Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Feb 1979, p. 4

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The xaminir is member ol The Canadian Press CF and Audit Bureau at NEWSROOM ADVERTISING IWSWESS COMPOSNG ROOM pumisned daiiv XUD fi°5 53 Camda Pm OWNS 0W5 stories In Craig Elson managing editor Len seuick manage Marian Goughaountant Jack Kcrney torcman Sundaynnd WSWD 0506 CP The ASSOCIated Press Reuters 0r Aqence tan Mulgrewcily editor SALES Delva Mills Glcnananasst torerndn Smmmvhohdws Frinic Prcsscandlocalnews stories publishcdin ThfEXrtminfV Bill McFarlane wire editor Dave Fuller sports editor Gail McFarland Vikki Grant Don Saundch Lorne Wiiss Bert Stevens WEEKLYbycarrwi Julie Franks the examiner thct xnniiricr claims copyright on all Oriqlnrll news and mtvcrtisinq material Claudia Krause Lifestyle editor MacLeod Kathie Mitchell Will Cartooan 9Com trcnlctttiy itlle0Y9fS and puhlvsnnu in this newspaper serving barrie and simcoe count Aden Smith cmcuunou Stan ww YEARL by arrnr hl rmday Fb8197° REPORTERS Seve Skinner BluHalkes manaqu Raw $45 an oper riqt tration number 701815 riqistcrbl C5 090W Brenda Woods EU lnbV av MAii Bitrric Stephen Nicnoiis 655s W1 MM Ham 80 National artvcrtismq oltirls as Queen si Toronto um l7ll 310 Cathcart Published by Canadian Newspapers Company limited Dams Lam Andy Haughton St Mtflllrtdl CLASSIFIED Ruth Blais supervisor Freda Shinner Peggy Chapoll Dana Homewood Susan Kitchcn Ron Gildtr Barbara Struil PRESSROOM AlvaLaPtante Pat Merson Elaine Porter Cheryl Aiken SIMCOF COUNTY $36 50 MOTOR THROW tii Slrii vcni Nancy Figueroa Lori Cohen Stephen Gaucr entertainment Gary Forbes sports 16 Boytield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 Bruce Rowland publisher lhc advcrtiscr aqrccs that tho publishir shall not on liablc for damages arts iiiii out of crrors in attvcrtisciiiitnts ticyond the amount pool for the Sprite ac Don NON Onlmm malty orrupvlgtt Or in portion at the advertisement in which the error oc Beny Armef camera operamr Janice Mono Frctt Princc asst toriiiinii it Witt 1N Ailit wm SUC for we noqlgonfl SerVdrlS 0m Dave Eurcsm photographer Harris Bldnm mi Sm WM Wlii ind lliirc shall bc no liability tor non ingrrtion at any advorhspmcn itlltf ltic amount paid for surti itvcrticmcnt Brian Marr Learn from new champion Simcoe County has new champion to honor Hes Brian Orser of Penetanguishene winner of the Canadian junior mens figure skating championships Friday in Thunder Bay Brian Orser became champion because he possesses natural ability to skate But theres more to it than that He is even more champion because he had to over come adversity to reach the top As novice class skater in 1976 and 1977 he broke his right ankle three times in slightly more than year He came back from those injuries to become Cana dian novice champion in 1977 Last week in Thunder Bay rser amc back again Rebounding from an abysmal ninth place after the figures portion of the competition Orser won the crown with what is described as the greatest frec skating performance ever given by Canadian junior figure skater That kind of grace under pressure has made Brian Orser champion today Young Canadians especially should stop and think about how they can succeed in their endeavors combinaton of dedication faith and the courage to overcome obstacles can make them champions in their own right If they ply thosc traits their future and thc future of their country is strong Simcoe yesteryear view of Dunlap Street looking east in Barrie as it looked before the turn of the century The age of horse and buggies and bicycles soon gave way to paved streets and automobiles Thanks to the Simcoe County Archives for todays Simcoe Yesteryear Dear Sir feel the statement made by Board Trustce Bill Straughan in your January 26th issue dcscrvcs clarification Mr Straughan stated he did not know who thc Human Relations Opposition ommittcc is or how many members they havc How then can he say we arc minority Mr Straughan claims wc are in the minority au contrairc In the latter part of 1978 survey conducted by thc Educational th work asking if viewers fclt Moral Valucs Education was an infringc mcnt on thc rights of parcnts til pcr ccnt said yes and fclt this program should be removed gallup poll taken in carly 1978 showed that per cent said they wcrc dissatisficd with the education childrcii arc gctv ting today Mr Straughan also stated most of our concerns arc with the sex aspect of thc coursc wrong again Sir Our major issucs arc tli lhc infrinch mcnt on the rights of parcnts and children Moral Valucs Iii Scx Education Our committcc consists of thc avcragc parents who havc thcir we want your opinion Something on your mind Send Letter to the Editor Please make it an original copy and sign it The Examinar doesnt publish unsigned let ters but it you wish pen name will be used Include your telephone number and address as we have to verify letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condense or roioct letters Letters to the Editor are run every day on the editorial page Send yours to tutors to the ram fln Isahm Offic Iu 310 mm 416 letters to the editor family vzilucs ideals hopcs and customs Vic livc in country whcrc democracy is supposed to bc thc protcctor of our frccdoms yet we havc to send our children to schools whcrc wc sccm to huvc littlc to say about what gocs on lhc Moral Valucs zispcct of this coursc is most disturbing as it would seem child with hishcr pcci group discuss and dccidc valucs of particular subjcct without thc guidancc or intcrfcrcncc of thc teacher in thc decision arrived at by lhc studcnts rcgzirdlcss of whctlicr thc dccision is right or wrong lit cording to socially acccptahlc moral valucs Sex Education is not offcnsivc to me or any otlicr nicmbcr of our committcc What is offciisivc is thc tcndcntious approach to prostitu tion abortion and litilllOSOXUitllly ltathcr than tcach children to copc with and accept todays social pro blcms through scx cducatioii wc fch that thc tcaching should bc diicctcd at rcmcdying thc situation Wc also objcct to thc lcvcl at which scx cduczition is bcing taught as thc dcgrcc of maturity varics from child to child within agc groups Mr Stiaugliaii has also stated most studcnts arc iiiiprcsscd with thc coursc This is not our feedback Most studciits Wc havc spokcii with usc words such as silly ciiibarrass ing or gross in coniicction with this program Mr Stiiiiighziii Wc arc not an isolatcd group in thc southcrn part of thc county Our iiiciiibcrship is widcsprcad throughout tlic courtly and wc know of scvcrzil othcr groups and organizations within Simcoc County who Slttllt our vicws Mrs lrcnc Laird lluman ltclzitions Opposition Committee lO Box 882 lottcnham Ontario Parliament Hill If Sllilillil licllIUlt ttttimu linrcuu Thomson iws Siri icc lhc following rcvclntions zirc unlikcly to upsct iiiiyoiics digcstiic systciii but thought you might bc intcristid to know that coiiliiigciicy plziiis ilith lwcii lziiiiiclicd to dci with thi possiblc rccntr ovcr niizidiiiii skicsofthciiiciiciiispacichiclcSkylzib lhc rtitNttl know is lMtilliM rccciicd picss rclcnsc from Enicrgciicy llaniiini tanndn to this cllcct And bct you tlltltl ttll know thcrc was such it thing is Emcrgcnc llziiiiinigRingidii ldidnt cillici tut by gully thcrc is Victor Walton lirictor icncml lliiicrginc lloiiiinii amidst announch today his iigciic is co ordiiiziling lhc ltthlitl goicriiiiiciits con tingcncy plans should lhc Aiiiciiciiii spotc vchiclc Skylab rcrcntcr thi carths it mosphcic and parts of it land in iinzidiif From the legislature By DEREK NELSON Queens Park Hurtnu Thomson Ncws Scryicc TORONTO Perhaps thc bcst gziugc ot lllt governments masswc grant schcmc to liclp iiiiidcrnizc thc plllpilntlpitptl industry is lllt rczictioii of the opposit ion Whilc tlic Liberals cxprcsscd sciioiis rcscrvutions about thc grants which niii as much as $100 million lhcy didnt opposi thcm liistciid thcy listcd couplc of conditions undcr which thc grants should bc lllittlt mainly cosuring that thc money will bc spiiit hcic lhc Ncw liciiiocrzits udoptcd similar liiic conccding that if taxpziycrs nioiicy iicccssury to maintain this vital industry lll our provincc thcn thc grants are okay llowchr liki thc Lilicriils thcy would it tach llilln conditions to thc grunts lll cluding gaining cqiiity in tlic coiiipiinics Vlltll ltOlBl No mic is quitc siirc whcthci lhc public will intcrpict thc grants is givc aways lo tlic tut cats which would no tlic llttllllill Nlil rcspoiisci or whcthcr tlicyll bc sccn as ncccssziiy pit of kccping tltillltl coin pctitivc in incrcasingly tough world traili markcts In tlic outindustry towns of iiortlicin tin turio thcrc is coiisidcrzililc anxicty about lllt pulp and puptt scclors futurc is much of plant bccomcs obsolclc ttld lorcign coiiipcti tioii hcats up The NDP is strong throughout tlic north SCOOPS AND HERE WE HAVE NEVILLE ciiAiiiiERLAiiis fAMOUS PMCE lN OUR rnr UMBRELLA MUSEUM OF HISTORY And for our linal number foo OPSl uis lllt opciiing litllit iii Ylll piitcilii picss icliisi And what coniloiliiig illllltilllli vimii ll Wcll till slctp licttii hiltilll lliii lIiicigw cy lliiiiniiig tiiiidi is ilillltlii Sloth icndji todoitscoiilingciic bit lictoic going on to thc Luigiioii litl might llltlllllill lllll lIiiiiigcini lliuiiii nnndn tins iii illiilll llllt lllil in tio govciniiiciil tclcphonc dunclot iii throwing this in to pour tliii limi tl cl cdtliispniticiilzircolumn As said iitlici ipologctiiuillj tiii in iiiiig ttllitllll doiit iiit to tllI lititlli coiicciii biil illtll liiiicigiiic liiiiii taiiudii tt ill to lllt ilirci imitc piw rclcusc on llitlllillill coiilniiiciii lllitll liliiiv not igtioic it itinlllllltlH lil4 iclmncs ioi iiiiilly disintcgrnlc into lllt millis iitosphcrc iii lhc gciiciol icinilj of wzistcpiipcr linskut ltlll this iitii lll ttl cdwiirning wisililtiiciit Help or handout of $100 million and it hard liiic stiiicc could cost lhc pni thcirclccloml shirts uircnt criticism ol lhc out tyrants cciitiiu iioiilid oiic obicctioii thit lllt ciillillJlwlW iii making good plttlll and should lii piiiliii tlicliown llllillt on iiiodciiiinlioii it IIISIIWHIIIHI lhzit bch tliciiiicstion ol tlic ltilll tci Hi to ratc of ltllllli in lhc llitltlsll bii tttl ii wcrc truc it is llltltHltl lhcrc is no powcr to loicc lhc itillllitllll to spciid iiioiicy on iiioilciiiiuii tlicn llitlil llicy irc just as liablc to pnck llltll corpoi ll bags for ilczls iil cliciipci lnboi iiid lillll growing trots llic provincial grunts irc iiicciitni grants lioi cvciy litxpllll dollair cxpcndcd tlic coin panics must spciid tlircc That might bi ilic edgc to kccp tlic industry humming licrc lhc pulp and paper sector is Vital to in turio it is tlic sixthlargcst employer with mom jobs affected our third lzirgcst portci zind fifth largest nldllllllltlllllnfl in diistiy tin bulaiiicc its probably best to adopt lllt opposition vicwpoint of general approval will zin iiisistcncc on ccrtain guidclincs bciiig im postd on tlic conipiiiiics lii ptlitlclllui iii iiioiic spciit on llt minipnicnt Spttlilll pollution coiitiol iiizichincry must bc spcnt iii tiiiidi loi tlic long run licnltli ot lhc cconoin its probably bcst thit tlic grunts go ihinil Ullttilll zigrccwilh opposition lcmlci Mimi Smith though that ll iltilitll lllt powiii iiiciit is acting in Ill nil lltit liisliion ixitlicr than with an iivcrnll iiidiistriiil slriitigy CAN writs mm PRESIDENT Yes we stand on guard for possible Skylab crash lilii oi li lltillllill tlllltl lli lin lc incl iitoiix iiici lltii iii lli lili lllllll ilwvcM wiw tltlll nil to ltttli st lil iilill llliil lltittlllittHillt li viiinli iiiiiiil ltllillh lIiEt win ii llt iu hiiiifflooil lino lli ii iiiiiii liliiiiltiiiil it til lo in iiii pic 1ch vim in liclcci til ii imiw kvlif 4i ll tlflnt tml utt tlil i=l llllix ii llitl flitw no llll lil liiilIiitlill1lllliiiil iii=liiiiiiiiiil ll iill liiilll Tlll iili lIiliilii ll ttl iiiil lo imicmi if iillci liil iii tiiilliiJill iioii ll ltl lluiilt tlil iiiiliiiii iilii ll oiiii ii iiii so itin Wul llicii iiii ll liii tli it illli¢ liisi it giiiltiiliilii 7ilIil illiiliv lbiti loi lltl Iill iiiiniiI llll iizo iic llllitl find iiid Lll lliii ip iircliiniilj llltt1llillllilllll iiiiiiil xiii il iii igiri iiil ltl lIl li liitoii Hipiiiriq Illl iiiili licii lll iivi air iom to iiiil ooi incchit lltiillll1 iiiliflllliiltillliilliliiiili tlo cii lllt ll lr II ll illllllilllltli llltlii illl liiiilil ilt ltllh liiili lilli tilliil llli ins tiiiiivl piiiici tliclii niliili l41lif1tli ii llll lllltlllliil1ilfli pun Hiii ivii no otc lliv iliiiiiiiiiiiii lilil viili will liil Uliii iIll ll liiii Li liiililtl Ziiiii sci iiiii liilliltlil1 lltlltttllll lllt ll£li ciiiizilcintilji blocking iii llll llv1il but tllltt ciiiilnr lllllllllilllli iliultll lm siillll iiis iciiiinci you lilt slop lhc tit iiiii ltWlU oiii lltlll tcw Hair lliiili itllllltllltlt thought in li ot llll iiiitciil illllltitlllltllltlll to tilt tor tlic lilvtllillll illlil ltlllllll lliciii liiitil llltti is no iiioic Ilitlltltl ol sciittiicil shimci ol llll liiil tlicii llttlttl lllll tlic ltlitc ol iiciiti coiildiit bc piiipoiiitcil iiiiiic Itlll lltl thiiii oiiictiiiic ltltlll piil 1975i llltl iiiid llttti lltl ciii do in in linsc lllllll thit ltllii um licioiiiiiiii ilcspirncl iiiiiiiigt to Mimi lttxl how iilli lTiiiiigcncy llniiiiiiii tiiiivli um iiiipiinii toi lllt tiii5llllt ii iiil tit ii ltllllltll Mahdi so got on lhc lilliilii to tlnx tinilir piiliiicixcd oigiiiiixitioii which hcnt llill good tiiititiilltltl ot glory lllit liictiiliiii llllllli ll lttttlllt lttllllli iilli lhc pliiiiic tlitfllttl or iii llitllliltl llllll icii3iiii li iltoii sttiss ml tliit Skylab not iiiiclczii powcicd llltltltll llltll no iliiiii ol iiilioicli it llc siiil hc has liccii llllitl that thc cliincc oi iiiyonc iii tiiiidi liciiig liit picccs ol lii Lib iic lt lllilll tlixil ltil Iiictcotitcs lllilll iltlllll thit innili iiic tccl litlltl ptii llillllt lllll ltJIIIllll lllttl ill Liiii yiiiis ll tiiiltl kicpiiiil tlicii lll iicci liccii cusc itillllilrllllljIII1lllllllll it iiilllt could llt llll liist lls llltllll iiiililxcly tltl lhc spokcsninii it IIiiicigciic Ilzitiiiiiigtniiodn lltltiilgt liitll illlttil lllttitltl The world today in Canada US are different It JOHN llRl$R0 loriign ffuirs nulyst llioinsoii cws Scr icc N18 Ytiltlé lhi most cssciitial US ziiiailo iclzitioiiships ot thr llthb will be the historic oiics ltittl on out Ulllllltill brind and liiitliiissiitw Vic lll continuc to bc lockcd into con tiiiciitolisiii which lhc Aiiici icons continue to ciiipbo will and wc ttilllliilli to rljttl chcrlhclcss hard itlliillll Viill lill Us in tlii tiilros is iliig rlid lll iliii litios and 1970s that il riiiiiiiii in lhc fltiitl analysis each otlicik liis lltJllitl is and trading partiicrs ii lll roiiliniic to ncgotiiili iand quarrcli our sin ll llLtl arrus as lltt auto pact llhlllli iiitcicsts iion coiistcrl by our new titll titllitplllt castiiidwcstcoast sowrcigntj oncK Llllfltl llit Law of thc Sea ciittlc tfill iiid lllllillll thc iterlSlfo and doiiiinoing iolc oi lhc thousand ol Amcrican brunch plant lll oiir oiioiiij tin dctciiic ioiitiiiiiitolisii ill rcign as we tllll tor ct anotlici gciiiiation of Aiiiciicnn ilisigncd itlil liill iii fighters and iliosi iliiiiltlicciiii lltiitlll and tccliiiology lll continuc to tic mun ot our iiirtustrics to tlii for groutl iiiil iiilms llic iicw iiiiiiiti thciinilics will pcrmit tniinvln till llr ionii pniliicr ltilt lll con tiiiiiinl air dciciicc through HltAli North iiiciiiiiii ii liltlitt llitl in Viloiarlo llt Hi llll All llosc iltlllilh tlfliiilllilt financial lllfl iiiilitziij will tttlllllliit to iitllllt llltlltllll and llill polo lllkikllgt that wc illt Lilltl will lliliiiill tor tlic liiilis as ic were to iiitoii iiigivi iii ilic isms iiil lJTttS an ippciirlogc of tlic lllil icon worii gtgtltlll liii llIIl ii cn ioik ll tilll llia uniItUc liillilllilll tliih iit piolvlciii iiIiiiig notabl in urban planning and 1i lIlt diciiic have ilictidj lllltltlillitlttl our two dciiioctacics iiinkiiig till closcr to iillliitwdli modcls likc cilcii oi lii iilil in wool iri iiii liii riiviiiii ilt which on hotel 3o per ccn ot oiii piopli lino it igt licgilthy lli liil ioii its opci iiid ibiiii chiilc lllc its inning to pa way lll dircit contrast to liniikiiipl down Yhi littl Lllltl llltllllltlll iiiriigcd Filtlliillitlilti lltii llilitl tliliilllh it lii ilililtSl payiioiits oi loan ilitl slixins tniuidian tlw llltii iillé kl iozlx it willows ti ii lii loiini lii it high iii iic in ii and iiitcis Litli Mll ot iiii mi Ilill Jokiiiiiiiciit in twin llilll il tlc liciit lilttll citics lispccidllj lllt ilif indosiiml liXHl of thc iioili dill ci lictroit cliniliiiiii liuflulo cn oiH iiii ldilll iiw twirl iiicc rcla lltillgt iiirl lililth llt illliiltiili up to 23 per icii ot llll worlniit tori llic black ilic kll Ilitlllii lll fill its iiiiitvtiioii liilli lii itit zots of 1963 to lllt llodoii litillt£lil oi 191 is ithtlll from iiiiviiiiiciiiu It lli in spitc oi gtHlltt iiicipiciii iciiii in citics likc Toronto iiiid Vancoiivci tunndmn urban ltillillillllllli by llll lillLt ttilti mold iiiii pinicc ill purl iiicniisc our cultural ll1illl lii iiicr bicii spli lllt dccp sot lllt of lllllititll public Eili llilxt no ictiiiiti mi liit xi illi its in iillllilc ittcriimtlis llic blzick iiiil chronical lllltlllliltitl ictiidm tltllll cziiiglit lttlr iccii his tcllow llllt iili whom hc had to scru in ictiiiiii inil tllt iiiciiioi ol lill hc tough illtl klllltl ll psychological stiiih Lickct ot rciiiorw ind angir which lltlillllittl iio csciipc llic coining sliiigglc tlic lnitcd Statcs oci sliitc iiiciliciiic has ilrciid bccii iiict lilti sobcd in this country without iiiiior an higonisni oidivisioiis tiiiiiliins cii Kliissc tnkc it for granted thcir socicty will look iltci thciii iii illncss or lltll tnccd tlll dcbililnliiig discnsc it way which niciiciins how not yct ltiitlittl llic prcscnt contlicl bctwccii two Iibcrzil lhlllmlnllt ltilltl incuiiibcnt lrcsidcnt lllllltl nitcr illltl Sciiiilor lldxinrd Kciincdy tt cr crndlc ltifllint lllttlltnlt is it sign of thc ilcipsplit within lhc tl piiity whosc history ot sociiil iiitilii snys it should lic in thc toictioii ot providing stntc iiicdiiini for lhc ltllitls Interpreting the news Soviets eye new parts lli tlltK itli With lhc worlds all tciition focuscd on tlic pioblciiis ot ilissciisioii wrnckcd llitll liltlc noticc is bciiii pnycd to disturbing dcvclopnnnts lll iiciglilkiring Algiinhistiiii Sincc ilic days of tlic liriiisli ll lll liidia both liiii iiid Algzinliistiiii liic plnycd kcy iolcs in tlic stratcgic chess gniiic of iiitcriiti tional rcliitioiis blocking Sm ict iiiocs south to tlic Hiilll Hlltl ports lllltl ltili llilllt routes bctwccii lCust tintl icst run is liltl$tll by iiitcriiil littlltllYillS and coiip last spring brought it Moscow ttlltllltd gocriiiiicnt to powcr in tginliistiii proiiip ting worrics iiiioiig sonic oliscixcis lllill tlic old Sovict llttllil of soutlicin icccss to thc sczi might tic coming to fruition llicrc llith ltl fciirs that Atgniibackcd sulivcrsion in ccoiioniiciillyrtroublcd lnkistnii could rcsult in sccccssion iiiovc nicnt iimong lnkistiiiis liiiluclii tribcsmcn iliosc tcrritory striiddlcs tlic bordcr An in lltlitlltltllll liiiliiclii stiitc would give thc Sowts tlicir long sought tllll wutcr port on llttllllliilltllll lint iill is not wll Willi lhc iicw govcriimcnt lll libul thn lrcsidciit Noor Mohammad lniuki brought his lcltist forccs to power last April tic iiiiiiiulizitcly nuidc ovcrtures to Moscow lct relations with Pakistan crumble and sliowcd syiiipzitliy with such countries as North Kmtil Victiiiini and most recently the llilllttl lizickcd govcriinicnt in Cambodia

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