the oxamlnor Monday Feb 1979 CLEVELAND AP An apelike creature that strode the savannahs of Africa four million years ago has been identified as the oldest upright with human like body but had the lace and brain of an ape The discovery shows that humans and apes may be tiiore closely related than was previoust imagined said lirs Donald Iohanson ot talitornia at Berkeley Afar ape man also proves that human ancestors were walking on two feet millions of years before they made stone tools he said Some anthropologists thought it was the evolutionary pressure to free their hands for the use of tools that pushed men up from the stooped ape posture ltobert Radcliffe of the Na tional Geographic Society which cosponsored the re search said Wednesday that lohansons conclusions were expected to cause con siderable controversy in the scientific community He said that paleoau thropologist Mary Leakey has disputed Iohansons contention that the Atra ape mans bones are from truly new species arguing that they should be categoried as form of an already Afar region of Ethiopia dur ing the last seven years The Afar ape man sup plants creature known as considreable controversy In the scientific community AP Laserphotoi iistralupiiheciis as the earliest memlier ot the atricaniis knott tamily Ape man causes controversy hoininids or ancestors ot man the said The ttlltl towits aiv Yi tllilitltll illitliliil llllitlItllllItIll iliiitit ttl tiltl Travelling salesmen paid well and thats not just tall tale ItiRUNlt lravelliiig salesmen not oiin tell some of the best stories but iip iitttlttttl ot tanatla whith iiilllllllliillttllllllRllliLtlitlll consultant tiiin ol teeivsnii the get pant well tor then and Kellogc to otltllttl tin lhvaztiav iiwitasv in inc twine lLlltl til tatili wotktoo lllt parkaiti tIit Im iticis oiniiii Hit in lttl iispim recent stttyey shows that 1mm mmmw iuom Iitl itli itlii NW WM people engaged in salos in an mm HHH ML high lllt Illtitltl tlll tlltil iii in 21 IIililuniil iii iillffildlsflioiiiugtEST flilldjlfffld meal sales rtltteseiitatiies with lyilil141liliillalMlil lllllllllllillll ll Il or tii to em IMP WHH representatives in mm than Hjltfhfwttyfjltjtgt Catalogue ever has your greatest Station for manulactiirers on net went lttt agents shopping variety From budget The tindmgs were based on liou 3o per cent oi salts titritm it unlit tzwt uii ltl ir it Iliir lllgtlltllllllllt Npllth lllilll irri¢suiitt1ins lll liili lltat iitit lttit ititl itt tt llll intuitii uvi liiiivi ti ti lit morethan Littttiniembersot thi pillaniunnulc Mimi it in up it northii pm iiiii tl ii iii in SCIQCtEd sears Best Items tomnicrcial ltitVtlltls tltH hurl Iiiiieiitj tlt Sears dellVerS everyday 900d value eve da of the ear Insurance executive says ii gmmlmns tlittttis vs vktll llllllllllk Itt llt tlltl sttit tj llit llds ii liJ pimp ivy Halli continuctothinkintermsotthe hayesoatctl Iuw tinting tliilii in itdl The blouse Polyester lWlll past when It Umflstlhl11fl nrl ye people simply are hoiiwoi iilIIiltitilrilt tltllitiltit 11th pm tiwi turnrat life insurance and property in not taking that into account uuteimn tittitanic lultt lllii llllltt weave marl arln CO ar suranccsaysHobtollingsser litll the lrent9 old ltsttt£ttitt in die tut1 til lilt ltiiit lolintinetnlrli 38Belge BUe in wii pm ii lv li in lit iii Iii tile bllldiiitillalm Insurm In Mlllie lllntll lilints llHllll don mu lull tthkllltl illiln lttlllll itlllillltitidl Iiiiulwlti il lite in ttlt Mlsses SZes ilc says recent court iiidg hit honie until the iii2t hill per ueon itiuuii win it u= Ilttitl oiwii mi lli trim 011 merits have awarded accident comes in he alps aiiil then thi llttltttt is to leakv wt on tit rum nix lit The pants Subtle innen ltltlllfs more than Sititioo in its hy didntyoutetlnie that Cousins sentenced WELLANI nt itti Two cousins were sentenced Friday to ixnitentiary terms for beating and robbing 77 yearold farmer Tharles Taggart 34 was sentenced in county court to nine years and his cousin Clarence Taggart 37 to years on joint charge of roh bery with vionelce Testimony showed the two were part of group of Welland men who forced their way into Harold Bradshaws farmhouse in nearby Ielharn on Dec Zti 1977 The men beat Bradshaw and shoved gun down his throat demanding money They fled the scene with $140 afterthe at tack at your house Its time to call your Welcome Wagon hostess She will bring congratu lations and gifts for the family and the NEW BABY tanatliansiittlnnkinialiou insiirancetorlite lionieandau toniohile more and more tol lings says ltiit they re only huyuax enough to ttlti viii pill the lll have to swallcx ltttitlieliillttiiiitsti He says that although ttlll slttlll bought inoie than llll lion worth of insurance in 1972 the actual alue of thcir tt crage lll only pay tor hall the cost ot replatnn hurried titll home tltl it will barely pay for the alue of inortgageor titol hospital hills in the event of death or an acerdeiit that per manently disables someone Other spokesmen lor the iii suranie industry say the ten rleiicy to under insure is par ilttiltitliiltlttitliit1l wh the ivsimiisilvlttj for national mat lat tl1tl llttlll ooo tllllllllV iii it din tllt err not it lulled ttl tlvt twine nomm mmcoibii Aimsr GRAHAMSCHOLES has recently moved to Barrie and is setting up his studio on St north of Cundles Rd Persons wishing to Vincent St mile take watercolor lessons should contact the artist TELEPHONE 13142443 All RSPS are not alike AT CANADA TRUST Canada Trust has woalth of experience Ill retirement SBVIfth plans That tttit ioitant it you already have lisp coriSider swootiing to Canada Trust In most cases rathchinri Patrolling Vancouver streets Indians help fallen brothers VANCOUVER tlt Most ol them were children of the girls They are the eight young In diaiis working out of the Van coiivct Native Street Workers otticc in lastown the citys skid road turned tourist mecca in teams of two man and woman they patrol the area in workers office to soher them up The workers all havclirst aid training and are fairly adept at spiillltlLl those who have had drug overdose or those who may have been rendered tincon scioiis by diabetic coma or heart attack The street workers have one rented patrol car to help terry tlieirchaiges to thehospital texture weave of polyester acrylic 83Powder 54Lt Beige Misses sizes 1018 073 052112 $1998 The bag Lustrous pearlized polyurethane Woodlike frame Abt 13 Beige 883 020 491 $20 The shoes Lustrous pearl ized urethane with anklestrap sling heel Lined 98Bone 80Blue 60Pink Full halt sizes 5129 and 10 543 040 657 $2899 The hat Annie Hall took in cool seagrass straw One size Satin trim 38Beige 883 O47 039 RC $6 Call They watch out tor aban doned children on the street and POLHIZSPONSORED The group currently works under the sponsorship of the iancouver police department and is partially funded by city council The rest of the money comes from anada Works grant tario but one who has come to relate only to the Indian half ot my heritage He says he has served his ap prenticeship on the street but now classes liniisell as recov ered alcoholic who has sworn otl hooe lIrnie lialtocliellc another ot the workers is nonrstatiis lii than who has been on the streets since was 12 He in sists he will continue to tune Blue clutch in baby doll tioii as street worker even if the current source of funding drain The workers have formed their own society and have ap proached numerous public agencies to join the board With some help from the United Way campaign and TlllA tAli Prison tu hcrculosis epidemics may exist without attracting medical at tention for years and may be factor in delaying eradication of the disease an Arkansas doctor says Dr William Stead of the Ar kansas department of public health at Little Rock said tu berculosis occurs 65 times more frequently among prison careful budgeting he estimates they could operate on yearly needed coffee stationary and postage comes from monthly $3 donations from each of the staff out of their minimum wage pay packets of $771 month In addition to helping their street people in time of emer crs than in the general popu lation He said few state health do partments take an active role in controlling tuberculosis within prisons In the Dec issue of the Journal of the American Merli cal Association Stead reported that to cases of infectious tu berculosis were found in 1976 in an Arkansas prison gcncy the workers follow up the case the next day and some dwl streets themselves so they put the youngsters in the hands dries up intake OlabOUl 3000 WilhOUl times weeks all9rward to own net ancestor know the byways and alley of child protection authorities play in band so can Cutting staff This would pay help the people avmd falling man anthioimlogists said ways in which find They 50 will brmk up keep on with the work during fortherentofthcotficeandcar intoacrisissituationagain ld passed out drunks the victims fights all have had instruction the day he says Were not its W0 65 SiaflSalarlCS UUCharmC haShlgh Praise for Millie of robberies and the raped in martialartsorselfdefence going to let it go down the The money for the ever the Vancouver police who work in that area Theyll often call us in and nearly always are willing to let us have the drunk or lover dosri victim if well take charge It keeps lot of our people out of jail lowlde Muamm search of native Indians in dis ternic liicharmc is the man tress in charge of the street patrol lmd mm They take the unconscious teams lie is Metis lroni hue lmvmm drunks home or to the street Skin tests indicated that the disease was spreading within the prison and that some of those affected were healthy he tore they were committed he said He said child died in January of tuberculosis con tracted from exposure to for mer prisoner who was infected white confined and released without treatment recognired species Dr Donald Johanson one of the codiscoverers of the Afar ope man The creature was iden holds up the reconstructed skull of the creature thought to be the oldest giggilmnnldd lull known direct ancestor of man This primate about million years old dounlgfi games $811 walked upright with humanlike body but had the lace and skull of an skulls jaws and other bones ape The conclusions drawn about the ape man are expected to launch found in Ianrania and the because RSP should do inoro than save you llttllt on iiion Its plan for your future Canada Trust BARBIE Juntoii at Mtfttltfltal Square 12671848 open In til 30 Sat 10 t0 if easy Call or come in for details All RSPS are not alike Store address 509 Bayfietd St Georgian Mall Barrie Store hours MON TUES SAT 930 am to 530pm WED THURS FH 930 am to 930 pm SimpsonsSears Ltd Reg and Was refer to SimpsonsSears Ltd prices Guarantee Satistaction or money refunded at ltlli€fwme gritty 0113393 it Mi 7286461 joy it now Use your All Purpose Account Phone