14 the examiner Wednesday Fob 1979 Report suggests firm sell some of outlet OTTAWA iCIt Imperial ptical Ltd should be forced to sell some of its retail eyeglass chains and laboratories to iii crease eotniwtition atid lower prices iii the industry federal report released Monday says The Restrictive Irade Prac tices Commission concludes after study dating back to I975 that Iniperials tlominalion of the eyeglass and eotitact lens industry discourages price competition that would benefit consumers The 9tttltlvotl report tabled in the ommons by onsumer Affairs Minister Warren Al lmaiid also recotiiineiids min iitiuin national standards for the industry he established and that it should advertise tnore on the basis of price The commissions inquiry be gan after federal investigators operate about 129 wholesale branches or prescription laboratories arid 395 dispensing outlets The commission found that Imperial dominated the market in all provinces but Quebec In dispensing Imperial sub sidiaries or affiliates made in excess of 50 per cent of con ventional lens purchases in 21 otit of 38 population centres throughout the country the commission said lilY FROM IMPERIAL It said Imperials domination of the retail level of the eye glass industry was the result of aquisition of businesses or by helping to form businesses iii which it holds at least 59 per cent ownership giving it strong voice in purchasing atid market ing power Affiliates and subsidiaries their lens requirements lrotn Imperial laboratories The commission said in portal should sell lludson ptical Ltd in British Iolumbia the only laboratory capable of competing with Imperial in the province as well as unspecified dispensing chains in Western anada and Ontario It says one of the chains sold should be operating in the lower end of the price range of eye glasses to generate lower prices and higher turnover sales policies in other firms Imperial is the largest of three major companies which dominate the industry in aii ada and is the only one ol the big three which is anadiaii owned Ltd is wholly owned subsidiary of American ptical orp of Soulhbridge Ir EM and purchased almost 94 per cent of Mass reported in I975 that com petition in the eyeglass in dustry was hampered by the domination of Imperial major manufacturer and importer of lenses and frames The Iorontobased company subsidiaries and affiliates under variety of names on repoirsto TVsRadios and Stereos For Quick Service Call STEWART ELECTRONICS 7289457 14 Peel St Now Open Its new its exciting its where the good times are Times of funtimes of relaxationtimes of pleasant conversation with friendstimes of great listening and dancing to live entertainment These are the good times youll find at Woodys Youll enjoy Woodys cozy and comfortable decor And as an added treat Monday through Friday between and pm fresh oysters and seafood sauce will be available So come have your good times at Woodys Now Appearing Feb Feb 10 RONNEILSON Woodys at the Holiday Inn Barrie Hwy 400 on Fairview Rd Telephone 7286191 Entrance and ample parking at the rear of building omnmsmmwwmwzmmm E$WWWKWWWWMRRNE OFF will more ADAM BOOKS INC 74 Dunlop St Barrie FOG UK makes road safety move Working on the theory that motorists on motorways would be better prepared for hazards ahead if warning signs showed the type of hazard how far away it was and speed limits imposed researchers at the Transport and Road Research Laboratory In London have developed new road signals The new signals being tried out on some of Britains motorways are ex pected to help cut down on the number of accidents occurring AP Photo Police want OK to detain those who balk at identity lllttfli itli ntanio policemen ant the authority to spelled otit in other provincial statutes lId Zieiiilia New Democratic Party MII for High Park arrest and detain persons who refuse to identify themselves in cases involving provincial of fences and municipal bylaws at There is no power of arrest however for breaking Illtlllltl pal bylaws and no general power of arrest for offences itot Swansea said he did iiol think iilarlans were read to accept compulsory identity cards and Patrick ltlor Nlil iiieniliei Police Association of Ontario specifically referred to in stat for Lakeshore suggested in spokesman said Monday utes iliiig the ivil Liberties Lewis oraypresulentol the oniiiiiltee iiiciiiliois liad ssociatioii to counter the Httolimember RSSOCIEtlltin varying tipllllttli on the police proposals also warned that unless this proposal authority is given police will ORIlliA TlIEATRES ENEVA lbWEST 51 326633 begin charging such persons with obstructing police Coray and Arthur Iiynier ti rector of the Metropolitan lor ronto Police Association vert appearing before the Ontario legislatures standing com mittee on the administration of justice The committee is studying the proposed provincial offences act which received first reading last April Ihey pointed to Supreme ourt of anada decision last October in which British lumbia man who refused to give his name when stopped for cycling through red light was judged guilty of obstructing po lice bstruction comes under the riminal ode and can result in criminal record for what her gan as petty offence sopoliee would rather fiave the right to detain someone than resort to laying an obstruction charge foray said An official of the Ontario at torneygenerals niiiiislry said in an inleryiew that Mario po lice have not begun laying ob struction charges possibly for fear of being charged with false arrest The power of arrest is limited for provincial offences The Highway Traffic Act provides the power for carelessdriving offences and some other spe cific offences amt instances are YOUI personal account even 00 when you cant get toyour own branch iiitiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiii lllltltlittltllltl Hlll ii MumBIanCh Banking q7u no rm iNit iiNAiioiiu iuiiiiiiciiiwu domg things FAIOUS LAVII TECWEBEQBLLittfif DlSNEYANIMATEDFEAYUWUYE uow minim Ivnuio snow Mi tinnovrii 3rd wmt AT 8i PM oMake Deposits oWithdraw cash up to $500 per day providing you have suftiCient funds in your account Wherever you Whatever you Suppose you work downtown but bank mid hurst HELD OVER me suburbs or you find yourself oObtain your account balance and by 2nd WEEK inlrohélélé5nnllinlgg r2ebllnkl1 different part of the city away from your have your passbook updated guzzbgéglash AT 715 PM at the Bank of Montrgal own branch You need money but as near closing time It you have personal account at an M88 branch you can simply walk into the nearest branch of the Bank of Montreal displaying the symbol and do your everyday banking just as you would at your own branch Quickly and easily And theres no extra cost to you for MBB service wherever you see the M88 symbol What Come on in and let us explain MBB to you you completely At the Bank of Montreal it is your money Prowding you have Bank of Montreal Personal True Chequing Account True Savings Account or Chequable Savings Account you can It you already have an account With us just go into your own branch and get all the information you need to start using MBB If youre not customer of ours and your bank doesnt give you the convenience of MothBranch Banking come to the Bank of Montreal MultiBranch Banking is available At the Bank of Montreal we think you should be able to get to your personal bank account wherever you need or want it Whether youre across town or across the country And we dont believe you should be made to feel as though someones doing you favour when you try to do your banking in branch other than your own After all it your money That is exactly what MultiBranch Banking is all about Access toypur money at just about every branch weve got wherever you see the MuftiBranch Banking symbol The Midhurst Ilistorical Society recently elected its I979 officers Mrs Lorne rser was named president Mrs Gerry leVries is vicerpresident and Mrsl€velyn is secretary Mrs Mary Peacock will be Mrs Grays assistant Mrs Earl Doran was named treasurer and Isabel Nash was named co ordinator with the history department at Forest Ilill School The society decided to research and clean the pioneer cemetery as its 1979 project Midhurst community extends its sympathy to the family of Bill Reilly Sympathy is also extended to the Peacock family in the death of Mrs llruce Peacock As well sympathy is extended to the Shanks Barnetts and Coombes families in the recent death of Mrs Murray Coornbes ATerrifying Love story It is your money Bank of Montreal Trademark Bank of Montreal Ill iMNliI uNIImr lul Multi tlvaiii ti flanking is known as tiilei iiiiin iii ieoch