Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Feb 1979, p. 4

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NEWSROOM Craig lson managing editor Sheila McGovern cityeditor Bill McFarlane wire editor Published daily except Sunday and statutory holidays WEEKLY by carrier The Examiner is member ot The Canadian Press and Audit Bureau at Circulations ABC Only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Presse and local news stories published in The Examiner ADVERTISING BUSINESS L9 SOVIC manner iMarian Gough accountant SALES Delva Mills BertStevens COMPOSING ROOM Jack Kerney toreman Glenn Kwan asst toreman GaitMcPartand RonGilder the examinr Dave Fuller sports editor 90 cents Julie Franks Vikki Grant Don Saunders The Examiner claimscopyright on atloriginalnews and advertising material Llesvle Minor tan MacLeod Kathie Mitchell Lorne Wass VEARlY bY er created by its employees and published in this newspaper CarlDeGurse Adensmih wilt Cadogan $4680 Ffldav FOb 1979 serving barrle and slmcoe COUDf 56 he Nichous Steve Skinner Stan Wray BY MAIL Barrie Copyright registration number masts register at DexnisLamme Brenda Woods CIRCULATION Bill Raynor 630 PUthhed by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited lanMulgrew BI Haws manager EdAtlenbv Mme COUNTY National advertising otttces 65 Queen St toronto 864 mo 640 Cathcart Nancy Figueroa CLASSIFIED Steve White asSistant laltdufr Janie Hamel 36 so St Montreal sor Ht ht SusanKitchen oy e9 Borre onlano LAM VLOYI Cohen 3333155 VI grin glam Barbara 5mg MOTOR THROW OFF The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable tor damaoes arts Stephen Gauer entertainment 339 year mg out at errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space ac Bruce Rowand pUbliSher Ga Forbes 5907s Peowclape PM Mwson PRESSROOM tuall occupied that portion at the advertisement in which the error 0c Betty Armer camera operator Darla Homewm Eam Pan Don Near toreman ELSEWrJEEE IN CANADAi currgd whemer SYUC error is due me negligence n5 Hams or om Dave Burcsik photographer Jan Ce Mo on Cheryl Ake FredPrTCQSSSS oreman yea wise and there shall be no liability for non insertion of any advertisement 7266537 7266539 72b6537 72824 7266537 sagasfiafic beyond the amount paid tor such advertisement Pheuil l5 STGllCll it Make 19 beSf from The gar lens KnOWIeS strike mmbmgs of February February is upon us For many its the worst month of the endless iaa dian winter The solution is to make the best of it Here then is 10point survival plan for combatting the February funk Today forget about Groundhog Day and six more weeks of winter Look for crow instead Tomorrow and Sunday attend the Mincsing Mini Fest one of the first of Simcoc Countys winter car nivals Attend the Dan Hill concert at Georgian Collcgc February Go highbrow and listen to concert pianist Anton Kuerti on February 13 also at Georgian Make list of all the girls you had crush on while you were at high school Then send Valentino to your wife on February 14 Bundle up for the big Barrie Winter Carnival on Kempenfelt Bay February 1618 Watch the Media NoStars live up down to their name playing the Barrie city police at tho Barrio Arena February 16 Dystrophy Fund Proceeds to thc Musculzir Towards the end of the month celebrate the fact that this is not leap year Escape the cold outside at tho Barrio Public Library Ask to look at Life Magazine for 1933 whcn life was somehow simpler 10 Finally write your member of parliament to dc mand legal mid winter holiday in February No matter how you intent to cope dont despair liv next month wcll bc marching into spring sicoe yesteryear Inside general store In Midland from picture taken well before the turn of the century Goods were sold in large economy packages and wood stoves were common way to heat As they say the more things change Bill Straughan Barrie trustee in his remarks to The Examiner ad mits he does not know anything about the Human Relations Opposi tion Committee He also admits hc does not know how many membcrs they have and that he thinks thc members are from an isolated group in thc southcrn part of thc Parliament or Me tP county presented to the Minisim of Rama tit for lntwgn Soini siiw ll IS lltllilll iii illllytltlilil3 lllllilllllvllil tlttllllltllllilllilll itl itltkttllllllltg tilllWiil0 tstzlllltllish Cauhc of ment printed belrgwetrlt ttlgiilinr iilwztn otni iot1gitssiotti llltlll Itls it l9 mm 4mm WOU 051 dresses The are Ol VUW p05tl on by My Emmlu mm cititmid it WilSittl tlliigiil llltt without siniii ltlli Ih IMHtJ till11H MPH Illilli HHS forctgn sccurttics to bc hcld abroad on your it 00 send thoughts from an enlighiemid know thcy hitVC covcrcd many Mde trip lit stllllliijtllt tor lntn portly ioconvinii bohulf or to trunsfcr your invcstmcnt funds US COPY You ener trustcc But then this could be in keeping with tho sumc thoughts given to the approval of thc Human Relations programme Docs Mr Straughzin know how many problcm childrcn thcrc arc in Simcoc County who supposedly need this coursc Docs Mr we want Ottawa Ont should contact thcir trustco in aidHman your Oplnlon quuc il hc hos rczid thc curriculum MPilYorkSimcoe Somethingon your mind and ztsk lit to mukc it itVullilll to pamamemauildmgs Send Letter to the Editor Please make it on them Al for studying thc curriculum Ottawa Ont originolcopy and sign it decide if this is what thc children of GilMite The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned let ters but it you wish pen name will be used Include your telephone number and address igtencc did eve Ottawa Ont as we have to verify letters 90m xl PROVINCIAL Because of space limits public interest and the 19511 lo Il lllhvl WOItlS IS nylon good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condense or reiect letters Letters to the Editor are run every day on the editorial page Send yours to Ontario Legislature Illa it no posn ion Toinmit tcc 03 PM l°°° loin ours truly Gum Rteow °°3° no Margaret Nixon Mrs MPPDutlerin Simcoe 7372347 Queens Park Toronto letters to the editor Straughan know how many trustccs have read thc 2000 pzigc curriculum bcforc consenting to its implcmcnr tation in about 9t schools Is Mr Straughzin aware of what actually goes on iii thc classrooms and that some students are cmburrusscd by the subjects discusscd llad Mr Straughzin read thc bricl aspects of thc programch havc bccn told all objcctions should be writtcn to Dr Thomas Supt lfutliculu1ii Simcoc ounty Board of Education 99 Fcrris Lant Burric nturio MM 2Y2 strtitigii tirtns lllllllitlltlll lltitl stroll inil ltttll ltltllllillltttlllttl insliiid ling is foreign cxchzingc iltlll£lll to tourists and ti Edmmemauuding lAl1l huvc ltll litltl lt till inovcd to position lll iountty llll lllt pli uni lllt tilltl tor iilvtnligi iihitnst morc gtncrous allowttncc for busincss truch mwa litCl Mr Bill Slittuglitin tigiiinst tinstoic lnion llwhm Iil In No itlltitl Ioantto All tztxpuycrs siiould bc mudc awurc of this progrtiinmc lhcy Simcoc Tounty nccd Before this coursc czimc into cx this nccd on thc purl of thc studcnts tuxptiycrs or on thc purl ol somc cxpcrls am onc of thrcc lttirric tux paycrs on thc lltllllilll Rclutions Your business By VINCENT EGAN Itusincss and onsutncr ffttirs Analyst Thomson Ncw Scry icc untidzi could be hcztding buck lttilltl torcign cxchzingc controls it our sagging dollnr should go much lowcr urrcncy controls would how tin tni ltINllitlt impuct on unyoni truviling outsidi the country whcthct on wcck cnd slioppuii jaunt across lhc liordci or cspccittlly tll illl cxtindcd trip ltltl For now thi prospccts of Mount ivilltiiiili controls arc iii lhc rcnlm of spiiulgition ltut to unyonc whosc ntcmortcs go ltitth to or to yctirs thc prospch is worrisomi interpreting the nevys No sir the trade union sqslem ontrols ll thcy cotnc will not bc Hlt omcd by tnyonc says David Word pttrtliir in thc loronto lttw firm of llzivics Wurtl and Bock lhcy will suddlc us till with yct nnothcr round of govcrnmcnt lcgislution will spawn wholc ncw brccd of tnvcsligtttors and Will tiikc away from it of us soinc of thc freedom of choicc that wc hovc bccn accustomed to bcliivc is ours its of right hc said at thc first tlllltllill invcstmcnt survival confcrcncc for titittltiiis hcld ricintly in Toronto by thc lunndtgin tominittcc tor Economic wiircticss llll ltlIlItll ttllllllt lhi liltltll tluil could mukc What Chino US want from visit lty illl Sill llll Sllltilt itll lliilcsi lt lrcmicr lcng llsixio pings historic Inll in thc lnitcd Stutcs rutsis sonic inlctcstitn titlcstions about what thc two ltlllllllt hopi to gzun from tbcit ncw rcltttionslnp lIvin bcfori his first tincling with lrcsidcnt tlllll lcng discloscd in on Ill tcrvicw with limc mngtiini itlltl lllt itll ington Slur that hc wants it illiunci with lln and lilpitll to plow curbs on lllt ISoVict polur lttitl Icngs trunk sliilciiicnts pulliinl lliuiii now lllplttlllilllt tics with lln Ill thi conlixt til thinist ltussniii tiMll tttllllltl Ill ASlit sccnt likcly to put tnttii in lltlltl spot thiin ticcxpocIiilduringlings loin turtcr still has to ovcrcoini lillllllt hllt ticisin about hisdictsion totvlindilipliiniitii iciognilion to tlnnii ind stuntltnniiiiusl ind lcng llit criticicil llltHtHltl linon gis thi lIUt liotbctl ill or Ilitllllttl tho III ll titul lttlllt ltllsslun ixpunsionisiti ilnl innl doubts on lllt ctlicliwniss of iiin uglictninl Hi signs with tho sin nts lot ionliinin lhcsplcudol lllltltHl wcupons lllllt Ill it our strokc lcngiumpcd on it ini iot gout ol lllt iirtii itillitnlistrgition to got ncv iitlit tint lllll ltn lhlliost up till iiitiiloimtili ill ll tho stiuiiillllorwdtd riliiitlol lllltlltllillllllt ll ittllillll lirlil will locisonic louttli ipnslloiiiiig lliillt intuitw ilioul his iiitcrpliloliiili ol liliits ltlllilllrv iiiil llll Stunta lllltlltlllllltll will illilllillitllttlt llli piisnliill litll iitoly such us lltttlttl tlllllttl tln rccottmtiiin of limit lttllll mom of llls iillltl Illlllitllt in tlic lllsl two yours is ltJltltl liltlttl utlii llllill to got pinici iitticininl liilwcin Egypt iiiil lxlitll which stciiiid so piotlitsnli llil ltill Inuitmolar liiil lltIll piotllliluc lot tittii ltl lulks with lciti illt iil llltlttlllllllll to humor sccurtty Ill iiiiis lltll South lotii lltlt lllt would liki lo iiitltliiui lloop Illllllilitl lilil lltl ltllltllllllll buildup of lotics ll illll Illitlllt lo pil ILlltlllIlll on ttitllllllllt tliil llltlltllt thc two thiiiiis Iiiwin tind lllilllllilllll tlnnd iutt llt llllllttl pintictully inil Ilso to ultgn hunt with lllosi lltlltitll who suspicious of Nmul tinlnliolis iii ll ililitii up lln polintiul tlitllls tor ltttlll tltllillllt liltllllliil oltscncrs lltlt so ttrtir ltllgttl who told llllll to play tllc lllllittlltllttlllttlllltill lttttlllllllttlllllill1tt Sagging dollar could spur foreign exchange controls controls ncccssury zirc prcscnt iii itlllllfllillltt ttnd tlicy nrcnt gctting any bcttcr lhc govcrnnlcnt has bud to borrow lttilll in forcign currcncics and frolil ttnudttin banks and has had to push llildlélll intcrcst rutcs to rccord highs in ordcr to bring in cnough forcign cxclizingi to kccp our rcscrvcs at it NitStHlilhlt lcvcl For 1979 thc most optimistic forecast is that our nct outflow of forcign cxchnngc will bc$4 billion to $4 billion Although anadus mcrchttndisc tradc was in $3520 million surplus in 1978 wc wcrc much morc hctivily lll dcficit it such lillllillt arms as forcign invcstnicnt in tcrcst and dividcnd poymcnts tourism and what lllt statisticians call nct crrors and omission which may rcprcscnt an unrccordcd flight of Canadian itpllitl Any controls on ztnttdittn pnymcnts of intcrcst und dividcnds to forcign inycstois would httvc it dcvastitting cffcct on con ftdcncc Ward bclicvcs lllctcforc if controls arc to bc iinposcd hc thinks lllcy will conccntrtttc on cutting thc deficit in thc trovcl account reducing ziniidiiin dirch invcstmcnt abroad and stopping thc siispcctcd flight of capital WHAT TO thn will controls bccomc likely Obviously controls must conic whctllcr thc govcrntncnt likcs it or not when illltl if thc govcrnmcnt loscs control ovcr its ability to finnncc thc currctilratcount dcficit Ward says adding that tiny imposition of controls would probably not take placc until after this ycttrs fcdcral clcction As things Slillld now tinzidtc thc lnitcd Stutcs icrinuny and Switlcrlttnd along with most of thc countrics of tlic oil curtcl irc Mom in having no cxchtingc controls thrc controls arc imposed thcy scldom apply rctroztctivcly rcsidcnt who holds iorcign invcstmcnts is normally tillowcd Io rcttiin thcm and cvcn to scll thcm and rc invest tlic procccds tiltrottd So if you should bc convinccd that controls to it foreign corporation in which you arc il majority or perhaps minority shtirc holdcr Word thinks howcvcr that tiny controls lltitl tintidtt tnight how would prohibit tuindinn rcsidcnts froin holding forcign currcnctcs forcign bank accounts and thc likc Almost ccrtztinly thclc would bc limit on ih saw Have pen will travel HILI KNUWLES There are nutnbcr of things worthy of comment this week in my View some happy and some not so happy Ihc onc that com bincs the two emotions is the departure of the newspapers Managing Editor Scan Finlay for bigger and hopefully brightcr pastures in the Ottawa press gallcry Scan Finlay was and is guy you either hated or loved with littlc of thc invbctwccn emotion applying to him He said and wrote exactly what hc thought and that really bothcrcd people on rcguliir basis in Barrie especially the politicians No brand of politi cian was immunc from his pen and nobody could apply party label to his comments unless you bclicvc that onc Party hits the ex clusivc right to tho so czillcd anado First outlook Matty pcoplc frotn thc thrcc political pttrtics hzivc claimcd Scan Finlay as one of thcirs over the past few ycars Personally ncvcr did figure out how he voch at election time He naich many hidc to thc wall of the editorial page in Thc Exziitiincr and my own still stings from thc numerous occasions he hztmmcrcd his own spikc into some of my ideas Hc or should say lcgzilly thc Editorial writer iszimc person am surci has called me cvcrything from small town politician with small town outlook to the most vocal lory in Simcoc ounty and quitc low other similar coinmcnts But he still talked to me and wc rcspcctcd czich othcr Whilc am used to such things bcing formcr ncwspapcr ncwsinzin most of my associates iii Council cithcr ltzircd him or hotcd his guts They ncycr did undcrsttind that thc cditoriztl page is thc piigc of opinion and it is just one mans opinion Now Scan will bc applying thc sonic brand of comntcnttiry to our fcdcrol mcmbcrs and that should bc quitc intcrcsting only hope that thty ltéth thickcr skills than sonic of my fcllow small town polllltltltls lcrsonally will miss hitii and his cditoritils NHII PEOPLE With all thc snow It Hzirric ovcr thc post couplc of wccks our Iircctor of Public Works isnt gctting much slccp ltitcly dont think hc dcscrvcs tiny ciiticisni til it ovcr his dcpzirtincnts cflorts lll rmnming snow as fast as humanly possiblc tind pliltllt til but know somc of thc pcoplc of our ity wouldnt ztgrcc with mc ltcccnlly llliltl prolilcm ol my own in this rcgzird llll Ill witc licing stuck on thc road in front of our housc on lcnctung Strch No lcss than Ihrct citiciis stoppod and offcrcd to hclp hcr and its it rtsult sht got tlic cur mov ing uguin lcoplc uic nicc in Hurric if coursc my ifc is it good looking wonltin and pcrhiips that hclpcd it is now timc for us to git bclnnd thc Simcoc cscui Squad and support lhcm both morally and with our chickbooks This wasnt always thc ctiscl bclicvc but ll surc is now lhcy huvc prmcn Ihclr tibsolutc worth and tiin bchind llltlll low pcr ccnt from licrc Itll Ill and hopc you ill ltt ulso llic rcqucst from lticyc itind itltltll Hill iiibbins to sit down with ltnlric ouncll tind rcsolvc thc unncviition humor is bcforc us iguin and again lllt liimc tltgt of our founcil llilt so for cllmintilcd tin zigrcc nicnl to do this lc will probably wztit tnothcr ti months and spcnil tnotlicr hundrcd thousnnd of your ltilltll Ill lcgul and profcs sltlllill fccs bclorc this is again dccidcd by thc lutnciptil Bottltl ltitll dont undcrstiind you llltl your luck of conccrn ltul you uc thc pcrsons who pit thc bills in your tgixcs Lind you clcctcd us so what more can sny lts loncly bcing onc of just ti lcw clcctcd pco plc who truly would ltkc to cut this fiiisco nnd pzirticultirly to SitVt you thc costs of this stupidity ith thc two ncwcsl icslgiurdnls in town bi ing in full swing now wc huvc finally llliillllttl in thc urcii of linc dining in Barric Both Slittlmons and thc ltluycttc huvc cxs ccllcnt rcpututions and itll ltcztr is good food dl rcnsontiblc priccs huvcnt tricd thcln yet but will In thc nctir futurc and will oftcr you my commcnts At thc momcnt thc My Place ltcstuurtint Scliultlcs and ccrtttin orncd ltccf Spot in town tirc my fuvourttcs lo cuch his own write your mp mpp If you would like to write your Member of might be suitable for our Letters to the Editor columns After all if there is matter of concern that makes you wont to write to your MP or MPP it it is not personal matter it should be of interest to your friends and neighbors too FEDERAL Iynord MP North Simcoe MP PeelDullerinSimcoe Parliament Buildings MPGreySimcoe Parliament Buildings MPP Simcoe Centre Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto Gordon Smith MPPvASimcooEdst

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