MORNING 558 FOCUS 600 PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY BETTER WAY CARTOON PLAYHOUSE HILARIOUS HOUSE OF FRIGHTENSTEIN EB SENECA TELECOLLEGE 626 EDITORIAL 630 SUNRISE SEMESTER AGRICULTURE USA ROCKET ROBIN HOOD 700 VEGETABLE SOUP ITS ACADEMIC BUGS BUNNY IENDS PROFESSOR KITzEL 11 HARRIGAN PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 300 000 00 gt 730 MARLO AND THE MAGIC MOVIE MACHINE AUDUBON WILDLIFE THEATRE MUNDO REAL ROMPER ROOM ALL IN TUBE UKRANIAN SHOW 800 YOGIS SPACE RACE CIRCLE SOUARE POPEYE HOUR SCOOBYS ALLSTARS UNCLE BOBBY 825 SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK 826 IN THE NEWS 830 FANTASTIC FOUR ALL IN TUBE SESAME STREET FLINTSTONES WILLY AND FLOYD POLKA DOT DOOR LE TORONTO FRANCAISE 856 IN THE NEWS 900 GODZILLA SUPER 90 THIRD STORY BUGS BUNNY AND ROAD NNER SPIDERMAN MISTER ROGERS VOICE OF ASIA FILIPENSCA 925 SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK 926 IN THE NEWS 930 ROCKET ROBIN HOOD PARADE CHALLENGE OF THE SUPER FRIENDS BARBAPAPA HILARIOUS HOUSE OF FRIGHTENSTEIN IE CURLING 000 0090000 000 0602 945 CHECK AND MATE 956 IN THE NEWS 1000 SCOOBY Doo GEORGE DOWN TO EARTH 100 HUNTLEY STREET 1026 IN THE NEWS 1030 DAFFY DUCK LOST IN SPACE TARzAN AND THE SUPER VEN JUST WILLIAM LETS Go ANY WOMAN CAN JUST Do IT YOURSELF 1055 SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK 100 FRED AND BARNEY SHOW PEANUTS AND POPCORN POPEYEPORKY PIG KIDSTUFF THE CHURCH PINS AND NEEDLES 1126 IN THE NEWS 130 JETSONS OCEANS ALIVE PINK PANTHER SHOW STAN KANN PASSEPARTOUT THE CHURCH CITY CLASSIFIED 1155 SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK 1156 IN THE NEWS AFTERNOON 1200 BUFORD AND THE GALLOP ING GHOST TRIVIA 0UIz SPACE ACADEMY AGRISCOPE ABC WEEKEND SPECIAL 11 Puppya Graat Adventura Animated tale ot the puppy who wanted boy as he Bola out to prove that puppIaDliko peopleBro not all the same when his new young owner Is adopted arenta who dont like dogs STAR TREK In HORST KOEHLER LES MARMITONS WRESTLING GALLOPING GOURMET 1226 IN THE NEWS 0000 IN IUD 0000000 000000 0900m00 1230 FABULOUS FUNNIES In WRESTLING FAT ALBERT REACH FOR THE TOP TODAYS WOMAN LES OLYMPIENS Handball 79 YOURE BEAUTIFUL 1256 IN THE NEWS 100 TO THE POINT ARK ll CLASS OF 79 MIND OVER MYTH TROUBLE WITH TRACY AUTONOMIE SPORTS PROBE THACKERS WORLD 115 08009000 EN BREF 126 IN THE NEWS 130 STRAIGHT LINE THE COLLEGE GAME Willrid Laurier VS Universi ty OI Winnlpeu III womans basketball 80 MINUTES BUILDING DECENT FUTURE MOVIE COMEDY hroo On Couch 1966 WILD REFUGE CANADIENS CANAILLES CANAYENS £8 BOXING INTO THE WISHING WELL 200 MOVIE BIOGRAPHICAL esert Fox 1951 BEAT THE CHAMP TONY BROWNS JOURNAL CANADIAN COLLEGE ORTS Baakatball Ottawa vs York DEJA DEMAIN NFB PRESENTS 230 SPORTS AFIELD INSIDEOUT AGAPE 245 VISION ON 300 INVITATION TO DANCE INSIDE TRACK GALLOPING GOURMET 315 CANADIAN ART IN THE NATIONAL GALLERY 330 FISHING HOLE CBC CURLING CLASSIC Cathy Prdxarko ot Stony Mountain Manitoba Rick FoIk ot Saskatoon 60 mm PROFESSIONAL BOWLERS TOUR Todays Show WIII loatuw Inn $100000 AMF MagiCScoro Open trom San 01110 Texas 90 mung RED FISHER SHOW BONSPIEL 1979 mum an Bra Falls Curling CHAMPIONSHIP BRIDGE ED CIRCLE SQUARE HOT HANDS 400 FORMBYS WORKSHOP ITS ACADEMIC WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Includc LadieR and Mimt 880 000 ANTIQUE Featurod events Double Slalom Alpino Skiing Lhiimpmnships from Lake Placid till Dwinu from Arnoulro MBKICO and WrIst WrnRtlInq 1mm Folumn IIOIHIB hrs 26 MEDIA AND METHODS OF THE ARTIST NFB PRESENTS WRESTLING 430 STAN KANN CONCENTRATION MR CHIPS ELECTRIC COMPANY HAMMY HAMSTER 500 MISSION IMPOSSIBLE FACES OF SMALL PLACES BING CROSBY PROAM GOLF TOURNAMENT Top pros and celebrated personalitvos from the amateur ranks hooded by dolondrno champion Tom Watson WI no In the spotlight when CBS Sports prosonls exclusive coverage OI play In the 38th annual Croaby National Pro Am 90 mins BONKERS WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS 11 National Figure Skating Champronshups teaturIng the woman and pans competitlon International CIIII Donna Championship Irom pulco 90 maria JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL SESAME STREET KIDSWORLD SOCCER 00 88000 08 530 MIXED BLESSINGS DANCE FEVER TOWN AND GOWN WORLD OF SURVIVAL 600 800 EVENING NEWS REACH FOR THE TOP CBC NEWS AMAZING WORLD OF KRESKIN in SATURDAY REPORT POLKA DOT DOOR SPORTS CITY 630 INOUIRY CASH FOR LIFE LOTTERY CBS NEWS THIS WEEK IN ONTARIO NEWS SPECTRUM DONT ASK ME SPORTS PROBE 700 HEE HAW Guaata Johnny Duncan lo Friclia Johnny simple INCREDIBLE HULK Saturday tv NEXT STEP BEYOND PAPER CHASE HERE AND NOW BACKSTAIRS AT THE WHITE Maggie contmues to serve at tho WhIte House under the Hardrng Administration and tho COOng Admmnstrution and learns OI Emmett Senior death At the bought 01 the Dopressmn Lillian loreqoes her Indenen donci as an excellent seamstress and toms Heibert Hoovers domestic Stall as third maid rt II hrs EIN PROSIT JACKANORY PLAYHOUSE TEAM SHOWDOWN FOUR FOR ADVENTURE 730 SHA NA NA Guest Jan and 37 BLACK EXPERIENCE GEORGE HAMILTON IV DR WHO Terror of the Zygons QUIZ KIDS LAST OF THE WILD 800 CHIPS Two sportscar racers cause concern and frustration Ior Jon and Ponch when than bank holdup method are rily succeastul 60 thing if HOCKEY NIGHT IN CAN ADA Montraal Canadiena vs ToronIo Maple IS hrs MR HORN The rovealmg Story of Tom Horn whose colorful Wild West career encompassed the capture ot the legendary Apache warrior GoronImo and rough and ready turn of the century Me as Wyoming bounty hunter Stars Dayld Cal ma Karen Black Conclusion hrs DELTA HOUSE Deltas on complicated con rob and swntch houses with the Omega tor the annual Paronts Day event aboi College MOVIE Animal Farm I955 GOING PLACES SHULMAN FILE 830 WELCOME BACK KOT TER VInnIB Barbarino mod 01 cleaning towels as hospital orderly IakBB command when he and tho Sweathogs pot stmndud in an elevator with proqnant woman 900 HOCKEY Bultnlo Sabres vs MInneso otth SIRIS THE LOVE BOAT In voynoe Hed With surprases romanrii comedy and dnsro Dent cruise dirnclor Julle McCoys high school class holds than ten year reumon aboard the Pnculic Princess Guest stats mond Burr Kim Darby hrs 1979 CANADIAN FIGURE SKATING CHAMPIONSHIPS Featured today wall 01 the Senior Free Finals and Sonror Ladves Frm Eanls Hosts urn Johnny Esaw Debbie WItluvs Darroch and Jelinoti hrs CENTENNIAL Th1 ands OI Death Stars Lynn Redgrave Alru KRIIRB Charlotte and Jim Lloyd IOflllnuP opiumnu Ihl Ianrn wIth Charlotte tnktng an twi mlr 1141101111l the MBIcan ImIflIQIdIIIa thrI liri undiir mRvy Ie lrom Ioth blgnts bu POINT BLANK 910 CONVERSATIONS WITH ELWY YOST 1m AppriJImnto 930 CITY LIGHTS Mm Sleonhurqun Nellig LONDON IRculcrI It has all conic truc for tnnzidzis Kntc Nclligan Just as shc always know it would Tcn ycars Iftcr Irriving In Britain without contacts train ing or profcssionzil cxpcricncc shc has bccn nzimcd Britains Actress of the Yczir an honor awarded by Thc Ilwning Standard ncwspzipcr Thcy giivc hcr thc ziwzird lucsday night at glittering dinncr in thc Savoy Hotel and in crisp acknowledgment she said What have to say is short and simplegt1 am deeply thrilled But it was no surprisc to the 27yearold actress from Lon don nt who is completing her latest role as the fair victim in another film version of Bram Stokers Dracula ne of the few nativeborn Canadians to make major im pact in British theatre Miss Nelligan has displayed self confidence to match her will power and total commitment to acting excellence REVIEWS 1001 feel the strength will al ways come through she told reporter after receiving her first outstanding reviews sev eral years ago want to use the pain and intelligence feel in myself she added Id rather be out of work than settle for anything less And Tuesday night thejudges gave Kate her accolade decid ing that in Vintage year for female acting displays she had topped them all beating out Britons Diana Rigg and Judi Dench She won the award for her performance in David Hares Plenty story of the French Resistance in the Second World War 1000 LIBERACE VALENTINE SPECIAL roxumatc SECOND CITY EDITORS 1030 FOR LOVERS ONLY CITY LIGHTS SPECIAL Guest Bob MCBrIdB 1050 POPEYE AND SUPERMAN Time Approximate 100 CBC NEWS In NEWS CW NEWS MOVIE WESTERNDRAMA1 25 Blue 1968 THE NEW MUSIC 1105 In NASHVILLE SWING 1115 PROVINCIAL AFFAIRS 1120 NEWS CONVERSATIONS WITH ELWV Part It Time Approximate 1130 DIARY OF COMIC Comedy special tracing the carom ol would be comedian as he moves from the east coast to Hollywood Stars Stacy Kench Bill Macy 90 MOVIE ADVENTURE aharle Varrlck1913 MO WESTERN rado 1967 SOUNDS GOOD 1140 MOVIE MUSICALCOMEDY The Broadway Melody 1929 1150 MOVIE DRAMA The Noon Colllng 1910 1200 MOVIE DRAMA WInd the Llon 1975 INTERNATIONAL CINEMA 1210 MOVIE DRAMA The Red Badge of 1c¢11rago 197 ROCK CONCERT 120 MOVIE DRAMA The Devils Hand 1961 130 MIND OVER MYTH 140 =1 MOVIE COMEDYDRAMAI El Breezy 197 200 ABC NEws 220 In MOVIE SUSPENSEDRAMA Mr Ricco 1975 320 MOVIE ADVENTURE Last Chance 1968 340 MOVIE DRAMA Drive Hard Drive Fast 1969 OF STARS AND MEN Timp h0mmM21m3A COC announces extended season Six grand operas including fivc company premieres will highlight the Canadian pcra Companys first ex tcndcd opera scason Lofti Mansouri general dircctor of thc an nounccd Inst wcck that for thc first time in its 29year history thc opera company will sprczid its annual pro duction schedule over eight months From Scptcmbcr 1979 It May 1980 he will present its first produc tIon of Verdis Simon B0c czincgra in Italian Wagners Tristain and Isoldc in ter mnn Donizcttis LElisir dAmorc in Italian Masscncts Wcthcr in Frcnch Bcnjamin Brittens Ictcr Grimes in English and now production of onc of thc companys most popular operas Puccinis Mzidnmzi Butterfly in Italian According to tho the cxtcndcd season rcprcscnts major step in Mansouris plan to prcscnt yczirround program of major opcrzi pro ductions in Toronto This is dramatic dcpar turc from our traditional pro gram schcdulc said Man souri It marks sIgnificzint changc in stylc changc rcsulting from thc com panys growth and dcvclop mcnt No longcr WIII our ziu dicnccs bc lImItcd to fall or sprmg opcrzi program Thcy VIIll now IK IN to cnjoy morc of thc grczit works of music thciilrc throughout thc ntIrc yczir VICKI DRAM Thc 1117945181 Toronto opcrn season opcn With thc 1s lIrst DIIKIIICIIOII of crilis drama SIInoII Boc cimcgrn IIIIIIIIHIII IItlltm LiIIiIs IIIlIco WIII makc his Iibut Is lhc tragic IIIIt clinrzictcr Also ippcziring wIll bc soprzino lzitrIcIII Wclls Is Illtll£l tcnor Irllti Bini as Gabriele bass Don Garrad as Fiesco and baritone Gino Quilico as Paolo Conducting the COC or chestra for Simon Boc cancgra will be Nicola Itcscigno artistic director of the Dolls Civic Opera who rccently made his debut at the Metropolitan Opera con ducting thc Mels new pr0 duction of Don Pasquale with Bcvcrly Sills In late October of this year the company will present its first production of Wagners Tristan and lsoldc Mansouri will direct the opera and the case will feature tcnor Spas chkoff as Tristan soprano Johanna Mcicr as Isolde bass Don Garrard as King Markc and baritone Bernard Iurgcon as Kurwcnal Donizcttis opera LElisir dAmorc will bc the com panys prchhristmas pro duction Graziclla Sciutti will dircct thc first staging of the light Italian comedy which will fciiturc the return to Toronto of soprano Norma Burrowcs as Adina and baritonc Allan Monk as Scrgczint Bclcorc Also ap pcnring will bc tenor BcnIumIno Prior as Ncmorino and bass Sprio Miilzis zis Dulczimcrzi MADAME IIlTTIIIt FLY In January 1980 Marni Icllcgrini rcturns to the CDC to rccrczitc hcr rolc as io tioSan thc tragic hcroinc in Puccinis Mittlflnlil Butterfly Thc cast Ilso includcs tcnor Rico Scrbo baritonc or nclius and mono soprano lzincl Stubbs Ihi fIlth It production IIll bc Musscncts Vcrthcr AltHo soprano Judith Forst will Inakc hcr dcbut Is hnrlottc 11nd soprano zirzilyn lomlIII WIII sing thc pzirt of Sophic on wins top award Born on St Patricks Day 1931 Into whzit shc has cullcd iI IIStkllll boisttrous difficult Catholic family Miss Nclligan won junior tcnnis tItlc at It in Canada and had thoughts of bc coming lccturcr IXCHUSO of hcr good zicadcmic rccord It the lnivcrsity of Toronto but instcud was smittcn with thc chtIng bug lhcn still in hcr tccns shc rodc oncwziy tIckct to Britr nin using borrowed funds and working in discothcqucs to help pay for training at drama school in Bristol PRAISE FROM BLOOM Ilcr first break came in an other David Hare play Knuckle in which she played Lauren Bacalltype character Thcn after another stage per formance actrcss Claire Bloom gave her glowing rcview The best young actress over saw in my life said Miss Bloom Wonderful beautiful fascinating My goodness me She is extraordinary lhc tribute came after her role as woman whose dis tress in the words of one critic seems to have dislocated her very bones in the National Theatre production of Tales From the Vienna Woods by don van Horvnth the Austro Hungarian writer who died in 1938 After almost decade away from home she retains strong feeling for Canada am delighted by the Cana dians meet she said rccently They have this extraor dinarin charming way of show ing pleasure in something ex otic or unusual They are so refreshing and unaffected almost innocent in the best sense of the word Actress Kate Nelllgon receives the best actress award at the Evenlng Standard Drama Awards lunch at the Savoy In London Tuesday AP Photo