Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Feb 1979, p. 4

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on Ca Wednesday Fob 1979 the examiner serving barrie and simcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 Broce Rowland publisher NEWSROOM 726 6537 CIICUlATION 7266539 ADVERTISING 7266537 ClASSlFIEDS 7282414 Dont end Arts Council Is George Taylor right about the Ontario Arts Coun cil The Simcoe Centre MPP is calling on the Ontario government to eliminate the arts agency to save some $12 million in grant money Mr Taylor suggests the job of the council be transferred directly to the ministry of culture and recreation and that Wintario profits be used to fund council programs We commend Mr Taylor of his efforts to find ways of reducing government spending But there are reasons why the program should be continued First the arts council budget is fraction of the estimated $14 billion Ontario budget for 1979 What would $12 million saving really mean in terms of that overall budget Conversely what do we stand to lose Second Wintario and the Arts Council serve quite distinct purposes Wintario supports culture at grass roots level while the Arts Council is mainly for profes sional artists Transferring art funding to Wintario would present difficulties For example Wintario has no authority to cover any operating expenses something that would place professional dance and theatre companies in jeopardy Obviously Wintarios terms of reference would have to be drastically altered if it alone was to look after our professional artists Moreover Wintario is already woefully short of funds This year for example Wintario requests are double its projected revenue Adding funding requests from professional artists could only compound Wintarios difficulties Certainly we would like to know what affect any proposed cancellation of the Ontario Arts Council would have on local arts groups At least six Barrie area artistic ventures receive funds from the Arts Council including the Gryphon Theatre and the Huronia Symphony We believe the majority of our government assisted cultural groups deserve every dollar of support they receive We believe too that much of the rapid development of professional art in the past 15 years is due to the support given by the Ontario Arts Council Mr Taylor may be right in suggesting there are few questionable groups receiving support In this respect perhaps certain tightening up is in order But disband the Ontario Arts Council We think not lZl lht iiisiness inilt onsuiiier llails Italysl lhoinson ews Serv ice Staisii tanada used be regarded as rabir llll bureaucracy doing rather dreary ion of gathering figures putting theiii mm stilfll kind of order and heii publishing them for the benefit of some equally dull econoniiss ltut thats changing and its methods and even its reputation are becoming hot topic of piilillcdebatc lii recen fl£1 onservative member speaking in the commons described Statfan survey on family expenditures as the most massive invasion of privacy by any gowrnment in the Western world because it asked one out of 2H family allowance recipients or spending iinitsU to disclose their consumption of hair coloring and other more intimate personal products The Movie Research liistitute of Montreal in its annual policy review criticied Stattan for having consistently under estimated the rate of economic growth since to Policy advisers in both the public and the private sectors are being forced to base their advice on indicators that are not sufficiently accurate Others have been making similar com plainls Business executives especially operators of small businesses complain that they are required to complete too many bible thought That which is boni of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit John It ff Here is the heart of God in the interest of the souls of men The next move is yours Jesus said Come unto me Him that oometh tome will in no wise cast out we want your opinion Something on your mind Send Letter to the Editor Please make if an original copy and sign it The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned let ters but if you wish pen name will be used lnclude your telephone number and address as we have to verily letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condense or reject letters Letters to the Editor are run every day on the editorial page Send yours to letter to the Editor The Exuhu Port Office lo 370 ml Ont MM Statistics Canada under new attack questionnaires process that is time con suiningandexpensive And Staitan unemployment figures have been vigorously attacked from both sides that is from those who say the published jobless figure per cent of the labor force lli lieceniberi is unrealistically low and those who claim it exaggerates the real problem Perfection is impossible to attain in statistics as in most other things The problems that confront the statisticians are indeed formidable For one thing useful statistics are fresh statistics Withholding them from publication for an extra day or an extra week might make them more accurate but certainly less aluable guidetopolicy and action hi the second place statistical surveys are necessarily based on sampling of the entire population Interviewingjust one out of every tamilyallowance recipients doesnll produce as reliable result as if the other 27 were also interviewed but for practical pur poses the of the sample has to be limited finally the statistical process is weakened by the obvious fact that the patterns of our lives are constantly changing Questions such as those about haircoloring are intended to show how consumer spending changes from year to year As result of those changes the base of certain statistics is changed every few years Last fall for instance the base for the onsuiner Price Index ttll was channg Many labor contracts provide for automatic wage increases with every rise in the fll When the new fll brought smaller increase lliaii the old ll would have some unions including loronto transit workers were out raged ItllNl til llIW That an example of the kind of complaint that arises when the statistical method although logical doesnt produce the type of result that suits someselfish purposes lfut when the major statistics such as Gross National Product ttiNli prove to be wrong they have probably led policy ad visers to inappropriate conclusions in the words of the llowe researchers Even within the statistics bureau itself there have been growing criticisms of the work of Staltan in recent years Tritics have said that the job of chief statistician has become politicized and that theres widening gap between the political and the professional sides of the operation In defence of Stattan itsolficials havesaid that its performance compares favorably with that of any other country including thi lIiiitedSlatis lhe If authorities however haVe taken one remedial step that anadian authorities ias is typicali havent They have set tip committees with representatives from labor business and the universities as well as gov ernment to examine the shortcomings of the statistical service and to recommend solutions BUSINESS 7266537 NEWSROOM Craig Ison managing editor Ian Mulqrew city editor Bill McFarlane wrre editor Dave Fuller sports editor Claudia Krause Lifestyle editor ADVERTISING SALES Bert Stevens Julie Franks Ian MacLeod Aden Smith Steve skinner Brenda woods POR iE RS Carl Dc Curse Stephen Nicholls Dennis Lanthior Nancy Figueroa Lori Cohen Stephen Gauer entertainment Gary Forbes sports Betty Armor camera operator Dave Burc5ik photographer CLASSIFIED Freda Shinner Peggy Chapell Janice Morton Parliament Hill By STHWARI Maclllttl Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Scry ice That recent public opinion poll in Quebec which indicated that majority of the people now would vote yes in referendum on sovereignty association certainly demon strates the success of Rene Levesques strategy Perhaps his larti Quebecois government is dabbling in intellectual dishonesty as it con fuses constituents with assorted definitions of its objectives and perhaps this same government loaded the dice against the fed Queen Park My lNthlllll lt Queens Park lturcau Thomson News Sen ice lttltthlti dont know if you happened to catch up to the most recent little tempest over Education Munster ltetle Stephenson ut if you did you may have been bit lxiwildered by it The ltitllltfllltill Minister made speech wide ranging bit of business in which she talked about the need to take fresh and liroad look at the educational system and bring oiir thinking on it up todate typical point was that our present school year and classroom day had been designed for largely rural society and that we should at least lakea look at it NIIJHI The next day it was bit of shocker to some of us who had read the speech to see that the reports of it said the minister hail been proposing longer school days larger classes and return to the little red school house to meet the problem of declining enrolments good thing she didnt read that in her bath She might have been in danger of drowning As for you the reader you oiild have had reason to wonder if the much respected lIt Stephenson had suddenly turned into nit wit She hadnt of course ltut she had lived dangerously In Ialktlltl about the hundreds of things that might be considered she had given soinc examples SCOOPS Len Sevick manager Ruth Blais superVIsor Dana Homewootl BUSINESS Marian Gough accountant Detva Mills Gail McFarland Don Saunders Vikki Grant Lorne Wass Iattire Mitchell Will Cadogan CIRCULATION affpvzxgr Bill Halkes manager EdAuonby evc White a55is an maneqo Janle Hamel Andy Haughlon Susan Kitchen Alva LaPlante RonGilder tM on EalnPSOTICT Barbara Striqi CheryIAiken PREssgggM Don Near foreman Fred Prince asst foreman Harris Blanchard Brian Marr UNITY TASK FORCE eralisls with its referendum regulations but you cant argue with success And that latest poll gives the clear impression that the Levesque government has its gameplan well in hand The term StittltlglilyflSStttlitlltill seems to be having the desired confusing effect on the electorate because despite the growing approval the percentage of diehard separatists has not changed much since the Pt government came to power Perhaps the respondents did not even associate sovereignty association with separation but am sure llllS doesnt upset Levesque hell take the yes votes however he can get them Ministers speech food for thought For instance she said that perhaps the need to close soine schools might be avoided if classes were combined this had been done iii the little red school house and it hadnt been all that had lhcn perhaps there shouldnt be rigid standards on classroom si7e history class could without suffering be larger than science class for example This was breaking the number one taboo in political coiiiiiiunication today you dont mention specifics unless you want them talked about and only them lor it is one of the facts of the media that If there is something concrete to be reported this is what will be reported and perhaps not too accurately reported at that Yes this can be bit disconcerting perhaps but the real pro politician doesnt let it bother him He plays the game the way it is and in fact if he is good enough takes advantage of If by stickhandling his pet projects with the media the way he knows ll will go for them ltut though Stephenson is quite pro as person she is not pro politician And its doubtful if she would ever want to be for she can see the foolishness of so much of it And take this as reassurance lior though the game of politics always has and probany always will be occupied illi lot of nonsense ll IS pretty important stiilf to us underneath and calls for some thinking from time to time And people such as the education minister who dont run with the herd and the blanket of its conformity can stimulate this YES AM wand ANOTHER BOOK 1A3fl COMPOSING ROOM Jack Kernev foreman Glenn Kwan asst foreman Published daily except Sunday and statutory holidays WE EX LY by carrier 90cenfs YEARLY by carrier 546 30 Copyright registration number 7038ts register 61 BY MAIL Barrie 80 National advertising offices 65 Queen St Toronto 864 1710 640 Cathcarl Sf Montreal SIMCOE COUNTY $3650 MOTOR THROW OFF 539a year ELSEWHERE lN CANADA $38 503 year Levesque will take yes vote however whenever he can What the poll indicated was that only 19 per cent of Quebecers supported separatism but that surprising to per cent said yes to the following question If the national rcferen than was held on sovereigntyassociation for Quebec that is political indeiwndence but economic association with the rest of anada would you vote in favor of or opposed to sovereignty association for Quebec Thirty nine per cent opposed it and 13 per cent were undecided For thcvfirst timea pub lic opinion poll has indicated that Levesque just might in his referendum This referendum will no doubt merely ask for mandate to talk with Ottawa and might even shun the word sovereignty as the larti Quebecois removes the last traces of fear from its goal But this matters the Levesque government which stage is merely buying time for its liiitiertt olijectiveof Quebec indejwndence And while Levesque is conducts cohesive wcllrplanntxl campaign ir respect the opposition is in relative sha tiles victims of the referendum reguiai which force all federalist forces In group it gether under one unsteady umbrella INTERN IFltilllS This lroanada committee includes sc federal and provincial political parties seven other unity groups And while Rene lcvesque has been smoothly orchestramy his objectives to fit the mood of his people the federalists have been fully occupied ith internal squabbles Levesque an astute politician would naturally ha mpectcd this to happen The Quebec Liberal Party was never going to allow itself to be swallowed by the Pro anada committee And other political parties particularly the lnioii Nationale dont relish the idea of working under Liberal direction tN Leader Rodrigue Riron has referred to Ryan as dictator But the committee cant function of lectively itlioiit the Liberals so the hatchets are being buried for the time being Amid wellhidden bitterness the federalists claim they are ready to begin fighting back against lAvesqucs sovereigntyassociation Liberal Leader laude Ryan will be the chief spokes man So far the lrotanada committee has raised about $15 million for its campaign and officials say all orgaiiilational aspects are well advanced But the Levesque government has had twoyear start with its propaganda and now is ready for door to door campaign in every riding lnless the fcderalists can get some unity and enthusiasm into their act it might be too late Quebecers might be irrevocably com united to sovereignty association even though majority dont even know its meaning P199P£39¥ tix DO YOU HAVE TITLE MR5 TRUDEAU on YES FAMOU5 PEOPt£ WHO HAVE MET ME The Examnner is member of The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau of circulations ABC Only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Presse and local news stories published in The Examiner The Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising malerlal created by its employees and published in this newspaper The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages aris ing out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space ac fuafly occupied by that portion at the advertisement in which the error oc curred whether such error IS due to the negligence of its servants or other wise and there shall be no liability for non insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement 805 demand new answers By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service NEW YORK Historian William Kilbourns book on Canada called The Peaceable Kingdom sees us as passive and reticent national society next door to the American one which preserved its dynamic nature even during the troubled 19605 We were passive in that upsetting decade for the Americans because we had no ca tastrophic events against which to measure the purpose and future of our nation What we did have was the excitement and temporary high of Expo 67 What the Americans had was the John Kennedy murder in 1963 the assassinations of his brother Robert and Martin Luther King both in 1968 and the terrifying hold of the Vietnam War which has not yet let America go Nor do we have an aging and cynical generation of young Vietnam veterans unsure of themselves as the 80s approach because of what they did or were told to do in In dochinas rice paddies decade or less ago We have come to our land passively conquered it by decree law and order through quiet ghettoizing of the newcomer through peaceful exploitation of our most arable lands and richest natural resources by karge corporations who were promised land grants then tax reliefs to build in Canada T0ltill AllTALlSM Canadian capitalism rough enough at times has never had the ruthless nature of the arnegies Morgans or Rockefellers The Canadian nation has so far accepted an illiheral distribution of its wealth with no explosive passions or political movements to change it We inherited some of the IRS radicalism of the left the Wobblies or Workers of the World in 1919 and from the American right incipient Klansmen among the bitter wheat farmers and downandout urban dwellers of the depression years in the early 1930s But none of our indigenous radical or socialist movements including the New Democratic Party has intended to revolu tionize Canadian society Rather it is the major sectors of capitalist power which must respond to new and different anticapitalist forces Where the older industrial provinces of Ontario and Quebec worry about the loss of their old power in the federal system modernizing and very rich Alberta acts like an adjunct of Texas with its Views for legitimizmg the private sector hard work and fundamentalist religious justifications if these The Alberta 2riirnrrer He 21 soon be fir earnings pa Tntrxf v2 so 1H PHI ll it li decade 31 T00 SSH If passin ir ourselves was national 2131 one can afford no longer But we are tintxol by our presently over whelming revml and personal self interr 51s These mus not be the legacies of the 1970s for the uncertain Hos when more than ever need to define future national course Interpreting the news Nude exam ruled out LONDON tflt liritons enerally credited with finclyhoned sense of in dignalion are race with keen eye for cause Which may explain at least in part the furore developing from reports that the ltritish government has been examining some foreign liancees toi proof that they are virgins Radio hot line shows are sputleiiiig with outrage Questions are being asked in Parliament Newspapers are publishing lll foiials lhe uproar paid off The government hastily called an end to the examinations If all liegan when 40 yearold south Lon don businessman returned from India with his fiancee On arrival she was tanek away fora meilicaexamination My fiancee was made to strip linked without even blanket or sheet he said latei in statement She had to stand like that tor 20 minutes before doctor came To add to the consternation the doctor was iinan The reason for the virginity tests one source said was to determine whether the in coming woman was genuine fiancee or lIIlIIIlttl vonian seeking illegal entry to the country

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