Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Feb 1979, p. 15

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the oxamlner Monday Fob 1979 15 television guide The doctor says MONDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 NEWS HOLLYWOOD SQUARES CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS Iii POLKA DOT DOOR 630 Nac NEws MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME JEREMY 645 READALONG 655 WRITE ON 700 DATING GAME FANTASY ISLAND CROSS WITS MARY TYLER MOORE GOOD In TIC TAC DOUGH PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED NEWLYWED GAME DONT ASK ME GOOD TIMES PRICE IS RIGHT 730 $100000 NAME THAT NEWLYWED GAME GENE TAYLOR SHOW HOLLYWOOD SQUARES COED FEVER SHA NA NA Guests Ronnie Specter Roneues MAGIC SHADOWS Turnab0u1 Part Based on Thornc Smiths famous story this outrageous comedy depicts husband team who swttch personalities BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE When Mary learns that she 15 pregnant she sets out to reconcile her husband With his father who reyected the young man when he lost his sight 60 THE WHITE SHADOW Coach Reeves takes his boys to Las Vegas lor an Invitation basketball tournament and the team wands up berng taken to the cleaners bath on and off the court 60 mos BIIBOE assess historically speaking ALL IN THE FAMILY Archie and Edith Introduce rich widow to Barney Helner alterhiawitarunsewayanddrscoverthatWhat he wont do for love he might do lor my SALVAGE1 Harry Brodericka sentimental tourney to Burmese tangle to bring back ShangrarLa Lti the B25 bomber he piloted In World War It turns into an cone and oerous adventure 60 mrns BIG EVENT MOVIE TwoMtnule Warnrng 1976 Stars Charlton Heston John savetes ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE Vaudeville and Muarc Hall film clips Include Harry Lauder Marlene Dietrich Maurtce $valrer and Edrlh Prat SAN STREETS OF FRANCISCO MOVIE WESTERN in The Relentless Four 1965 830 ALICE Mels pushy mom drops in unexpectedly from Brooklyn moves In With her son and proceeds to take over his Irle Guest star Marthe Raye 900 MONDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES Backstairs At The White House 1979 Stars Leslie Uggams George Kennedy MASH The aorrrn evacuation to nearby cave to avert arttllorylrre onaChIneselerget poses another It will ROW THE WEST WAS WON Zeb Macahnns march through warring Blackfoot Indian nation will an army lieutenant and scrulry band lollowers becomes complicated by pretty young ow hrs I15 NICHOLAS NICKLEBY Smrke desperately III confesses to Nicholas that he loves Kate Ralph Nickleby his plans going awry on all aides finally lrstens to Brooker was words seal his doom DOCTOR ON THE GO 930 CINCINNATI PE ONE DAY AT TIME 1000 NEWSMAGAZINE LOU GRANT After Lou sees an Immigration Department raid on his favorite Mexrcan restaurant the Tribune uncovers WKRP IN grim and unsettling picture OI whats happen to tile aI aliens 60 turns Too Smart For Schools The Problems oi the Gifted NEWS UPDATE NEWS Dear Dr Ruble2My doctor 1001 has advised me to have radio to BAIIIITTA1 030 active treatment for my goiter am 43 Do you consider this MAN ALIVE geniaatriat Karl Monningar Tskncdtheagirzu Safe The alternative to take lion Whatever happened to srn Man Atrva about 12 little pIIIS daily for It has found the answer sin is very much alive and drumming up business In Canada ove year was Old that With 1100 the radioactive treatment news would still have to take some CBC NEWS medicine for life anyway Its CTV NEWS my choice Can you help me un till EMPLOYMENT FILE derstand things bit more MOVIE SUSPENSE hryL That Man Injl1st1agbul 1966 try Radioactive iodine 1131 is THE REA1L12T0°RY accepted treatment and consid News ered safe Toxrc goiter is an en 25 Iargement of the thyroid gland armsno pgmoo which is located in the neck 1127 The enlargement occurs be NEWS cause the gland is overactive 1130 The goal then is to reduce this THE TONIGHT SHOW Guest overactivityThel131does this °fnnf$°fmnffm mm c°° by attacking the overactive tis it CBS LATE MOVIE THE ROCK sue in the gland There are ZazsenfllllfiesnJfigdsklordtlifnkfhfis531 Other ways to do and good deed bylhelprng out his friend Angel touchon them later on he gets nmhrorled in 530000 awrndle Whichever approach Is taken you cant predict precisely how MCMILLAN AND WIFE TII Death Do Us Parl Stars at udson Susan arn amaa much of the hyrmd hormone MOVIE MYSTERY will still be produced af he Maltese Falcon 1941 terward The dose of STREET radioactive iodine has to be estimated If the hormone LORD PEIEEOWIMSEY production is too low af MOVIE HIST°RCAL aaa terward oral supplements up Over En land 939 hormones have to be used to 1300 take up the slack MEDICAL CENTER One alternative treatment is Thyroid gland affected here The oral medicine treatment is effective but as you mention it is long and sometimes in convenient way to accomplish what surgery or the radioactive iodine does in relatively short order There is seldom universal agreement about which ap proach is best in treating gland conditions so its an individual matter Somer form of supple ment will probably be needed for life If you are in poor health or heave heart or lung problems the iodine method would eliminate the risk of sur gery So of course would the longer pill method The radio active iodine technique is not used with women of child bearing agc or who are preg nant Dear Dr Ruble Please say whether or not using rocking chair will help the legs andanklesGMN The rocking chair was popularized by the late President Kennedy He had back problem that limited physical activity The rocker AStrOG Ia Bernice Bede Osol cYour cBirthday February 1979 You could be singled out be cause oI your abilities to lead or manage something large in scope this coming year This new position adds greatly to your social standing AQUARIUS Jan 21Feb 19 Youre reasonably safe in tak ing chances on things or with people you know lot about Strangers or new conditions should be treated with caution PISCES Feb 20Msrch 20 AI lNizard of Id Trilé I9 FUNG Grime WHO WILL BREAK 12 51216165 WITH Hrs HEAD was recommended as an en 3C joyable and sedentary activity It does help keep the legs mobile and may even stimulate circulation and aid muscle tone WHERE CDYDU QUAND 0N CAHTAL PUNISHMENT though you may have some clever ideas for changes around the house you might be better off to attempt them another day You dont have as much knowhow as you think ARIES March 21Aprll 19 If you say something unthinkingly to day that hurts someones feel ings apologize promptly The longer the delay the deeper the wound TAURUS April 20May 20 Be little more careful with your possessions today This in cludes your money People have tendency to go back on their word leaving you with loss GEMINI May 21June 20 Youre sharp today and do know all the answers Unfor tunately you have tendency to be unreliable and could disappoint someone depend ing on you CANCER June 21July 22 Try not to make assumptions based upon partial evidence today Investigate fully before making accusations Youll save yourself embarrassment LEO July 23Aug 22 Your overall day should go tolerably well However someone might try to use your good humor for personal gain by plying you with flattery VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Dont try to cover up any mistakes today Fess up to them and you wont destroy all the good work youve already done LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Popu larity is yours today until you WATCH ItsnzaHE MAY Eowr attempt to seem knowledge able in something you know little about It will ruin your good image SCORPIO Oct 25Nov 22 The parental instinct is strong in you today You could take care of an obligation for one who really Isnt worthy of your good deed SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Its not like you to be suspicious without cause but today you might misinterpret the motives of one who is trying to be cooperative CAPRICORN Dec 22an 19 Excuses can never replace per formance Youll know what needs to be done and for whom so put out the required effort to the best of your abilities 89 MOVIE ADVENTURE Naked Prey 1966 1210 MOVIE DRAMA la The Bridge 1961 100 TOMORROW Host Torn Snyder surgery to cut out the gland tthyroidcctomy The surgeon usually leaves enough gland tis sue to produce near normal supplies of the hormone But again these matters cannot be Guest Sherla Weideoleld press secretary to predicted so low acfivity may ty Ford 60 turns MARCUS WELBY MD 130 in VARIETY today in history Ftb I979 Vitus Bering Dunc in thc service of Iar lctcr thc lrcat of Russia sci still from St Pctcrsburg to cxplorc tlIc watch oft northcuslcrn Sibcritr 231 years ago today in 1725 In scrics of voyirgcs ovcr 13 ycars hc cxplortd thc Alcutian Islands discovered and named Mount St Elias on tho AlaskaYukon bordcr and discovcrcd thc strait that bcars his namc Ixrk Frances Marshal Bcr nadottc was proclaimed Charles XIV of Sweden 1xti2 Thc Battlc Ilymn of thc Republic was first published MilliVerdis thcllo was first produced 1892 The tcmpcraturc in Sibcria rcachcd EH dcgrccs bclowzcro 19707ATambridgc Md hold its first muskratskinning championship barries stog Ichruary 193 splash of color was provid ed by lhc Barric contingent zit tending the Gcorgian Bay Development Association an nual mccting at Midland Six representatives from Barrie including Mayor Willard Kin zie worc thcir gay red and white carnival toquos as thcy sat in group amont thc 100 delegates from ill munici palitics that attcnrlcd Thc fcdcral government was to spend $62500 on wharf cx tension in Barric Ihc amount had bccn includcd In lhc 1939th public works appropriations estimatcs liscloscd by Financi Ministcr Flcming in Ottawa Barric District ollcgiatc tcachcrs acccptcd new scalc 0f salarics comparablc to that paid sccondztry school teachch in Toronto proposcd by thc ol Icgiatc Board Work on thc proposcd work shop for thc rctztrdcd childrcn 0f the arca was to start in the near future At the Rotary Tlub mccting Rcv Erncst Lcwis president of thc Barric District Ilctardcd Childrcns Association rccciv ed chcquc for SZ2gt03 This amount had bccn raised at bencfrt night at tho Barric Arena in midJanuary Mrs John Dobson was clcctcd president of thc Barric ommunity onccrt Associzr tion Shc succeeded Dr Ernest Bilkcy Ihc appointments wcrc madc at the annual mccting in thc Community House After 26 years as relief officer at Tossorontio Mrs Gcorgc Peacock rctircd owing to ill health and her placc was taken by Mrs Gcorgc Graham To mark thcir appreciation of Mrs Ieacocks services the members of the council and of ficials prcscntcd her with stop tablcandlamp Major Truman Williams retired as secretary of the Bar ric branch of thc Logion Ilc was president in 1932 and one of the early members of the branch According to the annual report of Police Chief Ed Tschirhart thcrc were 427 ac cidents recorded in 1958 breakdown showcd there were 681 passenger vehicles involv ed 122 commercial trucks buses taxis motorcycle and canadas story Confederation Was Proposed Years Before It Happened Confederation could have taken place years before 1867 It would have been easier to arrange and New foundland mlgh One of the earliest pro have been Included nents for the confederation of the British North Ame can colonies was Chief Justice Smith who made the pro an in letter to Lord Dorcbester dated February to plan the Canada Act which created Upper and Lower Canada effective rt of Edward Duke of Kent and Halifax number of years Queen Victoria was his augh time was helpl the provinces 1791 Smith also at the sup who comman ed the Que 1790 Smith at that arrIcons for ter However nothing was done despite Prlnece Edwards Bu rt Room was another opportunity in 1839 when Lord Durham published his famous re rt that unitedUpper and Lower Canada under one le Durham was rims concerned with Upper and Lower Canada be met the Although slsture litical leaders of the Maritime colonies and Newfoun and and got their points of view He foresaw Confederation eventually but restricted his recommendations to the uniting of Lower and Upper Canada responsible some other matters overnment for the colonies and though that Frenchspeaking Canadians would be assimialiated by Englishspeaking Canadians when Lower and Upper Canada were united OTHER EVENTS ON FEB 5th 1083 Canada was shaken by severe es of iron ore began at Three INT uake vera 12 Cana ans and Indians massacred York Maine 1159 Prime Minister Pitt placed Wolfe In command of force to capture Quebec 1776 Montreal merchants petitioned Americans to re open trade lmMontreal carpenters agreed to work 10 hour days 151 British House of Commons pointed committee to lavas to Hudsons Bay ego of Windsor In 12 In any Ni destroyed by lugsConservative government led by John Dieter baker was de sated in House of Commons bicycles The total amount of property damage as result of these accidents was $94019 Indications were that cars jockeying for parking place or coming out of parking placcs along thc curb figured in many of thc accidcnts Four social workcrs were ad dcd to thcstaff of tthhildrcns Aid Society of Simcoc Tounty to bring its stuff up to thc rcquircd strength If proposals madc at special meeting of Barric District Col lcgiatc Board wcrc accepted additions would be made to both collcgiatcs Ilicsc were in tended to covcr fiveyear period although the possibility of an cntircly ncw building to mcct thc growing needs of the city was also mentioned The major addition was to bc to North Collegiate whcrc it was proposed to add two shops home economics room com mcrcial room two science labroatorics and nine classrooms Total space 0c cupicd by the addition would be 13470 square fcct Lcc Gordon former resi dcnt of Stroud and onetime stu dent of Barrio Central col legiate was loading can didatc for the title of local girl makes good Not content to rest on her laurels gathered through the past years as film editor and script supervisor Miss Gordon invaded the unbroken male ranks of movie making She was the film producer of the feature motion picture The Lost Missile which was to be presented at local theatre in Barric In sports Owen Sound Raiders camc to town and wallopcd Barrics entry in the GrcySimcoc Basketball League 8371 at Central Col lcgiatc The loss left the locals 12 points down in the twogame total point series to determine which club would represent the league in the Ontario Basket ball Association Intermediate playdown Harold Baldy Cotton chief scout of Boston Bruins of the National Hockey League warn ed Barrie Rotary Club that the people of Barrie should not be too surprised if they were to wake up one day to read in the newspaper that the Flyers had left the city He was speaking with regard to the decrease in attendance at Barrie Flycrs hockey games USESMAIJ BRAIDS NEW YORK CP Micth of thc salon Pierre Micth sug gests small braids over the en tire head to keep the hair pretty during winter sports The easiest way of doing the braids he says is on wot hair which can be dried under the drier Later when you 08 the braids you get utiful undulations he says PTL CLUBTALK AND result and oral supplements needed BRIDGE bit But an hour of rocking wont shed many calories For severely crippled arthritics it is sometimes one of the few exercises available It can be good warm up activity to be followed by bit of walking about It docsallow use of the knees and ankles Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Importance of Vulnerable Both Dealer West West North East South Pass Pass P853 Pass Pass Pass Opening lead 0Q Oswald How about some articles on the acronym ARCH Alan Lets remind our readers is Analyze the lead is Review the bid ding is Count your winners and losers is How can make or defeat the contract depending on which side you are Oswald South reviews the bidding and notes that the odds are greatly in favor of West holding the king of diamonds and he can only afford to lose one diamond contract dain crossword ACROSS 51 Fasten wtth Answer to Prevrous Puzzle stitches Gender 52 NOVBIISI Billowy Ferber Expanse 54 Inner pref Dryas wine 55 Shakespearr 10 Meter ean poem school 56 British 12 Units nobleman 14 Tax agency 57 Poke around 15 tithbr gver poetic me olor 16 Farm agency 60 Automotive 50 arm Id crew ratva Our goo candmon DOWN 13 M93 cur auction 40 Genetic 20 Type style River tn 011 5U material 2311 Europe 21 impasse may we THE RCAE ASSOCIATION is happy to announce the longawaited return of ongs ress 26 EOmEdIan gran 23 paying no $30123 our Thursday Night Bingo at the Wing Quarters on Highway 90 In rtstran Be 30 Cogpass new We 44 Mogan 25 Kilometers West of the Continental Inn point Springs derstandlng 45 Grant Sum We Gaduae wds 46 Vaseyshaped on the North Side of the Highway opposite Cook Constructron 32 Indtgnauon Annapolis 25 Catches lug 33 Fixed abbr 27 Mona 48 34 City prosecu Mosqurto painting Slasebhalle tor abbr genus 28 Dry 39 le 36 gomedmn Pass through 29 Actor sparks 49 Greek porttco PoMa aesar steve 30 SWIII aircraft 50 Carry 37 Ordeal Clevelands abbr Overseas waterfront 35 Lover of iazzlnzlsrnem PM Wealthy Time zone Helorse 45 Gave up abbr 38 Bushy clump Michigan POM 47 Most tardy ll Fire resrdue Brit 53 BY birth MIND YOU ITBAKES THE DRUDGERY ARCH trick He decides to postpone diamond play as long as he can Alan He starts by draw ing trum with two leads then cas es the last high club and leads spade from dummy East rises with the ace Oswald At this point the robability that West will old the diamond king has risen from high probability to certainty So when East leads back diamond South goes right up with his ace and leads second spade West wins and continues spades South ruffs Alan Now South is home It doesnt matter how he plays the second diamond because after West takes his king he has to give South ruff and discard ASK III IXDCIEI 0m bury lino hum tu Any can our rue tooW snot Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquartersl We provide loanout service NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 Ilcohp cunts II earning avast ruwwfisgtefw 88 coming events 88 coming events You hold 268 I5 J10 II ll Tennessee reader wants to know what action we take as dealer Both sides are vulnerable We open four ades If partner has just ittle help we will make it If he has nothing we may get our BINGO IS BACK opponents into the wrong THERE WILL BE Regular Games Share the Wealth Games Special Jackpot Game ADMISSION CARD $100 Extra Cards and Suaclnl Games Cords will be available AMPlE PARKING REFRESHMEHIS AVAILABLE 00K FOR OUR BLUE SIGN °sefi98m 01

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