sg wwWv Cambridge wins twice Flyers plummet to fifth Barrie Flyers campaign to secure one of the anadian In ternational Hockey Leagues four playoff positions took turn for the worse on the weekend While Flycrs were being trampled 63 by Thunder Bay Twins at liarrie arena Satur day Cambridge Ilornets were pulling off an 62 upset victory over host Welland Steelers IIorncts win and Itlyers loss broke fourtlrplace tie bet ween the two clubs and another win Saturday toT oycr rillia Terriers gaye ambridge four point hold on the favoured spot Ieam captain Les lturgess scored all three Barrie goals in the home ice loss His first the first periods only goal was scored unassisted while Hob Russell served hooking penalty League leading lwins took command with four second period markers belore Burgess came up with powerplay goal at IITlfi of the third period to put Barrie back to within st rikin distance twins flxers Less than two minutes later Burgess scored again with assists from leoff lreen and Russell to narrow the lwms margin to one goal lwins were quick to qucl the threat however with goal from iary Venerulo at Hoi and another from lack Byerley his second of the game at the 1709 mark Hob ltupuis handled Bil shots in the Barrie net while lae ldllpililltk kicked out 23 shots fired at him in the Iw ins net tttlier lhunder Itay goals came from ltuss Elliott Larry Naismith and Dave liragnolo Meanwhile in Cambridge Hornets scored four goals in less than six minutes during the second period to boost their lead to it going into the third period Rick Molinaro scored three goals and have Peace and liill Wells each scored twice arl Itcinhart Warren Anderson and Don Yipond each scored singles Jim Slierit scored twice for Ierriers and Bruce arrick Iim Moxey olin Wood lames Hodge and lion Itaybould came up with the others llorncts scored three unanswered goals in Welland during the third period two on pow er plays The teams were tied 22 after the first period but ambiidge led 2+2 heading into the third ltick Irien and Peace paced the winners with two goals each Molinaro and Reinhart added the others In other TIIII action on the weekend Iim Ampleford scored goal and set up two others in the third period to lead Whitby Iroquois to 53 win over Thunder Bay Sunday lord ullen scored two goals for Iroquois and Ron Ilawkshaw and Mike Noonan scored one each Noonans goal was scored in an empty net with 20 seconds remaining Wally Iressengcr had two goals for Iwins and Ilycrley notched single goal Next outing for Itlyers is Thursday in Whitby against thirdplace Iroquois ILYIIRS NOI Flycrs played with only 17 players on the bench including goaltcnders in Saturdays gamelolin owan is still out with neck injurylioli Russell who suffered broken nose in reocnt game played Saturday with protective face maskthe game against Iwins was late getting started because of referee problems He couldnt get his car started simiuiy First Ierioil lIarric IIurgissttlliSll Serond Period Thunder llay Elliott Iciieriio ltyerlcy lttt Il CI Thunder ltay Naismith Knull ciieruloi ii iii Thunder Iiay liyerley tesciot ll Thunder liay Itragnolo ilioiinellyi ii Third Period llarric Iiurgess IlIIchardson Lytcill ttariie Itlugess ireen ltusselli li til ti Thunder Itay eneiuuo Ilt It tl Thunder Bay liyerley ilIlliottt I7 SIIUIS ll Ii II Harrie to 2ii Thunder liay ti 2H tl liupuis llarrie Itllpatrirk Thunder Itay Colts playoff hopes dashed You win some you lose some You lose too many and you dont make the playoffs simple lesson and one Barr rie olts will not soon forget after their last flicker of hope of making the entral Untario Junior It hockey league playoffs was snuffed out by the powerful Burlington tougars Saturday in Burlington ougars who are embroiled iii battle for the leagues top spot as the regular season enters its final week of play coldly and mechanically shot olts out of the water in one sided affair that ended upll As usual ougars got off to blazing start scoring twice on shots at olts goaltender ltunc Brownell Bernie lltlll team captain assisted by Rick Bowman Convener confirms Orilli My RRY FORBES Of The Iaininer truce Ireland conyciicr of the entral ttntario liinior hockey league confirmed today that no action was taken against ttrillia Irayelway dur ing special closed league meeting held in ltixie last week to Investigati charges of roster irregularities Ireland refused to elaborate on the plltfiltlL ot the meeting or discuss the specific charges made against the Trayelways saying only that the matter has been ItsttlYttT and that no action was taken against thecliib According to Jan list of players in the league tirillia Trayelways has eight players listed as residing at the ad dresses of two team tXHtlllWS LISTIZI IIIUIIS Three ot the players George Martin lohn Mctlarry and Mark Thomas are listed as imports and listed as residing at the address of Travelways General manager Ionlalc Ihe tintario Hockey sports and op midget ilen ollei= hreght scored the loiic liarric marker with minute left in the first period olts managed to keep pace in the second period and outshot the fastrskating hard shooting ougais ltt it Burlington didnt let things get out of hand howeyer and maintained their edge until the end of the middle frame It was Iim ochrane who made olts face up to the reali ty of the situation by scoring at II of the third period to giye ougars two goal lead Burlington continued to coil trol play for the balance of the period and scored two goals within the last three minutes to secure the victory and put severe limit on tolts lttTttTi campaign ssociaton defines an input as pleycr whose ltsttitlltt is outside the corporate boiiii darics ol hc coininuiiiy in which he IllltlltiS to play It player makes his residenci III the community littorcittl or before the first league game is played he is not regarded as an import Import players also ttttllltli those on waiyers or players released by another club lrayelways has one playei on waiyer Marshall Ihoinpsou ot irayenhurst the only player whose residence IS listed out sideol tirillia tIlA rules stipulate Junior It club may carry oiily scycn import players including those on waivers Any protests must be heard by the till by leb IL EARLIER RICIURI ccording to an earlier report tiak Ridges ltyiics manager il Woloski lodged complaint itli the league and special meeting was called last Ihursay tillA XttlllHt representative attended the meeting This weeks mystery sportsman was widely known throughout Simcoe County for his skating ability now all of Canada knows him as the Canadian Iunlor mens cham pion Penetanguishene he practices in both Barrie and Orillia If you know his name send it In along with yours to Sports Hall of Fame co The Examiner resident of Box 370 Barrie L4M 4T6 Include your name address and telephone number too Winners are picked at random from correct entries Saturday Brian Eydt of RR Barrie correctly named Dallas Cowboys coach Tom Landry to win last weeks contest The loss giyes olts an litJTZ won ltlSlilHi record with two games to play Both games are on the road in Acton laii it against the Sabres and in Milton Ian It for the season eiider against the late blooming Ilyers With it points lhornhill lhunderliirds appear to lane goof hold on the eighth and final playoff position With little ltick ltitli place tolts may be able to move into titliplacc tie with Dixie Iteehiyes in the tinal tally IIUHI IIIII NURSICS IttlTll traig trowii and Mike Keogh were other larrie oop Mayor Midgets ioming Vollebreght in the tolt lineup Saturday Keogh was backup for nctniinder Browne Three Two other players are listed at Mic address and at tiitdltitl totiiiothci tilliitillltllti are from out ot town the ot ticial refused whether these players weie considered iiiipoits at the tune the list was released Three players on the list my goaltender halpli iiordon Walter IIdwards and Jamie Kilroy were llllltItIiii as ltSlIlllLtI iiittltitt iiithvss None of the three are listed is unports IIS tllIIAYIlli tiordon in excciitiye of the teaiii has not played foi lrayclways all season but we placed on the list because only onegoaltcndcrwasayailablea thetiincthclistwasinadeiip Since that time regular goaltender Stu Iarnhain Stli tered an iniury and lrayclways signed iiiycnilc goalie ioh Morley to replace Iarnhziin Icain otticials lordon may still be ilSilti while other goaltcndcrs arc brought up from the tirillia Minor Hockey ssociaton llt he place tt hall of fame ontest winners will II an Ill inch special pina from Mr Tonys Iiaria and Spaghetti IItitlSti7llltiiltip5l Harrie lv and Fiï¬65 regulars were away Saturday tton Kyers Bob oulson and ireg ampbell were attending weddings olts are the only team from the now defunct Iidtntario lunior ll league which have had any serious problem adjusting to the new expanded entral league tirillia lrayclways and ink Ridges Itynes both ol whom Iolts stepped oycr en route to last years Mid ttntario chain pionsliip are in fourth place tie in the new league lhornhill who werent much of problem for tolts last year are the leading contender for the cn tral leagues final playoff spot Word is tolts will beset ting up an exhibition match with arena mate liarrie lilycrs of the tanadian International Hockey League The informal inatchup will go when the clubs time couple of hours of prac tice tinicayailablc si lllt First Iiriod liurliugion Kiniicar itll lioman to Isuilington Litton iaii Ilttllliiltt lI IT ltariii llutr ltoiyman Iiiiiltlttll lit iii Ienalties ltca ltn to Iiphi lit II tight Ha Second Period oscoiiiig Itllalltis tarr Iin ui tit llllltl lo lit lt Suigcnor Ito It rt win li nrgcnoi Ita iii tit Itolmaii lo tot liiiic lIn llut lti mayor It tit Third Period linilingion tothianc ltca loym to ltuilingtou lmio iltm hllltliil If iii iv Ituilingion iiiise limo litht lit Ti Iciialties loibesltat ltxirti lm ll lt slliilsottii In ltaiiic to liiiiliuitoii it ho lirowiivIl H1Illl lutthoi Im son uilingioii off hook Scycral oi the leagues lttttllltlgttS tiillliftltti by The ainincr said it was agreed at the nicctini that the inattei was eiguibiisincss andthat intorniition would oiil be releasedthroughtheconyciici lollowing the meeting Irelands oiin rcsponsc was that lhc iiiatlci had been resolycd dont think any ot the titlath should concern tho it tending the games Ireland aid today lnder certain tIl ciiinstances league matters may be of concern to people outside of the league but feel this matter should hi¢ been dealt with directly by thn Icagiicitsell Albertan quick on ice wins Canadian Club cup tillt itlt lid Tracy won the first annual tanadian tlub tiip during snlky races on Ill ltideaii tanal ice here Sun day The Albeita natiye took the cup sponsored by lluain Walker IllSltlltls Ltd after nine races before an estimated iftooo persons The races were part of tittawas Winterludc lestiyal IIight siilky drivers from in tario Irince lidward Island Nora Scotia and Quebec par ticipntcd Hi the ice NIHs liriycr lilies liilion of Quebec won the lreniicis up in the fourth race The trophy was awarded by Premier ten iictt tampbell ol lrincc IId ward Island who also awarded the ninth races Ill Iacc trophy tolohnhapman ainphcll was one of sccral politicians who attended the race Irime Minister Trudeau took his sons lustin Sacha and Michel it Agriculture Ministcr IIugciie Whelaii and Andre tuellct minister of public works also attended Iinal standings among the drtyers showed Tracy with itt points with lilles icndron of Quebec and hapinan tied with 325 points Francis Mclsaac of tornwall II with Id Ilerye liiliou of Quebec Altt liaye Iinkney of Lower Sackyillc with Iii lion Waples ol tintario with ill and Kcilli Lin tonotSaskatchewanwithBti Oro hot line connects as 775 defeat Midland llayc Mayor fired two goals and the Hastings tlark lladley line came up with five more points as tro 77s hammered host Midland tenlcnnials in leorgian llay ltiiiior hockey league action Friday The win maintained Tis mcond place standing with two games remaining on the iegiilarseason schedule tiio illl defendingvchainpion lcnctaiiguishciic hemical Valley Iunior Kings Murray lark Itust Hastings and lary loluistoii each scored singles to hack tip Mayors two goal performance Iicl liertrani picked up two assists and Hastings lark and Ilaillcyhailoiicapiece eiitennials managed to match tiros Iiti shots on goal but 77s Larry tatauia repeatedly stymied the Midland shooters to make the difference Next outing for Writ IS Wednesday against Iltltllsillc lluskies at ro ommunity entie Hornets continue pace with two league wins Alliston llornets continued their sizzling pace on the weekend in the Midtlntario Junior hockey league and then some Ilornets won 74 decision over Bradford ltlues Sunday in Bradford swamped Maple Vaughan Irappers 114 in Alliston Friday and in bet ween showed up the In terniediate Slielburne Muskics it in no contact ex liibit ion match Saturday Willi Sundays win IIornets boosted their season record to Zti wins one loss three tics Alliston took 1H first period lead over Ilradiord on goals by Yves lielaugcr and hris llc aulcy leorge lieswick and Ilill Lcmcke made it for llornets before two goal exchange late in the second period Ken Addis and leagueleading scorer Mur ray White notched power play goals in Allistons part of the shootout Iteswick scored his second of the game on power play effort at Szlit of the third period to round out the scoring liaveMarr received It shots in the Alliston iicl while llornets fired 34 at lilues Ieter Masin Next game for llorncts is scheduled for Wednesday against host StaynerSiskins Illtttl league outing for the record setting chili is Friday in Alliston against Stayner an the oxamlner Monday Fob 1979 ReinoKeski Salmi of Salmon Arm BC finishes mens relay Schmidt fastest iunior in championship ski race Iiy III IlIIth til Ihc Iaiiiincr ltrltlllSl ngele Schmidt won her spot on the tanadiaon National tllliltl leain Sunday with decisive first place finish at the North American crosscountry ski championships at llorseslioe aley Skiing faster than many ot the senior competitors Schmidt ltz of Honey llarhoiir finished the kilometre course in it Ltti almost lull minute ahead of second place Monique aterrcus ot White horse Yllkoii Schmidt led the aiiadian first team to win in the If kin relay races with IIsthcr Lake Ii tlroothuyscn oi lionnyyillc Alberta She also skied the fastest leg of the day and fur ther strengthened her position as one of the best IIlllltil skiers anada has had in many cars Watericus JtilttS Ioliaiiiie Itoss of Qiiebec ity and Jenny Walker of tittawa on the na tioiial junior team Walker finished third Sunday followed by Walker in fourth Douglas Ietcrson of New Hampshire the only American skiing III the championships won Sundayssenior mens fto km race Saturday Miller ot Burns and loan skiing Angea Schmidt talks with spectator leterson had already earned enough points for place on the lnitcd States team competing at the prettilympic trials lll Lake Ilacid this week and stayed to represent the IS Other American skiers stayed in Wateryillc New Hampshire where they coin plcted the national champion ships which were postponed lroin week earlier because of poor weather conditions leteison finished more than three minutes ahead of Htijti Iuiias of Thunder liay tint with time of one hour two minutes 31 seconds Stephen Sander of ttttawa finished third followed by Angus ockney of McBride Ii in fourth and IIrnie Len nie of North Ilay int in fifth Shirley liith of lianll Alta skiing for the Northwest lcr ritories won the senior ladies Ilt kilometre race in time of IN IT loan iroothiiyscn of Hon II illc Alta finished second followed by the winners ister Sharon Firth of lianfl Esther Miller of Burns Lake It and eline liguere of Quebec ity WON MENS RACE Richard Weber won the junior of Ottawa mens 10 kilometre race and place on the anadian team for the world junior championships at Mont St Anne Que Feb 1618 Ithei members of the ana dian team are Ken Ilawthorn of liraccbridge nt who finished third Sunday Marvin Strim hold of Becker Lake who finished second and Dirk Van Wijk of lttawa who placed sixth Ari Niemi of Sudbury hit and Keith Itustin of SauLt Ste Marie int finishcd fourth and filth respectively Canucks ski to top spots IIINIEIt lttIiNlAI3 lieuteri anadians took the top two places Sunday in slalom field dominated by Americans and Euroixians at the station womens proskiing championships Susan Aslett 21 of Ioronto finished ahead of 2iyearold Susan liffoid of Old Chelsea Que to capture firstplace prize money of $2550 in the first of four scheduled weekends of womens proski racing in the HS sports calendar MONDAY Ilockey ttziltt piu Mansfield Iteiunan General vs Storey Ilcating to pin and llasonary rs Wellington IIotel lluronia Senior Iloekey League games Essa Iownship arena Volleyball ieorgian ollege womens yolleyball team entcnnial ollege Scarborough Tuesday Hockey ollingwood llassmen ys Stayiier Siskins Mid intario iunior hockey league game Stayner arena tiziipan tutti pm and Masonary ys Allandale Golf and Ski Io pm Nottawa IIlcctric ys Shorneys pticians lluronia Senior llockey league games IZssa lownship arena piu luion trito in American llotel Harrie oinniunity tredit Itase llordcn ys Wasaga Beach Wasaga Stars Ildtimers hockey league games Wasaga Stars arena