Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Feb 1979, p. 27

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SJ nu wednesday tve EVENING 600 NEWS HOLLYWOOD SQUARES CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS POLKA DOT DOOR 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME JEREMY 645 READALONG 655 WRITE ON 700 DATING GAME CHARLIES ANGELS CROSS WITS MARY TYLER MOORE HOW TIC TAc DOUGH HOURLONG NEWLYWED GAME 19 ONCE UPON TIME MAN 1m tEmpIres GOOD TIMES PRICE Is RIGHT 730 MATCH GAME NEWLYWED GAME MUPPETS SHOW Guest Lesley Warren GONG SHow HEE HAW HONEYS Guest Larry I1 MAGIC SHADOWS Turnabout BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 SUPERTRAIN Steve Lawrence and Don Meredith head an allstar out In this specral twohour episode to which myster Ious assassm makes repeated attempts on the tits at passenger on the gIItterIng Inaugural run of the dynarmc ultra modern III Premrere hrs MORK AND MINDY 608 66099 0900 EDWARD THE KING AI romance IS planned but Edward still unwrtling to conSIder marriage IS enjoying an IIIIc1l romance wuh mumchall dancer 60 CHARLIES ANGELS The Angels travel to famous resort to help prevent the kIdnapprng at handsome athletic prasrdential aide who wtns Kellys heart st star Dennis Cole hrs DICK CLARKS LIVE WEDNESDAY MOVIE DRAMA 12 Les baubles 1973 iNTROSPEC as MOVIE WESTERN Jory 1973 830 GREAT DETECTIVE woe At Blenheim Swamp Inspector Cameron 15 called to Blenhem to Investigate the murder at an unidentIiied young man found iloating lace down In the swamp Guest stars Include Linda Thorson Kenneth Welsh and Murray stgate 60 nuns ClNETVO Parlons Cmema Les Entants Du Paradis Deuxieme Partre LHomme Blanc 30 900 ONE DAY AT TIME Ann Romano tmda hersetl In an Interotlice battle that noses to be anythIng but lair DUKES OF HAZZARD 930 COMING AND GOING documentary spectat iIIrned at St Bonrlace General Hospital on ward tor the care of the termmally Iii showmg the daily actmtres OI the Its atrents and Its stall 80 nuns JEFFERSONS Loursas donation to charity MIghi wm her specral award It Georges donation to politIcIen doesnt ruin her chances 1000 QUINCY In the wake at one at the nations worst airline disasters Oulncys Investigation leads him to suspect that an Ingenious term of sabotage may have caused 60 1mm KAZ Kazrnski and his trIend Allie also an exrcon are arrested and charged mth grand theft auto and conspiracy Guest star Metrano 60 mins VEGAS ED NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 ED BARETTA 1030 WATSON REPORT Host Patrick Watson 1100 CE NEWS CBC NEWS CTVNEWS EB EMPLOYMENT FILE MOVIE SCSPENSE The Prize 1963 1115 IE THE REAL STORY 1120 NEWS 1125 QUESTION PERIOD 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW Host finny Carson 90 rmns CBS LATE MOVIE THE ROCK FORD FILES Into 56 Wont 60 Rockford InvastIgates the death of an old army buddy KOJAK Case Without File Stars Telly flaws Kevrn Dobson MOVIE WESTERNDRAMA Hornets Nest 1970 in STREET TALK 145 SECRET ARMY 45998 the Hun EpIsode it group at evaders Is caught and shot except tor the nervous Sergeant Walker who tells Into German hands Rather than talk he attempts SUIcIde but does not succeed 60 nuns 150 MOVIE SCIENCE FICTION 055 117Double Agent 1971 1200 In MEDICAL CENTER MOVIE DRAMA la The italian Job 1969 1210 MOVIE DRAMA In Search of Gregtgg 1910 TOMORROW Host Tom Snyder Guest Bob Meyers WashIngton Post orter 60 mins MARCUS WELBY MD 200 on PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY Subtle satire fills Bain book By ARTIIlR CHAMBERLAIN Thc Canadian Press Clem Watkins Jr is one of Canadas bestknown political writers although most rcadcrs probably could not im mediately identify him Watkinss style is decidedly lighthearted but his comments on the political and social events of the country though subtle arc not necessarily lightweight George Bain Ottawa col umnist of Toronto Globe and Mail and now of Toronto Star uses Clem and his letters from his home town of Lilac Sask to examine the foibles of Cana dianlife Letters from Lilac is Bains collection of the best writing by Clem that is Bainfrom 1965 to 1973 Rain is past winner of the Stephen Leacock Medal for Hu mor for an earlier book Nur sery Rhymes To Be Read Aloud by Young Parents with Old Children and his humorous touch is evident throughout this volume Bain is at his best with his satirical treatment of the days cvcnts But the lcttcrs particu larly thosc from thc carly Hons arc fillcd with rctcrcnccs to cycnts which may havc passcd from tho mcmory of currcnt rcadcrs NIFIED SERVICE Just one cxamplc Only laul Hcllycr and his fricnds or cricmics will immediately grasp today thc tarch of the towns unifch ambulancc firc and policc scrvicc IAmbfipo thcr rcadcrs Inay rccall the unification of thc armcd torccs as an historical cvcnt liccausc of this limitation the books main valuc may bc as rcflcction of lifc in 10 mythical town of Lilac Sask Many Ici tcrs deal with tho problcms of life in thc wcst and thc alicn ation fclt toward ccntral an ada The problems of Canadas hinterlands arc familiar thcmc in the letters In one the town fathers offcr to hpr thc country by taking sharc of in flation sincc thc west at that time suffering from low grain prices had cxpcricnccd only deflation It was torriblc wintcr out hcrc which is tcdcral rcsponr sibility undcr tlIc constitution Watkins wrotc Ill 1005 In bcrta things arc so bad itOIlOtll Ically thc govcrnmcnt 111 us last budgct almost had to im posc salts tax likc cvcry whcrc clsc SYMBOLIZESCANADA At thc samc timc Lilac is symbol of Canada It Is town in which thc lmpcrial Ordcr Daughtcrs of thc Empirc has joincd with thc Daughtcrs of thc Amcrican chublic and Illt Royal Canadian chiori 1S thc licrtrand Russrll Branch Haiti suggcsts that thc con fusion in thc town cxists throughout thc country mo of thc troublcs with scp aratIsm in Canada as tho Curr rcnt Affairs and Historical Socicty dccided last wcck is that thcrc is so much of it its hard to tell whos going to scpa ratc from whom and in what or dcr llc suggests the only answcr may be regional playoffs likc thc NHL with Qucbcc lcading off against DC and so on until thc two finalists battle it out for the right to lcavc The politician as journalist By ERIC IIAMOVITCII The Canadian Press Quebec more than other parts of Canada selects jour nalists for political office Premier Rene Levesque and Quebec Liberal leader Claude Ryan are journalists And Prime Minister Trudeau was law professor who made his name in journalism Journalists dont always put down their pens and micro phones when they move on to other endeavors Levesque has just come out with book as have two Parti Quebecois baclc benchers Gilbert Paquette and JeanPierre Charbonneau former investigative journalist Levesques book La Passion du Quebec is an instant best seller with more than 20000 copies in print It is based on series of interviews with French journalist Jean Robert Leselbaum Theres not much in it that Levesque hasnt said before The arguments about why Que bec should be an independent state and how its economy would fare are familiar to many Canadian readers Nor does Levesques look back at his political career His review of his governments per formance doesnt add much to the sum of knowledge on Que bec politics But the book was written primarily for European readers NOT CLEAR chcsques explanations of sovereigntyassociation arc just as tortuous as over This is how he explains the association hc envisages with Canada Its political continuity at least in the following sense If we break all relations if were in body which is not only dif ferent but hostile between On tario and the Maritimes its evi dent that we would be creating real ghetto with all the hostil ity that would be stirred up around us Thus we have to leave zone of continuity in common The interdependence of the world tells us that it makes good sense for all neighbors to leave things in common If the 225 pages of general ities in Levesques book leave you yearning for more theres always the CharbonneauPa quette book LOption LOption analyses sover eigntyassociation and every thing connected with it in de tail In its 620 pages it gives semiofficial Parti Quebecois view on everything you ever wanted to know about how Que bec thinks it draws the short straw under the federal svstem After long review of Quebec history the authors analyse virtually cvcry constitutional thcory yct dcvisc in Canadaircncwcd fcdcralism dccntralization spccial status and rcjcct most of them When it comes to talking about their own preferred op tion of sovcrcigntyassrxiation they begin to wax hypothctical For instance would economic aSsociation with Canada involve frocttade zone or customs union Both hypotheses are analysed but in the end we dont know which it would be even if the authors had their druthers Theres just an analysis no firm conclusion They analyse the European Economic Community the Nor dic Council and several other economic unions without saying which they would most like to serve as model for Quebec and Canada The book contains fascinat ing organizational chart show ing the various joint political and economic organizations sovereign Quebec would share with Canada La Passion due Quebec by Rene Levesque 225 pa ges Edi tions QuebecAmerique $695 LOption by JeanPierre Charbonneau and Gilbert Pa quette 620 pages Editions de IHomme $1295 the examiner Friday Fob 1m DA Panorama mgks Barris book on Hollywood offers wealth of film history By ELWOOI CLOVER This isnt your average three andahalfpound glossy coffee table volume of glamorous movie stills nor is it book with the usual premise Stars of the Golden Oldies or The Life and Legend of Sylvia Breamcr Hollywood According To Hol lywood by Alex Barris Burns and MacEachern 20 pages $2325 is step ahead of any of the picture books about Holly wood published in recent years What this Canadian author has to say displays photographic recall of littleexplored sub ject of the cinema Hollywoods picture of itself cant remember having read wealth of movic nostalgia in such great detail The authors knowledge of thc movie industry his exhaustivc rescarch of each motion pic ture with dates casts and plot outlines are impressive And as an ardent movic butt tested myself on my first browse by trying to identify cv ery character actor and bit player They are all there George Chandler Bert Roach George Barbicr Raymond Hat tnn Ed Brophy David Rollins ch Roll and Jack Mulhall The clear and accurate narrativc brought items to thy attention ncvcr knew bcforc That Potash and Pcrlmuttcr was comcdytcam name of George Sidney tthc original ohen of lhc ohcns And The Kcllyst and Alexander Tarr that thcrc was Illll callcrl Hollywood Boulevard 1916 not to bc confuscd with tho morcfamous Sunsct Roulcvard 1950 that Hollywood dchbcratcly altered thc plot outlinc of many Broadway stagc play to takc thc sting out of NIw Yorks satircs ot tinscltownfi such as Stagc Door IttiitTt and Will Succcss Spoil Rock Huntcr 411157 Did you koow that thc Ilolly wood studios madc picturcs to rliscrcdit thc scandalmagazmc ragc such as Slandcr ItétliTI and Secret Filc Hollywood Iioozi thus using its own pow crful mcdium to tell the public it shouldnt bciicvc anything It in print LIGHT TOICH Alcx Barris acts as critic as well as chroniclcr throughout the book but the criticism is mild and usually rcfers to da tedncss and indulgence Its off set by his infectious scnsc of humor and his ability to trcat the subject lightly and lovingly His plot outline for picture called Talcnt Scout Donald Woods was the potential star maker and Jeanne Madden was onc of those he tried to makci Those who remember Barris as the cntcrtainmcnt columnist of some years back will recall his lovc of Tom Swiftics as in his caption for still from Second Fiddle 11931 Movie hopeful Sonja chic givcs prcssagcnt Tyrone Powcr an affectionate tap as Edna May livcr looks on icily the topic of filmed bio graphics Barris writcs Its axiomatic that no film biogra phy of any famous person can ever be made without the pres ence of some relative or inlaw regularly predicting that thc hero would never amount to anything The only exception which comes to mind was The King of Kings FEW FLAWS The book is not without flaws mostly due to the publishing in Qualifled teachers In Special attention for Midhurst College Junior School Grades through Private School in By small classes Individuol program for each student at his own level of achievement students with learning disabilities Conforms to Ministry of Education guidelines Call Ursula Kiffmeyer 7371434 Home 4589355 dustrys custom of rushing books to market with such speed that slipshod editing and proofreading are glaringly ap parent How wcll know For example is DcWitt Jen nings surname spelled with an or an Mack Sennetts cutie Cccillc Evans winds up with her name beneath her pic ture spelled Evand and poor Louis Jordan the jazz musi cian is captioned as French movie star Louis Jourdan And then theres Claire Booth Lucc Im afraid the author himself will have to accept the blame for the overfrequent appear ance of the word klut2a term that doesnt blend into thc rhetoric unobtrusively At long last Im happy to see the great dancc bands of the 19305 and 1940s receive just rec ognition for their contributions to many movie remember going to many film because famous nameband was billed only to catch fleeting glance of my idols accompanying some secondrate starlet Glenn Millers Sun Valley Serenade 19411 and The Fabulous Dorscys 1947 changed all that Harris makes much of how movies can be rccyclcd in this age of nostalgia new breed of Hollywood producer exists to dayrAthc film archivist and his torian such as Robert Young son who is an authority on thc Industrys golden cra lcrhaps Thats Entcrtainmcnt is thc fin est example of how the Holly wood product can be put to memorable use for later gen oration DIGGING DEEP In the final chapter Holly wood Digs Deeper its evident that the deeper it digs the more cruel it becomes During the si lent days and early days of sound Hollywoods jibes at it self were gentle and goodhu mored Not any more The author cites the biting cynicism in Myra Breckenridge Valley of the Dolls Once Is Not Enough the Walter Matthau producer director satire in Plant Suite and Dcnholm Elliots portrayal of the drunken hasbeen director in The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz And who can forget Day of the Locust The Front and The Last Tycoon Early in the book com menting on the lighthearted way in which Hollywood poked fun at itself the author draws an interesting analogy para phrasing Marshall McLuhan The medium was being used at times to perpetuate the me dium that was the message At thc end was saddened by bitter truth Hollywood ac cording to todays Hollywood sccms to have masochistic dcatleish It appears that Hol lywood no longer likcs itsclf cry much Elwood Glover is well known anadian television and radio personality as well as movie and danceband buff New library books FICTION RAGE AGAINST HEAVEN Ry Frcd Mustard Stewart Epic historical fiction set in thc IVII War years in mcrica bct wccn 11W and 1870 Based on fact IAK Et By Donald Creighton divcrting unconventional nurdcr mystery arising from tin proposed salc of family distillery business to American Interests FLYAWAY Ry Desmond Bagley highly adventurous thriller in an exotic setting centering on the disappearance of clerk in an cnginccring firm THE QUIET RIVER By Philip Hubbard An intriguing suspense novel in which an almost invisible but sombre river threatens the in habitants of small English village THE WOLFEN By hitlcy trieber fight for survival between the wolfcn werewolves and two New York City detectives RED DUST ityw Valgardson Exccllcnt short fiction dealing with the stark life of Icelandic communities in northern Canada MOOSE MEAT AND WILD RICE By BasilJohrston comic collection of tales by an Ojibway about life today on aCanadianIndian reserve WEAVE OF WOMEN By Broner mitt lcvnsh womcns lib in home for wayward girls in Jerusalem Witty and wise NONFICTION THE SNOW LEOPARD By Peter Matthicsscn lhc authors pilgrimage across the Himalayas In search of the cluswc snow lcopard Beautifully described THE BRONFMAN DYNASTY By Peter Newman An intimate story of the greatest most powerful business dynasty of all THE SECRET BETRAYAL By Nikolay Tostoy passionate case for the Vic tims of Yalta the two million people returned to the Soviet authorities against their will THE LUNAR EFFECT By Arnold Leibcr Biological tides and human emotions the influence of the moon onourlivcs HARPERS PHARMACY TIL SPECIALISTS IN Osiomy Supplies and Accessories Breast Prosthesis and Mastectomy Bros Orthopedic Supports Surgical Elastic Stockings Private Fitting Rooms Professionally Trained Personnel Mail Order Service CONVALESCENT AIDS Cones Crutches Walkers Commodes Baths Bathtub Rails Seats Hospital Beds Wheel Choirs Etc Rentals Soles 7285407 128 Pensions At St Villain IAIIIE

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