garages 25 leasing 39 mortgages 12 plants and bulbs 52 rm to ot 20 tenders 78 auction sales 79 coming events 88 exchange 48 garden supplies 50 ego 77 motorcycles 37 poultry and chicks 59 room waryth 22 trade schools 75 auto accessories 36 commercial sale or rent 09 forms for rent 06 help wanted 71 livestock for sale 57 nursing homes 15 professional directory 90 sales hglp agents 72 trees and shrubs 51 auto service and repairs 35 construction mathinery 55 forms for 5° 05 home improvements 47 livestock wanted 58 office stores for rent 23 property for sale 01 mic and repairs 54 trucks and trailers 34 01 preperty for sale 01 property for sale 01 property for sele 01 preperty for sole Mproperty for sale 16eptsto rent 01 property for sale WELLINGTON PLACE APARTMENTS 135 Wslhgtee St West Spacious bedroom suites Clean well kept building Close to shopping IIllllIIIIIIIllIlllllllll LEPAGE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEIIIIILIITII LTD LOU GOEDEMONDT REAL ESTATE LTD 35 Essa Road Barrie Ontario ONTARIO 7372880 buses Monthly rent includes Heat Light Water Parking Stove and Fridge To view please call 7263827 or 7267153 ALLANDALE Lovely two storey red brick bedroom home with full 4piece baths Only $38500 FIVE ACRES bedroom red brick farm home in Ora Township Asking $49500 CONCESSION ESSA bedroom brick bungalow iust com pleted lovely home on nice 100 by 165 ft lot Only $45500 WATERFRONT ORO STATION Two storey four bedroom brick home situated on 100 ft lot in quiet bay two car garage bathrooms well landscaped immediate occupancy Asking $134900 $31900 Two bedroom two storey home on John Street perfect retirement or starter taxes only $340 54 JEFFREY Close to St Monicas school three level back split with family room and fenced yard Asking iust $52900 JUST LISTED 31 Napier Street $44500 Perfect starter or retirement home OWNER TRANSFERRED Must sell Stroud three bedroom brick bungalow on quiet street Asking $43500 Try an offer 25 SUITE APARTMENT SITE East and beside Dominion Store Fully approved Levies only $600 Askina 5100000 includes plans EXECUTIVE LIVING 50 Royal Oak Drive bedrooms car garage large wellfreed lot only 500 feet from the boy WATERFRONT BIG BAY POINT bedroom cottage baathouse with guest accommodation situated on 100 ft lot with fantastic view from screened in patch across the front of the cottage Asking iust $69900 355 Bayfield St Barrie 737001 LONSDALE PL bdrm sidesplit rec rm pool attached garage $49700 Call Verna Mullin 7370011 or 7282875 EAST END SEMI bdrm backsplit mtge at 10 per cent Sylvia St $49700 Call Verna Mullin 7370011 or 7282875 VACATION PROPERTIES lnnisfil Conc 10 Small cottage furnished on 50 150 lot $15000 Blackstone Lake bdrms all furnishings plus boat motor with 139 ft of lake frontage Coll Marilyn Thorogood 7370011 or 7281645 TF SKI CHALET $37500 Attractive level cedar chalet Large LR 12 24 FP bdrms broadlaomed throughout Near the slopes Please call Enid Day 7370011 or 7266904 WALK DOWNTOWN $54900 Reduced year old bdrm brick bungalow many extras immaculate appliances included Please call Enid Day 737 0011 or 7266904 SUNNIDALE ROAD $60000 Beautiful treed lot ranch bungalow bdrm up down immaculate breezeway double garage Please call Enid Day7370011 or 7266904 BIG BAY POINT 569900 All brick bdrm split entry bungalow large living dining room cathedral ceiling fireplace wo Professionally landscaped Please call Enid Day 7370011 or 7266904 Mississauga Ct Apts Two bedroom apartment available Cal oured appliances sauna close to shopp ing and bus Telephone 726 3577 BACHELOR APARTMENT on Hayfield Street Fridge stove utilities and park ing included Telephoneju 2910 MODERN LUXURY VERY LARGE and bedroom apartments for lease Quiet adult building No pets References 7289682 90 HOLGATE Apt 102 Don Allan no toll 4872412 Bill Evans no toll 3221575 National John Struik 7263555 Peter Gubbels 7282425 TTIISTF SMALL ONE BEDROOM heated unfurnished with stove and triage Pay own hydra $l80 monthlyAvailable now lilll riit Call 726 7663 after pm garage $46500 Call Verna Mullin 7282875 or 7370011 at Montreal Trus Well work hard tor you REALTOR EMORY MILLER LIMITED REALTOR 67 DUNLOP WESTBARRIE 7261881 TORONTO 3647941 HUNTINGTON HOME Close to Barrie Raised bungalow living When you plan to sell your home plan to include us Tjs= GARDENS iï¬wywl 259 Dunlap srw Ii Spacious suites available Wt Olvproperty for sale iLLANDALE HEIGHTS eight year old Lxt UIVL back split homo three or four twdruonis tamily room with fireplace Iiziill in tank wall unit walkout patio to lrl la inground pool bunt In teak wall unit DUIll In mastir bedroom $69900 Pr vatusalv 728 8280 lOW DOWN PAYMENT Ora three twdtoam brick bungalow Garage large landscaped lot Iwmgroom with nephew and vertical knotty pine siding Private biarttrights Take over existing 09commercialindustrial APPROXIMATELY 70050 It tarsmall office or busmess located on Dunlap 51 near Spoinl Phone 737 0641 from 30 12 rnertpeges RNISHED ONE nd tw bedroom KOZLOV SI Egartments availabl Centigal Adults bdrm backsplit levels finished fireplace garage Coll OWNER TRANSFERRED only 724 was weekdays Verna Mullin 7370011 or 7282875 We must sell this bdrm bungalow in Innisfil It has many Apmt FURNSHEQ BACHELOR aparmem GLENECHO DR extras For details call Marilyn Thorogood 7370011 or 728 ii ti trciigrenAbtéitranysetlid 13431195 gggttsiragegrrs 8067 bdrm bungalow partially finished rec rm attached 1645 F8 Bayfleld St QALtoR preferred Telephonen BARRIE ANNE Utilities included convenient location 7265771 TF IF YOU NEED MONEY 01111109311 7371223 mortgaqrs Immediate passessran Dan HriirtLrson Rep JOHN COLE LTD RE AL TOR 7J7 7101 718 6065 LIVE RENT FREE tor four months and start lo own your own new home For tull titails and appomtmcnt call 737 0500 Dil Realty Inc PROPERTIES to be sold for unpaid hurt Otticml Ontario lists Dept EX Ba 5180 Station Ottawa Ont KQC 1J1 HOBBY FARMS GALORE We have iiitailsonWhobbytarms90acrespric t1 lrom $39000 $79000 Same real 11t6UIIIS Call Bob Hockley or Al Etratock at 73 2101 representing JOHN COLE LIMITEDJIEALTOR SINGLE HOUSE Four bedrooms baths uarago rrc room porch fenced room dining room kitchen bedrooms lower level features study den or 4th bedroom family room with fireplace large back yard double garage 27 HIGHWAY NEAR HOLLY Raised bungalow featuring living room dining room kitchen bedrooms lower level features bedrooms rec room pc bath utility room real good home in the country Close to Barrie CENTRAL LOCATION On Collier St Raised bungalow bedrooms kitchen dining room living room with fireplace large family room with fireplace office car garage Priced at only $55900 ANGUS AREA Brand spanking new bedroom home an oversized lot car garage Asking $42900 and vendor will hold Immediate 1st and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties Wed love to help you $38000 bedroom condominium situated in Barrie East and adult building 7th floor with beautiful view of Lake Simcoe many extras such as refrigerator stove sauna party room laundry room ample parking etc For more information call Jim Bouchard No 108 NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO PURCHASE this bedroom sidesplit situated in Allandale Heights Features are finished family room laundry room office or 4th bedroom Walkout from kitchen to patio formal living and dining room For more in formation call Maria Evans No 908 HERE IS YOUR CHANCE to Own new bedroom bungalow SACRIFICE SALE ASKING ONLY $33900 Exceptionally good value for this bedroom home with extra large rooms family room car garage situated on tread lot with 78 frontage Call Bill Sakeris E476 EXCELLENT VALUE $55900 Immaculate bedroom home dining room walkout from kitchen to sundeck family room with brick fireplace garage Call Sue Drennan M447 VIEW OF LAKE SIMCOE Custom brick bungalow offers bedrooms fireplace in living room pc pc baths 10 consolidate debts low monme payments OHome improvements any worthy reason To pay oft existing or maturing mortgage Construcnorifunds free advrce try us We have ready cash To purchase mortgages MORTGAGE FUNDING Call Anytime situciteddonda Lalrge lot north of Barrie lage besperzent fuy he mongage car garage south of Barrie Call Sue Drennan M452 Ll°T7idIfdfig325Eigfeio Efirjgljs 119 puuwp 5y 51 Insu ou garage many ma ure rees ing on ina Shoppintl T0ipt1on0726 0833 347 AV 9900 For more informoï¬on Jim Bouchord No 171 STARTING OUT Here is bedroom home with new roof 35 PS COURT Quiet east end crescent 62ft frontagei coup BEDROOM townhouse live Inuiom 14 gunk TORONTO on F9 furnace and it loaned south Barrie Asking only $21900 popu ar level split has main floor family room With glass door yinrs ola Carpeting throughout newly 7260981 one on In walkout to private patio Attached garage Asking only $51900 male 99 50 clldej Jim Bouchard 4365541 Murray Stovell 4362306 NEW COUNTRY SPREAD One year old 10 room ranch style please can Robin Jupp M46 372372ng aarago 331900 telephone mb onoï¬o Mons Brat An Edward Bowman 7267000 GeorgeW Burton 7286605 brick bungalow featuring bedrooms with lots of closet space Maria Evans 7261740 Queenie Little 4361992 master bedroom includes pc bath and walkout to patio Living Executive Sidesplit room includes solid pine board double fireplace and cathedral three bedroom detached garage ceilings situated on 50 acres only miles from Barrie EAST END On quiet court executive ranch bungalow sunken living room formal dining room huge kitchen with bedrooms up 12 31 bedroom downstairs full baths main floor family ravuni lat lovely large rooms bathrooms main tloor family room With IlrfpldLC Private Muslsoll Sacrificoat $58 900 778 1054 or 416 4519945 03praperty for sale MORTGAGE MONIES AVAILABLE Low rates Ola or new home and Co Telephone 424 0715anytime FULLY OPEN Mortgages year eTtt an NHA conventional or high ratio llt surea mortgage loans Phone Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce ask tor Tbepts to rent ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments $165 $195 monthly Must pay hydro Centrally locatedm Call after pm 778 7785 ask for Patrick room with fireplace double garage Asking $66900 rem Wm WIW 75 59 ï¬gflï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬gï¬ï¬‚fï¬ï¬ï¬ggï¬g F8 SALE OF RFNT Baycresl Drive MORTGAGE MONES aVaIabei 59 tnly includes fridge stave parking and quwt swim crescent hught Sidesplli and Com we 15° have prVaelunos all utilities No pets Available im Ken Miller 4873365 Bob Saunders 7263111 Wm DU owner very mummy available atI lower rages forDXITITC org madam Telephone 726 0570 Hannah Pentland 7288028 Ross Miller 7260563 layout VIIWDyBpDOInlmPT117761636 Cal Mm 050 an 729 1358 7m Al Rose 7288116 Bruce Dangerfield 7284959 041015 for sale Harvey Weber 4363815 MargWood 4673148 ACRE LOTS In new SUMMSIM 14m0 19 0m0$ AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY two 357 BAYFIELD sr BARRIE Larry Wood 4873148 Esther Kennedy 4245471 mu swim Permits to build homes and lralers 53223 Cgfï¬gfla10125m3LThï¬C 728 8800 TOR llNE 8814l74 Dean Arbuthnot 7374720 Gerald ONeill 7267733 Im 05 RENTAL It motor home Sleeps includes heabï¬arkigflgï¬r stove and $735 weakly lus Cents or II 9N8 019 EXCELLENT MTGE pAiNSWicx SUBDMSiON 554900 Helen Burns 7262386 Ross Burwell 4589248 CO ZING CHARM $46700 This older brick home complete o7busmess opportunities LARGE SEW00M damnedken spacious my bedroom raised bungalow with grand from Alï¬rilhaun A83752742WVPAaulerallgryél 1288796 with finished basement is iust the ticket Classic sun porch SMURAN FOR SALE 9mm trally located available immediately Stove lridgeallutilitiesand arkin in entrance dwided future family room with bnck 0° to ceiling entry hall Close to schools shopping parks Pay cash or take own boss Busy last load fireplace Fenced yard exceptionally well landscaped Janice RUSSELL CHURCH Your ristnurnnt exclllrnl location all new ducted in renlNopetsplease Telephone 019099 599 RObln JUPP M480 iqupn1rnt recently renovated Apart MO OHIO LEO gigglyï¬b Two 31 rs plus extra commerce room apar men vanherk 728 8800 IBSBOMI MIDHURST AREA 553900 SPOCOUs bedroom bTCk home llagiyffia 59000 105 534 78 SALE RENT $710 monthly plus hydro Central park BARRIE RETIREMENT BRICK BUNGALOW Central location in prime residential neighborhood 18 yr old home with hardwood floors plaster walls Hilltop view of city and bay Vacant $5X0 down Janice Vanherk 7288800 89016M ROYAL TRUST CORPORATION OF CANADA REALTOR offers full basement for future rec room all the privacy you wanton well treed lot 100 300 Call Sue Drennan M464 BEDROOM BEAUTY ON ACRE Tall pines Cedars fruit trees enhance this cosy country bungalow Home features modern eatIn kitchen with plenty of cupboards Well mortgage Please call Robin Jupp M475 $33900 ing fridge stove No pets Telephone 737 0901 Monday to Friday 00 am 00a TWO BEDROOM apartment spacious well kept close to schools shopping and on bus route large yard heat and park too No pets 3250 Available immediate ly Telephone 726 1045 ONE BEDROOM apartment stove and Trix TIME Services Ltd Franchise Bar TH and other Ontario Centres Call Col ltl 1116 81 7580 RESTAURANT FANIILY BUSINESS Im sali Full quipntirnt long lease filmy all yvar round For appomtmcnt tnloptioni 187 2639 SPTIDUS buyer will be ntmwn statement Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Northla nders Travel Trailers Corsair Gendette Shamrock Edgin IMu mu CnnonnAvou we Barrie7262611 09AcommerciaIindustrial NEW LISTING Low down payment newly decomed Terms Up T015 Years grigge LgcltgdedhAvgialiible Februsary Ist COLLIER ST bedroom brick home with basement beautifully treed lot 70 Hghway somh 3703 ow frontage 10 Ist mortgage Call Sue Drennan M477 70 Burlon Ave 7283866 NEWLY DECORATED Dedwom 26 EILEEN DRIVE apartment with large living room and New 10 mortgage brick and aluminum bungalow Patio doors 61ml H088 FSRM Sought Egrrlzneoï¬lry good 79 $113152ycilliï¬leflypgféviiio9133333 covered cedar deck and yenced Yard Shows we Asking gscagoogsesh git Jis war of an or wr Inance Askan um Telephonegbwflblatterlpm 350500 Call Corby Adams Pp mm Olmalonr 83 and mrl NUTI grwo BEDROOM one 3250 including eat and hydro in Barrie one $720 pay Fa COUNTRY LIVING Ideally sutled for inlaws or larger family Deadlmell Classfed own hydro in Angus Telephone 776 6271 Dorothy MacQuarrie 7286358 Helen Hopkins 7281662 separate kitchen and baths good sized lot excellent potential 11 321 word ads alelPm Corby Adams 7286829 Ross Leeder 7269245 Call Clare Robinson New IrigEgriovgEe Effaegcwgaxlzg Jim Quinlan 7260873 Rita 7286257 PROIVHSIONM who recurrc unuw It at IE Robin Jupp 737 1362 Bill Sakeris 737 15863 DNWM GHIWS In wrouqmy and day prewous mizisrellygyeygpiiép £7 478123yienzgl REAL EST or mms 728 5124 R0 and Jean 436 1859 Bob Doriford 7263740 Ralph Williams 4283432 lliillltlfully rvstorurt downtown Century BEDSlums ROOM apanmem LlMITED 92135951 z26927 trachea 3293585 ion Hind 4562872 crow Robinsm 728em 1It 0° SW °Y 119 DUNLOP ST 7261938 TORONTO 8844133 Lea Bailey 7260436 Edith Binnendyk 7263679 Monitor Mrs Minister in 9071 7me 973 APPRAISING AND FINANQNG Betty Bowler 7283876 Sue Drenncn 72863104 OPEN UNTIL pm um Jean England 7286310 Pat Harrington 4873140 mncul George Vale 7269790 Lorna Verstraten 4241956 FIRST TIME OFFERED Beautiful ranch bungalow with attached two car garage in Sunnidale area Custom built by Pratt features hot water heating electric eye garage opener all newly decorated and new broadlaom Oversize master bedroom Lot 85 132 with gorgeous mature trees Estate sale Call Jane Young 7261938 or 7284717 MLS 4171 YOURE MISSING SOMETHING if you buy before inspecting this new Ookridge home built with family living in mind Extra large kitchen with translucent lighting bedrooms ensuite bath in Re istered Re trement REAL ESTATE LTD MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS HEAD OFFICE 98 BAYFIELD ST 7284067 ALLANDALE OFFICE 35 ESSA RD BARRIE 7372880 TORONTO 4168899487 AGENTS FOR LEOPHOCEECONSTRUCTION LIMITED master bedroom family room with fireplace complete heat OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL pm FOREST HILL ESTATES ANTEN MILLS saving Package Please call Bob Henderson 7261938 or 728 pNFVEW ESIAIESO MIDHURST 5112 MLS 3848 5mm cousnuction Ito JOHN COLE 7288017 ART MAW 7281346 DEVILS GLEN AREA $24700 Winterized bedroom 1v mm PRSCHUL1COHSTRUCTION 12232 Il 7336 RICK HAMILTON 7283693 storey older home with 165 feet of river frontage in the heart of WWIIIE HT 090 DAN HENDERSON 72816065 the ski area Call Mary Morrison 7261938 or 7289933 MLS 175 wILLow lAttDIttG 0le 8° 00 08 URRY 7358 REID IUILDIHG LTD JOHN KUIPERS 7286724 TF STOREY IN RIVERWOOD bedrooms bathrooms fenced IATTISOH $006 LTD RUHCE LTO QUALITY HOMES Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Chuck Lambert 7288001 Bert Cuff 7286334 Jim Cancilla 7371597 John Calwell 7267726 Larry Brewer 7289745 Don Allan 4872412 Harry Magill 7263864 Doug Baker 7283274 Simon Beekhuizen 7373795 Jolln Struik 7263555 Larry DeWilde 7283253 CHOLKAN CO LIMITED Tl iIIT 1111 II Homes Cottages Farms Vacation Victoria and Grey has Plans Available Each provides for tax deferrals and the return on your investment may accumulate tax free until you withdraw the funds Put little aside for the future Contribute to at purchase RRSP an or before March 1979 you will become eligible to wm trip lor two to Jamaica yard excellent quality broadloom and cushion floor decorated superbly So clean you can move right in and relax Home features 104 mortgage separate living dining room and Completely landscaped yard Call Ian Rouse 7261938 or 726 5407 MLS No 75 VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST BillHockley 4364545 Jim Harris 7267173 WI 51761 844 Peter Bracelente 7263916 Fred Reynolds 7285333 Commercial Properï¬os Rumor WWW camwwm mum Gym Paul Arbour 7263897 Norman McMillan 7268957 F8 10 COLLIER STREET IARRIE PHONE 7284401 PHONE 7282414 22 OFFICES TO SERVE you Tom Cairns 7280653 Peter Gubbels 7282425