Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Feb 1979, p. 14

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fit 14 the exemlner Thursday Feb 1070 television guide THURSDAY EVENING VIEWING $00 NEWS HOLLYWOOD SOUARES CAROL BURNETT AND FRlENDS POLKA OOT DOOR 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW cos NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME JEREMY 645 HATTYTOWN TALES 655 WRITE ON 700 DATING GAME CHIPS CROSS WITs MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW TIC TAC DOUGH ANGIE Donna Pearow stars In the Irlle role ol Angle the girl trorn the other Side of the tracks who falls In love with the wealthiest women In Philadelphia Premiere NEWLYWED GAME IQ DR WHO Terror oi the Zygons 33 GOOD TIMES PRICE IS RIGHT 730 MAKE ME LAUGH NEWLYWED GAME EVENING OUT FAMILY FEUD STARS ON ICE Guests Boo Ruben Holiday On Ice Rob Doherty and Michael Bradley comedy team srnoer Freda Payne Canadian Gold Medalist Suzanne Russel Chen and Dennis Pinner 1977 Canadian Pairs morons $198 BEAUTY CONTEST MAGIC SHADOWS mm at Final BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 LITTLE WOMEN The lives at the March Sisters Meg Jo and Amy are continued In this serial takinp them beyond the final chapters of Loursa May Alcotta classic novel Slara Dorothy McGuire Robert Young Premiere 80 NHL CHALLENGE CUP From Madison Square Garden In New York City the first game In the lhrsaparne series belwaen atara OI the USSR and National Hockey allatara hrs THE WALTONS MONK AND MINDY Morka plan to leave Earth prove to be so devastating to Mindy that friend Susan persuades them and their dapreaaed neighbor Into attending an anal awareness Irarntn neuron ASPECTS OF INEMA RAT PATROL MOVIE DRAMA Seven Golden Men 1069 830 ANGIE Donna Peacow stars In the title role of Angie the girl Irom the other Side of the tracks who falls In love with the wealthiest minerals to Philadelphia Premiere JUST Do IT YOURSELF WHATS HAPPENING 900 WOMEN IN WHITE HAWAII FIVEO Steve MCGarrett tries to warn acornful young socralrte that she Is prospective VlCIlm OI towel lhult at star John Saxon 60 nuns BARNEY MILLER LIVE IT UP SPEAKING OUT CODE 1078 930 SOAP Jessrca Tate brings her lover Del Donahue home for breakfast and Is confronted by her husband Chester who has presumed dead TEAM SHOWDOWN 1000 BARNABY JONES at Jones trade Hawaiian vacation for murder and mystery when she becomes emotionally Ned With married Client 60 mins FAMILY IE LE MONDE EN GUERRE NEWS UPDATE 1001 22 BARETTA NEWS 1100 NEWS ID CBC NEWS CTV NEWS EMPLOYMENT FILE MOVIE DRAMA lb Moses tees Mr 1115 10 REAL STORY 1120 at NEws 1125 OUESTION PERIOD 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW Host Johnny Carson Guest Dr Paul Ehrlich 90 CBS LATE MOVIE su lte payday at the filth and Huwkeye IS the paymasler COLUMBO Now You See Stars Peter Felk Jack Cassidy MOVIE MUSCAL Girl mpp 1966 REET TALK 1145 POLDARK 1150 at MOVIE ADVENTURE They Came Serums 1959 ll MOVIE DRAMA is The $00 Ceiling 1070 MOVIE HORROR In Deadly Bees 1957 1210 MOVIE DRAMA Mission To Monte Carlo 1971 100 TOMORROW Host Torn Snyder Guoat Geoffrey Holder choreographer and Broadway direcloi 60 mins 115 PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 200 ill MEDICAL CENTER MOVIE DRAMA dra 1962 300 MARCUS WELBY MD 400 in BEWITCHED Phae historically speaking today in histogy No8 unit Mary Stuart Queen of Scots was beheaded at Folhcringhay Castle In central England 392 years ago todaywin 1587 She had been prisoner of Queen Elizabeth for til years Elizabeth would 1101 free her because she feared Marys rival claim to her throne When letters were discovered that linked Mary with plot to murder Elizabeth the Queen signed her death warrant Mary went to the block declaring her innocence 1807 Napoleon defeated the Russians at Eylau lilth Author Jules Verne was born Ixxs Actress Evans was born ISIS Marshal Nikolai Bulganin became premier of the Soviet lition replacing icorgi Malenkov 960 The surname of the British lioyal Famin was changed to Mountbatten Windsor Dame Edith barries story February I971 The federal government ap proved loan of $382370 to the Ontario Housing Corporation for construction of 24 units of tentgearedto income housing in Barrie The three blocks of two storey row housing were to be built by Thornwcll Construction Ltd on the west side of Cook 51 south of its junction with Grove St TThe loan made to the OHC under the National Housing Act covered 90 per cent of the cost and was repayable over period of 50 years with interest at and per cent OHC was to provide the remaining 10 per cent of the capital cost Barrie insurance agents were backing the decision of the tario Insurance Agents Associa tion to actively campaign against the New Democroatic Party in the next election The NDP vowed that if it was elected it would take over the auto insurance business mak Ing coverage compulsory and selling it in package with the vehicle owners licence plate 21yearold student nurse at Royal Victoria Regional School of Nursing was to reign as Bar ries 1971 carnival queen Tall dark haired Linda Loucks was crowned by the previous years queen Betty Harris Linda was chosen front 21 girls front Barrie and district at the camival queen contest and dance She was to act as of ficial hostess of the city at car nival events Tom Hughes general manager of the Ontario Humane Society blasted as inadequate plan adopted by ro township for animal control An invitation front Barrie branch of the society to the township for contract to be signed with the society was turned down and the township hired private dogcatcher to do thcjob Council delayed action on general government committee recommendation for seven per cent across the board in crease in salaries for the citys approximately 60 ad ministrativc employees Ald Dorian Parker said she was rather alarmed with the recommendation that would boost the citys annual wage bill for its administrative employees to 5448870 front 5410389 fivcacre site for future school building was purchased by the county Roman Catholic separate school board on the Canadas stQIY Pigs And Pork Products Nearly Caused Wars It seems incredible now but Britain and the US nearly became involved in war of pork and beans and war caused by the shooting of pig In both cases Canada would have been the battle The shooting of the ground lg took place on San Juan Island south of Vancouver Is and in 1850 The Americans sent troops there and the British sent units of the Royal Navy Fortunately the British admiral refused to start war for the shoo German of pig and the dis ute was arbitrated by the aser who awarded 11 Juan to the US The War of Pork and Beans took place along the New BrunswickMaine border in 1839 The the border was not clearly defined and roblem was that on from both sides cut trees in areas claimed by each er They were often directed rough weapons were tough lumber barons and their ate and axehandles There was serious fight between New Brunswick and Maine 10 500 men ers on February 1839 and few days later Maine were surround ed at the mouth of the Little Madawaska River Three of the Americans were taken to Fredericton as prisoners Then Sir John Harvey lieutenant governor of New Brunswick issued reclamation that was almost declaration of war Ma and New Brunswick called out their militia the 08 Congress voted $10000000 to raise an army and British troops were rushed to the area trom Halifax Fortunately President Van Buren of the us sent General Winfield Scott to the scene to restore stability Britain and the US forced the governors of New Bruns wick and Maine to eagree on truce until the boundary problem was settl This was accomplished by the AahhurtonWebster Treaty in 1842 The War of Pork and Beans got its name because Kirk and hearts were the staple diet of the lumberjacks in one days OTHER EVENTS 0N FEBRUARY wooCanadians and Indians led by Mantel and Le Moyne brothers massacred Schenectady NY 1850 Prime Minister Lord Russell predicted in British House of Commons that Canada would become independent 1855 HalifaxTruroWindsor Railway was ned irisCharter to build transcontinental ra way was awarded to Montreal financier Sir Hu 1805 Sir James Pleny Whitney formed first Allan nserva tive government in Ontario since 1872 1080 FederalProvincial conference agreed on Montre al as site for World Fair in 1087 1880 Surname of royal family became Mountbatten Windsor lilth concession of Irintsftl township The site was to provide for school to scrvc cltildrcn of developing residential areas near the south end of the city projected for construction by 1975 New industries and plant cx patisions started fl 1070 would crcatc an estimated additional 3150000 in tax revenue and 230 new jobs city council learned The estimate was contained in report of the Barrie liambcr of oiiimcrccs iii dustrial and business develop ment committee presented to council by its chairman ook fhc planning board and the city development committcc would once again consider an application frortt developer for rezoning of the old St Marys hurcli site on Mulcasicr Street that would permit higltcr dcitsity apart nicnt development It llorncr principal In onstitution Square of Barrtc Ltd which held an option on the site appeared before city council with new application The firm was asking for you ing that would allow four times lot coverage instcad of I00 per ccnl lot coverage What does youtlt think of fanadas medium of the message Marshall McLuhan Barrtc high school student Iliil Bishop put his impressions down In writing atid his paper rcccivcd honorable Incitiion front York University where it was submitted for symposium on essays frotii high school students As result lhil was toaltcnd the symposium wlicrc he would participate in the discussion of the formal papers which were selected An alltime record for alien dance at the Simch ouniy museum and archives was set during lil70 it was shown by the annual report presented to county officials The figure reached the 35000 mark for the first time art in crease of almost 2000 over the l96 attendance Iwo open house programs were impor tant factors itt setting the new record with 4250 registered on lionccr llay and 2500 for lie special Christmas day event Stanley Burke former broad caster with the suggested that Barrie become trial ci ty undertaking project to mobilize community resources in planningilsfufurc Saying that Barrie was aIi ideal size for this type of pro ject Mr Burke made this sug gestion to the community leaders at the annual meeting of the YMYWCA at Central Unitcdflturch lrt sports Barrie ltichbrook Juveniles couldnt get together at the Barrie Arena and were eliminated front further Ii tario Minor Hockey Association playdowns as result The Barrie crcw looking somewhat disorganized com pared to the liigliflying squad from Owen Sound saw the up position pol four goals in the final period to win 72 Owen Sound won the bestof three series two games to nil Tophi can pop up anywhere By PAUL RUBIJC Ml Dear Dr Ruble have gout which settled in my big toe was discussing this with friend recently He said the rea son it settles there is that the too is farthest away from the heart and so the material just gravitates Is this the case We have small friendly bet going because disagreeNV Wrong Gout is chemical problem That is it begins with blood chemistry disorder too much uric acid When enough of this is circulating in the body some of it will collect and crys tallization will form deposits They are called tophi TOEfie which despite the way it sounds has nothing to do with the toes The big toe or any extremity such as fingers or even ear lobes are likely places for this to occur but the tophi can pop up anywhere on the body Why the feel seem more prone is not known but it has nothing to do with your friends gravity the ory more likely explanation is that the feet are more prone to injury minor bunip or tightfitting shoes cart bring oti gout attack and painful feet are quickly noticed Dear Dr Ruble Please for my peace of mind answer this question person told friend of mine that canker sores were related to VI My friend gets these when she has cold MMF canker sure has nothing at all to do with The tiny blisters appear on the mouth or inner cheek usually heal on their own but may recur as do cold sores or fever blisters They are Itot related to any cold virus nor to any VI germ Their cause is not known Dear Dr Ruble am 64 BRIDGE male just had cardiac cath eterization done My arteries were not obstructed but the doctor mentioned signs of hard ening cholesterollowering diet was suggested My blood pressure is 12075 What action should take LW You must have had some serious symptoms to warrant the calhcferization which is special test to determine the state of the insides of arteries serving the heart If llicrc was no blockage then just keeping your weight down exercising as touch as you can without pain and quitting cigarettes if you smoke should be helpful The diet might help also if you do have pain angina you may need medicine to control it Dear llr Ruble Ive always heard one should takc aspirin with milk or with meals Now Im told that it works iii the blood and taking it with meals wont help Please explain Al It works iii the blood stream but before it gets there it can irritate your stomach lltus the advice is correct llcar II ltublc have an overactive thyroid gland and ant taking medicine for that wondered about my chances of becoming pregnant Thank you for helping clear up some con fusiort had about thyroid etc have your Iitalcrial ILS Your challtcs of becoming pregnant are good in spilc of your hytxrthyroid condition iti fact you should watch for ihc carlicsl signs of pregnancy while on the atily thyroid tnch cinc which cati cross Illt wall the placenta If you gct prcg hunt you may have to dis continuc It arid rcsunic it after the baby is born Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag surefire approach wins Vulnerable NorthSouth Dealer South West North East South Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass 20 Opening lead The professor was holding forth on the use of ARCH He explained That lead was surely singleton West surely has five or six spades His overcall wasnt much in any event but this West likes to bid whether he has bid or not How can make ten tricks cart win that club draw trumps lead spade and play dummys ten if West lays low West should have th queen and jack of spades but maybe he hasnt and the hand will collapse if East ca tures the ten with either queen or jack Now will show you line of play that is sure to succeed as long as all fIVe trumps arent in one hand Here is the Professors surething play He wins the club and draws trumps while discard ing one club front dummy Easts best discards will be one club and two diamonds and we assume they will be made Now comes the key play South leads his second club and plays either the nine or jack while West will surely throw away spade East is in with the first defensive trick and serious headache club lead is obvtous suicide spade lead will give South three sure spade tricks and allow hitti to get rid of one of his diatiiotids on high club Finally diamond lead will make it possible for South to set up duttttnys jack for one spade discard while another spade Will go on high club daily crossword ACROSS 44 JfadUalt of Annapolis Jesus tabby monogram 45 Poetic Wet ground preposition Little 19m 35 Equirw 12 5mm ml 49 Flettharit l3 Fertile spot Ill mm 1859 53 possess lcontr id Rowmg blade 15 Name men Army group 58 Sound of 16 Bears dove l7 Man 59 By bu Qame 60 lest for lit 18 less was 20 A516 61 Horse food mountmns 62 Gross 22 Enclosure Nalltlfldl 24 Tffltilfl Product mountain abbr 25 innocent 63 Od 28 05 64 Spanish gold 32 Bony expanse 33 Young man DOWN 35 Frost cake Sou mm 36 Small Island am 38 Gallic Jacham affirmative swam 39 Songstress Mom rancid Smith Fight 40 Mans name Fool 42 Don dry Actress wds Farrow OJ Am in yr raise prelim if Ulnar 110 J01 Iii Vialltlv 10 Post 54 will WNW ll IllISIIiIIrI A1 Jl WWI ovumI l9 EIIVllfIlllltil 31 pl agency rIllIlf 21 Rdtildiitlll IlllrlyllfI Lin Itlrlili lllllll lt tabin $131 23 slithhlliflt 24 Sometime mill HUM IIirpidimil 50 mm 51 litlitre 25 lliIllllIlrlllflli bureau alibi UH 26 CUy llllll 75 Texture 5b HI Imp Him 29 Teller of tall Mao SlItIIIIS lilf krmnw AstroGra Bernice Bede Osol February 1919 Conditions that have direct effect on your career or work could suddenly shift from time to time this coming year Be on your toes and ready to take full advantage of them AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 18 Hastin agreeing to do some thing for another is no excuse for performing Irresponsibly Its better for you to let the person know you cant follow through PISCES Feb 20March 20 Your hunches will have Winthrop Tue5E 67KIN69 AIZE GUARANTEED FER TH LIFE How CAN BE 6125 OF THEIR VURAEILITY WOULD LIKE TO SURRENDER strong influence on your out look today Unfortunately they arent reliable Youd better think twice before doing any thing ARIES March 21Aprll 19 if your views arent readily ac cepted today dont push them on your associates You might open hornets nest you arent prepared to cope with TAURUS April 20May 20 Youre going to need allies in order to achieve the goals youve set for yourself today Be careful how you seek their backing GEMINI May 21June 20 Though some of your ideas are clever today you may not have the necessary knowhow to implement them Coworkers SOMEONE ON His TV 5AV WANGwot WHEN HE HEARS wont be too happy if you mess things up CANCER June 21July 22 Mind your own business today People wont welcome anyone butting into their affairs and will let you know in no uncertain terms LEO July 23Aup 22 You have stubborn streak today It could get you into trouble when you refuse to go along with the experience of others and leap into the unknown VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Its not like you to lack game plan before tackling task Youll suffer the consequences of poor work today because chances are you wont be organized LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Trying NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 LIVED AT THls woman Frank and Ernest DONT FEEL Too WELL PET THINK WELL AVE TD CANCEL THE VISIT To MY MOTHERS 471C r5 7YJT txl we fit CngVNA leg us 9c 107 Dally Mirror RamI Anny Capo Otal held lousep IM MLfiER BINGLE YOURE THREE OVER PAR HERE to keep up with freespending friends may put hole In your budget bigger than you her gained for DO our thln theirs net SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Your mind has tendency to jump ahead of itself today This could place you In embarrass Ing situations Swallow your pride Figure ways to back out gracefully AGITTARIUS Nov 23000 21 Someone who puts his confidence in you will be disap pointed it you broadcast his secrets Keep tight lip or else have excuses ready CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 You might have extreme diffi culty relating your ideas to practical workable plan today YOU SHOULD SEE THE DOCTO ABOUT THAT LAQYNGITIS no Id so an In HR mm TMAVE Your Wedding Invitations nnouncements Headquarters We provide loanout service

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