2A the examiner Friday Fab 1979 Vietnam war films set for release this year ByROIOITEN opley News Service HOLLYWOOD Vampires aliens sports teenage gangs galactic monsters comic berries bank hetsts train rot beries ecological disasters attd the Vietnam war will explode on movie screens during upcoming months as the motion picture industry lines tip spring and summer releases Two of the most talkedof films within the industry scheduled for general release shortly are Vietnam war movies The Deer Hunter atid Apocalypse Now Filmed at mounting costs now iii the $35 million range atid started on location in the Philippines two years ago Apocalypse Now protect of director Francis Ford opv pola with Marlon Brando among the participating actors currently has beeii annouch ed for August release The Deer Hunter mean while already Iias created stir after brief Academy Awards qualifying screenings in New York and los Angclcs Directed by Michael initiio aitd starring Robert De iro the film is set for February opening by lniversal its distributor around the country IRIIl ROBBERY Other lniversal releases coming this spring and summer Include The Brinks Iob starring Peter Falk WIIII iena Rowlands iii recounting of one of the most famous and dramatic armed robberies in history Same Time Next Year romantic comedy with Ellen Burstyn and Alan Actor RIp Preview performance Torn Is shown In the role of Henry Hackamore character who bears resem blance to that of the late Howard Hughes In Seduced play by Sam Shepard In prevIew performances at the AmerIcan Place Theatre In New York The production thch opened for crItIcs on Feb focuses on the latter Hackamores llfe when he ls llvlng as recluse In Caribbean hotel AP Photo Aida The Promise coti temporary love story willt Kathleen Quinlan tittigf love story set agatttst the background of street gangs Buck Rogers lnll1IltthlIIlt century astronaut frozen in deep space is revived atid returns to vastly altered IIartb tn the 25th century and Prisoner of Zenda comedy with Peter Sellers teaturefilm version of Rattlestar alactica the television series already releas ed as film in other countries will be put into release as feature iii May by lnivcrsal More American Graffiti sequel to icorgc Lucas American Graffiti is ex peeled early IIIIS summer as well Fast Ilrcak comedy about delicatessen owner wlio decides he wants to be basket ball coach attd ends up coaching an allblack college team in Artona will be releasr ed in theatres by olunibia Itc titres tn Iebruary Gabe Kaplati heads cast of general ly unknowns under the direc tion of lack Sniiglit SH IITYS LAIICST Also to be released by olunt bia iti February is Hardcore directed by Paul Schrader leorgc Scott plays father searching through the porno underground for his daughter lane Fottda appears as newscaster who uncovers big story iii nuclear power plants in btna Syndrome also on the olumbia release schedule this spring lack Iicinmon and Wages aim with ehdventuretlranta part of Also falling itito the spring summer release schedule from olunibta ts Nightwing thriller about vampire bats Lost attd Found romance reuniting lleiida Jackson atid leorgc Segal The Fifth Atttskcteer period advert lure with cast including Lloyd Bridges losc Ferret oritcl WtIdc ch Harrison lrsula Atidrcss atid Olivia Dc Ilavilland Hanover Street an advert turc drama set during the llllll of World War II London starr itig Harrison Ford lcsleyanne Itowit atid lirtstophcr llttttt iiicr lIlRNSANDSIIIIIIJIS When You omttig Rack Red Rydct featuring Lee Grant attd Icler Firth among others atid lust You atid Ale Kid comedy Itt wlttch George Burns plays liitiielt retired vaudcytlhan aitd cx radio pertornieri encountering precocious year old Hollywood runaway played by RiookrShtelds Ihe Itno llclaturentits pro ducttott of The ircnl lrain Robbery with Sean onnery is oti the Intted Artists release schedule in February The movie version of Hair attd Voices love story about rock titiistctan who falls tti love with deaf girl will follow shortly along with somber drama called The lassagc featuring Anthony Quinn Woody Allens new movie lanhattan whtcli has Allen returning to his cotntc fortn on the screen with lttaiic Kcaloti as the leading lady aitd Franco Zefftrclhs remake of The thamp starring Iott Votght atid Faye Ittnaway will highlight April releases from drama The Last ICm brace also will be released by IA this spring Iwo Robert Altmaiidirected filtns and the first English language IllITl by the critically acclaimed icrman director Werner Herog will highlight coining movie fare front Jtith cnlury Fox VAMPIRE lsslc Ilcrzogs Nosferatu the Vampyre tiew version of Murnaus 1922 vampire classic Wlll open in March Qumtet chase movie which Altman filmed in Mon treal atid which features Paul Newman both will arrive In February followed by Altmans Perfect ouplc March 28 March 14 release wait while Iias been set by Fox for Norma Rae with Sally Fields in love story about Southern factory girl Alien coming May 25 has space creature moving in on bombarded star ship Dreadventures of Butch assidy and the Sundance Kid will be onthe screen in June with the release of Butch and Sundance The Early Days 726255 HABRIC DRAPERY MILL OUTLET HUGE SELECTION OF °Dress Fabrics Drapes north or Georgton Mall 600 II CD NEws HOLLYWOOD SOUARES CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS POLKA DOT DOOR 630 NBC NEws MARY TYLER MOORE snow CBS NEws ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME JEREMY 645 READALONG 655 WRITE ON 700 DATING GAME EIGHT IS ENOUGH CROSS WITS MARY TYLER MOORE 5666 6096 Tic TAc DOUGH MAKIN IT Two heads are usually tnltnr than one Pxnapl when threy belong to Satellite TV system starts this year IORONIO II lhe fed eral government plans to buy as many as too satellite earth stations to start direct satellite to home broadcasts in rural communities this year dc partntcnt of communication spokesman said Tuesday lohn haptnaii assistant deputy minister for space pro grams said it eventually will be possible for anyone to pttt an earth station on his roof to r1 cetve signals directly trotti satellite lndcr the governments plan tllSItShétIXd earth stations of metres and ll metres Iii diameter are placed on the roof of house and poitiled towards asatellitctnorbtt The device acts likc an att lenna receiving television sig nals troin the satellite wire nins from the station to box much like cable converter whtclt sits on the TV set and changes the satellite signal to signal IlASIIIZIINIRIHI The government already has demonstrated direct broad casting by satellites with earth stations so centimetres iti diameter bttt has not tested it with stations suitable for homes Ir bapman said The tiittial stage of the plati to begin this spring Will try to direct broadcasting by satellite to reniolc rural hotiics that can not get TV programs by ait tenna or cable While he would not say where tests will be conducted Ir thaptnan said rural towns iit northern Saskatchewan are being OITSNIIIHI He said satcllitcrtorhome broadcasting is the only prac tical way of serving remote communities but probably will iiol be attractive to residents where cotivcttttonal reception is possdile One cable TV executive said such broadcasting would not compete wrth cable tn urban areas because tall buildings would interfere with direct view of satellites Upholstery and Drapery by the yard OSewing Accessories AT REAL SAVINGS 547 Baytield St Barrie tonights tv hrolttets Billy and Tony who are rrincernrd 19 aho Tina salret in the ï¬ltmpmiy rII Ito Ross WMNEWLYWED GAME NEws UPDATE FERGUSON SHORT AND KIDSWORLD r19 NEws ED GOOD TIMES 1001 PRICE is RIGHT ED FLYING Higgo 730 DANCE FEVER KOWALSKILOEB REPORT NEWLYWED GAME III PETER APPLEYARD TRIVIA QUIZ JOURNEYS IN TIME HOLLYWOOD SQUARES 1100 DIFFRENT STROKES to IE NEws THATS HOLLYWOOD mm CBC NEws Herons CTV NEWS MAGIC SHADOWS NICE 525 808 NEWHART SHow 800 DIFFRENT STROKES ALL iN THE FAMILY THE NEW ADVENTURES OF Capliiin EMPLOYMENT FILE MOVIE SUSPENSE Reflection of Fear 1913 1110 NIGHTMUSIC ThnLrttleGrrlandtbe Irriarllul Snakes 1120 WONDER woMAN gullible Air Frer News HIlCflI investgating 3008 1127 irwasron receives and prepares to follow Instructions from strange beings to launch Va at nuclear mtgsrlas 60 mrns 11230 HAPPY DAYS The Fort creates an THE TONIGHT Host instant cram when he displays his unique way Johnny Carson Guests Lora Falana Tony irl dancrnq tn the sensational new hit song Do ater David Hmowrr 90 mms FonzR LATE MOVIE THE NEW DOWNRIGHT DISCO AVFNGERS The Tale CI The Big Why man to INCREDIBLE HULK rm Veteased lmrrr pram was to IN SEARCH OF Big Foot some important serrret inlorrnatron to the tryrnqlorriRlrlhebentolthingswhonthuyarr NEWS Sam no ppnny htqhasl bidder PSYCHIC KILLER Stars Paul ke Julie Adams tolled by it iUIDIIH watt from Penny lorrrtrrr MQVIE IDRAMA Hard ttuartthrnh iver 1973 MOVIE COMEDY STREET 313 Birthda Wanda June igrippy QUESTION PERIOD 830 1145 BROTHERS AND THE PROFESSIONALS SISTERS 1150 FRONT PAGE MOVIE DRAMA Set CHALLENGE This Town on Fire 1969 MAKIN IT Two heads are usually 1200 better than one except when they belong to brothers Billy and Tony who am wincemed 11 MOVIE about Tina satefy in the Lompariy ol the COMEoyonENTURE hbothood wolt ou Can Win Em All 1970 DIMAELSIOJSLINESCIENCE OWE IDRAMM Lady 900 Caroline Lamb 1972 1210 TURNABOUT Sam and Penny are MOVIE wESTERN tryingta makethr tmatotthingir whenthey are rolled by surprise VlSlI trom Penny lormor Desperate Mlsson 97 on 1245 LOTO CANADA SPECIAL GOODIES YIllluII special tiurlt mound the million dollar Iota Canada draw stars thr Famous $1 100 Pimple IIRerR with narrator Gordon Prnsrnl THE MDNGHT SPECIAL interpreting the Sarnl Saens work Carnival of the Animals with version by Ogden Nash 60 PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY ll THE DUKES OF HAzzARD FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE mum Home to The Other 1979 Stars Barbara Eden it 150 COMEDY Romance of Horse Thief an Sarnt James 1979 CANADIAN FIGURE SKATING CHAMPIONSHIPS 200 LRana Dent IIQUIF skaters VIP to Junior and CENTER senior rinltonal titles from Thunder Bay Ortlflllo Fmiruim tonight will in Ihe Mons 210 Free Final rwenI and hHmDInSth High MOVIE MYSTERY Last MM 901 Hours Before Mornlng 1975 has Darroch and Otto JPIrnsk his 2225 areigéscisa HELLO LARRY SWEEPSngs MARCUS 2516 MD DSATLALRASSKJIIIGAONNR ZELSEM and MOVIE DRAMA om the Clouds 1957 355 MOVIE rDRAMA South Rldlng 1935 400 at BEWITCHED IIII all IhllI is only using her and decides to repay him by EIDIIIITQ his serrots If Zlitt flames Pt ol two part oprqodri NI CHALLENGERS or WHAT IS TRUTH G9t9ne chm fwd3 rlltc whole crew at if Salt Fish Iliips invites you to come aboard for this great special When you buy two orders ofdclicious Salt fish aiid chips you gct third otic frch Each one is two fillets oftasty fish and heap ofcrispy chips Ilavc the third one on the spot or if you prefer well give you coupon for it tcdcciiiablc itittil Match 31st 1979 at the store where you buy it or any participating Salt storc So come aboard Buy lwo and let iic Frcc Come aboard HSaltFtshChip 57 Essa Rd Barrie 7372878 Oftor good until February 25th at participating nous MOITUISWIDTIIIIISSAT Ill ml SUNDAY l17