the examiner Friday Fonz 1979 Shriners romp at annual spiel By ED HARPER hayl One of the most exciting events of the winter season will take place today and all day Saturday at the Barrie urling lub refer to the Sheba Shrine liibs Whitefish Bonspiel 1979 This great Bonspiel came into existence in 1965 The idea for this event came from meeting of four dedicated Shriners namely Bruce Peacock Ron Stewart Terry Har ris and John Rodgers all prominent Barrieites What wonderful idea these four gentlemen had The event has grown and although Shriners take their curling seriously they also have time during the two days for lot of high jinks lot of work goes into the preparation for this event The Barrie Shriners have been working for three months in order to have things run on schedule and ensure that all Sliriiier visitors to Barrie are taken care of and will enjoy themselves This year curlers ill be coming from Windsor Sudbury Woodstock liidiaii River Cambridge loionto Richmond Hill Aurora Orillia Beaumaris Owen Sound ollingwoth Oshawa Port Perry Buffalo Lockport and Pit tsbiirgh Many of the curlers havent missed spiel since it started Make Their pressure felt The Barrie Shriners are expecting t2 spectators from Philadelphia and you can bet that although they wont be curling they will make their presence felt during the two days here If they cant stir up enough fun you can bet the nearly one hundred spectators from other places will The spiel involves three games one on Friday and two on Saturday for each of the 28 rinks competing There will be entertainment Friday night followed by the Whitefish Breakfast on Saturday morning Many Shriners visiting Barrie will be entertained at the homes of local Shriners Music will he prominent and if the old city of Barrie should start to shake it wont he an earthquake it will be the musicians whooping it up This year along with the Hamilton Oriental Band will he two pipers who will pipe the curlers onto the ice The lsiiiailia Temple of Buffalo will be coming in full force with thirtyfive supporters and their own musical group called Petes Little Symphony ta jazz group of talented musiciansi Opening ceremonies will he held between the seventh and ninth draw Many dignitaries will he present for the open mg and usually some kind of prank takes place while these ceremonies are in progress Shrine always grateful The Sheba Shrine is always grateful to all those who com pete in their boiispiel and their way of showing their gratitude is by going all out to make sure that everyone goes home talking about the great time they had while here in Barrie Of course there is banquet that is second to none with lots of fun and jokes and the odd cork being popped There ill be prizes for all and the competition ill be keen for the top awards Although fun and gotxl times are symbolic of the Shriners we must remember that it is not the only thing they excell at The Shriners are constantly helping the crippled children of the world buying braces for the legs artificial limbs and wheelchairs etc and they even build hospitals with the most modern of equipment to help these unfortunate children Yes the Shriners deserve to have some fun now and then they deserve it for they spend most of their spare time working to raise money for humanitarian projects The Whitefish Bonspiel was cancelled last year due to blilard We sincerely hope that the weatherman smiles on them this year it lots of sunshine sports calendar Ilockey term pni Barrie Myers vs Orillia Terriers Orillia tom mimity eiitre arena anadiaii International Hockey League game sum pm Dixie Beehives vs Barrie olts Barrie arena DiinlopSt Ontario Hockey ssociation entral lunior league game so piii Oro 77s vs Midland entennials Midland arena Ontario Hockey Association icorgian Bay liimor leagttc game ï¬tness facts Joggers pay cows join in By BOB IIllllSll Would people pay for the privilege of running Never you say Well it has happened and only 3oo miles away from iairie at the tranbrook IIducatioiial ommuiiity in Detroit Joggers must be licensed to run on the too acre facility at cost of $33 per year Very few would sign up So far 73 people have paid the fee receiving in return plastic permit and sheet outliir mg few common sense rules guest of runner must pay Sifte This is sign of the times showing how widespread ruim mg has become in the lnited States It is estimated that 23 million Americans approximately to percent of the popiila tion run on regular basis If this ration field trite for Bar rie there would be 3501 runners in Barrie Obviously riinii mg has not yet come full swing in this town but its getting there Virtues are apparent The virtues of vigorous exercise are apparent from many studies In recent report on llaryard graduates the rate of heart attacks was half as great in those expending more than low calories of exercise each week tequivalent to about 2o miles of running compared with those expending less than Fioo calories Researchers at the Dairy Asstxiation have devised jogging program for flabby lltéllltllStélSt prone dairy cat tle confined to inactive lives of eating drinking resting be ing milked and producing one call year mechanical exerciser with moving tailgates pushes the cows around fenced ring few cows are unco operative but most haw responded positvely to thcjogging program Different sports evaluated The Presidents Council On Physical Fitness and Sports obtained evaluations on popular forms of exercise from seven experts llach exercise was reviewed from the stand point of heart and lung endurance muscular endurance muscular strength flexibility balance and general well being Each of the seven panellists graded the types of ex ercise on point scale of zero to three The results were IlXIIINISII TOTAL Itll Jogging Hr Bicycling Hz Swimming Ho Skating Mo HandlxillSquash Ht Skiing ross country littt Basketball titt Skiing Downhill 134 Tennis ILttt Talisthenics 121 Walking to loll titi Softball of Bowling The beauty of running as an all round exercise is that it can be practised by anyone male or female young or old at any time of the year Those who cite boredom as reason for not running are commenting on themselves rather than the sport Like beauty boredom is largely in the open eyes of the beholder Rather than working hard when you run try to relax take in the sights around you and let your mind wander See you out running Schmdt wins race place an team By MRR FORBES Of The Examiner Angela Schmidt Id of Honey Harbour has been selected thc lone Ontario junior represen tative on the tlmember anar dian National crosscountry ski team after winning the km junior ladies event at the North American CrossCountry Ski Championships at Horseshoe Valley Thursday Other members of the na tional team announced Thurs day evening following the first North American races are Reino KeskiSalmi of Salmon Arm Pierre Vezina of Mont Ste Aime Que Doug iudwer of Prince George Daniel Aiiclaire of Sher brooke Que iary Hartling of Banff Alta Joan tlroothuysen of Bonnyville Alta Esther Miller of Burns Lake eline iiguere of Quebec City and sisters Shirley and Sharon Firth of Banff Shirley Firth represents lnr uvik NWT in Canadian Ski Association events The other five members of the womens team finished in the top five in the senior ladies km event Thursday at Horseshoe KeskiSalmi who captured the senior mens anadian championship at Morin Heights Que last week won the senior mens 15 km North American race The North American cham pioiisliips turned out to be less than the international event it was originally planned to be when the American team unex pectedly pulled out Wednesday The US National Champion ships originally scheduled for Monday were postponed to later in the week at Waterville NH and coincided with the North American races One American showed up however Doug Peterson of New Hampshire who was assured spot on the IRS Na tional team and exercised his option to miss the national championships finished second to KeskiSalmi in the senior mens event at Horseshoe Other members of the ana dian National team finished third to fifth in the IS km race while Gary Hartlings per formance in the Canadian championships last week arn ed him spot on the team despite his tttthplace finish Yqursday First major event for the na tional team is the PreOlympics CtlllptllllOll at Lake Placid NY Iteb t4 The Pre Olympics is warmup meet for next years Winter Olym piss at Lake Placid Racers finished in predic table order despite cold driv iiig wind which made the track tricky in places and malfunc tioning electronic timer which caused one minor problem Officials had to use handheld timers which timed only to tenth of second As result one tie was recorded Shirley ltirth and Miller were listed in secondplace deadlock in the senior ladies event each with time of 19463 irmthuysen won the race with time of 19008 KeskiSami won the mens race with the time of 4820 and Ken Hawthorn of Bracebiidgc topped field of It junior men in the 15 km race with time of 3020 Ontario senior mens cham pion Don Poster of Midland suf fered from the flu and was ex amined by doctor before star ting his race Foster was one of two senior men who didnt com plete the course Schmidt who won the low Shell up for best aiiadian woman and captured three gold medals at the ll7lt Shell ham pionships won her event in time of 2050 It was the second straight win for Schmidt iii na tional junior team Illillllylltt races for the world junior championships lieb Hint at Mont Ste Anne The lliird and final qualifying race for the mens and ladies jimior teams are scheduled for Sunday at Horseshoe Valley during the third and final day of the North American races Races continue Saturday with the iiiciis and ladies relay events and end Sunday with the mens 30 km ladies to km junior mens to km and junior ladies km races Orser needs strong finish to win junior mens skating WAX THINDICR BAY Ont itP specialt BrianOrserof Peiietanguisliene was second in the junior mens class going in to todays free style event at the taiiadiaii Figure Skating haiiipionships Kevin Parker of ampbel ville Oiit held comfortable lead after lhuisdays short pror graiii with score of 331th Orser recoverwl from ninth place finish in the opening event and moved into second with score of Sit 84 ancouvens Bruno Del Maestro was in third place Thursday only fractions of point behind trser with 3376 Todays freester event at in counts for half of the skaters total score but Orser will have to perform well to catch Parker Heather Kemkaian of Town to will have to come from behind to defend her taiiadian Senior womens figure skating title tonight at the national championships Deboiali Albright of Toronto won the compulsory school figures Thursday morning and heads into the compulsory short program tonight with small lead over lanct Morrissey of Ottawa Moirissey has slim lead over Keiiikaran Defending mens champion Brian Pockar of algary has comfortable lead over iary Beacon of Toronto entering the short program tonight Jimmy Slabo and Dennis oi of Vancouver and erii laylor of Toronto regarded as lockars main rivals for the senior title are slxtli seventh and eighth respectively Defending dance champions Lorna Wightoii of Toronto and loliii Dowding of akyille Ont got first place votes from all seven judges for their three conipiilsories Thursday Patricia Fletcher and Michael de la leiiotiere are second with Marie lccil and ltobcrt Me tall of Halifax third Brian Orser of Penetangulshene performs during the short program Thurs day at the Canadian figure skating championships in Thunder Bay Orser Is leading going into the last event CP Photo Sunys move to second WllllBY Ont ttPi Well and Sunys appear to have re formed On Monday the Sunys played fight filled tanadian liiter national Hockey League game with Barrie Myers in which SPONSORED IV Lions Club Cal Mudfll Solo ltd BARRIE COLTS Mansfield Donmnn General SOCKO IS $160 five players were ejected and police were called to stop brawls involving players and sjwctators It was different story lhursday as the Sunys downed Whitby Iroquois titt The senior dancers skate the original set pattern tonight KII IIILII Lorri Baier and Lloyd IIisler of Cambridge Ont took the our ly title decided lhursday when they skated flawless per foriiiance for the junior pairs gold medal The senior pairs competition starts tonight with the compulsory short program On ly four pairs are entered with Barbara lnderhill of Oshawa Ont and Paul Martini of Wood bridge Ont the aiiadiaii and world junior champions last year favored to take the title The Baier IIisler victory was complete as the pair received first place votes from all seven judges in both the free skating and the combined was really pleased with landing all of the throws said tale We skated the best we could have skated long time tl Slli IIlt Becky tioiigh and Mark Howson second taiiibridge pair took the silver medal with the brone going to Katherina latoiisek and Williamtt eill of aiicouier talei also competed lit the junior womens compulsory short program and is fiftli headingiiitotlietreeskatetmal toiiiglit Kay llioiiisoiiof loroii to Yvonne Anderson of Van coiiver and Sandra Boyce of leterliorougli ttiit lead the competition Kelly lOllllOll and Kris Barber of Toronto maintained their lead oveitiiiia Aucom and Peter Poiiikaii of New ilasgow with Darlene Weiidt and Wayne lliissey of Ottawa third entering the lreedaiice final tonight As to stay in bay area LOS ANtilILlIS IAPl spokesman for group of in vestors said lhursday he is helping to negotiate the pur chase of Oakland As for Sin million pioiiiisiiig the Ameri can League baseball club would remain in the Bay area Marty Klein head of the Agency for the Performing Arts met with As owner harlie liiilev liicago todiscuss the proposal Klein said preliminary talks have been under wav for two weeks BECOME LION HILLSDALE AND DISTRICT LIONS CLUB invites you to join What do Lions do Simply stated Lions do those things for the Community that no one individual could do himself For further particulars please telephone lion Secretary Doug Jockton 8355558 or Lion President Jucli Clements 8355357 Reino KeskiSalmi of Salmon Arm BC skis to firstplace finish at the Canadian crosscountry ski championships recently in Quebec KeskiSalmi won the senior mens l5 km race at Horseshoe Valley Thursday at the North American Championships CP Photo Junior convener quiet aboutOrillia roster charge If GARRY ItlltBIIS Of The IIaminer action has been taken against Orillia lravelways for alleged player irregularities after closed entral Ontario limior hockey league meeting was held Thursday in Dixie to inestigatc the charges Bill lavciier manager of Brampton licvys said tiitario Hockey ssociitioii rules goyeriiing the use of imports are too vague and the charges against lravelways were withdrawn Bruce Ireland convener of the teiitral Ontario limior hockey league refused to say what was discussed at the meeting lts strictly league mat tei lrelaiid said early today We formulated press release which states that the issue has been resolle All clubs present itLreed that this would be the only information released coii ceriiing the meeting The special meeting was call ed after Oak Ridges Dynes manager Bill Waltski discovered seven players on liavclways laii to players protected list were listed as residing at the addresses of two team officials The concern was that these players may have been imports players from OtllSltltllCllllilUllltt lnder Ontario Hockey ssociatioii rule clubs are allowed only three imports on their roster iltlllt olts manager arol leriiiey was unable to attend the meeting due to weather con ditions lravelays manager Don Dale declined to comment on details of the meeting saying that all information would have to come from the league con Iltl scoreboard hockey III lliiisiuii lilltltitl it 1i lll Ht IS PM ltIS tl ti washing tt Iii ltr tiiioi llt It to go Illlltll 71 ll lill ltvl itt lutiritii Ltt lb ll if llttlalt l4 ll ltvl ln How tt to lhl iiiijiliell tonfcienic Iatiiik Ditisloii lltltltl itt ILeigi 43H lliiii lll lTt lti iii 331311 1m ii uiiis ilaiiu Haunt Sunllie Htsltlll tlt iiit llb lit aiioiiuei flit ta ltiiiitiltl jji 3n lth it flit Iliiiisdi Results llillltl Ihilielcljil iiitt iieoue lltllltsiili ltlttl liii ti tbiiailii Saturday loioiado at St loi lftl loioiio litltlltl it illllljll Rangers tits iiijchs ltosiiii at Isliiiitcs ttiiiaiie at iliiiii ltetiie at lllSltlllLll ltiittato tl Mirnasot Sunda iiicoiiei lonieal it funnies loiis aft tidlllt ltositn isbitiloii each Guaranteed 48 months Designed to passenger cars American Japanese Installation IIFREEII BATTERY INSPECTION fit HUGHES BAUERY vnru 51 7287822 all North European Delivers cold cranking amps 460 THE BATTERY MAN IAIIIE EAGLE BAWERS not mama 89555 lltttini at ltinago Litlt lptna lcroy tiitniado ltziftalo loniliiv loiurH anagr tiaiiii International Ray it 73 37 lt to it 177 144 It tt 173 11 lltI Hi It mitit iv 11 lttti 3t llillii tti tll lihlf llinrsilav Result wetland ltib Iiiiiiglit Lames ltaiie ttlli eiiilviilcv iltiiiit lanailiaii 10 OFF TO SENIOR CITIZENS