gzz rumIFS TI10 2199 msI Focus 600 CARTOON PLAYHOUSE HILARIOUS HOUSE OF FRIGHTENSTEIN CANADIAN CAVALCADE 630 THIS IS THE LIFE BLACK FORUM CHRISTOPHER CLOSE UP ROCKET ROBIN HOOD 700 ECUMEDIA NEWS PUBLIC POLICY FORUM FAITH FOR TODAY PROFESSOR KITZEL CROSSROADS NIVEN MILLER 715 CHURCH INVITATION 730 DAY OF DISCOVERY CROSSROADS DIRECTIONS 5099 GEORGE 966 HOOL 11 CAMERA ON CANADA HISEY HOUSE OF SONG CHINESE SHOW 800 22 JIMMY SWAGGART DAY OF DISCOVERY BISHOP HEAD MOVIE MYSTERYCOMEDY Whistlln In Dlxlo Ion SUNDAY RPRISE UNCLE BOBBY FATHER MEEHAN MIDDLE EAST REVUE 830 OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR JIMMY SWAGGART BY THE PEOPLE 80 DOB BEDS CROSS COUNTRY SKI Mumfohaï¬m COMMANDER TOM SHOW TREEHOUSE CLUB ORAL ROBERTS POLKA DOT DOOR OUEENSWAY CATHEDRAL MACEDONIAN MAGAZINE 900 OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR CBS NEWS FLOWER SPOT IT IS WRITTEN JEREMY 915 GET IT TOGETHER 925 BARBAPAPA 930 ORAL ROBERTS REX HUMBARD HISPANOVISION SESAME STREET JEWISH HOUR 1000 OPEN RAP PEOPLES CHURCH CORONATION STREET WOODY WOODPECKER ITALIAN PANORAMA GREEK SHOW SOUNDS OF THE EAST 1030 REX HUMBARD ROBERT SCHULLER KIDS ARE PEOPLE TOO DAY OF DISCOVERY KIDSWORLD PORTUGUESE SHOW 100 REX HUMBARD MEETING PLACE PEOPLES CHURCH TOM GRATTANS WAR 30 REV JAMES ANDREWS ODDS 869690 DDSDDDD 888869 3656 ESDE SEARCH THE QUIET HOUR sunday tv FACE THE NATION ANIMALS ANIMALS ANIMALS ID GRANDES RELIGIONS voz DA PROFECIA 1145 ED FESTIVAL iTALIANo AFTERNOON 1200 CHAMPIONSHIP FISHING GREAT NEWS FOR THE WORLD MOVIE COMEDY Some OI Nut 1969 MUSIC TO SEE MOVIE FANTASY The Brodlble Mr Limpet 1963 ED ALBUM TV ITALIAN PANORAMA CONTINUES PAYS ET PEUPLES PORTUGUESE FIN DE SEMANA 1230 MEET THE PRESS HERALD OF TRUTH MONEYMAGAZINE NEWS EN SE RACONTANT LHIS TOIRE DICI HIBIOire de la Socth SRmtJnan Baptisle 1245 In AGRICULTURE REPORT 100 STRAIGHT LINE COUNTRY CANADA em This edition is protIe OI Wayne Woodlilt OI Minudie Nova Scolia who moved them from Saskatchewan and through hard work proved that the marginal land on the Bay at Fundy Id support sheep herds FAMILY FINDERS In ADVENTURES IN RAINBOW COUNTRY 130 TVs Mrs Hoover sacrificed her eyebrows for actors orlL II IIIIRSII ople Ves Service llltlltiltl Alter Ian Sterling tor the sake of art shaved otl her eyebrows to heighten Ittl cliaiactcriation iii lhe High and the Mighty she was nominated tor an Itscar ut her eyebrows never grew in properly again lhat doesnt bother Miss Sterling IllI since shes the kind ot lady whos inore Ill eiesteii III the quality of her ixitoriiziccs than the quality ol liereyehrows haIc very dreary eyebrows she says more up praisineg than complainineg So far as her work goes she continues to keep the quality high though not all of it Is done belore camera or on stage these days llritish by birth shes lived In England tor most of the last several years but she doesnt have permit which would allow her to work there because as she explains If had work permit Id have to be an official resident and pay terrible taxes So kind of commute to the liiited States when Im ac ting IRS HOOVER line of her most recent acting jobs called on her to play Mrs Herbert Hoover in Nlls ltzickstairs at The White House and Jan was happy to discover she had to be padded tor the part spent all my life trying to lose weight she says so was glad that was thin enough to need padding As matter of fact when reported for work the producer said didnt know you looked so good Jan laughs happily at this recollection Did you realize she con tinues that Hoover was the only president who never ac cepted salary in the White House and who paid all his own expenses Jan talked about Mrs Hoover and other things on the eve of leaving for New Orleans where she said she was almost certain she was going to work in The Dark Side of Love another NBC drama starring Jim Stacy wont say right now that Im going to be in it she said because one little thing has to be worked out but my fellow is directing By her fellow She meant Sam Wanamaker whos been her close friend for some time and whom she said she ad mires greatly VIIIIIII interested III Iliialih Since she can work as an ac tress in England Miss Sterling works hard as an unpaid volunteer with the Royal Volun tary Service at St lancreas Hospital and ltrixtoii Prison thought Wliat can ilo needed to feel needed In England there are very few people who are able to do volunteer work because everyone has to hold down three Jobs to survive she said So volunteered to do what could the prison she Interviews women as they are brought III from the courts at night and has eneounterml situations which have almost broken her heart Little kids in there girls who are so young and have been raped by their stepfatliers bombers people all kinds ot tragic 12 IXMURI OUR Dlvtlonn AND PRINTED 99 rm When the typrus refugees came back was there Though work with criminal element at the prison IIII think the English are IIIIIII law abiding Ulteii the law breakers conic over lriiin the continent Iiisi tor the day Though we do hawa lot ol prostitution IIIIIIIIII so Interested In social work hat Ive seriously considered doingx ll ploliis sitinally but siiiiietiinis Illll you do things as Volunteer you tccl that oii arc ol inoie scr ItI You cant live iii country without givnig tHllllIllllL back IIIIIIIIIIAIIIIIII In her perpetual campaign to reduce Sterling ogs three niilesa day and alsostarvcs Widow of the late actor laiil Douglas she has one son Adam born in I93 who she says looks like Paul when Paul was young but who is more Interested In flying than in acting so hes flight iii structorat Marthas Vineyard Hos also Involved with computers his fond mother says and Just adores it II he evvntually decides he wants loacl theres still time woman has to get there early but man can wait awhile However dont think hell be Hollywood star because he was in aliloinia at the time of the last big earth quake and he says hes lIllI going back again va olwo rtlv EVERY DAY Low PRICES FIlM 20 EXPOSURI COlOUR HIM DEVELOP AND PRINTED Incl fm Jug HI 3h outrun oft Maple Aroma leave your films here for developing ltd printing md SAVE 5676 BAYFIELD 51 DOWNTOWN BARRIE PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED WILD ANMALS OF THE HYMN SING WORLD TROUBLE WITH WICYR FOIKA DOT DOOR ED MONEY TALKS ME GLOBAL NEWSWEEK MARITIME COUNTRY co to Run 1912 RES 630 15 LEIMONDE DES pENT WILD KINGDOM NATIONS BUSINESS NAIFS lrS Nails De Belgique el Des 1120 lIIIIIEMORIES 0F GREECE LETS GO To THE RACES News 140 NEW FACES 1122 24 HOURS OF OAYTONA SPORTS GAMES PEOPLE News 145 PLAY 1130 NBA BASKETBALL ALLSTAR HERE COMES THE MOVIE GAME FUTURE ADVENTUREDRAMA 200 700 am Rat I965 COLLEGE BASKETBALL 79 THE WONDERFUL WORLD ARCUS WELBY MD 333 vs Michigan State OF DISNEY Shadow OI Fear bizarre FARM INSGHT tale at an Introverted tonnage boys super 11 NEWS SUNDAY naturalencounlersthrouqh out Dl body expat LA rences and his ability to see things trom the Wmterlude From Ottawa super oldtime nempeéwk Emmas Conduslon 60 IN PRIVATE LIFE Winter carnival on the Rideau Canal which NIGHT includes eight harness races on Ice tour BEACHCOMBERS two 1140 hockey players In relay team trying to outrace horsr II parade at old Ith qlPiqhs song Oqomm saws rj Foalm MOVIE ADVENTURE ye and cutters and displays at Ice sculpture and made we Mn 99$ aha Three Musketeers 1948 Seahosl band ol Indians and their proud old THE d3 sho Chret When the tiny band cant muster lull PERIOD DESI Crew Nick Is captured as Slave and Set to 11250 311315m2gtiiaï¬3£7 58 ms ween ommo rth preliminary round 75 mins 60 1200 iTALIAN COOKING ABC SUNDAV MOVIE MOVIE SCIENcEFICTION 700 CLUB SPECIAL The Bad News Bears 1976 urhe p90 law 1971 230 rs Walter Matlhau Taiam ONeal MEDICAL ENTER DONNY AND MARIE YESTERDAYS GLITTER MOVIE COMEDY Kid SMITH AND SMITH ms UNTAMED WORLD GONG SHOW me CHILD DEVELOPMENT 730 as NTERNXIENOAL TALCNE 300 SCIENCE MAGAZINE DAVID SUSSKIND SHOW Butterflies and Passionvmes Butterlhes lay 1220 CANADIAN Itieirquson plantstoprovrde nourishmenltor gryz th Ila lar 19 which in Central AstGueisgay pnca ArrtIarriccaazaEHed to evolutionary contest Lady In car WIIh Glasses ween IBM and Insect and Gun 1970 III RIIiIYAANiI WoRLDs or CdMEDY SHOP 1230 cmLDHooo PEOPLE AND PETS you Blew CONVERSATION WITH In PEOPLE Sscgunc éDwWIIAiuwifL THEY THINK OF WITH mm NEXT 200 INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION 800 SHIP BOXING wm Middleweight THE BIGEVENT Cemmm SUNDAY $2URERISE Championship WIII be on the line when Hugo The Scream OI Eagles Stars Davud Janssen horro taus the hatianqr ol Vito Antoluormo one Vaughn pm 0mm due dome ABC NEWS 7s nuns dant it Insaumel and torrent owner ï¬t on eloe Low an 1oo HUNTLEY STREET 1979 CANADIAN FIGURE XISIIIIIROII I1C79III4S ZZIIIIIITVITRIS oniirr SKATING CHAMPIONSHIPS 6obmonrtusmn is his ulay lt iIIHInIIIIIMI lrnilures thI Mi Imi PEOPLE TALKING BACK tmui ylnl and thaniou nuhin Highlights no Hm pm gm my immmmu rm iiw thanre Ii ith mm in imminw $1 ECONOMICS THE CAN minim til in im ntWIVIO11iI iiittllt IAn tip tiiarv In busmnus amt tat Tonight on at it vatIi is iildlitl Iirinltl torn4 lyr 4200 miinl it his SPORTSWORLD SPECIAL MOVIE PRESEN 08 CANADIAN SUPERSTARS Timon WW yum IIIJ imp Mariam IIlvtll ti ii Tm an iiiii iu ziivmwm Ii miia inm UPSTAIRS DOWNSTAIRS tihaiw Iii Iainit iiiitwriw Irmirair it tutin Iiuiiiaii Iliirti ItnlLi11yFIlllvllil IIIIIIIIIIII ti it taint Iiimm niiivn it im loilm wiltt in It Stain wyuKlIIl mu ii mum II out mini II ITINY TALENT TIME IN PRIVATE LIFE it TIM Wm 415 New News vii iiwai 14qtl OUIZ KIDS 24 HOUdegg DAYTONA SHULMAN FILE AHWMWM 830 RING CROSBY PROAM GOL TOURNAMEN EB AH 900 iv lttltttt iI SUNDAY NIGHT MOVIE Iv ty WI Irpm iii Kid riiriwtiy IIII Ii lIai We Are Sunday at 900 I1ltI liiIiaeI 1lltlt talks to Iiilarios inst iiviilitidsiiian ithiii laloiiiw In the iiist oi two programs about this tItstllT It iliti iii If ii IIIII WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS THE WAY WE ARE Anni iv Nor iiiml 1mm ammo mm plump mw III iii the law IUII Lawns im it ii FIGHT AGAINST SLAVERY on will wingt nun aimL iiiiiinliit Itviuttllly Tins primi1 II an WM on ii IiiiiiIIiIni with III imiwi ti ranHi in WtLD KINGDOM xlIIlIIIIIIIIOHIIIII Home an Manual EDUCATION FOR THE FU ynai SlawH detaili 9230 giiished IIIIIIILII lavuer This gRiIggWORLD CITY LIGHTS ouri Milli uch IIIILII1IIUIII rci allshis 500 WW 1000 liildliot Id hiscaih cars to Ian SHOW ml LE TEMPS DES piai and his iaiiIiiiIsdeteni CBC NEWS AND THIS WEEK INCERTITUDES III eonard Ii Ittl1 and tepheii pARLAMENT 22 IN CONCERT Nan Moushm iII hair who were hanged in LAWRENCE WELK SHOW 79 MC GOWAN AND Iiirontos liin lail tor the VISION 0N COMPANY IiIIIrder It polii enian BUGS BUNNY AND ROAD 1030 RUNNER C045 FEVER liiiiiiel Crime MOVIE COMEDY oooo winn1 Idigniltzul1 women lt toiletteK IIIIIIv LJ Charlie Chaplin Cavalcade Wang 111 lVOntano 530 W5 MUPPETS SHOW LAUREL AND HARDY BIG BLUE MARBLE Its your network 110° 2212 80 NEWS CBC NEWS myWnWWW 600 NEWS EVENINGi 99 THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF Shadow it Inn twain lalI oi an inimwiiwi imnmii my uiw Does your natural Im ouiiters through out il ti hIKHI tumm and IiIiy in tune omit imm iii SJJAZE heat bill leave you cold It wouldnt if you visited our WAREHOUSE SALE EVELOPING now in progress 24 Hwy supplies EXPOSURE coroun HIM on limited DWIIOPID AND FRINTlD 799 Jug hl PM ï¬sher Wood Stoves Bayflald St North Barrio Pluto 7374662 II CRAIG WIMUND PAIIING