wednesday Is for WOMEN Heading for Egypt There isnt any money in archeology says Gerry Allaby humanities instructor at Georgian College and member of the Sim coe County Chapter of the Ontario Ar cheological Society An archeologist says Allaby is an archeologist just for the sheer love of it In May Allabys love for archeology takes him on threemonth trip to Egypt where he will work as official photographer of the 1372 BC Akhenaten temple For more on Allaby and the temple see todays Lifestyle Page Four cities complain LONDON Ont CP Representatives of four southwestern Ontario cities said Tuesday their residents are paying an unfair portion of bills for childrens aid societies health units and public transit systems Mayors Al Gleeson of London Andy Brandt of Sarnia Bert Weeks of Windsor and Ald Blake Barlow of Chatham rep resenting Mayor Curtis Carter decided to draft series of resolutions and pass them on to area members of the legislature and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario asking for changes in costsharing ar rangements The men said the costsharing agreements between their municipalities and various government agenctes were unfair inequitable and objectionable Brandt said the existing arrangement for funds between municipalities and childrens aid societies was heavily weighted toward rural areas They also criticized funding of suburban roads commissions Cities and counties share the costs but the counties can raise city taxes for roadwork in rural areas The principle is wrong were paying for roads out of the city said Gleeson Plan easier divorce OTTAWA CP Prime Minister Trudeau and the 10 premiers agreed Tuesday to simplify governmental jurisdiction over family law so provinces can provide onestop divorce custody and propertysettlement courts The issue was one of 14 being discussed at the twoday conference on constitutional reform and the first on which the provinces and the prime minister unanimously agreedalthough two provinces expressed reservations The agreement will permit Canadians to be divorced and settle property rights alimony and child custody in the same court Currently marriage and divorce are federal responsibilities with divorces mainly being handled through federally appointed courts Provincial courts settle the resulting property custody and related disputes Dodging winter baptism Margi Posten finds it tough to stay dry as motorists splash water from melting snow in Kansas City Mo AP Photo Boy gets 48 years Robert Earl May Jr l4 of Jackson Miss began serving noparole 4year prison sentence this week after pleading guilty to series of armed robberies Gov Cliff Finch signed an order Tuesday transferr ing the boy to satellite facility AP Photo Player to pay $500 Junior hockey player was ordered to pay $5M to charity of his choice and was given 24month conditional discharge after being found guilty of assault Tuesday in his closing remarks Provincial court Judge Leonard Montgomery described the actions of Doug Trimble 19 of Streetsvilic Derbys as cowardly during game in Orillia last fall when Trimble assaulted Raymond Flaherty 15 of Orillia Travelways For details see todays Sports Page Not theft charge Barrie police incorrectly reported Tues day that Mark Brown 18 was charged wtth theft of taxicab Brown is not charged with auto theft said policc today He is charged with possession of stolen property and joyriding Gold hits $250 LONDON AP 77 The price of gold hit record high of $250 an ounce in London and Zurich today amid continued heavy buying sparked partly by political uncertainty in lran and the continuing decline of the US dollar The US dollar continued to slip on all of Europes money markets and dealers reported buying by central banks to halt the slide The dollar also dropped in Tokyo closing at 190625 yen it closed Tuesday at £895 PCs lead Liberals TORONTO tCli The federal Pro gressive Conservatives lead the Liberals by one percentage point in the decided vote in Gallup poll released today The poll shows the onscrvatives have 40 per cent of the decided vote the Liberals 30 per cent and the New Democratic Party 17 per cent Others have the remainder of the decided vote Five of family killed lGNACE Ont UP algary couple and three of their four childrcn were killed Tuesday when their campertrailer truck collided headon with transport truck on Highway 17 36 kilometres west of here Dead are Lawrence Davis 40 his wife Sandra Joyce Davis 34 and sons Tharlcs Thomas 11 Daryl Andrew and ilcn Leroy ti Provincial police said the fourth child it monthold Mark James is in hospital in Dryden Ont and is expected to survive The driver of the transport truck was not injured lgnace is 223 kilometres northwest ot Thunder Bay Cool task Temperatures that had dipped to around zero Tuesday morning made cold work for firefighter Brian Elkerton as the Dundas Ont Fire Department bottled blaze in the downtown area Eight persons were left homeless by the blaze which gutted womens clothing store CP Photo weather Snows still in the picture according to forecasts Mostly cloudy with lit tle light snow today Highs li to Low overnight l9 to l6 Continu ing cold Thursday with flurries and snowsqualls near Lake Huron and Georgian Bay Highs l6 to You day isnt complete withoutThe Examiner Call 7266539 for home delivery On human language rights Premiers PM edge closer to accord OTTAWA CP Prime Minister Trudeau and the 10 provincial premiers edged closer Tuesday to agreement on guaranteed human and language rights in new constitution But they remained split on the fundamental questions of claiming the countrys basic law from Britain with formula for amendment and redividing powers between the two levels of government As twoday constitutional reform con ference ended Trudeau said he now feels completely free to forge ahead with plans to rewrite basic laws in areas under federal controllaws for instance protecting Expected back at worktoday 115th year No 33 Wednesday February 1979 national voting and language rights But he said future moves in the 52year effort to rewrite the constitution pose serious problems for his government Decisions affecting the timing of reform legislation and the next round of con stitutional talks would depend in part on the date of the federal election to be called this spring will report to the cabinet and we will decide our position from here on in Trudeau told news conference after nearly eight hours of public debate on questions ranging from resource control to the monaréhy Per Copy the exa He and the premiers made modest progress on 14point agenda agreeing to leave the definition of the monarchs role as headof state untouched in any constitutional rewrite and accepting suggestions to let provmces provide onestop divorce custody and propertysettlement courts And they narrowly missed agreement on two more issuesguaranteeing basic human political and legal rights in new constitution and stripping the federal government of its power to move into provincial enterprises for the general advantage of Canada serving barrie and simcoe county Manitoba blocked both Premier Sterling Lyon suggesting it is pointless to negotiate with Trudeau while federal election is imminent Trudeau said he felt pressure from some premiers to call an early election perhaps campaigning for mandate to push for final agreement The conference agreed to refer its un finished business to committee of federal and provincial ministers along with an unpublished list of new federal proposals to strengthen what Trudeau called the economic union 14day college strike over By CARL DEGURSE Of The Examiner The first strike in the history of Ontarios 22 community colleges is over About 4300 support staff including 103 at Georgian College were expected to be back on the job today ending strikc which was entering its third week in provincewide vote Tuesday 82 per cent of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union members voted to return to work At Georgian 90 per cent of support staft voted to leave the picket line and return to work About 03 per cent voted says David Scott Local 349 president The workers accepted an agreement rcach ed by the union bargaining agent for the col leges Saturday Were not going to get rich by the new con tract Scott told The Examiner today but weve slowed down the rate by which well get poor The new contract gives the union it per cent wage increase retroactive to last Sept and sixpercent increase for this year retroactive to Jan it had been seeking 10 per cent for this year We weient expecting great deal of money We were pushing the benefit aspect Scott says With benefits the package is worth about eight per cent Benefit changes include an increase lil life By DENNIS Nlllllilt The Examiner Barrie city official was on lllt tiring Imc lucsday as angry Dunlop Strcct ftSltltlllS demanded answers at public iiiccting About 30 residents wanted to hcar altcr natives to widening Dunlop St East The widening would involve toot widc strctch from Mulcastcr to Blake Streets Don Kirkpatrick deputy cngiiiccr Stiltl llt could offer no alternativcs to thc iltltllllltJ He said he was working for the city and as not prepared to suggesLanythmg which had not been approved by council Kirkpatrick said the road was in poor con dition and would nccd to be repaired lit the future That sounds like threat not an ziltcrnativc shoutcd one person gct the fccling weve been sitting around wasting our time tonight said anothcr third suggested Barric rcnamc the reconstructed portion of the road Kirkpatrick Strch ltogcr Oatlcy mcmbcr of thc tllS llanr ning Board was also displeased with the scs sion thought wc arc here to cxammc altcr natives he said Any suggestion weve had insurance coverage from $5000 to 311000 an nually more sick leave more incentive for senior employees and reinforced vacation clauses Were very proud of what weve achiev ed Scott says The little weve lost finan cially weve gained in stature The strike started after union delegates re jected the colleges offer No membership vote was held and during the strike some members picketed the unions Toronto office demanding vote Georgian remained open during the strike with administrative staff doing the work of support staff which include maintenance and clerical workers secretaries and others Scott says he doesnt think there will be rcscntnicnt between support and ad ministrative staff or students 1f theres any resentment its going to be onesided Management had to do what they had todo The union president says Georgian support staff found hidden strengths new com radcship during the days spent on the picket lines The strike affected 85000 fulltime students and 500000 rttimers Scott dou ts support staff would have gain ed much by continuing the strike if we had tried to squeeze more out of them tthc government it would have meant three or four more weeks of strike Were happy with what we gained he said No widening alternative Dunlap residents angry meaningful dialogue here tonight is just ridiculous Oatlcy said the cntirc city would suffer if the ncighborhtxxj was destroyed due to road reconstruction Many families in the area could cnd up leavmg which would create another commercial area of town he said Wc might have urban sprawl even more pronotlnccd than we have now he said number of residents said they did not want parking in front of their homes The ci tys proposal would include two lanes of traf inc and two lanes of parking They also suggested there would not be an increase in traffic great enough to warrant the move Kirkpatrick replicd there was still some areas in the east end that had not been dcvclopcd He said there was also about 1500 housing units still to be built Ald Alex Arthur suggested the city cx ammc the possibility of establishing one way street system The planning board mcct Tuesday night to discuss the issue again ouncil made the road widening priority item in 1079 and applied to the provincial government for subsidy Barrie is eligible for 73 per cent subsidy from the provincial govcrnmcnt Nations appeal to president to spare former PMs life ltAWALllNDl AP Foreign allies and others appealed to President Mohammad Zia ulHaq today to spare the life of former prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto but so far thcrc was no nationwide rash of demonstrations in support of the political leader facing the gallows The US government and leaders in Bri An el once shared cou Ies home tain Turkey lndoncsia lndia Sweden Australia and the United Nations appealed for clemency after the Supreme ourt by toIt vote on Tuesday upheld the death sentence given Bhutto for thc ambush of political opponent in which the opponents fathcr was killed Georgian support staff vote Tuesday to end strike Examiner Photo lEllitAN APi Supporters of Ayatollah Buliollah Khomeini have taken over the municipal government in lsfahan lrans secondlargest city but otherwise there was no change today in the political standoff between the religious leader of the lraniaii revolution and Premier Sliahpour Bakhtiar The religious movement also has control of slum areas in south Tehran where volunteer Moslcm policemen are seen awkwardly dircctingtraffic Diplomatic sources said the Isfahan city government like those in many other communities was unable to function after weeks of strikes and demonstrations by the inside today lifestyle mminmont lifestyle page sports comicsw guide 22 classified 2427 Food City pages Little change in standoff between Khomeini Bakhtiar foes of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi in the central Iranian city of 671000 people The sources said followers of Khomeini under the direction of local mullahs or Moslcm priests have taken over traffic control and other police duties sct tip co operatives to ensure distribution of tool and basic foods and established welfare offices to aid the poor The mullahs administration also is hearing public complaints intercedmg in thc administration of justice and ensuring maintenance of such public services as garbage collection the sources said KEEP LOW PROFILES The diplomats said that while the previous city government still exists nominally it is keeping very low profile and so is the army there We are at very critical and Sensitive stage Dr lbrahim Yazdi told reporters Tuesday It is not as rosy as one might expect There are remnants of the old regime still operating and seeking to cause violence The ayatollah on Monday named Mchdi Bazargan 70yearold oil engineer and long time foe of the shah to head provisional government that would supervise the con version of lran to an lslainic republic from monarchy Suit includes love for gorilla TORONTO CPI civil suit before the Ontario Supreme Court involves man and woman and the love they shared for gorilla The case involves an action brought by Ruth Bowman against Dr Sidney Solway Mrs Bowman is asking Ontario Supreme Court to find that she was 5050 partner in Magpie Menagerie Holdings Ltd and is entitled to half the companys assets Mr Justice Donald Kcith heard details Tuesday about the company and the relationships among Solway Mrs Bowman gorilla named Angel and other animals Solway at Richmond Hill general practitioner said he had met Mrs Bowman after treating her husband as patient The relationship evolved because they shared keen love for animals During the course of the relationship Solway bought house which at one time they shared with the gorilla Solway said he spent about 580000 to renovate the house to accommtxiate the gorilla Angel who later reached 400 pounds eventually outgrew the house and Solway had patient renovate his garage so the animal could live there Over the years the couple also owned monkey chimpanzee cats poodles icrman shepherd Doberman pinscher wolfhound and another gorilla Solway said he formed the company and bought the house in nearby Ihornhill because he thought it would be an ideal place for animals He said that he bought the animals and paid for the maintenance and Mrs Bowman was supposed to take care of them During the relationship Solway said he gave Mrs Bowman cars rings and furs so that she would care for the animals Mr Justice Keith asked Solway why he would make such purchases give Mrs Bowman shares in the company and then maintain that she never had any direct ownership WANTED HONESTY needed goodwill and honesty not legal advice Solway said Im busy man It was sloppy alright Everything we did was based on our great love for the animals A9 in Solway said the relationship began to sour when Mrs Bowman became involved with patient of his He said that one night someone with car rammed the garage where Angel was living and the gorilla became upset The gorilla was never the same after thatl slept in the gorilla house to keep him company and fed him and eventually the humane society came and took him away Angel was destroyed in 1976 by humane Society officals Solway said he realized his relationship with Mrs Bowman was endng when her Doberman hit him He said that Mrs Bow man instead of becoming angry with the dog hit Solway with chain