1M tho axamlnor Friday Feb 1m Ballet chooses variety balance By DEBRA RAINE TORONTO CP Variety and balance Thats what the National Ballet of anada is go ing for in its 1979 spring season in Toronto Feb to March to Artistic director Alexander Grant has chosen program that runs from the established classical ballets to modern works by two of the companys own choreographers major achievement in the spring season is the anadian premiere of Washington Square one of the largest anadian works ever com missioned by the National Ballet The oneact ballet based on the tragic Victorian novel by Henry James was choreo graphed by company first soloist James Kudelka 23 with speciallycommissioned score by Vancouver composer MI chael Baker The second anadian piece in the spring lneup is The Rite of Spring choreographed by sec ond soloist onstantin Patsalas Showbiz NO fear of age LOS ANGELES IAPI Even Bob Hope had trouble believing it when readers of Seventeen magazine said they admired him more than John Travolta thought they were putting me on when they told me the results said Hope mean can you imagine me being more popular than John Travolta with teenage girls cant even get my hips out of park Hope was named the most admircd male in poll of the magazines readers Following him in the top It were Travolta Robert Redford Burt Reynolds Bruce Jenner Steve Martin Barry Ianilow Kris Kristofferson John Wayne and Alan Alda The mostadmired female was Barbra Steisaiid followed by arol Burnett Olivia ewtonJohn Kate Jackson heryl Teigs Betty Ford Mary Tyler Moore Shirley Temple Black Linda Ronstadt and Jacklyn Sniith DINE Winners of the final draw lst Prize Mrs Mervyn Denney 2nd Priz Mrs CfinBlE TV CICA TORONTO ETV CKVR BARRIE cec WIVBBUFFALOCBS CBLT TORONTO cac BASIC SERVICE to Igor Stravinskys classic bal let score Patsalass version of The Rite was performed to en thusiastic audiences on the companys recent tour in Eastern anada This will be the works Toronto premiere Its opening in St Johns Nfld was greeted with standing ovation Audiences in Toronto also will be treated to another anadian premiere with the companys production of The Two Pigeons Sir Frederick Ashtons ballet which brought wide attention to anadian lancer Lynn Seymour in the Royal Ballets 1961 production In departure from usual casting no principal dancers will be handling the major roles Instead Grant has chosen to feature several promising soloists as the two voung lovers in the twoact allegorical ballet based on the fable by Jean de la Fontaine ILASSICS RETlRNING Three classic fulllength balr lets also will be performed be cause as Grant says the clas Most admired HOLLYWOOD iAPI Gloria Swanson says theres no reason to be afraid of age Ill be tit on March 27 she said Friday Ive always told my age see no reason why age should be treated as fllS ease The legendary star was back in Hollywood but not for an other movie She was here on behalf of nutritional foundar on Miss Swanson whostartcd in films in 1911 last appeared in irport 1073 She has never waited for studios to call her and has remained oft the screen as long as decade Ive never been idle she said just returned from Lon don where had the first cth hition of my sculpture Im at ways busy look forward to each day on this wonderful planet its shame we dont appreciate it more OUT Sinclair evils CHANNEL GUIDE RECEIVE 5m sics are the backbone of this company The threeRomeo and Juliet Swan Lake and La Fille Mal GardeeA also were presented in the 11178 spring season And from the 1978 fall season come Ashtons virtuoso piece Les Patineurs and the rousing and colorful Elite Syn copations ballet by Kenneth MacMillan based on the ragtime tunes of Scott Joplin and others The highlight of the spring season is gala performance with guest artists Marcia Hay lee and Richard fragun of the ituttgart Ballet and Noella Pontpois of the Paris Opera Itzillrt It will be the first time the famous partnership of llaydee and ragun has danced in Can ada although Miss llaydec per formed Juliet here in 1967 Miss Pontois will be making her nadian debut at the Feb 14 Gala Guest artists will jom with the Nationals principal dancers in mixed program emphasizing the romantic pas dedeux 011 Feb 21 National Ballet dancers will take part in cele bration performance honoring the 2mh anniversary of the National Ballet School the Toronto school where many company members were trained The evening will feature per formances by graduates of the school among them Martine van Ilaniel of American Ballet fweekend notebook Theatre and Karen Kain Frank Augustyn and Veronica Terr Iiaiit of the National Ballet of anada Principal dancer Nadia Potts will be missing from both of these special events She is ex pecting her first child in mid February The National Ballet like other dance companies in an ada is riding the crest of swelling wave of interest in dance Ballet is more popular than ever before Attendance at the companys fall season in Toronto hit record total of 118 per cent and the earlier tour of Eastern an ada was virtually sold out The company is expecting the same response this time out and is even planning to extend its 1979 fall season to three weeks from two But as ballet increases in popularity its financial situation gets worse In its 1977 78 financial statement the National reported deficit for the first time since 1971 terry Eldred the companys administrator says govern Iiieiil subsidy is falling further behind inflation and the result will probably be fewer perform ances and fewer new produc tiotis But says Grant for the mo ment this hasnt caught up with us yet llis decisions as artistic director were not affected this year by budget restrictions and he says he has done what he wanted lodo Any nonprofit organization or individual may have communityevent in Notebook Just call 7266537 and ask for Stephen iauer alls for Mondays Notebookmust be received by noon Friday for publication the following Monday alls for Weekend Notebook published Friday in Panorama must be received by noon Wednesday tonight Ochus percussion ensemble perform in concert at Barrie entral ollegiate at 11 pm Tickets are $6 for adults and $4 for students The concert is sponsored by the Barrie ollcgiateoncert Issixiation OThc Icachcrs Iusie lheatre Workshop presents The Sound of Music tonight and Saturday at 7311 in at Georgian ollegc Theatre Both nights sold out saturday OIhc hildrens nncx of the Barrie Public Library presents Walt Ilisncy IllIIl Once Ipon Vintertinie front to it in The film features shorter cartoons The Ice Witch and Rikki Iikkivlavi OIhc Barrie Art lub rental scrvtcc is open from to in at the Downtown teiitre Iltt Itunlop St Paintings may be bought or rented from the the art club OBarrie Duplicate Bridge lub meets each Monday and Friday at St Avenue Barrie at 7210 pm formation call 7286494 Georges Anglican hurch Hall Burton For partners and further iii Rebekah and Odd Fellows Bingo at the IOOF Hall For ris Lane at 11 Jackpot is $100 refreshment booth available OThe Bell Ewart Youth Iub meets every Friday from to 10 pm at the Bell Ewart omniunity entre Anyone in the area attending an elementary school is welcome Records dancing and plenty of games available Admission is 25 cents saturday OEuchre at the Holly Community Hall at 815 pm Refreshments are served oThe Second Mile Christian Toffee House located in the Farmers Market Hall Mulcaster Street Barrie is open from 730 pm to midnight Admission and coffee are free Music and entertainment are provided by groups and in dividuals Discussion groups are also part of the evening For further information call 7261954 sunday Bingo at the New Lowell Legion at pm refreshment counter will be available an opening bash at hotel that will cost $200 person EVENING 600 ea NEWS HOLLYWOOD SOUAREs CAROL BURNETT AND FRlENDS POLKA DOT DOOR 630 NBC NEws MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW cas NEWS ABC NEws NEWS PARTY GAME JEREMY 645 HATTYTOWN TALES 655 WRITE ON 700 DATING GAME CHiPs CROSS WITS MARY TYLER MOORE TIC TAc DOUGH ANGIE Donna Pascow stars in the title role of Angie the girl from the Other nude or the tracks who tolls In love with the wealthiest iatriCIan in Philadelphia Premiere III NEWLYWED GAME DR WHO Terror 01 the Zyoons GOOD TIMES PRICE IS RIGHT 730 MAKE ME LAUGH NEWLYWED GAME EVENING OUT FAMILY FEUD 0660 6099 0060 OISE gt HI 17 Holiday On Ice Rob Doherty and Michael Bradley comedy team ginger Freda Payne Canadian Gold Medalist Suzanna Russet Chen and 00001 Power 1977 Canadian Pairs mpions $198 BEAUTY CONTEST MAGIC SHADOWS Turnaboui 11V Final BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 LITTLE WOMEN The ma lives at the March Sisters Mag Jo and Amy are continued in this series taking them beyond the final chapters or Louisa May Alcottq clasmc novel Stars Dorothy McGuire Robert Young Premiere 60 NHL CHALLENGE CUP From Madison Square Garden In New York City the last game in tho thteovgarne series between Star of the USSR and National Hockey all stars hrs THE WALTONs MORK AND MINDY Marks plan to leave Earth prove to be so devastating to Mindy that triend Susan persuades them and their depressed neighbor Into attending an astral awareness training sessmn ASPECTS OF CINEMA ea RAT PATROL MOVIE DRAMA Seven Golden Men 1959 830 ANGIE Danna tIsrow siais the Mir role of Angie the girl lrom the other the of the tint Is who lalts In love with the wealthiest wtdIICan In Philadelphia Prelniere JUST DO IT YOURSELF WHATS HAPPENING 900 thursday tv WOMEN iN WHITE HAWAII FIVEO Steve mam lines to worn scornlul young socante that she is prospective Victim of Jewel thett 51 5th John Saxon 60 mins BARNEY MILLER LIVE IT UP SPEAKING OUT CODE 1078 930 Jessma Tate brings her lover Del Donahue home for breaklast and Is confronted by her husband Chester who has presumed dead E35 TEAM SHOWDOWN 1000 BARNABY JONES Ben Jones trades Hawaiian vacation for murder and mystery when she becomes emotionally lved with married client 60 mins FAMILY LE MONDE EN GUERRE 913 NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 EB BARETTA 1100 £8 NEws CBC NEWS CTv NEws EMPLOYMENT FILE MOVIE DRAMA ma Mr Moses 1955 1115 REAL STORY 1120 NEWS 1125 QUESTION PERIOD 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW Host Johnny Carson Guest Dr Paul Ehrlich 90 cas LATE MOVIE It payday at the 4077M and Hawkeye is the paymaster COLUMBO Now You See Stars Peter Folk Jack Cassmy 25 MOVIE MUSICAL Girl 1966 Hi REET TALK 1145 POLDARK 1150 MOVIE ADVENTURE They Came to Cordura 1959 1200 MOVIE DRAMA M1 The on Collln 1970 MOVlEgHORROR Deadly Bees 1967 1210 MOVIE DRAMA Mission TO Monte Carlo 1971 100 TOMORROW Host Yom Snyder Guest Geoffrey Holder choreographer and Broadway director 60 mins 115 PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 200 or MEDICAL CENTER tr MOVIE DRAMA Phae dra 1962 300 or MARCUS WELBY MD 400 aEWITCHEo Toronto starts preparing for the King Tut TORONTO itPI The Treasures of Tutankhamun ex liibit is not scheduled to open at the Art Gallery of Ontario IAGOI until Nov but already Toronto is gearing up for the show which has caused cul tural sensation across North America Officials at the AGO have iii vited Egyptith President Anwar Sadat to open the exhibition of artifacts which British archaeologist Howard arter discovered in 1922 The display contains 35 objects from the tomb of King Tutankhamun teenaged pharaoh who ruled Egypt some 11000 years ago The exhibition already has travelled to New York Los An designer Mr geles and New Orleans and is created wedding gown in currently drawing huge crowds spired by the Tutankhamun pe riod in Seattle In addition to inviting Sadat exhibit to tie in with the Tutankhamun theme ANT VOLINTEERS The AGO has asked for 1500 volunteers to help during the exhibit which runs to Dec 11 and so far they already have had 3000 offers Toronto hotels are accepting reservations from people from across anada who plan to travel to Toronto to see the show and are setting aside blocks of rooms to accom modate package deals that travel operators are putting to gether Restaurants are researching Egyptian recipes and Toronto Ritchie has Jewelry stores are busy ac gallery officials are planning quiring replicas of the neck downtown laces brooches and rings found more than in thetomb wNIQCDQVOIUIPN CITY TORONTOUND OAngus Lions club hosts flea market at their hall on sogggflélllfï¬ ggEgiggaz Sag COMMUNITY CHANNEL Highway 90 Angus from 12 noon to pm Antiques coins held meetin it the AEm to bake sale tools appliances stamps fresh vegetables and Ian merchamï¬gm cam ai ns CFTO TORONTO CTV much more Lotto Canada Provincial and Wintario tickets are on sale Refreshments are available WKBWBUFFALOIABCI OParkview Centre for Senior Citizens Blake Street is $00 open from to pm for an afternoon of fun and fellowship CHCH HAMLTON mm Cards music darts library and shuffleboard and much HEARING CBLFTTORONTO CBCFR more TEST EVERY GLOBALTORONTO IND YEAR SOUND IDEA KW HEARING AID SERVICE scam ICC APPLIANCES delightful Ssiiiierh IIIVEL HOLIDAY AWARD WINNING 118 Dudop St 7282059 THE FOLLOWING CHANNELS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE WHEN CONVERTER IS USED PETERBOROUCH HEXT CBC GR BUFFALO NBC Restaurant WINI CELLAR Terrace Cate Classic FRENCH Ctiwsllk SWISS Hospitality GRAVENHUHSTMLIskOlUi Ontario