1e the examiner Friday Feb 1979 DRIVING TO coumowooo or PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ANGUS ROSS BA Registered Music Teacher Instruction in Piano and Theory Also tutorlng in French Latin and other school subiects 91 Ross St Barrie JESSIE BRYSON Teacher of Piano Singing Theory Pupils prepared for examinations of the Royal Conservatory of Music Toronto All grades and ARCT Studio 27 Bradford St 7284718 7285775 PIANO THEORY All grades of Royal Conservatory Toronto STUDIO 125 Worsley Street Barrie PHONE 73135 Evelyn LIIdsey ATCM Oeunnd Meley ARCT 71 help wanted MARJORIE HANES Teacher of Piano and Theory Pupils prepared for Royal Conservatory Examination ALL GRADES ALL AGES i5 Clapperton St 7288153 ROSE has uttered Accountants Samuel RoseCA Trustee In Bankruptcy 49 Collier St Barrie 7284949 POWELL JONES CO Chartered Accountants 24 Dunlop St East Barrie Ontario Telephone 7287461 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 71 help wanted GENERAL TIRE MILLWRIGHTS ELECTRICIANS The successful applicants must possess current Ontario cer tificate of qualification or interProvincial licence as Millwright or Electrician or must possess or have achieved at least one of the following Completed 8000 hours or more related experience as maintenance mechanic Millwright or maintenance elec tricion substantiated in writing by past employers and accepted by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities as being eligible to write the Ontario Provincial Millwright or Electrician Examination Completed on indentured documents will be required apprenticeship substantiating Hold current union skilled trades iourneymans card Current hourly rate 5725 plus 87 cost of living allowance Three shift weekly rotating system Shift premium 15 400 pm to midnight and 30 12 midnight benefits to 800 am Excellent fringe APPLICATION FORMS AVAILABLE AT THE SECURITY OFFICE If you want truly interesting lei iiize BARRIE SALES Experience an asset LOOKING FOR TO JOB If so Dont Read any Further SALESPEOPLE YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELEI Estate call or come in and see what GEORGE WORRALL REALTY has to offer Both new and experienced can apply Total Realty Service VVorrall 124 DUNLOP ST Clothing store catering to young mens and womens fashions requires fulltime sales help Managerial position available APPLY TO BOX 149 THE EXAMINER BARRIE and rewarding career in Real J262729 Realty Ltd HELP BOYS GIRLS Eleven years and up To work evenings and weekends for our subscription department Transportation supplied You can earn up to $80 weekly CALL 8352733 no tel VILLAGE OF COLOWATER requires person to work full time as bookkeeper and clerks assistant General bookkeeping experience is necessary and typing ability is desirable but not essential Salary commensurate with experience and ability Ap plicants should apply in writing to the undersigned by not later than 12 noon of Thursday February 15 I979 JULIAN TOFTS ClerkTreasurer Village of Coldwoter Box490 Coldwater Ontario LOKIEO F239IO OFFSET OPERATOR Applications are being received from experienced operators for this position in the printing department at the Education Centre Barrie Salary to start is $453hour Maximum attainable is $538hour i978 rates Excellent employee benefits Please apply on or before February 15 1979 to PenonneIOffice Shiicoe County Board of Education 99 Ferris lane IerrleOnterlo LAM 2Y2 You are willing to work hard It you want promotion If you want over time work if you want bonus and are sincere Call 776 7407 AVON YOULL ENJOY RUNNING YOUR OWN BUSINESS Become an AVON Representative Enioy selling quality products in territory assigned to you Set your own hours and earn good money too For details call 7289652 or write PO Box 485 BARRIE OntL4M4T7 OPEN TERRITORIES NOW AVAILABLE IN BARRIE and surrounding townships FSTF TEACHERS Business or marketing background PARTTIME PHONE 7269574 M8 PART TiM Car ri lUtrifl 728 34547 SPEEDY AUTO GLASS has opening for tipirllflffll Al 10 ii ASS INslAl in Darrin Will um Sid trariinu tndrvrduitl With Ihrm yrars TIiffllitfllfdl ixpwrwnrr Apply iii person to Mariaqrr piirty Aiitii Ii North Itarrn itlala Im IIII HOJil Rf fff II lIVt ill and tarr fiit elderly iiititliriiati lillplllfti Hit 17 Looking for change til wanted We rrIurrri men and women to fill pom firms in our expanifimt ï¬flprfll Your only HqlllHlIlfnl are It Tlfill rip piiariinrr hard worker and rfrive your own rar Training DTOViflftJ for this rtianint position Intirvnws from Iuesdiiy FtIJTUflt il llr Dunliip Street asf Ask for John Juiiil Wanted immediately Mili and women for well DinIIIQ piffliit nent pOSifioris ExrtlIirit working ottifi lions bonuses and other company bentfits prowded No YDITHIII necessary as we will train you at necessary lntervwws front 10 am Tuesday February at 119 Dunlap Street East Ask for lohrt Juitit 11 lleb vented Orillia daily if you are already driving to either oi these towns we have light delivery required daily 776 3022 NEED EXTRA MONEY if you are 18 years of age up You can work part time in my business as it is growing fast Ask for Len 737 2756 OFFSET OPERATOR Gravenhurst Must be capable of top quality work on Chief 81d Multi Mechanical ability ati asset Telephone 687 sost Wanted CAR SALESPERSON or in suranco salesperson preferably retired Apply to Toke Motors 119 Bradford St or phone 728 8111 THE CREATIVE CIRCLE TEAM who deal in needlecralts are looking for full or part time workers For more in formation please write Lynn Lockhart Gen Del Moonstone Ont L0tlt 1N0 or call 835 3123 BABYSITTER REQUIRED in the Allen dale area or mornings per week and the occasional lull day to look after one year old and four year old References please 737 1927 LEGAL SECRETARY required for litigation lawyir Experience preferred all Mr Scharf 72B 0555 or 728 3706 afford SI UDF NI to do occasional babySitting in Huronia Road area Possmle even ings weekends school vacation Telephone 776 2418 after 72isaies helpagents SALESPERSON immediate opening in Barrie New Home Sales Office PreVious sales experience definitely an asset Salary or draw on commisswns If required We supply the customers you sell the homes Contact 726 3051 or 726 3021 COMMISSIONED SALESPERSON wanted Must have XDCFILIICE in auto refinishingtioln Must have own vehicle Send resume to Box 248 Barrie Ex amflltF 74opportunities for menwomen ESTIMATES RECEIVEQP TO April 30th 1979 for the demoltion andor removal of brick house 3i Victoria St Barrie For further information call Toke Motors 119 Bradford St 728 Bill 76empfoyment wanted SECRETARYmedical secretary desires employment References available Reply to Box 239 The Ex aminer Barrie WHICH DAY IS BEST Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recom mend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After many years of experience will millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to advertise in The Examiner Classified Sec tion Phone 7282414 72 sales help agents SALESCAREER immediate opening for commission sales in the Orillia Muskoka areas selling quality cleaning products and systems to the institutional industrial food and transportation accounts The applicant should be organized ambitious selfstarter who possesses desire to be successful and have mechanical aptitude The applicant shOuId be capable of dealing with people on all levels Remuneration by way of weekly drawn cheque and monthly commission cheque Usual fringe benefits and pension plan For personal interview please contact ALAN WILSON 7268900 after pm or RON LARGE 4167490720 days F3 78tenders 78 tenders TENDER FOR ARENA SEATING Sealed tenders clearly marked SEATING FOR STROUDINNISFIL RECREATION CENTRE will be received by the undersigned until FEBRUARY 28 1979 430 pm at the Township of lnnisfil Municipal Offices for The construction and installation of seating and related facilities at the Stroudlnnisfil Recreation Centre Specifications tender forms which must be used and in formation may be obtained from the undersigned or the recreation coordinator at the Municipal Office Stroud On tario nonrefundable deposit of $1500 is required for each set of specifications and tender forms Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted GROH ClerkAdministrator Township of lnnisfil Stroud Ontario LOL 2M0 705 43637I0 19 auction sales PIFHER AUCTION SERVICE LTD 726484 SERVICE AND EXPERIENCE F2 79 auction sales XNOWN FOR ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 7th at 417pm at the EMBASSY HALL 386 BLAKE ST BARRIE Ont Sale of antiques and collectibles inc furniture furnishings etc Furniture includes woshstands sideboard drop leaf dining room tables buffet dressers wardrobes fancy hall chair hall mirrors hall table parlor tables rocking pressback chairs pine cherry desk stained leaded glass windows butter churn wicker large wagon wheel etc glass china inc floblue depression souvenier Royalty pieces Nippon old moulds fenton biscuit barrel pewter mother of pearl porcelain salt pepper shakers collection of post cards window frames with mirrors cuckoo clock oil lamps lanterns picture frames large quantity of old books old tools sealers copper kettles boilers brass fire extinguishers fireplace hearth planter brass army shell and more plus many collector items Some modern furnishings inc portable TV sewing machine skis end coffee tables dressers humidifier toys other household items too numerous to list Terms cash J26 F2 AUCTION SALE for Mr end Mrs Fred Gerdiss of Weelieuslierie SATURDAY III I979 at 1100 AM AT ORILLIA TRANSPORTATION ILDG WEST ST ORILLIA pce dining room suite chino cabinet oak buffet hoasier cabinet very old desk gramaphone treodle sewing machine wardrobes washstands buffet bookcase matching dressers woshstand beds round oak talbe settee set pc Vic trolas machine BW TVs dishes old lead crystal cologne bottles Silver with horn pressback choirs childs antique sewing crystal hand painted dishes Rogers Bros set of l2chest salt spoons cellars Miscelonelous Pictures clothes hamper wool blankets lawn chairs roto tiller snowblower elec bug killer riding mower alum ladders baggage cart wheelbarrows numerous to mention garden tools and many other items too Contents of this sale are so numerous UNUSUAL IT MAY BE NECESSARY TO CONTINUE IT NEXT WEEK Feb 10 I979 Lunch available RAYMOND DUBEAU Auctioneer SCL 4i 4872404 ALLEN HORNER Auction Serwce BARRIE SIMCOE COUNTY OFarm Household Antiques OAppraisaIs RR No2 BRADFORD ONT Phone 4167753659 or 7054584589 rrr BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers of the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability In respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay In forwarding such replies however other wise TF MANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thanks $550 minimum 40 words additional words IO cents per word Births In Memoriam no verse $550 $550 Verse per count line extra 22 cents Coming Events IIIiirtlis Mondays Child is fair of face Tuesdays Child isiulloigrace Wednesdays Child isfuilofwoe Thursdays Child hasfartogo Fridays Child lsioving and giving Saturdays Child works hard for its living And child that is born on the Sab bath Day lsfair and wise and good anitgay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information for your childs future An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name of your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for an Examiner Birth Notice is only $5 50 PHONE 728 7414 PATTENDEN Tom and Carol iNee Cook are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Shawna Mario on Monday January 27nd W79 lbs or sister for Carrie Lynn Special thanks to Dr Strangway and 4th floor nurses ATLAS Bob and Wendy nee Russell are proud to announce the birth of Shawn Gregory born January 31 i979 at 44 at Royal Victoria Hospital lbs or littliI brother for Heather Angela Proud grandparents are Mr and Mrs Russelland Mr and Mrs Barber 8377 engagements PALMER COLE Mr and Mrs John Palmer of flame are pleased to an nnunrv lhf Iortliitirtiinii rnarriaiti ll Illllr rtnuulitir Donna Lytllli to Mr Davvd faul title of Lfaniforil iinii Illi widilinq to take Olth satiiriliiy May l°791IIMlllttï¬lnq Ontario 85 deaths WEBSTER SMITH AllleiiyalVIc form Hospital Harrie on Thursday February 1979 Smith Webster in his 82an year bPlUVtIl husband of IV lati Lauritin Wilistir LOVIftli fitiiii of Fit tta Mrs fOTSyllit iii Wist Hill Glenn of RH No Barrio iinii prfdfffrliifl by Stanley Jrir and father of II flfllltliltllflfttl Hosting at lllt liriiiilt utmral Home 15 llfilllfitfil Strciil Lirrii Visitation fiimi riifiiy il iii tFVIit itiit tiiriiiiiittal iiiiiiplwtw in lfit lliIIItl in mtiiictny ftltTIlil int III ltIllftfttlIl Paul Ariiiliinn irtiitiry l1tlIIfll ARNOLD Funeral Home Chapel I27 BAYFIELD ST 7282530 Friendly Courteous Service AMPLE PARKING AT REAR MWFTF 36 card of thanks III PH wtll lii tlKtts atiit liliIIVf illl tltiv Ilt faintly ll lllt liitw VIIIJIVI lltittik ti friiIlrl liit IlItir uitii rini Ilflf tlflflitfiiifl ill 2in iti with itl tttnrik ti liiiiivliiriiiitt illIl xtiri till film IIl Illlfir 87 In metnoriams Mi ti INNON In lowan Itlfttiftry ot dear husband and father Miilwit McKinnori who passed away ffllfliitl They say IIITII ttiiils rill sort Amt helps us to forget But limi so far has only proven How niui we itiiss you yet Rtfilflllilftl by wrti Ntlllf and faith Iv i3 lt3 t3 DDSWOWXQ meam Wwmqmo tnDmitri your message by phone be received before noon February l2th HAPPY VALENTINE DAV If lYly $322 per column Inch CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the exception of Classified Dleplay advertisements which must be In by pm two days prior to publication BIRTH NOTICE $550 ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $550 Addltional words lOcte per word CARD OF THANKS 40 words S550 Addi tional words IOcts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse S550 With verse par count line 22 cents per line COMING EVENTS $322 per column Inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Discount Rates apply if paid withln days One or two Insertions 9ic per word insertion Three consecutlve Insertions cents per word In eertion total S648 Six consecutive Inser flons BAc per word per Insertion total $1224 Multiple insertions may be ordered Iubiect to cancellation when Iotlefaclory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Each initial abbreviation set of numbers etc count as separate wards ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone Insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department re quires ad advertisers to kindly recheck their advertisement immediately after first inser tion in order that any error or omission may be reported before am in order that some may be rectified for the following day publication The Examiner ls responsible for only one Incorrectly printed Insertion of any advertisement and then only to the extent of portion of ad that involves the misprlnl Er rors which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not eligible for correc tions by make goods The Examiner reserves the right to classify revise or reiect any want ads PHONE 7782414 PUT OUR WANT ADS TO WORK FOR YOU PHONE 7282414 NOTICE Deadline for classified word ads pm day previous noon Saturday three little words and more Theres an easier better way to say love you to your sweetheart And youll be tell ing the whole community about your feelings at the same time On Wednesday February 14 Valentines Day you can tell that special person in your life just exactly how you feel Put your love message in print on the classified pages Its ever so easy heres all you have to do Just check the sample messages to find the kind you wish to publish Fillout the coupon below and mail it or place 7282414 All messages must PANDA nLAR Huiipv Vsion noiiitertiil fï¬lnlly Jriiry nviii iiiie adey Ilovri you Narcv wonderful husband Rey ariit Dean and to om lilllr lslllly Holemen Love Bernice piuinct Kare love you all Minn KIT Somebody low you more tiolemln ml than you Bllfti and all through the trials Itiet the wily It will be Thel siiniriiiiiity is me UN HUN Mall to The Examiner Classified Department 16 Bayfield St Barrie Ont l4M 4T6 Name Town HAPPY VALENTINE DAY to my Please publish the following Valentines message Amt Enclosed or bill me 24 WORDS $228 Each additional word add mvmmcm momma eXaminer patterns Double Drama Printed Pattern Create double drama with soft cowldraped blouse and iaunty beret Dashing in dots or print with harmonizing skirt and pantsuns For faille knits Printed Pattern 4563 Misses Sizes 10 12 14 16 18 20 Size 12 bust 34 blouse 58 yds 45inch betel 58 $150 for each patterncash cheque or money order Add 35¢ each pattern for firstclass mail and handling Ont residents edit 11¢ sales tax Print plainly Size Style Number your flame Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Debt The Exeliher 109 Creckferd Int Sachem Ontario Nil 584 Work weekends schoolour new FALLWINTER FASHION CATALOG has all the dresses tops skirts vests pants you want Plus $150 free pattern coupon Send 75¢ lO7insiant Sewing BookSl00 lOSlnstsnt Fashion BookSl00 lZSPetal Quilts $150 lZiGifts Ornaments S150 Web Address QUICKEST HOLIDAY SEWING ADELE SIMPSONS DELICIOUS WRAP Ailijwym PRINTED PATTERN 34 SIZES 818 Here to light up your holidays is the dclicious flirtatious wrap dress thats making fashion history for topnolch designer Adcic Simpson 11 cross country success everybody loves it in every fabric from crepe dc chine to sheet wool to jcrscy to scmishccrs Thai lovcly legrevealing skirI couldnt be easierjust one pattern part no side scams Soft shouldcr gaihcrs accent the diagonal surplicc neckline thats dramatic plain or worn with your favorite necklaces Wrap into Prinicd Pattern M234 and dance all night Prinlcd Pattern M234 Is available in Misscs Sizes 10 12 14 i6 IS Size 12 bus 34 requires yards 45inch fabric Send $150 for Printed Pattern to Barrie Examiner 109 rockford Blvd Scarborough Ont MIR 58f Add 25 cents for each Pattern for first class mailing and special handling Please print plainly YOLR NAME ADDRESS with POSTAL CODE STYLE NUMBER AND SIZE ONTARIO RESIDENTS ADD 11 cents SALES TAX FOR EACH PATTERN SHEER TUNIC FLOATS OVER CAMISOLE AND PANTS Robert Courtney PRINTED PATTERN Very vcry glamorous yci VERY EASY TO SEWI Just two main parts for the sheer sideslit floating tunic two for the camisole one for the cinsiicweist pants Wear ell threc parts together or wear camisole and pants alone for holiday panics The Original of Printed Petlcrn M351 by California designer Robert Courtney combines printed chiffon with silky crcpc Consider also cotton voile polyester knits jcrscy its definitely knockout ensemblefeels so light comfortable easy Printed Pattern M351 is available in Misses Sizes IO 12 14 16 18 Size 12 bust 34 tunic and scarf require yards 60inch shccr fabric camisole and pants 178 yards 60inch fabric SIZES 848 Send $150 for Printed Pattern iii Barrie Examiner 109 rockford lilvd Searhorutigli Ont MIR 5R1 Add 25 cents for each Pattern for first elziss mailing and special handling Please print plainly YOLR NAME ADDRESS with POSTAL ODIL STYLE NlMliIIli AND SIZE ONTARIO RESIDENTS ADD Il cents SALES TAX FOR EACH IAITICRN THE TOP DESIGNERS CREATE FOR YOU Send n0w for our NEW 1979 PROMINENT DESIGNER BOOKits filled with bcauiifuldeyldin ncr dresses soft skirts jackcis pants coats Plus 50¢ BONUS COUPONappIy to any pattern of your choice in the Book Scnd $1 now for Book 34 ENVELOPE PATCHWORK QUILTS includes directions for 14 unique fascinating quilts to make without frame All are quick easy Book in cludes charts yerdegcs directions SI 50 QUICK EASY TRANSFERS book filled with charming designs to cm broidcr paint machinescwfiowcrs alphabets dolls butterflies more All muiiistamp transfers $150 AFGHANS AND DOILIES book of great designs to add individuality to your home Includes cloths spreads $150 CRAFT FLOWERS book of glorious flowers to crochet knit make of beads fabric ribbon crcpc paper more $150 PETAL QUILTS book of 14 easy tomakc looseapplique quilts that create Jdimcrisional effect $150