12 the examiner Tucoday Feb 1079 television guid TUESDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 In NEws HOLLYWOOD SOUAREs CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS POLKA DOT DOOR 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW cas NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME JEREMY 645 HATTYTOWN TALES 655 WRITE 0N 700 DATING GAME LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE CROSS WITs MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW Tic TAC DOUGH GRAND OLD COUNTRY Guests Tons Family Brown Rex Allen Jr NEWLYWED GAME BALLET SHOES GOOD TIMES PRICE is RIGHT 730 MUPPETS SHOW cues nanny iii NEWLYWED GAME CONLONS ONTARIO FAMILY FEUD =1 PATSY GALLANT SHOW EIGHT IS ENOUGH MAGIC SHADOWS Turnabout 111 £5 BOB NEWHART SHOW 8200 BIG EVENT MOVIE Two Minute Warmng t976 Stars Charlton Heston John 8589 HAPPY DAYS wiin the Cunningham marriage seemingly on the rocks Howard and Marion helped by Richie and the Fonz iourney to the lodge where they spent their honeymoon 23 years ago to try to rekindle the Old flame THE HORROR SHOW 60 Magical Years 01 Moms Monsters Madmen Mutants And Other Creatures 01 The Night Anthony Perkina hosts retrospective ol the motion DICIIHOI that made us squirm in our seats and tear the darkness Boris Karloll Bela Lugom Charles Laughton and Vincent Price are some he stars who will he Ieatured hrs TUESDAY NIGHT MOVIE One Flew Over the Cuckoos Neal 1975 Jack holson Louise Fletcher FAST FORWARD WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXT MOVIE DRAMA RPM 1910 830 RENE SIMARD snow LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY Laverne and Shirleygetthe chanceio stripthe shelves bare in live mmutes 01 wild and hilarious tree shopping at Slotniks Supermar ket alter Laverne becomes the stores one tenth customer TWOS COMPANY IE COPE 900 THREEs COMPANY Chrissy makes arrangements tor Jack to cater party at her Ollice and nearly loses her rob when Jack tries to save her tram the lecherous mances ol the films presdent CHARLIES ANGELS NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC its Tribes ol Mindanao These tough spirited people are natives of the Philippines southern Islands They are prirnitive tribes being shaken by the progress 01 the twentieth century Their struggle tor survival and their sometimes Violent rebellion against modern socrety are wn In this film WAR YEARS 930 FIFTH ESTATE TAXI Altar having an operation Louie the sharp Iongued dispatcher panics when he has to keep prornise that he made to God during surgery 1000 PAPER CHASE Daflplegic aludent manages to ingratiate himsett with the study group despite his personal Iriendship lessor Kin slield 60 mine it STARSKY AND HuTCH teenagers crush on Starsky and her roleril less amorous advances lead her Into deadly triangle wrth the police human and his two we 60 mins ROLE CALL NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 BARETTA 1030 The doctor says Copper IUD being studied Dear Dr Rublc Can you ex plain how the new intrauterine devices for birth control work am told there is one now that 99 NEWS SPECIAL vaao uP has little bag of h0rm0nbs First Ministers Conlarence lrom Ottawa ONE WORLD 1200 NEWS CBC NEws CTV NEWS ID EMPLOYMENT FILE MOVIE DRAMA The Last Hurrah 195a 15 THE REAL STORY 1120 NEWS 1125 IE QUESTION PERIOD 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW Host Johnny Carson Guest Merle Earle 90 CBS LATE MOVIE BARNABV JONES Divorce Murderers Style Art on lootballptayerhas his mid lulled andthen kills her slayer himsell BANACEK The Two Million Clams OI Capn Jack Stars George pard Jessica Walter MOVIE COMEDY Se ï¬et War of Harry Frigg 1965 STREET TALK 1145 WORLD AT WAR my in ISNO Britains ambassador to the reported that nine out 01 ten Americans were determmed to keep America out 01 the war But events kept happening which brought America closer to war and finally declared war on Japan alter the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor 60 mrns 1150 MOVIE WESTERN High Noon 1952 1200 In MEDICAL CENTER MOVIE MYSTERYDRAMA Doberman Gang 1973 1210 MOVIE MYSTERY 1° Noni Ing But The Night 1913 historically speaking today in history II THE ill PRESS Ftl li Ill Quccn Annc thc last Stuart IIonzirch of England was born til ycars ago today in 160 iinc hcrsclf was dull quocn hit her reign was cvcntful llllOSOphy and architecture lossomcd and in 1707 England and Scotland wcrc initcd to form lrcat Britain indcr the flag Of thc Union lack 151 Sir Walter Raleigh lcft England to explore South America 16x5LaSalle sightcd thc Mississippi River IlII1A lnitcd States army major kidnapped 52 persons from Brockvillc nt during tthar of 11112 11191 Ontario votcd on pro hibition rcfcrcndum 1117i Thrcc Apollo 14 astronauts started back to card aftcr two successful moon walks barries stag Ichruary ti 1067 anadian icncral Electric and the tnited Electrical torkcrs union entered the final day for negotiations before strike deadline set for that cvcning in contract dispute involving workers at 16 GE plants Ncithcr company nor union spokcsmcn said they were mak ing special preparations for thc possibility of strikc It January was to be an in dication the valuc of construc tion in Barric could surpass thc alltimc high figurc recorded in 1966 According to statistics rclcas ed by the building dcpartrncnt 27 permits valued at $4425 were issued in January of that year The corresponding month in 1966 saw 17 permits issued valued at $41900 The Simcoc ollegc Founda tion found itself $10000 richer following cash presentation from the Ontario Public School Men Tcachcrs Federation The cheque presentation made by Dawson of North York PSMTF provin cial president to Miss Mulcaby chairman of the ex ecutivc committcc Simcoc ol lcgc Foundation boostcd the amount collcctcd to over onc and half million dollars Construction on tho countys first collcgc was schcdulcd to beginJuncl7 Hospitals grant request and to spread the remaining $724630 ovcr tcn ycar pcriod The city was to contribute 72461 year to the hospital undcr thc approvcd schcmc Eight Barric soloists and fivc groups were to rcprcscnt tlic ci ty at thc 1967 Kiwanis Music Festival of Greater Toronto when it opcncd its thh scssion on February 11 Pianists from Barric includ cd Ncna Maczanowski Annc Cameron and Eleanor Kirk Erst Baumgartcn and Danny Kobak were to play the accor dion and Michelle Harper was to play in the piano concerto competition After sensational test run Barrio Mayor Lcs ookc cxprcsscd overwhelming op timism regarding snowmobilc race to bc held in connection with tho Barric Winter Carnival The racc was to include the mayors and reeves of surrounding counties It was costing Barric tax payers $74220 for every inch of snow that fcll that winter Snow rcmoval costs bctwccn the first of Novcmbcr and the cnd of January totalch 540820 ac cording to city hall statistics That total was 315588 more than in the corresponding period in 1966 Thch had bccn 53 inchcs of snow in Barric that winlcr and much of the addcd cost ac major storms had arrived on wcckcnds rcquiring ovcrtimc pay for thc crcws Whitc anc Wch had been introduced to Barric with bowling tournamcnt Barric Bcavcrs wcllknown blind city bowling tcatn wcrc pitted against team consisting of prcss radio and city rcprcscn tativcs Led by Don Fcrguson thc Bcavcrs bowlcd without flaw to chalk up victory which was achicvcd dcspitc badgcr ing by their opponcnts Aid icrry Roberts rcprcscnting Mayor Les ookc Norm Ilcskclh Lions lub presidcnt Brucc Brown vicc presidcnt of thc TNIB board Bill Bcnnctt of radio station CKBB Harvey Johnstonc editor and publisher of thc Bar ric Banncr and iary Scidlcr rcportcr with tho Barric Ex amincr wrc blindfolded for thc contcst The top prizc in thc second annual Shrincrs Whitcfish Bonspicl hold at thc Barric urling lub was caplurcd by rink rcprcscnting thc host Shcba hrinc Club Barrie foursomc skipped by John Ough walkcd off with top honors by recording plus scorc of 19 from thrcc straight wins in thc doublccvcnt competition lhc Roxy Thcatrc fcaturcd Thc Sound of Music starring lulic Andrcws and hristophcr that keeps woman sate continuallyMrs TE Those are the socallcd progesteronebearing IUDs intrauterine devices They carry tiny sac containing the hormone progesterone After insertion in the uterus the hormone is released gradually and continuously through the sacs skinlike membrane 11 is not quite clear just how this prevents pregnancy Pro gesterone is the natural hor mone produced by the ovaries after ovulation production and release of an egg It is felt that the hormone relcascd directly into the uterus makes it un suited for the implanation of the egg The hormone may also interfere with actual growth of an implanted egg The rationale behind it all is to allow the womans ovaries to perform normally as well as to avoid some of the possible un desired effccts of the birth con trol pill By acting directly on the uterus thcrc is less inter ference with the work of other glands Another device being studied is the copper IUI which has similar effect on the uterus Disadvantages arc thc samc found with any IUI by some womenirritation bleeding infection and pain The progesterone supply in the IUD you refer to has to be replenished about every 12 months and the IUD has to bc removed to do this Dear Dr Ruble Explain the safeguards people with only one kidney have to take had one removed about 12 years ago when was 22 had an in fection had blood in my urine cant tell you how traumatic this was and how it increased my appreciation of life You dont preciate something untilyou oseitTT single kidney is entirely ad uate to take care of bodily no As long as your remain ing kidney is normal and healthy you should have no more problems than youve had the past 12 years Problems would arise of course if the re maining kidney became dam aged in any way Persons live normal lives with only one however and life expectancy is not affected You do have to be alert to futurc in fections and be treated promptly as they occur am frequently asked about liquid consumption with single kidney The lonc kidncy quickly adjusts and thcrc is no problem in getting plenty of fluid to satisfy thirst and body needs ch would argue about not missing the water till the BIC wcll runs dry Dear Dr ltublc Can totally new cyc be transplanted dont mean the cornea trans plants bul an entire cyc M1 No way to do this The ob staclc is the optic nervc which joins the eye to the brain It contains more than million tighlybound nerve fibres Transplantation is not an out landish notion howcvcr and is understudy BRIDGE TROsyVaId Jacoby and Aiansaniag Playing in haste waste NORTH K62 V864 00110115 Vulnerable NOHhSouth Dealer South West North East South 10 Pass 10 Pass INT Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag South won the spade lead with his jack Then he led his king of diamonds East was unkind enough to let the king hold At this stage Of the ro ceedings South sto pe to think It was too ate for thinking to help He had one diamond trick in and that was all the diamond tricks he could get He went after the clubs and if they had broken 33 he would still have made his contract But clubs were 42 and South wound up one trick short and one rubber late If South had stopped to think and to Count his winners at trick one he would have gone right up with his ace Of spades This would have wasted the free finesse given him by the opening lead But the king of spades would have been sure entr to dummy and South cou have been sure of two spades one heart five diamonds and two clubs for total of 10 easy sure tricks Ask It EXDCIIS You South hold 24 OKQJHS VAZ 0A4 0832 With opponents passing your partner opens one club and raises your onespade response to two spades You bid four notrump and your partner shows two aces Pennsylvania reader asks if you bid seven No we dont Our partner only raised to spades and unless he has five clubs to acekinggueen seven IS not likely to make daily crossword ACROSS 37 Gusto Answer to FIwmiis Puzzle 39 DetitSthand Possess fiblirl Sometime salt 40 Gender Ingfulltclil 41 Slouch AstraG ra Feburary 1979 This coming year will be unu sual in that projects that you thought would be big winners may fizzle while other situa tions that you thought lacked promise could produce enor mous rewards AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Take personal pride in your work today instead of looking appreciation people are notice the extras another does Wizard of Id Sometimes involved mNTStN VOUAYARN M16503 ITS GOOD VALUE NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 chkcnd Magalinc didnt look quitc tlic sonic in soon aiiadian citics on Saturday following days of lllltillitl con trovcrsy ovcr tlic publications cighlrpagc history of strip Iciisi Al lctist scvcn IIttIititl six III llntzirio and oiic III licr litlllitlt lthcrs cciisorcd llic ttllltll oi carricd III adnsory rcadcrs of Its coiitcnt lulilishcrs illlttl lllt color illustratcd Slriptcasc rcading tlicrs liad coinpliiiii cd that thc articlc by frcc lanci lladstonc sprcad rcfuscd Hlllllllll Yciiis unlit faintly writcrs liill and PISCES Feb 20March 20 Pre tentious airs are harmful to your image today Your friends like you for What you are so just be yourself ARIES March 21AprlI19 Allow lor the frailties of others today and youll be prepared to han dle any disappointments that might occur Recall Everyone has his or her weaknesses TAURUS April 20May 20 ll y0u hear some unflattering remarks about others dont respond in kind Dont ever stoop to anoth ers low level GEMINI May 21June 20 We all need to treat ourselves to few luxuries once in while but today is the wrong day for you to do so Instead of comfort Now wHAT n9 THEY WANT youll receive bills CANCER June 21July 22 You wont be able to have your cake and eat it too today You might have to choose between lurthering your own interests and those of someone you care about LEO July 23Aug 22 Rather than saying anything unkind it is best to go off by yourself today if you feel coworkers are against you Do your own thing alone VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Choose to spend your day with friends or associates you know well or you might find yourself uncomfortably to be stranger in crowd LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Too Inn oV emu ensam Lu AMI CD99 Jll hfl WI Synflulo Bernice Bede Osol bad your ambitions and your hopes cant get together You might want nice things today but chances are you wont expend the necessary effort SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 You viewpoints could be so onesided today youll overlook the very facts that can help you Try not to lock in on any singular attitude SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 That optimistic outlook of yours could work against you today Youll be disappointed if you expect to receive free ride CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Its never worth hurting anoth ers feelings In order to get your way Youll be happier if you lean over backward to be considerate FDUBLE TIME F012 RAIN sLEET Am sNovv Wau gtv1 man® Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters Winston olliiis III poor toxic and qucslioncd Ilic Iisi ot Nililt words illltl cxplicil dcscriptions III llitindcr iii tint ill lIIIIts Ncws arid lirotiiclc Journal piipcis tlllllltl iII abridgcd form of tlic iillltlt scction on Sally Band widclyknown 1on ic litllttl who admits to 71 was Itlitlllltl llowcwr iii lit1lt ol Ilic history of Slllllltilbt was tcinovcd llotli lilittl said tlic llllt cd ptissiigcs III tlic irticlc would tic lilltll1t lo Intiti Iciidcis Ilic Innipcg lVltl lrcm distriliiilcd lcckcnd but put Iiolc on liltlt onc ithlHIl pttltIllitl discrctioii 1111 Ottawa Journal also car ricd ii pagc onc warning stating fcw rcfcrcnccs arc of kind which would not nppcor on tlic ncws piigcs of tlic llliWit Journal Mcanwliilc in Saint John NB it local clcrgyinan critIcIcd tlic lclcgrapli Journal lor distributing tlic IiiiigiiInc lcrzild Morgan thc pastor of lcniplc callcd striptctisc ti sccdy sidc of socic tzilviiry ty Hill said hc did not undcis litlltl why family 11Sl£itl would lttlpIlllll111iltllt it Morgan Is oiic of scvcral Ininistcrs Involvcd IIl trying to l11 what tlic call obsccnc We provide loanout service Spread on striptease history causes papers to drop Weekend Ily IIIII CANADIAN PRESS Illétltlltil rcrnovcd from the Ncw Brunswick school cur riculuin Albcrtzis Lcthbridgc Herald icinovcd lcckcnd Magazine from its papcr as did six tario ncwspapcrs Pctcr borough llxamincr Kingston lhigStandard Windsor Star Kitchcncrltatcrloo Rccord Brantford Expositor and St atharincsStandard tcckcnd Magazinc which is princh in Montrcal but has cditorizil ofliccs in Toronto usually is includcd in thc Satur day cdition of 21 daily ncwspapcrs 111 Canada giving It circulation of about 17 million in council votcd to dcduct cording to Public Works chair llummcr lhc Trap with 9W 325000 from Royal Victoria man FrcdSmithcamcbccausc Rita Tushingham and Oliver ereso Rccd was showing at thc lm comes 49 nsecme canada stog 14 Nea Sirhted 52 Proce trIaIThcatrc cartoon chm wds If Powcr storc spccials that ame 54 Made edmnq wcck includcd largc eggs at 43 I5 Whole mark Glengarries Faked Exercise cents locn short rib roiits 55 To Attack Americans In mm at cents or ound bananas 16 Gtalln areas 56 On February 1813 an American force led by Major at at ccnts ound and Sir ar Sadlst 57 Drying oil Forsyth crossed the frozen St Lawrence River from unmemsgir ï¬mmmdhuu Marquis le Ogdensburg and raided Brockville Ontario two DOWN II is count 38 Mao people were taken back as hostages as well as the CIA 5M twig arses cattle pigs and chickens that could be rounded predecessor Edging 20 Shmahe 40 Apertutes pit ti Ed tt 12 In 20 IFTtaendlbvcr 311th 21 Island 12 Shp 01m en es were on resco es Arroriaiits down the ver and their commanding ofï¬cer Major awyers 22 SW 22 DSpauh ll ted to hit Sir 24 Eats Utilitarian 23 Landed 43 Make QUIRI ac onne wan ac owever George 26 Rider Haggard Electrified par 25 Plan 44 Against Prevrihsltjthehgovrnorlvould noguthorize the attack may Ct verllse novel ticle containers 45 Employs So or ac onne arrang to put on military 29 The sun 8e 26 yond the ad demonstration on the ice He took 480 men and three AMIWV NWT prefix Inn 27 Inhenior Am pieces of artillery and let It be known that It was only an 15 01 lht lhld IIIQVHW 31 One who Clothing 28 Sooner than 47 Aleutian exercise trivallow lilWylISM idvcrllst rebounds Woman 29 Marching Island However once his force was on the river he gave the Ihc IllilW soon1y of Albcrta 33 Mythical one name cadence 48 M93 Cm order to attack Ogdensbur The river is about mile In Tldld IS PUNK home 33 UQWCG 30 50 Oug 50 Indian wide at that point The Gengarrieswere completely NSI 35 10mm 32 Haw 51 Actor Siirks exposed but Pressed on in spite of the American WW thlliW 36 Tme me COh9 WW 695 There was bloody battle as the fought their way in IIIwspapcrsand niagarincs thc abbl COIOQI Kmti Lat 53 059 Ogdensburg and the Americans ed into the wouia Ws which lllty Macdonnells force returned to Prescott with 24 prison Illt UNION Itt en 12 guns 300 tents and large quantity of mmun hours languagcs spokcn and tion dcgrccs hcld That part of the river saw good deal of action during lht Sotltly £5150 dttidvd to the War of 1812 Laterln the ear US General Wilkinson buy 15 Pltmmtlllfl its lttliil rc left Sockets Harbor NY th 8000 men and sailed down 17 t0101mm StlVIN which the river with the intention of attac Montreal They EMS nameS 01 lawyers dealing were harried small British iorce 111 Prescott on in SINCific MIWt law and finally ered defeat at Cryslers Farm near It was also mmlc Clttlt Ih Harrisburg socicty will not allow advcrtis In 1838 force of Hunters flom the 03 landed ingonradiooitclcvision Prescott hop to drive wedge between Upper and Ihc ncw Albctla ruIIs arc Lower Canada ut they were de eated in the Battle of tlw to vhzmnvs adopted last the Windmill Ten of the Hunters were hanged at will in marl by UPIr Kingston although they were defended by John Mac Tumult LawWitty donald then yo lawyer lcc advertising is not OTHER NTS 0N FEBRUARY allowcd in that provincc 1682 LaSalle and Tonty reached Mississippi River Law SONNY of Manitoba 1341 Kingston became cgplul of Canadp docs allow advcrtising in 1872 Prime Mlnlster Mncdoluld urged Lou ï¬le to cludinglccs in all Incdia leave Canada gnd provided him with money lhc Albcrta rcgulnlions will 1893 Canada and France signed commercial treaty HIM lï¬lwytl 10 $in ho prefers 1894 Ontario held pleblsc tie on rohlbltlon to practisr in liIIIitcd numbcr 1N1 Ninth arllament ned wl Robert Borden sue of Iircas yct to bc namcd by thc on lt3 03 on at no Sir Chares Tupper as leader of the socicly such as criminal law opposition divorcc law rcal cstalc or tax Demonstrators march 1952 King George VI died at San am Lawych will not howcvcr 01 Demonstrators carry huge pictures of their leader 1056 Prime Minister Eden dres the Ayatollah Khomeini and the moriyro left Parliament at Ottawa joint melon of bc allowrd to say thcy during peaceful march Sunday In Tehran AP spccializc in thosc arcas Photo IIIE IIIEIIII