Smiling skater Janet Morrissey shows her delight at being greeted by fans at Ottawa airport early Monday morning as she won the womens figure skatipg championships at Thunder Bay Ont Saturday She was also greeted by the mayor of Nepean Gm her hometown CP Photo monday is for SPORTS Greschner chosen NEW YORK AP Defenceman Ron Greschner of New York Rangers was nam ed to the National Hockey Leagues allstar team Sunday night to replace Jim Schoenfcld of Buffalo Sabres AllStar general manager Bill Torrey of New York Islanders selected Greschner after Schoenfeld suffered knee injury Saturday night in 24 loss to Minnesota North Stars Lamplighters flicker Four times this season the lnnisfil ld Lamplighters hockey chib has battled its way to tournament final and four times it has finished runnerup This time it was at Sundays memec Oldtimers Tournament The lnnisfil squad entered shootout with Millbrook after 33 draw in regulation time in the champion ship game and Millbrook outscored them 10 in the threeman tiebreaker Scoring for lnnisfil in regulation time were Bob French with two and Ken Mac Donald Bob Fisher guarded the lamplighter net deadflne Gets law degree at 63 SPRINGFIELD Vt AP After 37 years Franklin Jones has left the hum of Springfield gear factory for the quiet of law library The move began as scheme to avoid retirement says the 63yearold Jones now practising with the Springfield law firm of Parker and Lamb Ltd after work ing most of his life for the Fellows Corp manufacturer of gearmaking machinery When his son Peter graduated from law school in 1970 Jones said he was facing the question of what to do with my life and if loomed large in my mind The interest and excitement Peter found in his career was contagious Jones says started looking into it and each day looked into it more seriously With his law degree from University of Vermont Law School lass of 1978 Jones says he sees his second career as chance to keep going when others slowdown Kennedy marries GLADWYNE Pa AP Joseph Ken nedy ll eldest son of the late US Senator Robert Kennedy and his wife Ethel mar ried Philadelphia debutante Saturday The groom is the eldest male among the Kennedy grandchildren The bride Sheila Brewster Rauch is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Stewart Rauch of nearby Villanova Rabies alert in Peel BRAMPTON nt tCPl Health of ficials are warning residents of Peel region to stay away from wild and stray animals that appear to be sick following an incident last week in which rabid wolf attacked dog and went after its owner The owner who lives in nearby Bramalea escaped unharmed because the wolf was partially paralysed Clifford Clark director of environmental health services at the Peel regional health unit said the wolf was cornered later and killed Clark said the problem of rabies has been more prominent than usual in the last month Eight persons including three children have been attacked or come in contact with rabid animals Rabies have been confirmed in cat fox raccoon and cow He suggested more wild animals might be moving into urban areas to escape heavy snow to the north Lottario winners TORONTO itPi The Six regular winn ing numbers in Saturdays Lottario draw were six 13 17 18 21 and 38 The bonus number was 13 There were no winners in the jackpot pool which reached 592221 20 This prize will be added to next weeks jackpot pool and will grow until someone wins it The secondprize pool worth $28948 to was won on ticket purchased in London Ont Those ticket holders who match five of the regular winning numbers in any order will receive $1997 Bit Those matching four numbers receive $42 60 In total there were 201132 inncrs in the draw Whiteouts in New York BUFFALO iAli High winds whipped snow into whiteouts across New York state and undid much of the progress made on power lines around Buffalo after last weeks ice storm The whiteouts sent cars crashing into one another as visibility plummeted rapid ly Two western New York mcn died in car accident in Pembroke The weather service at Albany also reported whiteouts in Albany Johnstowii Glens Falls and other points in Albany Saratoga Fulton and Warren counties As many as 5200 customers of two power companies went Without electricity as power poles and trees came crashing down Emergency service crews were back at work through the morning despite their backbreaking labors fixmg the damage from last weeks ice storms Travellers advisories were posted by the weather service for western New York the Finger Lakes central Southern Tier and points in the tee of Lake tintario Cougars roam BC city CASTLEGAR itlI Starving cougars roaming through this southeastern British Columbia city are devouring dogs cats and chickens and police fear child could be the next victim RCMP have warned residents of this city of 6000 to keep their children indoors after dark as cougars more than two metres long have been seen wandering through backyards in search of food Four have been shot in the area by police and conservation officers during the last two weeks one of them in basement second was spotted in front yard and chas ed by riflewielding officers past startled people standing in front of their homes The public doesnt realize how fierce these cats are said RtMP onstablc Norm Blaney who has tracked zoo of the animals during the years He said Sunday that relatively light snowfalls this winter have allowed deer to outrun the cougars on mountain slopes in the region and they have moved into the city area in search of food Eunuch convention Two sariclad eunuchs known in in tdia as hiiros or sexless ones walk to tentcovered meeting ground Saturday to attend three week convention of song dance and prayer in Panipat india The convention which begins Monday is expected to be attended by about 2000 eunuchs from all over lndia AP Photo Buddy Holly honored LEAR LAKE lowa tAfi They danc ed on tables at the Surf Ballroom Saturday night 17m fans from it states and anada who gathered at lear Lake to remember rock roll singer named Bud dy Holly The rockers and rollers ranged front an lghlytilftiifl girl to fans in their Sits and tilts Sonic wore disco dresses white pants and satin lthcrs faithful to the spirit to the 50s brought out their blue suede shoes black ttitctios with skinny bowties and their class rings But all had one thing in common love of the kind of music Holly and his rickets made popular The fans stomped and cheered and lanc ed to the music of the White Sidewalls Minncaimlis group that appeared in black tuxedos and Skinny bowties to perform among other things medley of Holly songs These rockers are not kids any more Not like that February night in 1939 when they waited in the cold jammed 1ioo strong into the Surf to hear Holly JP ilhc Big Bop pcr Richardson Ritciiic Valens and hon and the Bclnionts Friar in girls dorm LtitlitiNYlLLF iAli Rev Michael Judge says encounters with women in bathrobes and curlers dont fac him lheyrc regular sight for the 45year old Franciscan friar who is an assistant to the president at Siena college and lives in womens dorm at the small New York col lege in northern New York state The friar has converted the outer room of his dorm apartment into lounge for freshmen women The door is never closed and the lounge rarely empty My interest is people and you cant separate people from education and iod and life Father Michael said From talk ing and sharing with the students and wat ching them grow lm learning and growing and getting non degree education in life weather Snowsquall warnings are in effect for the Barrie area Windy and cold today with frequent flurries Winds northwest 35 to 55 kmh causing drifting and blowing snow Highs i0 to l3 Lows overnight around 20 except around 25 in the Muskoka area Tuesday mainly cloudy with little snow likely Highs i0 to i4 1151 your No 31 Monday February 1979 By STEPHEN NICHOLLS The Examiner More snow And transportation in Simcoe County once again grinds to halt The ministry of transportation and coni munications in Barrie reported today heavy snow squalls with drifting and winds up to 60 km ihr and about 30 cm of snow is expected in the next 24 hours PI said Highways ti it til 92 24 2t 69 and 27 were closed Sunday and several re mained closed at press time today Gray oach Lines Ltd said their buses were unable to get past lilmvalc en route to Owen Sound in ollingwoixf five busloads of skiers from the Toronto area stayed overnight in local public school when they could not leave Principal Earl lilroy said about 200 people were sleeping in the school gymnasium and in several classrooms Doughnuts hot chocolate and coffee were ordered onstablc Bob iallachcr of the oll ingwood police department said the local Royal anadian Legion hall was opened to accommixlate the players from Midland and Penctanguishenc hockey teams Midland ivic cntrc was used as an emergency shelter Motels and hotels were booked to ca acity and some persons in the ollingwotxf area slept in motel lobbies Almost all school bus routes in Sinicoc tounty were cancelled today said lorden Mylcclirccst transpirtation co ordinator School buses ran in Midland and irillia and in the BradfordAlliston area he said Barrie city transit busts also reported to their routes this morning Aitil police departments reported several accidents on Sunday At least two persons were seriously lttjtttttl in multicar accident on Highway 27 about it top in Sunday Bradford till said total of 12 cars on involved in the accident about three miles south of Bradford layiii Mn is oi Ncwintirkct is listed in fair condition in Toronto General Hospital Her husband John is in satisfactory condition at York tcntral Hospital Richmond Hill bulletin former Midland justice of the peace hzirIis Bciiian tilt as fined 5300 today in oiinty oiirt Bciiian was coinictcd of two charges of common assault on Jan 17 after foiir women testified he had fondled their breasts British PM intervenes in strike LtiNlmN itli Prime Minister lanies allaghan has called metting of govern nient and tradc union leaders winch he hopes ill help end Britains strike crisis Public service workers including garbage collectors gravc diggers caretakers and hospital orderlics are staging slowdowns or are on striki for more pay Half thi country 2too state hospitals are only admitting cmcrgcncy cases and bodies awaiting burial are being placed in cold storage Senior ministers hope weekend spotch by allaghzin in which he hinted that an autlioratitive board may be set up to consider pay differentials and give rulings on wage in creases may speed agreement between the government and unions The prime minister will preside over meeting at in Downing Strch today between economic ministers and leaders of the union umbrella orgiiiiiation thc Trades lnion ongrcss iTltI in an attempt to mow toward new social contract between lht governing Labor party and the unions its tradit tonal allies The government has taken tough lint against the tactics of union extremists The Chinese have ust aced an order for wojmilllziln passion buffs insud today lflutyto mmlnment sports canlcstv guide classified 31 Sears 40 Rate New Brunswick Premier Richard Hatfield top centre seems to be the only one taking Sundays photo session seriously at Government House in Ottawa The premier was posing for an official photo with other premiers meeting in Ottawa this week with the federal government 15° Per Copy Photo Carrier Home Dollvery 90 Weekly the examiner serving barrie and simcoe county lll At the Government House dinner hosted by GovGen Ed ward Schreyer left front are left to right Premiers Ben nett Campbell PEi Sterling Lyon Man Hatfield Allan Blakeney Sask and Bill Davis front right of Ontario CP Trudeau premiers talking constitution OTTAWA tl Prime Minister Trudinu and the lit provincial premiers mct privately today in an attempt to put togtliitt sonic oi the elements of new constitution ertainly thcrcll lit no new constitution for anada coming out of this meeting Saskatchewan lrcmicr Allan Bliikcnij said as the 11 goveriiiricnt leaders opcnid thiir latest efforts to reform lflt country undcrly inglaw But Blakcncy and other tittlllltl priiliitid partial agreement on lllllllttl niiiiibir ot items during two itiysol powcixliariiig lill The meeting was to have been held in the main hall of tlietloycriiinciit oiitcrtiico cii trc in downiowntlttawa but liit leaders inoy ed to smaller room upstairs aitci some journalists refused to leave lilt larger chamber wish they thrown llit out itlll Tentative contract tharlcs Lynch columnist who conducted similar protest two ttl ago when Trudeau and the premiers decided to hold meeting closed to the public You cant ncgotiatc constitutions in the dark lrciiiicr Jciiiictt ampbcll of Prince Fth word island disagrctd and said Lynch would fltt llttll thrown out of thc metting if he had littll young and bearded As ilt entered the meeting lrcmiir Rene chcsiiuc oi tttlitt sziid llt scnscd the leaders may reach minor consensus on some new powii tll llill lictytciii tittawa and the provinces lriidcaii and the pttlllltl started their bargaining sessions informally Sunday lhc ll govtiniiiciit leaders had dinner with newly installed luv lidw tird Schrcyct thiii listd tlii ltt rigiil ltttltllt to sound each other out on some ot thi lltlilS included on 14subycct agenda set for sessions that cont inuc until Tuesday Federal officials suggest agreements may be reached in four or five areas including an acceptable constitutional definition of the monarchy and guarantees by rich prounccs to help poorer ones After dinner Ontario Premier William Davis described such suggestions as realist ic Among other things Trudeau wants guarantees for list of basic rights including French and iillultSil language protections written intoa ilt coli stitution to replace the 1867 British North America Act that now stands as the country underlying law number of premiers say thats llll netessay that democratic rights to free speech religion and conscience arc protected by tradition and such ordinary laws as the moo Bill of Rights reached in lday college strike TtiRtiNTti itli tentative agricmiiit was reached Saturday lit the 11 day lltht it tintarios community ttilltflt lilttlliiliir Harvey Landon Ladd said Ladd refused to tliStiihl tltl11l ot lllt agreement but said lllt iouniil of Regents representing the collcgcs and lllt iitario Public Service lll1liit1 lnioii rcpriscn ting 43m support staff will recommend tic ccptance to their members lht union will hold divisional meeting Monday to consider the proposed agriiiiicnt and ratification lilt has lNtll tlittllllttl toi Tuesday The strike will Iitlllllllt until the agric Will has liftll ratified Ladd tltl Support stall at the olicgt ltliltltltlltl maintenanci workers and secretaries havi bccn on strike Sllltl Jan Thi striki has forccd rescheduling ot Stilllt tllt and kept some students and teachers who rcftlscd to cross pickct lines out of the colleges Talks resuiiiid Saturday after thi proyiii cial colleges relations commission urged return to the bargaining table Talks had broken off two ecks earlier Thi union was seeking to percent in creaw iii wagiw inii littttf1 in one year contract as well Bit ttiliWill incrcasc rctioictivitoSip The colleges agreed to the retroactivc iii tittst but liltlttl only six per cent cllctllH Jan Norman Williams chief negotiator for the council llfl llt was pleased for about itioboo olltgc students across the provincc whose llt will be made easier by the settlement if It is approved lnion spokisiiian lctir Sifllfllull1pill ties have agreed to keep details of the agrio mont secret until lucsdays otc However Slei itlfl the fact that he is rccomiiicnding acceptance of thr agrccmint shows lll is plumd with it People Talking Back analyzed after CBC flooded with calls EDMUNIUN itli lllllltlt awss men will ll£lt to wait until lllt flood of telephone calls has bccti tallied and anin red but lilt creators of the Bts ground breaking televised outpouring of public opr nion lcoplc Talking Back are calling the Show it success The three hour priniiiri program in thc sixpart series being produced her was broadcast l1t Sunday night with lilt itlici THU half hour taped programs to hr shown oi Sunday iilteriiixins iiitwiin Feb 23 and pril ii Robin Taylor head of tltt tlllltll iftaii said he would like to scc the network build on the coiicipt winch tintlllltti groups of tiiii tllitlls in Silltlltis iiross the ioiinry ciliing ing opinions via iiltlllit hook up and othci ILlitllllttl itStllSltlli groups and iiwcis giy ing lllttt views by phone or letter The series was lttliitHttl by lir Allan Thomas former tlttltlll of thc aniidiiiii Association for Adult qucatioi tAAF Thc AAfI coordinated doycns oi othci organizations which set up lllStthSliill groups lhoiiias said by the lllilt thc Stll finishes tlic groups couh number littitttl llill iltlI Its become muvh broader than when we conceived it said Thomas it started out Just aftcr tlic lieusqui victory in Quebec wotitlctid what was going to say to my giuiiidchildrcn when the asked what were you doing hen the country fell apart Thi bank of Eli telephoncs fittllil used to handli lllt call was completely busy to sttiitltl itltl the toll frcc number was in tliitllitttl by shows host taniidiiin ittliil tio don linsciit The rcactioii of studio audiences in each of the in provinces ranng from sober discussion to wild roundhouw swings at institutions the media and minority groups There were three attempts to plug billiis though not by the lllllltitS and one Fdiiiontoii woman blamed the country troubles on thi multivcultural polici of the Trudeau goutn mint and the fact that iiiimigriints art not forced to learn English The progain was divided into sections on how anadians view thcmsclycs politicians and media the economy anadians on the jtil and solutions where do anadians go from here Film clips of street discussions clever songs by the musical group Fat hunts and comedy skits by The atalyst Theatre punctuated the discussion llSpllt Thomass original intention the Qlltlitt situation is low on the HS of national ttitit crns it the itlllllltlt of the studio ltll ltill groups as any indication Although there as the requisiti anioun of sniping at the untrustworthiness of politr ciaiis and distortions by the media and warn ings about the danger of accentuating regional differences the economy setiiiing ly the most complex topic to grasp came in for the liveliest discussion We dont want to work but we want to make lot of money was how one woman summed it up in filmed commirit