axwirw¢ 72824 14 usiness Directoru Just look over the ads below The ad vertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest iob possible MI WWW FIREPLACES WW WNG ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized Sales and Service Free Home Demonstra tions IBAIIIance Blvd Unit 1972043 DRIVEWAYS PATIOS SIDEWALKS ETC ALSO ALL IIANDYMAN AND REPAIR WORK CALL PODEWILS 7269559 511 DRESSMAKING messes FIT It made by JOSE AOUINO Specialising In pantsuits gowns and altera tions 42 Emma St Phone 726m DUPLICATING LOMS DUPLICATING Off at shortrun copyprinting News letters bulletins assartedrfarms etc 7260955 EAVESTROUGHING SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING SPECIALISTS rooting and mating repairs Sheet metal work Martin Verstraten New Lowell 4241956 ELECTRONICS Stewart Electronics Repairs to TELEVISION STEREO RADIO Other Electronic Equipment 74 PEEL ST 7289457 TF FIBREGLASS REPAIRS FIOREGLASS REPAIRS boots snowmobiles mythlng fiberglass Free estimates Low winter rates Workmanshlp guaranteed 5m FIREWOOD 16 MIXED SEASONED HARDWOOD mpet taoe cord delivered Please 117265724 FIREWOOD seasoned maple and ash mllvered Frank Hirschleld 7289357 100 DRY MAPLE SEASONED YEARS PRICE Is recs coco $35 susn coso $95 an DELIVERY 48721 13 32carsfor sale 1978 FORD GRANADA automatic power steering power brakes electric delrost AM radio two door metallic bronze excellent condition Certified Telephone 728 4478 J3ca rs wantedto buy WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon da Auto Sales 17 Gowan St 726 6488 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top prices paid Free immediate pick up any time 436 2900 COLE BROS Cars and trucks WANTED tor wrecking Fast pickup Phone 415 6322 days 424 5949 evenings JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 726 8711 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks tor wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 726 8487 TOP PRICE lor top cars Toke Motors Limited 119 Bradlord Street Barrie 723 8111 URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS 176 BRADFORD ST 7284272 MWFTF 34trucks and tra ters 1976 FORD 350 V8 tour speed stan dard power steering power brakes heavy duty suspension dual wheels 12 It platlorm with racks Very clean Telephone 726 9998 1971 GMC VAN six cylinder standard Fair condition $600 or best otler Phone any time 728 8582 1976 FORD 150 RANGER Super Cab 58000 miles 390 motor two tanks heavy duty step bumper Radial tires plus radial snows deluxe paint ratio automatic power steering and brakes plus Ford cap new brakes December 1978 Originally Alberta vehicle Asking $5500 with satety Phone evenings 728 2585 1977 JEEP CHEROKEE includes winch 40000 miles $7500 Call 726 8230 1973 GMC Crew cab Jiton power steering power brakes air conditioning 350 Excellent condition Certilied Telephone 737 0791 1975 DODGE POWER WAGON with Myers plow Best oller Telephone 7265333 1976 FORD pickup Contact Bank ol Nova Scotia8radlord1 416 775 5311 1974 CHEV 34 TON lor sale cylinder standard 50000 miles company truck Good condition Telephone 436 2451 1976 GMC ton 30000 miles custom libreglass cap rally wheels snow tires mounted Excellentcondition Call alter 3017 726 4563 37motorcycles 1973 KAWASAKI 500 Rebuilt motor New drop bars chambers and hall lair Ing Phone 726 2740 alter 330 pm 1971MONTESSA STREET and dirt bike Good condition $350 Telephone 10 am 104 pm 726 8720 alter pm 728 9446 38snowmobiles strontium SOLD OUT 79 1192911 mmcurm IlNe4IAAR1ETeIendd 7261059 F15 I975 MERC 440 TRAILTWISTER good condition 5850 or best otter Telephone 458 9750 1972 ARCTIC CAT 440 PANTHER good condition $450 or best otter Telephone 737 1562 rebuilt lirm I976 SKI 000 340 RV TNT engine new clutch $1200 Telephonebelorepm7727877406 1975 YAMAHA GPX 433 very good can rlition Telephone 3222949 VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In VIC WATSON Fireplaces and masonry For terior exterior Work guaranteed Es free estimates hone 7201599 tablllhed 30years 7262225 7269002 CUSTOM sum and desl ned Speciallxln in naturali stone on antique brickg Warkmans guarantee Peter Henstra STONE Fl re ace eclall winter prlces 25 yzars ezperiencLe Paper hongmg Murals Tloptiono 72650101 7203320 Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates ti GEtiRAL REPAIRS renovations rubbish so 000 guaraneed used furniture and appliances removed Serving Barrie Innlsfil Call Gard 4165414 HOME IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION House raising loun dations renovations additions Phone 4362955¢fter6 NORTHERN CARPENTRV Speclallzlng In In terior work Rec roams kitchens bath rooms anellln Iinlsh work 7269002 CARPENTER FULLY EXPERIENCED with renovations cedar decks bathroom tiling rec rooms etc Tele ne 7261271 HOME MAINTENANCE specialists Tn chimney cleaning snow removal from tools 4240134 4365131 alter ACTON BOOKKEEPING TAX Personal and buslness returns am to 2111 7265218 INCOME TAX RETURNS from your home 081800818 small business pickup prompt return govt forms rebates reasonalbe rates SMITH 4364828 except 1130 mo MWFF9 JANITORIAL OFFKE or HOME CLEANING on regular basis For more Information 11 7261514 pm STAN KNICELV MASONRY Brick block and stone work chimney Ir Fireplaces la Free estimate 754245158 GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Marcel Potvin Guitar Studio 7261489 ACGDRDION guitar piano organ begin nerand advanced Two months trial instru ment loaned for home practice Canadian Acdemy of Music 121 leld 7280799 GUITAR LESSONS Classical popular and rock For Further information call Gary 7269098 PIANO LESSONS All types of music for all on For further Information call 7371468 PICTURE FRAMING OATES B2 Dunlap St East Custom Ironing of all types We stock many sizes Phane72B3270 ARCTIC CAT SIDWMOBILES ACCESSORIES 5111 SPORT HAVEN MARINE slimy Bay Rd Barrie mtoot M18 1974 JOHN DEER snowmobile JDXB new motor and track Telephone 458 4569 DOUBLE SNOWMOBILE sale Call alter me 728 6543 76MERC TWISTER 440 liquid cooled good condition Hasnt been prolessionally raced $1100 Telephone 728 0617 1971 SKI OOo OLYMPIC 335 good con dition Low mileage $425 Telephone 737 2925 1673 440 SILVER BULLET rebuilt motor new sliders and track $300 728 4350 1977 EVEREST 340 like new still under warranty $1450 lirm I975 TNT 340 Ex celtent condition Stored Inside low mileage $1050 lirm Telephone 4361403 evenings 1975 OLYMPIC 340 electric speedometer and tacometer 375 original miles $1050 Telephone 726 3008 I978 250 BLIZZARD INDEPENDENT WC heavy duty sway bar coil springs Excellent condition Raced one season Asking $1950 Telephone 436 3841 1968 OLYMPIC SKI DOO lor sale Good running order Asking S125 Call even ings 487 5750 1975 245 RV SKI 000 with spare cowl belly pan mutller and trac bars Good running condition Asking $700 Telephone 436 3841 trailer lor 1975 346 TNT dual carbs 35 hp very last Less than 900 miles Spare belt and cover Good condition Best otter Phone 124 1908 SNOWMOBILE REPAIRS hpdrs ts nest lakes QKIALIIIIO IN IOHADIR SNOWMOBILE Fctery trdnsd mechanics who ssRRIEMomcsoss CENTRE no St pf nus Ferd Tdepbns 72641 12 MWF52 40 articles for sale nn It11401Iltllltlltlillltttpl SPECIAL REUPHOLSTERING $29900 reupholsters chesterlield and chair Labour and Fabric included up to 15 ydtds yr guarantee on workmanship 7265721 STONES UPHOLSTERY estimates call DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING Interior exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfaction guaranteed 7266806 PLASTER REPAIR fancy moulds artistic ceiI ings decorative walls apply on plaster or dywall KOBRA Free estimates 7764612 RUBBER 5mm RUBBER STAMPS Made To Order FAST SERVICE BILLS RUBBER STAMP SERVICE No SHANTY IAY ONT LDL 2L0 PHONE 4873055 ANNISWAY SIGNS Shoe 1945 Designers Manufacturers of Neon Plsstlc SALES RENTAL SERVICE MAINTENANCE Outdoor Advertlshtg No charge from phones in Barrie Ask operator for ZENITH15240 595WeltSt SOrIBe 3252277 F21 snow REMOVAL GENERAL HANDYMAN roof cleared of ice snow chimneys eaves cleaned small moving iobs rubbish handyman repair work 7265378 or 4873141 VOLNG MAN will remove snow from roots Prompt service Reasonable rates Col muss if 777¢77 WWW SNON REMOVAL Irom roof tops Free estimates reasonable rates Telephone 7373694 SNOWICE rernovoTDom roolsfdrrlveways Experienced roofers Reasonable prices 7284951after or Frank ROG TOP SNOW REMOVAL prompt and experienced Reasonable rates Call 7262498any1m 17 AMJLCASTER ST POLAROID INSTANT MOVIe System New stock Three sets only includrnq camera player Twilight and my two tree cassettes Polaroid suggestrd 11st 3101280 Sale price $549 95 cash No cards or cheques Pattons Pharmaz Victoria St Alliston 435 4536 SPANISH STYLE bedroom surte pieces In good condition $500 Babys swung matic 515 Travel guard car seat $15 Eureka vacuum cleaner $30 Fencrng green charn link 5011bestol ler 726 4195 TVTROUBLE Guaranteed repairs to your television in your home in cluding ports and labor for only $2550 or no obligation We service all makes Offer good till Jan 3179 Call for your ap pointment IARRIE TV APPLIANCES IO DUNLOP ST BARRIE 7204297 MWFF5 FRESH ONTARIO LAMB Stockyard price plus cutting and wrapping Telephone 726 0523 alter STEREO Technics model SLISOO wnth V15 type cartridge AKAI AMP 2600 amplilier AR speakers 250 records near mint Sell together or separately 72B 8857 STEREO RECEIVER 30wattsperchar nel with AMFM FM stereo track phone auxiliary tapr headphone input new speakers $100 737 438 For tree inhome to 10 day service wmmummumarinamum IliummteeuIrnIrmuiuntimmIinrmIiIiumrrmIIiurnmermummInumumsemi FIREWOOD SEASONED HARDWOOD LAKESIDE TREE EXPERTS 7263465 or 7260015 Pickup or Delivery F13 MWFTF PIANO AND STOOL excellent condi tion upright Nordhoimer Telephom 726 7232 belore6 BABYS CRIB AND MATTRESS good condition Telephone 737 0080 INCREDIBLE For only $650 week you can buy this 26 RCA xuoo Spanish console colour television Put no money down and start payments In April 79 Phone tonight and takefree delivery tonight KRAlY KELLYS BARRIE PLAlA 7371182 TF KARL FORSTL SNOWBLOWING Driveways parking lots sidewalks tc Reasonable rates hone 7285791 Barrie Driveways sidewalks small parking lots Telephone between 910 am 7269859 7371631 7269859 7268566 sntouo AREA days weekly Reasonable rates Residential commercial private lanes HORNES SNOWBLOWING 4361216 PAULS SNOWPLOWING Three trucks for prompt dependable service at competitive rates Call Paul 7373064 MBH SNOWPLOWING Residential and small cam clal Reasonable rates Fast dependabl 11232fliarry 72 599 BILL ALLAN SNOWPLOWING sonable rates Radio dispatched 24 hour service Telephone 7372092 SNOWPLOWING Commercial Residential Snowplowing 24 Hour Service Telephone 7283603 oouos SNOWPLOWINGMSmoII commer and clol residential ReasOnable rates TROLasonablO rates 24 hour servi Radio dispatched Residen tial and commercial Call 7265217 REIOtEN snow PLOWING and Snowblaw ing Reasonable rates Contracts seasonal or by cleanup Call 7265666 SNGN REMOVAL FROM ROOF TOPS only Please call Dan or Dave Howard 7372038 COMMERCIAL ondRTsToENTAL snow plow Ing Driveways widened Piles blown or hauled awoy£gtiwitlskert7269511 NAMJAS SNOWPLOWING 152 Candles Residential Reasonable rates Telephone Jill AH SNOWPLOWING 24 hours daily Reasonable rate No lob too small Call 7260997 ml TOWING FAST DEPENDABLE radioequipped service vehicles Reasonable Rates 31 years In the business 7260265 REYNOLDS TV SERVICE Repairs to color black and white TV stereos etc All makes mdmodels 4246181 CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY Reasonable rates Workmanship guaranteed Free estimates c611 lORNE 7795435 Cmternporoy styling with reversible seat cushions OFeatures Simmons Slumber King Mattress Loose pillow back $67995 kill 111 ituim IAIIIII lllllt 11s lwil Barrie ï¬vnilure ID Telephone 7260561 SIMMONS LOW Dli OIINT FUICF ivrty in Lintn Itd townhnti 18 98c yard 70 $109 LInrn tiI tthrls 70 30 89c Canadian cerarnir vasts $4 SS 95 Table lamps Irom $1195 Hassocks round or squari trnm $14 CtIIpprri foam 1h bag $1 vinyl 1Vifll 1v stools $3 99 Shorty drawn 19 46 SS 95 pair 27 in whitr tIrIrIiittr 971 yard 45 in printed Hannahe $1 59 yard Bord remnants Iitrqv 5010 110 of colors and Sill low low prll tiniivy duty vrnyl trutk amt cowrs $7 Fur fabric at swat Ind back OVIFS srnqle $011 or bark 75¢ each Drumli at or park 5150 each Downtown Discount Shop 40 llaylield Strutt XL100 20 Color Portable TV ile lastWT Pay just S4week No payments till April 79 Phone tonight for delivery tonight KRAZY KELLYS BARRIE SHOPPING PLAlA 7371182 Tr ROOM DIVIDER wrth planter box wrth rollers 2011 long by l1 high Baystturu HoltI FIVE HUNDRED 111 7x8 Din11hln1 60 cunts our tool SixtiiII squares 74 11 stIIkrIs11$iiipir squan TIIIDIITIIII days 726 1966 or PvtIiinus 728 $800011 Peacock SWIMMING TOOI MANUFACTURER has new 1978 AIIIIIIInurn Pools regular pricv $719000 now at our all season SDTWIHI 01 $1355 00 Pools ortw WIIh walk around dork pntIo lrncrng pump motor and 111111 delivery arranged to your convrnitnci For best 501 tion and inlornIatIoncall toll lrvrI 800 768 590 ANNUAI WINTER SALE at Waikva Shots 58 Dunlop 81 Fast Great savings on wmtrr 110018 USED RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT lryers grills IFIIITFS coolers etc Many new tables 11nd chairs 728 8381 737 4880 NEW AND USED FURNITURE USED Electric stoves from 52999 refrigerators from S3999 recliner 57999 pc living room suite 599 NEW AND USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE STORE 202 Dunlap Street lust lest eI the Barrie Anette 7374774 Closed Mondays 40min tends COMPONENT PACKAGE For lust 5399 you can own this new JVC stereo component system This package includes JVC receiver JVC turntable and pair of AS speakers or pay lust $375 weekly on our renttoawn plan Phone tonight delivery tonight KRAIY KELLYS BARRIE PLAIA 7171182 TF PENTON MOTOR bike 125 cc 5200 Yamaha Trombone almost new $175 Lacrosse stick $5 Phone 726 6365 NEW UNUSED Panasonic Microwave Oven large capacity S650 Telephone 737 3860 ANTIQUE DOUBLE WARDROBE in excellent condition Asking S400 or best oller Telephone 728 2574 tor inlorma lion MOBILE TYPE Fish Huton skis Can be towed behind snowmobile For more in lormation cail7281311 COME TO CLARKS Home Furnishings Warehouse Annex lor good used lur niture and appliances Filly relrig erators lrom $49 stoves trom $59 washers dryers etc Reconditioned and guaranteed 30 days Furniture items in clude bedroom sets chests ol drawers PLASTERING STUCCO TEXTURED CEILINGS DECORATIVE STUCCO CEILINGS MOULDINGS REPAIR Drywall Plaster CLIFF WICKLUM 7053222478 15 years experience FJ26 68 personals SLEIGH RIDES AVAILABLE ANYTIME Ssheels and clubs welcome Reasonable rates 4584409 TTh SF7n AUTOS TO BE DRIVEN to Florida gas allowance also cars to Western Canada and sometimes East Toronto Drive Away Service 5385 Yonqe St Wll Iowdale Ont 416 226 4616 MONECA psychic and card reading counselling Days and evenings Monday through Friday Phone 728 8868 lLIGHT GROUND SCHOOL student pilot or private pilot refresher course Thursday nights 301010 30 Ten week course starting Feburary am until April OOMFROT DIDNT 12th Interested parties call 474 1689 alter LE US SAVE you money whether buy ing or selling home Call Leon Garrick Ltd at 726 anyllor lull particulars ANYONE INTERESTED In tour to Nashvrllr May 111111 to 2111 pllVIll harlLr rLdm iI rates or more 111 lornIntiurI telephone 718 6966 MIN below February 15111 TLACHF NET daily ride to Toronto dressers chesterlield sets odd chairs and kitchen sets 33 Baylield Street downtown FTF 67 hurtsvegetables APPLES Apply K001i and Son Con LossIon Oro 728 11489 or 726 1907 Na Sunday sales POTATOES FOR SALE Sabeqo 75 It bags will deliver Charles EllsnIrrr Telephone 728 4956 FRESH VEGETABLES AT BARRIES FARMERS MARKET MULCASTER STREET EVERY SATURDAY 730 am 100 p1n ALSO AT COOKSTOWN ELEA MARKET suuost 95 TUESDAY 59 30 OFF New 26 GXIW colour TV In crates for lust $59995 or pay $600 weekly on our super renttoown plan No money down no payments 111 April 79 Phone tonight delivery tonight KRAIY KELLYS 165 WELLINGTON ST BARRIE PLAZA 7371182 TF FORD 16 horse power garden tractor with hydrostatic drive snowblower cab and more $2700 firm Excellent condi tion W111 guarantee 726 31408 am pm CROSS COUNTRY SKIS Mons and womens Complete sets brand new Telephone 424 9786 SNOWBLOWER 5h Briggs and Strat ton motor Telephone 728 7044 CONTENTS OF HOUSE Iurniture rugsdrapesetc Everythinginexcellent condition Telephone 726 9114 SINGER OPEN ARM Special Model 522 zig lags blind hem button holes sews on buttons light weight Ior only $229 95 Singer Company Georgian Mall 728 7960 68 personals COMMERCIAL RCONDITIONER 10 ton 3phase water cooled with dual compressor $1500 Cd JIM 7572432 TF SWIMMING POOLS T0 RENT Will sexism crossrsgztzaoil BASS CLARNET SiafeiarsgEEl321133181 Ir BASS TROMBONE wn ry $553330 PERCUSSï¬OiISICSDTCTlUIALLETS WOOD STOVE wulh warming over and 1522221ir£ertzt°tzi23 ALL STRINGS evenings THOMAS PUMP Organ With bench mahogany beautiful antique piece 01 furniture ornamented wrth mirror In excollentcondition Telephone726 5786 MOVING SALE Washer and dryer fridge antique barbers chair table and chairs tron beds black and white televr sron 1965 Oldsmobile many small Items 776 5775 BRAND NEW Mama Fisher Stove $325 728 4350 COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD FUR NISHINGS Must sell Tonphone 718 7191 anytime or 728 4477 alter In 41boats and motors 75 Excellent condition Used tour summers Race and wise equipped Many extras Four sails Including spin MON 75 Asking 6700 Call 776 277 days 737 2349 evenings Sailing Supplies rmpi hardware rigging PringIL mnr Ltd 4311 West st north Orillia 1711 TANZFR 27 sailboat tully taup 1950 Items 728 8234 MUSICIANS REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY FLUTE TRUMPET OBOE FRENCH HORN Apply in person to ARTHUR BURGIN Conductor HURONIA SYMPHONY at COLLIER STREET UNITED CHURCH 112 Collier Street Barrie SUNDAY EVENINGS AT 730 PM ICE FISHING FISHING HUNTING LICENCES CANOE BOAT SALES rportmotcl Roonss by Day Week TV BAIT FISHING TACKLE MINNOWS Loavrng Barrie around 00 Phoni and return rltLlrnIItg around 10 110668 altLr LUWASA new systinI for urowrriu Indoor plants IiunIL plant parties nvnilabli CALI JO ANNE 7261779 71holp wanted EXPERIENCED HAIR STYLIST salary plus commissmn Apply HOll of Bellini Baylield Mail or all 726 4671 or 726 8712 after MOTHE RLFSS HOME With school no rd boys requrres person to do cooking and light IIOUSlkLOpIIIQ in exchange lnr mum and board Trvlcphunr 11157766 Alliston incninus lltyAL SECRE IAHY LxprrIrrtrrl In riI estate required by Barrii lIrIII Reply to Box 770 The Examiner Bar Tlf NEEDE BF TIER than n1110 rr drummer and 11188151 to accompany nIIIlti keyboardist Full time venture Jan amt rinsmral barkuruunrl delimiti asset Martin 778 1158 716 7080 TRAVEL AGENT rlquIrIrl yriIr IATA nirlrvl Starling lltITllllIrllll WrrtcBox 245 TINExaminer IOpersonals J2526F1 pod mmnsail libs cradle and many extras $8500 For more details all 72617710r7761603 LL 42articles wanted OPEN IL northaf Barrie CASH FOR old furniture books dishes 24 HOURS on 11 old pictures locks odds and ends Pro FRIDbfS trernrs air conditioners PM wanted W0 pay topdollarl New and DRINKNU WATE PPOLIL Mn Used Furniture and Appliances CUVmlm IM Tll WM 737 4774 Furiwitlvr at Canada 737 1200 RIDING INSTRUCTION Horst bnariliil Barrie livi Windy Hamill arm 716 1191 CANNISTER VACUUM Ask for free home demonstration today ELECTROLUX 7283392 CANADIAN SILVER COINS before 1967 American belore 1964 No collection too large or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards llWllllry 7261663 ivrninus 126 3162 COMICSANDMAGAZINESIngnorlron ditton Largo or small collections Telephone 726 1517 WANTE TO BUY 1800 to 7600 watts altcr4 30p Portable uenirrator Telephone 474 0178 WANTED Ill TIY artt rintlinq OIInSIlltnu II 776 792 anytime kitchen sets dishes TRANSTARIO TOURS INC TOTAL CONTENTS BOUGHT Total Store Clearances MARCH BREAK bought 10 DAYS OF SUN Call 7286332 Djï¬bï¬mfl J17182224262931F2 WWVA JAMDOREE SPEND MUSICAL 44 dogs and pols WEEKEND 1N WEST MAYS 190001 mixer ore PLO VIRGINIA RESERVED 6133312 Sig 13310333255331M SEAT DOG RACES 1mm IE POODL Salon smithan SHOPPING Ind clipping of all breeds 811001 181 776 4141 POODLF TRIMMING prolossmnal grooming all breeds pILk up and 11 snptim MARCH 911 79 livery 776 87911 PH Studio vb Tumtlw TROPICAL FISH Best selrLtion In town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable Moro coc TNT erninus and weekends Eduv 1111 Aquaria 143 Ardauli Road 726 0094 III Wllk old loIIIaIt DOBERMAN Pup 11111 and tan excellent disposition punbred no prIpIrs S250 Telephone TORONTO 01 FNGL IiH SHEEP DOG puppil lrurn irnpnrtiLt strt male and female stock llllplllllll and psychi itiom 7113014 tirr up orrIrItIIIInt used refrgercï¬ors sPst Tl LfCAiIC Why light your DVOlllrltl dressers beds Couches aImiin Lll frtlntl help 111 Tllii Illllilll Ms 71 lteht wanted llttitirlt IIrrIm rtIInutrs SILK SCREEN PRINTER For local company Must have experience with setup and Operation of automatic presses Telephone 7269242 F8 Vi ready to 10 p01 Actti AND tony Itlr 11lllll111 flanyhml RiIttnvvtl pIrttltIIIuntly Mnh CHIHUAHUA two female pups LIghl IHITIlll lriiLtII1IltitiirII ydm lfltII WIIkS 0t no papers $50 0601 link 11 1101011151 711 761 Tellphoni 716 4211nnytiini up 0N RMH ION Mary strIit OptII Monday Ind 1111111y 54HSCFVIC8 and repair 00 111 111 and lttilruilny 10 1111 717 477 776 91001 xt 716 SLEIOH RIDES TELEVISION REPHRS also repairs to stereos etc Quick 111tnl guaranteed service Within 30 1111 radius Barrie all STEWART ELECTRONICS 77 57 Evenings or Weekends S7Iivestock for sale 05 uu TELEPHONE 7254466 HORSES WANTED lair prices paid F5 Also sold or traded TCIIPDIIOnl 519 975 3196 oox STALLS Available privntl stnblr 0W1 FR WAN indivldua 300mg pnoqram 8in mm Int season wrtli 11 10111 1iTllllt out Livrng accommodations lor on DWI 0f availithlv Itiin women iruplrI genIal person 4873375 WANTED DEAD or crippled larm animals lor tree removal Call anytime Ghoul051376 9243 Simcov Recycling 59poultrychicks liEKALB READY to lay pLIllits avail IlIIo Alsolartn lreshiuqs Layinqmgm tor sale CraIg Hunter Poultry Farms Stroud 436 1811 nouns or LvIniniis 7211 9761 you drink thats your tIiIsiIIiu want to IUII thats nurs all any Illllt HOUSE PLANT CARE AVAILABLE 60leedseedgrain references JIM DRIVER MI Jng HAY for 511 Ttlrpttone 7293 Anilinn 6000 BAL W1 Li sawl n11Xll tiny 110 rents pIr balL Telephone 728 6099 even Ingti 100 BALES OF HAY lor sale IliIII Telephone 776 591 xIRAW Good clean mixed grain Largo square bales Ior sale Churchill area 456 3045 HUth Siroud arta TOllpltUlll 436 376 DRAWN 31 f7 1111 90¢ per CON RNrn A0001 There are alternatives 737 3040 8111 ANN 01101 ICS ANONYMOUS 17H hIRI It If you Reliable Insured person with TThSF2O RIDI AHOR ION 111 726 895 ttr the examlner Friday Feb 1979 15 71 help wanted 71 beht wilted ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION an agent of the MINISTRY OF HOUSING requlrasa PARTTIME RESIDENT BUILDING CUSTODIAN SALARY 30 HRS PER WEEK AT $614 POSITION SUMMARY competent individual is required to assume responsibility for the interior and exterior maintenance of 30 Unit Senior Citizens building Duties will include Cleaning of floors walls carpets insuring that mechanical systems are in good repair disposing of garbage clearing sanding and selling of walks cleaning interior and exterior public areas reporting main tenance repairs to the supervisor investigating tenant main tenance complaints and rectifying where possible EDUCATION minimum of Grade 10 plus years related ex perience QUALIFICATIONS knowledge of modern janitorial methods and have the ability to affect minor maintenance repairs The successful candidate will be physically fit being able to exercise tact and diplomacy and the ability to communicate effectively LOCATION BARRIE THIS IS CROWN EMPLOYEE BARGAINING UNIT POSITION THIS POSITION IS OPEN TO BOTH MEN AND WOMEN Applications must be submitted to Housing Manager Ontario Housing Corporation 5th Floor Court House Building 30 Poyntz Street Barrie Ontario L4M 3P2 by February 14 1979 LICENSED AUTO MECHANIC Required immediatelv for busy flat rate shop General Motors experience preferred Excellent company benefit plan Excellent working conditions Apply in person to PAT DONAHUE Georgian Pontiac Buick GMC Ltd 145 Bradford St Barrie Ontario F23 F23 ontario hydro DEMONSTRATOR INSTRUCTOR Ontario Hydro requires DemonstratorInstructor at its Elec trical Effects Demonstration Centre located near Barrie On tario The successful candidate will be responsible for providing to public groups demonstrations dealing with the electrical characteristics of extrahighvoltoge transmission lines To qualify for this position candidates must have knowledge of electrical theory and should possess communication andor teaching skills This is contract position for the period March to October with possible renewal The successful candidate will have one month period for training and familiarization Qualified candidates are invited to forward resumes detailing qualifications and work experiences to THE PERSONNEL OFFICE 93 BELL FARM ROAD BARRIE ONTARIO L4M 1H1 MOULD MAKER TOOL DIE MAKER Experienced Mould MakerTool Die Maker required by established Plastics Moulding Plant located in Barrie to repair and maintain existingtooling Competitive Salary and comprehensive fringe benefit package is offered Please forward your resume in confidence or contact Ths Personnel Manager Piostomor Division of Consumers Glass 151 John Street Barrie Ontario 7260225 YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES TOO EXAMINER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN THESE AREAS Phone 7266539 11 Route NAME ADDRESS PARENTS SIGNATURE Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Barrie L4M 4T6 DUNLOP DONALD AREA SANFORD BROCK AREA EUGENIA HIGHLAND AREA BLAKE ST Yes would like more information about an Examiner Carrier AGE PHONE