tho oxamlnor Monday Fob 1979 13 14min rant ANCHOR TENANTS mum MART 24spacetor rent FOR LEASE OR SALE industrialspace and warehouse Telephone 726 3400 Angeloft WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM etc we Victoria Street I590 square feet Gross lease everything included S475 mon thly Apply Stewart wholesale 725 305i PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE I000 l8000 so It fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks drive in doors l4 It Is it clear part of large ex pandingindustriaimali 7267I30 UP TO I200 SQUARE FEET available S2 50 so It includes utilities Telephone 737 4880 or 726 838i 02ears for sals iw intend TO accomc LNN927 Lic NO LCX981 778 WUGLAS LINCOLN MERCURY 01 ESSA RD 7205558 DOUGLAS E453 I970 MONTE CARLO DR NEED CAR snort or c451 If You Are l8yeors of age or over Haveo steady job Now in the area CALI HENRY DEJONGE Sdu Managar Dim Cradlt Lita 7205550 81 ESSA RD 7285550 DOUGLAS LINCOLN MERCURY 01 BS 32cars for sale AUTO INSURANCE and home in surance Competitive rates Call ohn telson Insurance 728 9S7l 9a rn I976 CAMARO power steering power arakes 350 V8 good condition Asking £42ooor bestotter Telephone 322 7749 I972 THUNDERBIRD fully loaded good ondition 65000 miles certified Asking 57000 Telephone Giltord 456 2788 1973 THUNDERBIRD good COTIOIIIOO snow tires air all power AMFM cruise control tilt wheel reclining seat Certified 52650 Telephone 726 2968 after6 I978 DATSUN Flo front wheel drive lowmileage maroon with black interior standard in excellent condition Telephone 737 0384 i976 MARK IV LINCOLN demqners edition all power options excellent con dition $6800 Telephone 726 387i I978 FORD GRANADA automatic Dower steering power brakes electric defrost AM radio two door metallic bronle excellent condition Certified Telephone 728 4478 I978 EL CAMINO low mileage Iilii new radio power steering power brakes tinted glass Best offer Telephone 424 0I49 after I974 PLYMOUTH SATELLITE SE BRING automatic power steering power brakes air conditioning radio bucket seats floor console certified $2000 or best offer Telephone 726 2463 I970 TBird power steering power brakes automatic bucket seats two tone blue vinyl roof low mileage com plete undercoating Phone after 726 I225 1978 HONDA CIVIC HATCHBACK automatic radio snow tires im maculate Less than l0000 kilometres Factory warranty Telephone 728 4477 after6pm WANTED Two fenders and trunk lid for I965 Valiant Signet 200 four door Tgieprione 725 8528 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS SUPREME 350 four barrel power steer lng power brakes no rust repainted excellent condition Craig AMFM cassette 48 watt power booster graphic equalizer digital clock Best offer 720 7333 Kevin li 7p I97I PLYMOUTH WAGON 3l8 motor Dower steering power brakes automatic with many new parts cer tlfiad $750 or best offer Telephone 420 5504 after 7p rn I972 VOLVO 1475 AI shape 54000 miles Certified Telephone 726 am I975 CHRYSLER NEWPORT Custom power staering power brakes air conditioning In excellent condition MIX mites Will certify 02300 Telephone 73774203 1972 PONTIAC PARISIENNE As is ssso Telephone 456 3744 ORILLIA sacrum CENTRE OPENING SPRING I979 36000 sq ft SHOPPERS DRUG MART 5500 sq ft Danton location intersection of Colihvatsr Road and Front Strut Parking for 360 cars Fast food restauranttavern °Variety Store Hairdresser OHordware Clothing shoe store etc etc CONTACT CURRIE 1132 WESTON RD TORONTO 14167631131 I977 PONTIAC GRAN LEMANS DR V8 auto PS PB vi covors rear window defroster Lic No NSL634 1977 BIRD DR V8 auto PS PB vin rear window defroster Lic LPU562 1977 CHEVROLET IMPALA DR V8 out stereo vinyl roof wwalls wcov I977 PLYMOUTH VOLARE DOOR cyl Wwalls Wcovers electric rear dafroster Lic No LPG297 1977 LINCOLN MARK V8 auto PS PB PW Psaots air cond tric defroster tilt wheel speed control AMFM stereo Iondo 1970 FORD F100 PICKUP cyl V8 auto P5 PB defroster Wwolls Wcovors Lic No LIZ804 I974 MALIBU CLASSIC DR V8 auto Wwolls Wcovers Lic No HFO753 I976 MERCURY MBCAT cyl standard trans Wwalls Wcovers Lic No KUP327 1970 LINCOLN DR SEDAN V8 auto P5 P8 PW Psoats air con tilt wheel speed control power door Wwalls Wcovors Lic No MNDB46 1977 LTD ll SOUIRE WAGON V8 auto PS P8 P7 radio electric defroster Wwolls Wcovers Lic No KZS968 I975 METEOR MONICALM STATION WAGON V8 auto PS defroster Wwalls Wcovers Lic No JKJ33I Turnod down elsewhere How you get here is your business how ANIIJNJW NTODNII SVIOIIOO 0955 24spacs for rant MWFF26 NOTICE Deadline for classiï¬ed word ads pm day previous noon Saturday 32sarsforsals I978 PUNIIAL ALAulAN automatic live door II000 miles Immaculate iebarted Scotch guarded and glazed ex tremely economical Less than one year old Radio Telephone 726 7928 ooum LINCOLN MERCURY st ESSA no 7235550 noucus uncour MERCURY THE ONLY DEALS MISS ARE THE ONES WE DONT KNOW ABOT rdtif always over 200 rats 11 trucks in stark for immediate delivery I976 MERCURY MARQUIS BROUGNAM DR HT V8 auto PS PB PW air cond gloss tilt wheel speed control radio Wwalls Wcovers DOUGLAS nyl roof radio wwolls yl roof radio wwcills wcovers PS PB air cond gloss ers electric rear defroster Lic No auto PS PB AM radio vinyl roof PB radio vinyl roof defogger rodio electric defroster ocks bumper guards light group 07 motorcycles I977 EVEREST 340 like new Still under warranty H450 firm I975 TNT 340 Ex 37motorcycles 40articlss sals COMIRCIAI cellent condition Stored inside low mileage $1050 firm Telephone 436 I403 evenings 10 ton 3phasa watar coolad SNOWMOBILES I974 SKI ooo TNT JOOISM uni hours WM duoicomprnwr 31500 reliable and economica exce en con mom dition Askings750 Telephone 728 6309 7072402 ï¬lo Anna IARRII POLARIS cum II No BARRIE Tslsaddi 7261059 F15 40articlss for sala 1973 KAWASAKI 500 Rebuill motor New drop bars chambers and hail tair ing Phone 726 2740after Jon BARRIE MOTO CROSS CENTRE LTD 389 Bayfield St of Cundles Rd CAN AM CZ HODAKA HUSQVARNA sales and service Always some ex cellent buys in used machines 726 Al I2 I97l MONTESSA STRE and dirt bike Good condition 5350 Telephone IO in to pm 726 8720 after pm 728 9446 itssnowmobiles I974 JOHN DEER snowmobile JDXB new motor and track Telephone 458 4569 76MERC TWISTER 410 liquid cooled good condition Hasn been proicsswnaliy raced SII00 Telephone 728 06I7 $29900 reuphoisters Chesterfield and chair Labour and Fabric included up to Is yards yr guarantee on workmanship For free inhome estimates call 7255721 7tolOdhvsarvica STONES UPHOLSTERY miiiincoianiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiimiiumiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiimnimuiwIimiuriud MWFTF CROSS COUNTRY SKIS Mens and womens Complete sets brand new Telephone 424 9786 ourunusual iinamuunrmuuwmmwomm CONTENTS OF HOUSE furniture runs drapes etc Everything in excellent LOTIGIIIOO Telephone 9114 THOMAS PUMP Organ with bench EACCESSORIES mahogany beautiful antLque piece of furniture ornamented wit mirror in sou excellentcondition Telephone 726 5786 SPORTHAVEN MARINE COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD FUR Whyd an TV NISHINGS Must sell Telephone 728 7293 anytime or 728 4477 after 7261001 M18 COMPONENT PACKAGE For lust S399 you can own this now IVC starao componant systam This packoga Includos IVC racalvar JVC tumtcblo and pair of AS spookrs or pay lust S375 waakly on our ranttoawn plan Phona tonight dalivary tonight KRAlY KELLYS BARRIE PLAIA 7071102 While they 466 Pay just S4woek No payments till April 79 Phone tonight for delivery tonight KRAZY KEllYS BARRIE SHOPPING PLAIA 32cars for sala 000 rr STEREO Tictinics itiOdiI SL 1500 With Is typi FIFIFIUQI AKAI AMI 2600 iiiplitiei AR speakers 750 records lirll mint SiII together or separately rl HHM filly Rlll AND MATTRESS good Ltllllli011 Telephone 737 0080 DONT DELAY BUY TODAY Caltampomy styling with ravarslbla soot cushions Fsoturas Simmon Slumbar King Martian looaa pillow back $67995 528 Sit Ill lltf uiilit lNlItI Ils it lnil $4188 Barrie Hemline ID ass oc vinyl roof nstAflsisj hka 72°05 SIMMONS Per LIC No ivlIii it if tti lllif Nifll mu It limo ii it ti Jlt lhtyfllilft Hfllil rwi iiiiNiiui litiil iiiiiiii Gm 99 pm ic No LEC um Hr telewslon in your home in III ntulhuatSHntiiiriilimri lrltplttfllt dodgy9 pans and labor for din 736 NM iii iv my mt sii llill in only Wm wiiii 25 so radio vinyl roof electric LVN EEflyllm Hmwrmw bl$ 7i tux or no igotion We serVice ill iilw Hu¢ iIJ Itiil iv oll makes Offer gripd till Jan Call for your op llili 17 ii Iifii In ll iiiiiviit llllritflIi1 III 779 pointment BARRIE TV APPLIANCES 00 DUNLOP ST BARRIE 7204297 MWFF5 in V7i1 leii rlltAV iimii gloss $13288 INCREDIBLE For only So 50 wank you can buy this 26 RCA Xllm Spanish onsol colour 00 VSS 10 AIIDIIW NIOJNIT SYTOIIOO SSSSSH 00 V55 10 wind air ond ygloss hiovision Put no monay down and start pny7rpi70 Phorinlonightund ii hi mint il1Il Wiry ii nhrdlwmyomqh illill but lthlIlI III ch yiiit jil PB radio elecric sl rir liniii lii IIIWiI 70 30 live NMIY luv umrtinii tftltttw vnsis S4 9S V5 Al pul1312 latiii lamps triiiii U495 tfdsSOINu VlrlllIl Ill iilllflt tram $I4 96 hipped I2 mom OR 12000 MILE WARRANTY AVAILABLE on novr USED CARS TF tiiii St stunt umpis all 15 in pan ll wtil lldlllltltflt WC ti l4 all WANT fIJlll HI in in KTllllil llitlllllllYll SI IIilli tiiirir iti Mil iliiru iiiiiiiiiitlt largi slltl0l ni ligt Int Ii izit illl iiiii IllllfxdllilSlIl lIIW low prima ttinvy 1104i iliity virin trutk seal oviis S2 fur vim iii11W rm ldllt iir sinit nnil tiirk riiviir llUl Hum Im mail or hmk 75c t1li UflUlllt sent or of liillk SI ï¬ll each Downtown Disriiunl PR ihiii trllliiytiililstriit Hi llNl liiii llll Minimum mg day you buy your No vi lamp in up whom nix usod car and in vrll glva PAYMENTS iJIlf iii WI IllUllf ill mnh of UNTIL ii lillllilw hi 31 mi lill FREE APRIL SEASONED 79 HARDWOOD LAKESIDE new ANO usro murmurs 0500 Electric stoves from $2999 refrigerators from $3999 recliner $7999 pc living TREE EXPERTS 7283465 or 7260015 Pickup or Dsllvsry F13 1100 05551 VSS AIIIIDIIW NIODNII 57191100 0955 room suitaS99 ncon emu sates Iiiilnl Hth iiiilriiiini wile Ltd IIW AND USED FURNITURE AND ii uni ttTlIlllilill uiiii Millii 81 Essa Rd Baye may on awniiiiï¬miiii Lsis lritvll tlltittil is iiii vniuiiiii minil BE iiii iiii tittttlliltll iiiii llift lti11f 0U eove lS OUIS F5 7374714 in mi flri lIIII INVIANT Movn System iii iv Ttuiw it only III littliliu iiii piniii lWlliIllIillIlilsl IWfI F8 flll ili iolnriiiil suuuintif lt SIIIIIHII iiili priti Sidivi nah Ni 3mck and gran Inrilu iii hiiiiii Patton lhiirrniii 33cars wantedto buy URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS I76 BRADFORD St 7284272 MWFTF WANTED Clean used cars BarrirHrm da Auto Sales I7Gowan St 726 6488 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top prices paid FYITimedIflYLDHl upnny time 436 2900 COLE BROS Cars and trucks WANTED for wrecking Fast pickup Phoni 415 6322 days 424 S949 evenings JUNK CARS WANTLD Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 726 87II TRACY WANTS cars and trurlis for wrecking and parts top prices poirt Free pickup Telephone726l1487 TOP PRICE for top rars Toki Motors Limited II Bradford Stririt Barrii 728 Bill 34trucks and trailers I976 FORD 350 V8 four speed stan dard power steering power brakes heavy duty suspension dual wheels it platform with racks Very clean Telephone 726 9998 I976 FORD I50 RANGER Super Cab 58000miles 390 motor twotanks heavy duty step bumper Radial tirer plus radial snows deluxe paint ratio automatic power steering and brakes plus Ford cap new brakes December I978 Originally Alberta vehicle Asking $5500 with safety Phone evenings 728 2585 I977 JEEP CHEROKEE includes winch 40000 DIES $7500 Call 776 8230 I973 GMC Crew cab liton power steering power brakes air conditioning 350 Excellent condition Certified Telephone 737 079i 1975 DODGE POWER WAGON with Myers plow Best offer TLIIDIIOTIT 726 5333 I976 FORD pickup Contact Bank of Nova Scotia Bradford AM 775 53 I974 CHEV TON for sale cylinder standard 50000 miles company truck Good condition Teiephone436 245i I976 GMC Vi ton 30000 miles custom fibreglass cap rally wheels snow tire mounted Excellent condition Call after SJOpm 726 4563 I977 DODGE l50ClubCab pick up 13000 miles all power $5200 or best offer Telephone 436 2079 VIIIIIVIr171 Allistan 41 4516 MOVINIi iAll Van lill With sint tiiIt 350 old trunk SIS oak library labii ilrllllt tittiii rnitiu ntiinit fofl 1iIllt HANS paintings printa sinliri llllli ilitittuis rugs bunks viii7 iIlilliiiu I4 uniIIis Rit fttftlplflltfll sltfll QIIJIIIII and AM ilITIU tuner nutri turil Iitgtti lhrni ITltTlllt old fnur spiakiri 312 for more information all 718 638 09 30 on CW HAN AM °°° lust $59995 or pay $6 waakly on our supar rantto own plan No monay down no paymantl fII April 79 Rhona tonight dalivary tonight RRAIY KELLYS I65 WELLINGTON ST BARRIE PLAlA 7371102 RIO DE JANEIRO HOLIDAY TOR IWO fR II DAYS 1977 FORD F250 RANGER XLT V8 sp3 P5 P8 radio stop bumper Lic E46 40 Only 9000milas $639500 1977 DODGE D100 12 TON PICKUP V8 auto PS PB radio stop bumper Lic cab876 $599500 1976 INC SCOUT II TT V8 auto PS PB radio roof rack step bumper radial tires on Io lowwithli hts pm $699500 Lic KSYIOI 1973 SCOUT114 11 V8 spd PB radio step bumper bucket seats power angle plow with lights Llc BOW828 1975 CHEV V2 TON PICKUP 6cy automatic radio Llc E46844 1977 HONDA CIVIC speed radio rear defrost front wheel drive terrific in snow TF ANY MICROWAVE oven 600 watts tilw last summer Iarqi capacity Ask 103295 Telephont 718 may SWIMMING POOL MANUI ACTURI hm niw I978 Aluminum Pools Itqllld INIH S2l90 00 now at our off season sntffill of $1355 00 Pools comi With walk around deck patio fencing pump motor and filter delivery arranged to Your onveniim For lllSl selection and Information call toll free 800 268 5970 SWIMMING POOLS TO RENT Will llflSt and install for homeowners family size aluminum SWImming pools With patio Chime of styles meeting all fem Il1 regulations on one two or three year rrntnl tmsns with option to own ry before you buy all toll free 800 26H $970 DOWNHILL SKIS boots and poles used once childrens size Skates size ex rellent condition Telephone 737 2247 BUNK BED and two singles including iiinttressns 26 If NITH colour Insolr $299500 LicKYZ695 9219500 llrlycytisoTtrltSllulftngï¬llJIgags 311 All 7615 GARAGE SALF Sunday February 4cyoutorodio llllt iii North SIIOIt nim Giltorcf itnw rilrigorntor washer and dryer other household furniture Diidgu Vitn Yiimahii SlIOWITILIllilt tools many TTIUtt iirlii ltS Tullphone 456 $600 divboats and motors Lic ouu334 $59500 ALL VEHICLES CERTIFIED FBH WJIARTMONRS LTD IL 15 Hlllflll condition Used four RE DIEVD kilnOnt Irlinlirs Raci and crunse CQUIDDId Many ixtriis iour sails iniluding spin Parts7260011 SisslSuvlss 7200026 Mm 75 Asking $16200 Call 727 2777 days 737 2349 evenings IWS TANIFR sailboat fully qUtD piit mainsnil IIIIS cradle and nlrllY ixlriv Sit Slit For more lflilll all 126 IHI or 726 I603 Am ITIINAYDflL ram scorn HAL ans strum PM 00 YIARS ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorised Salas and Sarvlca Frau Homo Demonstra tIona IlAllianca Blvd Unit I9 7206392 DRIVEWAYS PATIOS SIDEWALKS ETC ALSO ALL HANDYMAN AND REPAIR WORK CALL PODEWIIS 7269559 S11 DRESSES FIT If mod by JOSIE AQUINO Spaciollxing In puntsuits gowns and oltara tiona 42 Eugania St Phona 726m LORNES DUPLICATING Oftsat shortrun copyprinting Naws lattars bullatlnl W°l9mtlt7°°5 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING SPECIALISTS roofing and roofing rapcirs Shoat matal work Martin Varstrutan New Lowall 4241956 Stuart Elsctronlcs Repairs to TELEVISION STEREO RADIO Other Electronic Equipment 74 PEEL ST 7209457 TF FIBREGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS boats snowmobllas mything fiberglass Frau astimalaa Low wintar rotal Workmonshlp gunrontaad 426m FIREWDOD I6 MIXED SEASONED HARDWOOD 830 par Ioca cord dal Plaasa call 72475724 FIREVVOOD saosonad mopla and ash Dalivprud Frank HirschfaldTZB9357 100 DRY MAPLE SEASONED YEARS PRICE 16 FACE CORD $35 BUSH CORD $90 FREE DELIVERY 4872113 42 articles wanted all Hm lll turnturi hooks liahis ml pitiiriu lot ks odds and ttltl Pri 1950 illnl 77ft RIM TRIDiii Ititltl air conditioners iIi wnntiil We pnytup tttillar New and Used Furniture ind ADDIIOIIIJS 7I7 474 ANADIAN SILVI OtNs before 1967 Amirir an IllfUTt I964 No rillrrtirin too large or small JlldllidlI stamps old erlillt pnsltnrils iiwrlliry I26 166 IVIVTITIUS 716 llo COMIC AND MAfiAIi Nf in Good on ditiiin Lnrw or Small Ollt1i0ll$ Itllphone 776 1537 wANILD IO BUY I800 to 2600 watts after III ni WiiNTE It TIUY small used Airstream Ollit trailer in good condi tiuii lll 737 J2l6nflir 6pm lurtahii uiniratul Telephone 424 ii 78 damdogs and pets MAY FOODII PATll OR slUlIiTl lippilin md urixiirlinq Olldllll rntw ihum 776 006 iliiRle lOOlIl nan lleiltq it all Striitf iist 7264l41 POODI IR lMMthi professional qrniimiiiu all breeds pick up and di lthT17OHTVH filSluitiO IROIH AL ISIt Urflt selection in town Aquariums all sin at unbeatable FITIS yummy and weekends Edge tiili Aquiiria I43 Ardnuh Road 726 0094 CHIHUAHUA two female pups eight Wttki old no papers $50 each Telephone 726 42in inylimv TNGI ltI shinpilot puppies III weeks old Slsn to $200 All shots worm igil KC registered iinailinn champion leykils Midnight Express at stud iruytuit kinnvls RtUISITIll SI III 341 WANTf mini homi for tiiur month old part poodle and IPFFIII nlali puppy IIIIDIIOIII474 iiii Irnlis Rini Salon ihnnlpomnu ltltlIl Sophia 54 service and repair TELFVISION RT PAIRS nistirepairs to stereos Il QUick effic IITII guaranteed StTVKf Within 30 mili radius of Barrie all SiIfWART ITCTRONICS 778 9457 57livestock for sale 0X SIAI LS Avnilnhle private stable Indivulual fItdlnq program daily turn out Livmg accommodations for con uiniaipirson 407 3375 WANTED DEAD or crippled animals for fFtt removal Cali dFTYIIFTH 0lll 706i 326 92413imroe RLCVLlInQ 59pouitrychicks DFKALB RLADY to lay pullits avail able Also farm fresh eggs Laying cages for sale Craig Huntir Poultry Farms Slroud 436 till 67fruitsvegetables APPLES Apply Knoie and Son Con cession Oru 72B 8489 or 7261907 No Sunday soles POTATOES FOR SALE Sabego 75 lb bags Will diIivcr Charles Fllsmire Telephone 728 4956 APPLES bushels Georgian Bay Mars Coo grade $4 99 extra fancy $6 99 Cortlands $599 Northern Spy $7 99 Your containers CANCILLA FRUIT MARKET i7CappertonSt Barrie 68personals DRINKING WATER PROBLEMS Guaranteed cures Free water tests Purewater of Canada 737 I200 RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie five minutes Windy Hnugh Farm 726 0192 BETTY Card reading and psychic counselling etc Phone 737 3074 for an pointment TE LFCARE Why fight your problem alone Let friend help Call Telecnre 726 7922 ï¬anllTlI FACIAL AND BODY hair problem Removed permanently Malefemale clientele Freeconsulfatiun Lydia Hren rhuk Electrologist 737 267i IIIRTH CONTROI lNFORMAIlON 56 Mary Street Open Monday and Iuesday 00 mo in and Thursday 30 30 737 4222 726 9100 xt 216 BOWLERS WANIL Finish the bowl ing season with us Join league at Kempvicw Bowl Openings still available men women couples Aftir noonsor evenings 728 976I ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 778 65HI if you drink thats your business if you want to quit thats ours Call any timi HORSE DRAWN SLEIth RIDES Slroud area Telephone 436 3776 farm MONECA MgtNeed help Just look over the ads below The ad vertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of thefinest iob possible 72824 VIC WATSON Flraplacas and masonry For fro astlmatas hona 7281599 CUSTOM BUILT and dull nod Spoclollzing In natural stana anthua brick mgrlamp pucrantaad Patar tfanstra RIG AND STONE Flraploca Spaciollsts wtntar prlcal 25 yuan axparlanca Ta na 72BBOIO or 7203320 GEKRAL REPAIRS ranovatlons rubbish usod furniture and appliances ramovad Serving Barrio Inniafil Call Gard HOME lMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION Housa raisin foun dotionl ranovatlonl additions Phona 43629550ftar6 WHENN CARPENTRY Spoclallllrig In In tarlor work Rac rooms kitchans bath roorm Enalflng finish work 7269M CARPENTER FULLY EXPERIENCED with renovations cadar docks bathroom tiling racrooms atc Tala na726127I HOME MAINTENANCE spaciallsts In chlnmay claonln snow ramoval from rods4240344 53nftar6 ACTON BOOKKEEPING TAX Pananal and businau ratums arn to pm 72652IB INCOME TAX RETURNS from your home personal small blisiness pickup Et prompt return govt forms El rebates reasonaibe rates SMITH 4364020 sxcspt 1100 mo MWFF9 OFFKE or HOME CLEANING on rogular basis For mora information lacs ll 7261514 STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and Itona work chlmnay olr Flroplocas Etch Fraa astimata 705 4245l50 GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Matalfoglngultor Studio 1261 489 ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin nar and advancad Two months trial Instru mant loaned for home practica Canadian Academy of Music I2leiaH 72BI799 GUITAR LESSONS Classical popular and rock For furthar lnfonnotlon call Gary 7269098 PIANO LESSONS All typos of musk for all For furthar Information call 737I 468 PICTURE FRAMING OATES 02 Dunlop St East Custom framing of all typaa Wa stock many slus Phona72BIIWO 60pars0tlals ICE WHOLESALE THE BARRIE JAYCEES NEED YOUI if you are between the ages of 18 40 and are interested in individual development andor community involvement combined with fun and fellowship JOIN THE BARBIE JAYCEES Call Paul Winger 7289309 or write Barrie Jayceos Box 105 Barrie Ont MF26 CONCERNED ABOUT ABORTION There are alternatives Call 726 8955 or 737 3040 AUTOS TO BE DRIVEN to Florida gas allowance also cars to Western Canada and sometimes East Toronto Drive Away Scrwce 5385 Yonge St Wit Iowdalr Ont 416 226 46l6 AUTHORIIED SALES 0i SERVICE ELECT ROLUX 7203392 ASK FOR FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION TODAY MTF psychic and card reading counselling Days and evenings Monday through riday Phone 728 8868 LE US SAVE you money whether buy ing or selling home Call Leon Garrick Ltd at 726 3827 for full particulars SLEIGH RIDES Innings 0r Wuksnds susu runs 820 pa Imr tumour nsu F5 TEACHER NEEDS daily ride to Toronto and return Leaving Barrie around 00 returning around 400 pm Phone 737 0668 after 5p LONELY WIDOW would like to meet middle age male companion Must be neat in appearance Apply to Box ZSI The Examiner Barrie hsb Intact SILK SCREEN PRINTER For local company Must hava axparianca with satup and operation of automatic presses Talaphona 7269242 PO TEACHERS Businass or morkating background PARTTIME PHONE 69574 M0 FISHING HUNTING LICENCES CANOE BOAT SALES Rooms by Day Wégk TV BAIT FISHING TACKLE MINNOWS 7289550 6°33 VEILNOA rimmo and Miami In tarior axtorlor Work aranta Es taHlahOdOOyaors no 209000 PAULS PAINTING Papar hanging Murals lntarlor and uxtarior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guarantaad 7371295 TF DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING Interior axtartor papar hongln custom work Satisfaction guarantaad PLASTER REPAIR fancy moulds artistic call ings dacoratlva walla apply on plastar or aywoll KOBRA Fraa astlmutas 7264612 RUBBER STAMPS RUBBER STAMPS Mala Ts Ordsr FAST SERVICE BNLS RUBBER STAMP SERVICE RR Na SHANTY BAY ONT LOL 2L0 PHONE4073005 ANNlSWAY SIGNS Shea I940 Dasignars 0i Manataetarsrs at Noon Phstlc SALES RENTAL SERVICE MABITENANCE Outdoor Advortlshg N0 chug fra phonas In Barrls Ask operator for ZENITH25240 595 Walt StS0ra 0252277 F21 suow REMOVAL GENERAL HANDYMAN roof cleared of ica snow chimneys aoves claanad small moving iobs rubbish handyman rapair work 7265370 Or 4073141 YOLNG MAN will ramova snow froth roofs Prompt sarvlca Raasonabla rot Cali 7257550 SNGN REMOVAL from root tops Frau astlmatas roasonabla ratas Talophona 7373694 SNCMflCE ramovol from roofs drivaways Expriancad roofars Raosonabla pricos 728495l char Rob or Frank ROG tor snow REMOVAL prompt and upwinncad Raosonabla ratas Coll 7391498anytlma 60 parsonals ISHING RETAIL 71hob vrantsd branch Frlngo benefit program pliancas and cookwora supervisory roll Clothing stora Exparlanca an assat conodion bearings INSIDE SALES We have an interesting opportunity for on inside sales parson at our Barrio branch Some salas axparianca Industrial or automotive would be dafinita advantage CLERK This is an opportunity for somaona with 80 wpm accurata typing who Is good with figuras Is willing to do some data processing has pleasant talaphona mannar and daslra to learn how to operate data display tarmlnal at our Barrio Solory with incantivs bonus Excollont opportunity for advancamant Apply in writing only plaasa 160 JOHN STREET BARRIE L4M 2G1 cusomrn ADMINISTRATION SUPERVISOR required by loading Canadian manufacturer of small ap Tha succassful candidata will ba rasponslbla for tho suparvlslon of all customar administration functions Including ordar procasslng customer raturns warranty claims consumar complaints and sarvlca dapot communications This position will be of lntarast to thosa who hava customar sarvlca background In consumar anvlronmant prafarably In Wa offar conganlal working atmosphara gonarous banafIts package and salary commansurata with axparianca Plaaso raply In confidanca to Puss01 Mqsr WEST BEND OF CANADA PO Box 6000 Iuris L4M 4V3 SALES HELP cataring to young mans and womans fashions raquiras fulltima salas halp SNOW BLOWING KARL FORSTI SNOWBLOWING oiivow parkln lots sidewalks at song ratasPhona 72057910mrla JIMS SNOWBLOWING Drlvawa sidewalks small parking lots Talaphonya batwaan 910 arn 7269059 7371631 72690597260566 STRQJD AREA waokl Rauonablo ratas Rasidaritigfycommarclayl prlvuta lanes HORNES SNOWILOWING minis PAIAS SNOWPLOWING Throa trucks for prompt dopandabla sarvica at compatltiva rotas Calf P00170740 MBH SNOWPLOWING Rosldontlal and undl commlal Raasonabla rat Fast bio sorvlca Call La 7264599 ILL ALLAN SNOWPLOWING Raasonobla rates Radio dispatchod 24 hour urvlca Talaphona 7372092 SNOWPLOWING Commercial Residential Snowplowing 24 Hour Service Talsphona 7203603 oouos SNOWPLOWING Small cornmar clal and ruidaritiol Raosonablo rat 7238460 TONYS SNOWPLOWING Raasonabla rut 24 hour sarvica Radio dispotchad Residen tial and commercial Call 7265217 REIOIEN SNOW PLOWING and Snowblow in Raasonabla rutas Contracts msonol or claanue Call 7265666 SNGN REMOVAL FROM ROOF TOPS only Plaosa call ban or Dava Howard 7372008 COMMERCIAL and RESIDENTAL snow plow ing Drivaways wldanad Pllas blown or haulad ow Call Whiskars 7269512 NAPDAS SNOWPLOWNG 152 Cundlas Rosidantlal RoosonobIa rates Talophona mlm SNOWPLOWING 24 hours daily Raoonoblc ruta No iob too small Call 7260997 mm TOWING FAST DEPENDABLE radioequipped service vehicles Reasonable Rates 31 yours in tho business 7260265 m5 TV SERVKE Rapalrs color black and whlta TV staroos etc All makos asdmodals4246101 CUSTOM UPNOLSTERY Raclonobio rat Workmanshlp guaranteed Fraa astimatas Gal LORNE 7285435 AVON SELLING CAN PUT SUNSHINE IN YOUR LIFE Bored by one gray day after the next Davalop sunny new aspect of yourself as an AVON Representative Sail quality products aarn good monoy and have flaxibla hours too For details call 7289652 or write PO Box 485 BARRIE Ont L4M 4T7 OPEN TERRITORIES NOW AVAILABLE IN BARRIE and surrounding townships MTTF TYPIST ONTARIO Ontario Monogarlal position availabla APPLY TO BOX 149 THE EXAMINER BARRIE