10 the oxamlnor Wodnooday Fob 1979 entertainment Music teachers score hit with The Sound of Music By STEPHEN illIR if The Examiner Any amateur theatre group that draws audiences the way the Teachers Music Theatre Workshop does must be doing something right The workshop presented The Sound of Musicthe second production of its twoyear history at Georgian ollege Theatre Fri day and Saturday attracting full hoiises for each per formaiice The workshop is run by music teachers in the county with the aim of giving local teachers ex perieiice in presenting musical theatre the workshops objecr lives may be educatorial but the results of their work were two evenings of good entertain nient Its difficult to go wrong with musical as wellwritten as The Sound of Musicr Rodgers and Hammerstein couldnt write mediocre song if their lives depended on it and while the sentimental plot of the play is beginning to show the passage of time since The Sound of Music first made its debut on the stage the music is as fresh and appealing as ever The workshop production benefited from two strengths excellent casting and strong direction front Thelma tockburii the director and Barbara Mctann the producer and musical director Working with largely inexperienced cast these two directors shaped long tclosc to three holltS and demanding play into good amateur production Most amateur musical pro luctioiis suffer from inconsis tent singing and sloppy pacing hilt The Sound of Music avoided these pitfalls The lead per formers tn the play while not all strong singers did handle the musical numbers with style and control and the pacing of the play kept the on stage ac tion moving quickly Ftilli ll IS Saturday nights per torniance of the play featured lane ampbell as Marie Mike liiinpliy as apt Von Trapp Ioaii Lindsay as Elsa thraeder and Iaii Icurdy as Max lltlltl if the four leads Miss Lindsay had the strongest and most secure voice she was wellrcast for the role of the wealthy Viennese widow whose plans to marry You Trapp change drastically when the ierinans invade Austria Marie Miss ampbell was also well suited to the role She had very appealing anti wholesome manner that con vcycd the innocence and bones of Maria without masking the strength that underlies her character Miss ampbell had the most demanding role in the play and some if the best musical numbers and she handled it well Although her uvriv ieiii Capt Von Trapp Mike Dunphy and Maria Jane Campbell In scene from the Teachers Music Theatre Workshop production of The Sound of Music Examiner Photo llltlc acting pitch was at times unsteady and her soiiietitiics too Still she tilir yiously understands the character she was playing and managed to communicate her feelings and emotions to the au dience As apt on Trapp Mike lunphy gave relaxed and convincing performance Iuii phy has strong clear voice and confident stage maii tier hes not dynamic per former in any sense but his singing was excellent par ticiilarly iii slow number like Edelweiss laii Mcturdy made Ma letweiler into one of the fun niest characters in the play showing flair for comedy and exaggeration that contrasted well with the more subdued Krformanccs by the other members of the cast Mctui dys weak singing was the only drawback to an otherwise strong performance ENSEMBLE NlMIiIZIIS Amateur productions usually shine in the ensemble numbers where large chorus or group of singers can bring the music alive III way that solo pii foriiicts itten tail to do The Sound of Music Lune us some good singing by the choir of nuns and postulaiits lttl by Marilyn Lee as the Mother li bess lhc seicn You lrapp children Ittlltlllllttl their numbers with the kind of audience pleasing innocence and fresh faced charm that pro Itlttl sonicof tiielitsl iiionieiits in the show The play itself is celebration of music and the Von Irap children from loaii llecarie as Ilcsl the eldest daughter right down to Icn lllltl RickiIts is iiill thi youngest daughter inipliliid that celebration The sets tor the play were Simple but ellei lli lht niiisii provided by small eiisenitile conducted by Sharon Sihthoipe tttlllpltllltlllttl the musical numbers well although more polished pertoriiiiirices by the musician would liie added grtal deal to the production The tlSIlilllS designed by Rochelle Hilldlltl who also handled the choreography for the nitiicol were excellent and helped recreate the prewar mood and tlstriaii setting ol thcpla Movie director David Cronenberg hes no sadlst Canadian horror film director has to cope with sadist label TOHONIO tli People still think theyre going to en counter some sort of sadist someone really weird and evil when they meet film di rector David Troneiilierg he says Old ideas about this 36year old director of anadian films die hard Shivers his first feature movie dealt with the nasty no tion that vile contagious things might be transferred to one per son from another by kissing In his second major produc tion Itapid woman played by Marilyn hambers develops grotesque bloodsutking thin in her armpit When Rapid opened in Mon treal few years ago 17 per sons fainted during Sttllt showing finger tip beiiii sliced off And now there is The Itrood Willi Oliver lteed as psy chotlierapisl and Samanth Eggar as his patient wliicl fronenberg said will be an ac lion movie and will deptiii more no mood psychology ant atmosphereIliiiii hisotlicrfiliiis lid It is in final editing stages for itleasiJuiie He also is editing lisl fiiiii pany drag racing iidveiitiiri shot last siniiiiiei mainly at Ild iiioiiloiis International Speed way aiidwhicli heliopestosliow at flitanues llllll Itestival ioiicnherg said critics have described him as tasteless be cause they are reacting to the horror in the films Program teams up with these top carpet values Carpet Prices quoted are for first quality carpet With installation in cluded Extra charges if accessories and added servrces requtred Undercushion Where separate under cushion is needed Sears 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