monday tv EVENING 600 69 123 NEWS HOLLYWOOD SQUARES CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS POLKA DOT DOOR 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME JEREMY 645 READALONG 655 WRITE 0N 700 DATING GAME FANTASY ISLANO CROSS WITS MARY TYLER MOORE TIC TAC DOUGH PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED NEWLYWED GAME DONT ASK ME GOOD TIMES PRICE IS RIGHT 730 $100000 NAME THAT ITI NEWLYWED GAME GENE TAYLOR SHOW HOLLYWOOD SQUARES coED FEVER SHA NA NA outm sum Ronettes MAGIC SHADOWS lurniiboiit leirtl Based on Thorno Smith amwus story hIs outrageous comedy depicts husband team who smtch DttitlllaltlIPS BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 or LITTLE HOUSE ON THE When Mary warns that she pregnant she sets 1111 In iNHJII Vit husband Wllh IIII tnthtir who ItHfIfll the young man whon iosi llly sight til THE WHITE SHADOW Coach Reeves lilkii his boys lrI LIs Viqm tor anrnvrtation basketballtournamentandih team mnds up Demo taken to the rleanms on and all the court 60 niins ALL IN THE FAMILY Archie and ham Introduce rich WIGOW to Barney Heiner atterhismlaruns awayanddlscoverthatwhai he wont do tor love he Might do tor 9Y SALVAGE1 Harry Broderick sentimental journey to Burmese Iunqle to bring back ShangrR La LII the 825 bomber he piloted In World War II turns into an eerie and gerous adventure 60 mos BIG EVENT MOVIE TworMinUiP Warning 1976 Stars Charlton Heston John aavntes ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE Vaudeville and MUSIC Hatl Film clips lnCIudl Harry Lauder Marlene DieirIch Mauttu valiar and EdIth PIB €25 STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO MOVIE WESTERN The Relentless Four 1965 830 Mals pushy mom drops In unexpectedly from Brooklyn moves In Wllh her son and proceeds to take over his hip Guest star Martha Raye 900 MONDAY NIGHT AT THE BackslaIrs At The WhItR Housu 1979 Stars Leste Uagams Georgie Kennedy 000020 06fl00g0990 3009 MASH The Ionm tVflCUHIIOn to nearby cave to nvoui artillery tire on ChmesI target posrs another at or Hawkem HOW THE WEST WAS WON 78b Macahans march throuuh wanInIi Blarktoot Indian nation wnh an army lieutenant and scriitly band at tollowers becomes complicntvd by pretty young ow hrs NICHOLAS NICKLEBY SnIIke desperately III contcsscs to Nicholas that he Invcs Kate Ralph Nickloby his plans going awry on all sides tInally listens to BrnokTr 58 words seal his doom DOCTOR ON THE GO 930 CINCINNATI to ONE DAY AT TIME 1000 NEWSMAGAzINE GRANT Alter Lou sees an Immigration Department raid On his Iavonle Mexican restaurant the Tribune uncovers grim and unsettling picture of whats happen to Illegal almost 60 mins SPEAKING OUT loo Smart Fm Schools The Problems at tho GItted NEWS UPDATE WKRP IN NEWS 1001 BARETTA 1030 06 MAN ALIVE Wm 1m psychiatrist Karl Monmoqu aska the out tion Whatever happenrd to sm7 Man Alwl hat town the answor iln tS very much lllvv Iiid drumming up bIIsInIss In Zanndai 1100 NEWS CBC NEWS CW NEWS IE EMPLOYMENT FILE MOVIE SUSPENSE That Man in Istanbul 1966 1115 THE REAL STORY 1120 NEWS 1125 QUESTION PERIOD 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW Inst hast viri RIIklvs Mounts Nillilltl Itr Pita Lynn 61 mIns CBS LATE MOVIE with FHRD FILES lhitJuii titllI l1l6 tthrkRn Whon lllll Hm kl Inf thInks dorm II rind dotr1 by hilpImj out hrs trirsnd Angel he unis embrolmt In S10 1111 swmdlrI Fl MCMILLAN AND WIFF In Death Do Us Part Stars Rock Hudson Hogan MOVIE MYSTERY he Maltese Falcon 1941 STREET TALK 1145 LORD PETER WIMSEY 1150 MOVIE HISTORICAL Fire Over England 1939 00 MEDICAL CENTER MOVIE ADVENTURE Naked Prey 1966 1210 MOVIE DRAMA The Bridge 1961 iaini Jumps 100 TOMORROW 1m 1m gm UIIGSI Sheila Waldanlold press so Hilary Io mty Ford 60 mins MARCUS WELBY MD 130 to PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY French roots still strong for popular Cajun singer MONTREAL CPI Thcrc is more to the growing cx changes between Quebec and the Frenchspeaking residents of Louisiana than goodwill statements by politicians Theres hunger for each others culture as well And nobody is bettcr cul tural diplomat to Quebec than Louisianas Zachary Richard The singersongwriter cant speak French too well but his heritage shines through in his Cajun stylc of rockflavored music His latest single IAbbe Est Dans Scs Feuilles iThc Trcc is Budding was snapped up by 100000 Quebec fans last sum mer and fall In his appearances here he draws bigger crowds than many rival Quebec songwriters As Cajun Richard is dc scendant of Acadians who set tled in Louisiana in the mid 18th century after being driven from the Maritimes by the British The Cajun musical tradition is rooted in the songs they once played at their Saturday night dances and the folklore reflects the trauma of their eviction from Acadia Their songs tell of yearning faithless love and tales of despair and death But even the most tortured laments are set to springy danceinspiring beat Sung in locallyaccented archaic French and framed in ragged waltz and syncopated twostep arrangements the dis tinctive Cajun sound comes from spineshivering fiddle playing and small French box accordians bcllowing hard lriving tunc Ihc stylc Is blend of mt dicval folk airs brought by the original Acadians from norr thcrn Francc and thc carthy strains of carly Delta blucs Succccding generations added blucgrass country and wcstcrn and wcstcrn swing sounds ABSORBING 0NQI IIRERS Folk archivist atherinc Itlanchct says thcrc arc very low ajun songs that bclong cntircly to thc Acadian tradition Instead 20 stylcs arc show ing lhcy say Cajuns arc like Thinescvrthcy survIvc by ab sorbing the conqucrcrs Richards contribution to his amorphous native music is modern rock roll With his first album Bayou des Mys teres he gained reputation as Cajun version of Mick Jagger with rollicking versions of Ca jun classics like JEtais au Bal and The Bosco Stomp On his new album Migration he moves beyond the traditional Cajun framework with collection of rock and blues based on ballads dont consider what Im doing now betrayal of my tra dition he says Its just that Im of different generation All Ive done is find another way to formulate it Ironically while Richard is becoming one of the top draw ing cards in Quebec he re mains largely unknown in Loui siana where he plays on the re gional honkytonk circuit or for circle of friends around the city of Lafayette tho oxamlnor r=dday Feb 1m 7A Dan Hill comes to Barrie next week for two concerts at Georgian College Theatre Dan Hill the pain never ends IIIXURI It IIIICS By STEPHEN llilt Siiigrsongwritcrs who scll lot of rccords by satisfying in audicnccs tndlcss ippctitc for romantic songs about tbc pillll of low usually gct bushcd by thc critics Dan Ilill tlic 2A1 ycarold Toronto pcrlornicr Is 1i pcrtcct cxaniplc tlic critics cant stand him but his albums arc bcst scllcrs Why dont tht critics lovc Dan llIll Is he too consciously scnsitivc and poctic about lou too obscsscd with baring all thosc tcndcr fcclings that Incn arc supposcd to bidc Icihaps If Ilill wcrc fcmalc tbc subjcct mattcr of his music would be morc zicccptablc doublc stan dards ncvcr dic thcy just cori tinuc under diffcrcnt namcs Frozcn in the Night Hills most rcccnt album is full of thc kind of music that alicnatcs critics and dclights his fans nine of the 11 songs cxplorc the same moods and attitudcs cx prcsscd in llills biggcst hit to date Sometimcs thn Wc Touch llill sccms content to work thc samc tcrritory timc and timc again with thc samc straightlaccd scriousncss and lack of humor risking only thc ability of thc listcncr to put up with morc lyrics about pain love and loneliness The problem is not so much what Hill sings about but that he brings so little originality to his music Its inc to be tcndcr and sensitive cvcn to the point of adolescent romanticism but Hill gets tied up in clichcs lyrically hes about as in teresting as Rod McKuen or Terry Rowe But most Of the songs on Frozen in the Night arc pleas ing enough to listen to with lowkey arrangemean that compliment Hills quivering vocal style Song titles seem ir revelevent on an album like this songs like Friends When the Hurt Comes and All See is Your Face rework pretty much the same emotions while the stronger melodies in the title song and Let the Song Last Forever provide some of the more intense moments on the album But the two songs that break the Hill pattern Dark Side of Atlanta and Indian Woman are really the most interesting liark Sidt of Atlanta dcscribcs an cncouitci bctwccn Hill and ii black tiXi lriycr tbc snigcr Inach contact wItb thc drivcr by joining liiin III an old bliics song Indian Woman shows Ilill making 21 political statcincnt about opprtssion Ic cut oil hcr bands and thcn wc zingcr causc shc blccds Is lltl wor thy of Ii likitls protcst song and It shows that Hill in rarc mo Incnt of political Iiwarcncss Tbc songs rclcrcncc to Qucbcc scparatists Qticbccs gctr 1111IOSlltSSAlltlllltltSl of thc country docs not know why brings contcmwrary scnsc of rcality to tho album llan lIiII FromIi in the Night RT 92304079 JAPAN Thc titlc of Japans second album says it all the British band thats bcing heavily pro motcd abroad docs offcr bscurc ltcrnativcs but thc question that remains unanswcrcd Iftcr listening to thc album distributcd in anada by Quality Hccords is wbcthcr anyonc rcally carcs Hock critics suffer thc onslaught of New Wavc bands that dress outrageously and strut across thc vinyl wasteland with tcdious guesturcs of con tcmpt and sclfstylcd daring David Sylvian lead singer and songwriter of the band blcaches his hair and dresses like woman The band refuses to be categorized as punk although the first impression one gets after listening to bscurc Alternatives is that Japan is thc first cxamplc of sctlatcd punk or scdatcd Ncw Wavc or just scdatcd obscuri ty Ilic band displays thc Ncw Wayc scnsibility in lyrics with tItlcs likc Icviation Automatic tun and Suburban Itcrlin but thc mUSIc draws on broadcr in flucnccs sonic hard rock clcctric blues bit of funk and lot of mud BowIthtylc clcc Ironic rock At first hcaring Its an intcrcsting approach to the music but the novclty quickly wcars thin Sylvian may have something to say although it sccms unlikely but tlic words of most of the songs arc inaudi bio and sincc no lyric sheet is supplch with the album its difv ficult to decipher the words Perhaps intentional obscurity is selfdefeating If Japan is being as heavily promoted as the bands prcss clippings claim rcal throat cxists that Sylvian and his four fcllow musicians may makc the jump to North America England gavc us the best of thc ncw wavc in Elvis Costello the other incredibly trite and trashy Sex Pistols imitators havc briefly flowcrcd and dicd on their homc soil Japan could do cvcryonc an enormous favor simply by staying homc if bscurc Alternatives is preview of whats to come in the 19805 then rock music is in more serious trouble than anyone imagined Japans music is as cold calculated and mechanical as an Orwellian vi sion of the future best selling albums Blondes Have More Fun Rod Stewart Cost Chlc Chlc Night Fllght to Venus Jazz Queen Boney Brlefcase Full of Blues Blues Brothers Crutsln Vlllage People Toto Toto Pieces of Eight Styx 52nd Street Billy Joel IO You Don Bring Me Flowers Noll Dlamond Japan tlbscurc Alternatich Htriola S5001ii Il THE SKY Liic Sky could be the album that wms Widespread recogni tion for rack the Sky rchonal American band thats cstabhshcd an enthusiastic following in cities like Ihiliidclphia and levcland Ihc band was formed in 1975 and has released three studio albums for Lilcsong Records small American label but thc ncw ll album should help thcm find larger audience 77 its onc of the most exciting live albums lvc board in long timc Part of the excitement in the album comes simply from the harddriving energy that the band displays in all material but more important is the freshness of the music havcnt heard any of those previous studio albums and cach song on the live album comes alive with sense of urgcncy and authority freed of any comparison with more technically precise studio vcr sion The bands sound might be described as MIdAtlantic Rock combination of hard driving American rock displayed in thc four songs on the first side of Live Sky and more sophisticated British style of progressive rock displayed in three songs on Side two Ice the first number on side two shows an inventive use of synthesizers by keyboard player Vincc De Paul Surf City is tongue in check look at surf ing music with bits and pieces of melodies like the Lone Ranger thcme thrown in to good effect and Am the Walrus the final track on the album is an uncannily convinc ing version of the Beatles song complete with electronic ef fects and an eerie vocal by lead Singer Gary Lee Chappell rack the Sky Live Lifcsong Records 35620 Sky llNCHEl TITLE The New Brunswick town of Shediac which holds an annual lobster festival calls itself the Lobster Capital of the World