Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Feb 1979, p. 3

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By DENNIS LANTIIIER Of The Examiner Today is groundhog day The time has come again when Canadians look to the oracles to see if they will suffer through anodther six weeks of snow and co The tradition isnt closely observed in Simcoe County however Legend reports that the groundhog is supposed to emerge from his burrow every Feb If it sees its shadow it means six more weeks of winter If it doesnt it means an early spring Peter Moran Simcoe county archivist is not believer Can you imagine Moran asked Would you go outside in this weather if you were groundhog Moran says he does not know of anywhere in the county where groundhogs emerge He says in fact that the number of groundhogs in the county would seem to be decreasing each year Keith McRuer South Simcoe Agriculture represtentative for the ministry of agriculture and Ontario Arts Council MPP Taylor says cut grants ilitiltfilfi TAYLOR cut grants Committee overruled MIDIILHST Staff deci sion by the committee of ad justment in Vespra Township was overruled last week by the Ontario Municipal Board Iifford Harris HR Barrie will no longer reserve onefoot strip on his property as condi tion for severing 85 acres from his farm for his son That stipulation is removed from the severence agreement and Harris will pay the usual $200 scverence fee which was originally waived because of the reserve requirement The hearing was called after Vespra council appealed the committees decision because it meant there would not be ade quate road frontage to allow for construction IZarl Richardson secretary treasurer for the committee said after the meeting the pro pcrty was not landlocked because 50 feet of frontage would still remain TORONTO tStaffi Simcoe entre MPP George Taylor called on the government Thur say to eliminate the $125 Barrie councH waiting Barrie continues to wait for word from rillia on whether joint Barrierillia municipal airport will be constructed The airport advisory commitv tee met Wednesday afternoon in an information session at cir tyhall Mayor Ross Archer com mittee member said today he met with David MacDonald rillia mayor to discuss the possibility last week Mayor Archer said Mayor MacDonald would be taking the proposal back to rillia coun cil An answer will likely come in about twotothree weeks said Mayor Archer Bird and Hale Ltd of Toronto completed study last fall recommending to sites for the airport The Committee narr rowed those recommendations to four sites two sites in ro Township and two in Vespra The cost of the airport is not determined said the mayor The costs can vary he said We own 254 acres of land in ro But if that site turned out not to be acceptable we might have to buy more land The city is eligible to receive 80 per cent funding from the provincial government under special municipal airport pro gram The remaining 20 per cent would come from tax revenue said the mayor The committee has not brought recommendation to city council Ministry honors Minesing Vera Maguire of Minesing was presented with an award by the provincial government for outstanding work in the an anal Harrie fair and other com inunity activities Mrs Maguire accepted the Agricultural Service Diploma from Keith Sanderson director of the Barrie Agricultural Society at the societys annual meeting Tuesday The award is supplied by the ministry of agriculture and food This is something Ill treasure forever and ever Mrs ylaguire said To me itll be reminder of the societys accomplishments and the friends Ive made by working on the different come rnittcs said the woman who was also named Minesing citi7cn of thcyear in 1976 Mrs Maguire is Two appear in court Two Barrie youths arrested Thursday afternoon will ap pear in provincial court today on charges of break enter and theft John Labovitz 16 of Peel Street and Douglas Sheppard l6 of Eugenia Street are chargv ed with the early morning breakin at Port of Barrie restaurant Thursday said Bar rie police past IRIZSIIHCNTNAMIII tlliA 1Tll lizirlcs Armstrong native of Iruro has been named president of anadian operations for Mei ropolitaii Life Insurance succeeding Iicrrc Maurcr of Montreal Maurcr moves to the companys New York ofl iccs as executive vicepresident llis yearold successor had been viccrprcsidcnt of lilctropolilan Lifes Atlantic head office woman chairman of the societys food committee Her husband Itobert is bee keeper and she is always creating new honey recipes and shring them with other good cooks in the county said Sanderson She is also member of the Simcoe County Womens In stitute food calls the story an old wives tale He said groundhogs normally emerge in March and are usually hibernating Feb With all of this snow the groundhog would have heck of time seeing his shadow said Clinton Nesbitt North Simcoe Agriculture representative dont know how much truth there is to it but suppose it makes for good reading Nesbitt also says he knows of no traditional location in the county where the groundhog has emerged million annual grant to the tario Arts Council Taylor recommended the job of the council be transferred to the ministry of culture and recreaton and that Wintario profits be used to fund council programs The arts council provides grants to individuals associa tions and companies for sup port of dance film photography literature theatre music and visual arts Since 19m when the council was formed Taylor said its Ill itial $300000 budget for 30 grants has grown to $12 million budget for 3000 grants today Taylor said he supports the arts but qucstions the practices and procmlures of the council Such is relying on the art dealers to recommend to the Ontario Arts ouncil which ar tist should receive grants Also there is the acticc of pro viding funds to publishing houses some of which are suc ccssful commercial ventures The council and the provin cial government have also been criticized for funding the Kcns ington Art ssociation cntrc Groundhog Day One encyclopedia says the groundhog begins hibernation early around midSeptember and might wake temporarily during mild spell in winter That would explain the myth of the groundhog coming up to see his shadow it says The tradition though goes back to the European Candlemas when spring plan ting began says the en cyclopedia In Missouri Groundhog day is officially established as Feb by an act of the Missouri Icgislaturc aarded to Ontarios artists which publishes the newspaper Strike If the taxpayers are to sup port the arts and do believe that they want to support the arts it is the governments responsibility to make sure that the arts as is commonly understood by the majority of taxpayers arc the ones being suppoilcd such as little theatre groups Taylor said He said council funding has not produced any professional artist Taylor also criticized the council for spending money out side intario In Alberta Nova Scotiii Iiritisli olumbia lnr uvik Saskatchewan New Brunswick Manitoba and talitorniii crtainly he said an Dir tario Arts ouncil lrogrzim should consider that its man date is within the province of tintiiriotosiipport the art onsidcring tIic provinces commitment to budget restraint Taylor said lintario funds which are designed for culture and recreation should be used to fund thc art councils program He said ll would savc taxpaycrdollars Snow continues to snarl traffic Drifting snow continues to slow transportation in the liar ric rca The ministry of transportation and coinniunication lMIt reports most roads in this area are snow covered with fair to poor visability because of the snow drifting At press time today Highways tit and tr werc still closed because of weather conditions Highway 2f liowcycr has been reopcncd The closcd highways resulted in cancellation of two tray Toacli bus runs Thursday Supcrvisor llill ttlynyk told The Examiner the and 13 in runs to iwcn Sound had to be cancelled because the main routes to thc city from Iliir rie were closed lynyk said no passengers were stranded III Ilarric however because they were advised in Toronto that they would probably not be able to reach tiwcn Sound Iliursday night Anyone wanting to go to twen Sound didnt leave loron to he said The southbound lanes of Highway 400 near Innisfil Beach Road wcrc closed for about two and half hours late Thurs day because of multi car accidents Barrie till said one man was mpircd in three car colli sion on that stretch of highway shortly itlltl in This ac cidcnt was followed by nine car crash war that site Police said iioonc was injured in the latter collision Several school bus runs in thc county wcrc canchch today and as result at least one school closed its doors for thc day Doug Mcliridc Simcoe tounty lloard of lIducation fStYllEi route supervisor said fiw buses ran in lnnislil Township this morning and Innistil eiitral School did not open for classes today The central and western sections of Vespra lownsliip were not covered by school buses today said Mcliridc Ios ed roads in West lwilliinbury and lccumsctli Iownsliips prevented buses from their rounds thcrc he said Six more weeks of winter says this years oracle Punxsutowney Phil saw his shadow University courses offered in business communications lly Allli lcilltl€ if The Examiner businessmans success depends on how well he conr municatcs with people at work bosses subordinate and peers York lnivcrsify cousc beginning at the Barrie campus of Georgian oliegc March Ill teaches busiiicssiicn to lin prove tbcir ability to com municatceffectively The course intcriwrsonal communications runs every Monday evening until June 23 luition is $10 The course is one of thrcc business courses being offered by York in Simcoe ounty beginning in the spring ourses cannot bc used towards uni crsity degree but are accepted for credit by many business organimtions explained Audrey Leveringfon Man sentenced to months llawkcstonc man was scntcnccd to thrcc months in jail Ill Barrie provincial court Tuesday for assaulting ii oll ingwood police officer Stcvcn iould 20 was con victcd for an incident at the oliingwoml Ililiday Inn in May ollingwoixl police were call cd to the hotel May When police tried to remove iould from the building he started lighting with the officers the ofliccr said he was bitten on the clicst punchcd and kick cd Traffic was backed up Traffic backup for more than mile on Highway 400 southbound lanes Thursday after noon following two accidents involving l2 cars Barrie OPP called to the scene about 4zl5 pm closed the southbound lanes for hours to clear the highway at the vehicles involved in the acci dent No serious iniuries were reported Ex aminer Photo assistant coursc co ordiiiator at York Marketing will be offered at the Ilarric campus of lcorgian on April 28 and 50 May and Ill May 20 and 37 from it to 5p Tuition is Siloo Business Law is being offered at the rillia campus of Georgian on Monday cvcnings from March 12 to June it Tin tion is $100 Some of the organizations New cars that accept the courses graduation ccifificatcs for credit arc Associaton of Pro fcssional Ilticciiicnf Agciicics and onsultants Institute of anadian Ilankcrs Insurance Institute of anadir National Associiiton of anadian rcdit Inions intario Assiwiation of crtiticd Illlglilttllllfl lichni cians and Iicliologists lur chasing Managcmcnt Associa tion of anzida Trust toni panics Institute oftanada for fire department The Ilarric fire department has expanded its fleet of vehicles to with the addition of three new cars hicf Jack McAllistir three 1070 Ford cars Adjourned llordcn miin chargcd with criminal ncgligcncc rcsulting in death will appear ill llzirric provincial court April Michel Itcauclicmin of llt Ilordcn appeared in court Ihursday but case was ad journcd llcauchcmin is charged in connection with car accident on Highway 90 Ian in which year old Toronto boy was killed siiid ycrc IT IS POSSIBLE lent on now homo con go toviordl you down payment For tornntlon call Mr lorvls 726 6005 24hour urvlco oidcicd in ctobcr and arrived about three weeks ago The piiir of two door cars Ill be used by tlic department firi prcvcntion officers for III spections lectures and training sessions in the city The four door moch will bc used by the chief and deputy chief for fire fighting operations hesaid Weve found it difficult responding to fire sccnc bcciiusc we have no means of identification in traffic said thccliici SAVE on repairs to TVs Radios and Stereos For Quick Service Call STEWART manomcs 7289457 74 Pool St STERLING iti In IN 41th liNIititlxlutN BRANCH ADMINISTRATOR Previous Trust Company or Banking experience preferred Responsible for full Branch operations and staff of 20 employees Please send resume or contact ROSS FURZECOTT ot lb Dunlop St Barrio 7266495 the examiner Frlday Fab 1979 to alum Itl Voolwmth Voohvmth FRIDAY NITE SATURDAY SUPER SPECIALS 56 IAYFIEID 57 Open every night until 900 pan Saturdays 900 No Ilu thou Cord in Woolworth Stem

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