Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Feb 1979, p. 8

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the examiner Thursday Feb 1979 while aiding paper indu ltilitlll Iroyincial lrcasuis Hank Millti ill announcing tinaiicial aid to lhc pulp and papcr in dustry said Icdncsday thcrc is still possibility Illt gmcin mcnt might acqtiiic Hill in thcconipanics He said howcr that as not thr illltlil lli lllllHiiL llil lil dustr liir gmciiimcnt oltcn acciiscil oi oiiciing hcip too lair so this till lgt living Ill cart cvcii tliough last car was gincraiiy good run inthiiiidiistr Miiiw aiinouncid at ltt ttllltltiltt thaf lllt gown mcnl has decided to comply illll task lorct icconi inciiiiation that lilttlltlws iw gthilltlllitlildlhll iiii rcport suggislid spind mg $27 million your tor ttii ycais Millir said ltt llii not knnxi hon inir ll muld in incldcd but un along tili ligtirc oi $10 iiiiliiuii incr llt years liit ll iind SM iniiiinn could listlull lt iiswi tinn in Getting his orders white Rhodesian soldier stands stittly to atten tion as black noncommissioned officer shouts orders recently at Bulawayos Llewellin Barracks The white soldier was one of an intake of 60C conscriptsapproximately halt white and halt ioiiiii spiiili that ll tan Ill ll llt said lllillllit mil vppil only to clutch and ililllit Ii cslinciits not to past rcstiiiInis llic llitlllt xt it apply to ltllllilitl £ili£illlliiill pron is and ciiiialloiu Itlit itilliilll int21 to upgradingisiiiiiciltl ior nor illt Llilililli= allocates in iiigiliiv tlic company must itiilliliilt niiniiniiinoi Si i2ci tllttl would it ilhjll to slc that tho wimp on ciniionniciital pront rm mil ipiinnt intaigmln linrironinviit iiiiisiw ii iv iai roit tllti am now tin inw Ililltltlllk along mil llllli Xoilhciii Allans Ministh it liliniii £tllitil iinisci Jana iiilv tii hoinnit iniiii2rroi ilitlii and tourism mid tilt tn riasoir tor action im llillllll urging to tiiipimv standards ttillril iiiriii Iiimix lt illllll tii Elliiilt ii lllls ilt wllllllillnl liillt Hm iiii iliiiH Imiii Separatist suspect held tiiiissiiiarix iooiiiizf tiltlil liltlllsl ial Itltii itllll ll ii mm iiivl li iii black to arrive at the barracks for basic military training Soldiers of all colors serve together in in tegrated units in the Rhodesian army where black conscription was introduced earlier this year in an effort to provide more troops for the wor against Nationalist guerrillas AP Photo Province might acquire equity Nllltlil lltiltlilili Millii tillltiti iiii iii licc haw illiItl ioinn ltitiltl ltl limolilo Ii mi SUspiclili oi living ill ltIttll iii ilioii mono twin itdi div gtiiiriilzi llii oi tin llilsl Itiimi so till in ltasqiiv sipaiaqu pinciixini air mtg orgaliialioir gmciiiiiilii lNltllil lilillil sotircw said fiuiiilxiiny it hit cant ltit in sonicm tiio rrtiiwii in in idtntitiivi said iiicsiiiinisi gm lllill licsaivi crnnun iilill ask iii llit liit itlini aim in my Vtoinair iiltllillllitlt llitlllttl iKllill twsl itil tradition Atiiiiillilltltlilltlar llitl itliliii Illltl Maria IJUIUIt lionair Iiiilliith aliirin um ililtll llilsd lain pliasvtl to niili llt£ illt in itayoiiiii in solitiirii Itfltlal iltittllllillhl iri Fraiiiv aimail itlill on llw oi lliiu Nlitt ii tiliil ii Claydon Pieter As pool owner hirnsr with the soil and water piotiiioa gm northern area He has been tfilvl Ciaygtmn 30 month finance lease Call 7266474 BARRIE illl lairii ltr 1i Lioziilfi stry NOW YOU CAN OWN COMPLETELY INSTALLED 16 32 INGROUND POOL as 3min DUI ACCESS Oil GMDI sum111v ION PIONEER POOLS Reliable Sign Of Summer For Ears owner in our area for over uni tm in only bought the first swmniing you PiOneer but he also blaming irw ti representative ior llw CJllifJitlv arr It uli at it and install over 500 thong3 Km rl Manager His vast expeltc war poor ioo accessories and Chennaab Ejilurv hm in wt practical downrtoeartli iiiLirinah liytnli Nitthwn llli itziliti titl thcy ogiii illl nutl llltlltrll pin ttlfll IJJjNl industry wit iiiu illl citair Jobs tiiij utitl industry in iii iii lliilt liigli in it Hi lllllillltl ll lt piiilit Itll llwil li partys lltt rillii iiiil ill or itihlil of itifl tlttl llil7iiili inonm gt iiwd li nii tillllt illlill iti Hti ii iii til TM tiii Minnapmni tltii iilllthJfiJlllllI li iiiiii Milli itltlll PHIIIH $1 plannnnr pool Cali Per month plus DST RIVEACAR 43 Essa Rd Barrie now and put Uncertain how long deficit would last UiiAWA tCPi Opposition Ilifllll 100 Clark said Wedncsr day thcrc is somc question how long thc stiinulativc deficit hc advocatcs for Progressive onscrvativc government would last is explanation to reporters camc onc day after the partys iinancc critic Sinclair Stcvens dcciarcd any incrcasc in thc dciicit undcr onscrvatch govcrnmcnt would be confined to ihrcc months at most lark qucstioncd alter party caucus mocting said it is not possiblc to say preciscly how long it would takc his gov criimcni to turn around the short tcrm bulgc in thc dciicit nocdcd to stimulatc lhc ccon oiiiy Latcr in thc Commons irimc Ministcr irudcau ac cuscd tlark of having con iuscd policy bascd on dis appcaring stimulus lhc comincnis wcrc part oi dcbatc on cconomic policy in Wliltll lark accuscd Trudcau oi bcing incapablc of halting Illt ditcrioration of thc dollar on Intcrnational markcls llic dollar tradcd on world currcncy markcts chncsday at about 82 ccnts its lowcst iilucsincc April Willi Hobcri Staniicld iormcr lcadti of tho onscrvalivc party said it pullics pcopli to iiaw tho inancc ministcr claiming at onc momcnt that tho dollar is allowcd to float on orid cxchangis lctting supply and dcmand sci its vaiuc thcn usc $5 billion of thc countrys lorcign rcscrvcs to prop it up Financc Minisicr Jcaii hrc licn agrccd it is complcx qucstion but said thc govcrn nicni iiitcrvcncs on currcncy markcts only to maintain what hc calls an ordcriy float In ncws rclcasc issucd latcr by Iarks officc thc on scrvativc Icadcr prodictcd ilritisiirtypc bankruptcy for our govcrnmcnt and our coun try tic publishcd list of 23 qucs tions which hc said havc to bc answered beforc Canadians Will havc thc full story about lhc governments economic Among thc qucsl ions wcrc What would bc ihc cffcci on thc dollar of wagc bulgc in our domcstic economy ovcr thc ncxt 24 months What cficct would approval oi additional oil and natural gas cxports ban on thc valuc oi 11 dollar Ari anadian subsidiarics oi inulti nationals contributing iii any Signiiicanl way to thc wcakncss of thc anadian doi lar iii ilitir financial transac lions Willi lhcir partill coin panics liy has thc Hank oi an ada not undortakcn inori ag grossin stratcgy in dealing illl currcncy sixciilitois such as itiusing to soil aiiailiaii loi lars as lbc Jlllit oi our cui rciicy riscs UrNIICy I979 MALIBU dr Sport Coupe for 44 Clays ipilitril and pool know how to work tor you Hill SAVE YOU MONEY Pioneers Lowest Price Guarantee it you can buy the identical pool ior loss within 30 days well reiund the ditterenco We will not be undersoid Sltotiobonk Finonong OR AS LOW AS 83 PER MONTH thh your down payment and balance at 13V or 60 montha Barrie7264606 North Barrie Plaza TUESDAY TOIHILNAV I2 Noun 00 SATURDAY l0 00a ni 500 It Plane makes crash landing twinengine Beechcratt owned by Perkiomen Airways Ltd of Reading Pa was forced to make belly landing here this morning when it en countered landing gear ditliculties Ronald Fer lndians critical of CBC program tllAWA 1Ii liic fa tional Indian ltrothcriiixxl on chncsday rllKilHI ll tclcvision documcntary on alco hol abusc among norlhcrii na tivcs for usmg coiitroursiai study which shims Indians and Inuit havc lowr alcohol ioicr ancc than whitcs lhc study groups urc madc up of hospitaliud Indians and lnuut and licaltiiy Ill and has iccn citarty ciiallcngcd by autiioriliis iii lllt lnitcd Status and aiiada Noni Slaiblaiikci prcsidcnt oi ihc 300000 HHlillHI brothcihixxl said in an lllltr CCM Cooper SK600 SKbOO Ir CSA Approved Helmets SHERWOOD JPI 9K Boys Hockey Sticks Reg 595 We BUY GET ltW Ihc program was shown iucsday cvcning as part of Itts Filth ilstatc ncws pro gram Staibiankct said alcoholism is proiiicin in liidian commu nitiis as it has bccn historically will any group that has cx pcriciiccd economic and social dcprnation itut by totusing in on thc inptoin rathcr than thc social and political causis of thc prob icin thc program has hcipcd rcinloicc thc pchudicc many pcoplc havc about Indians and alcohol 1895 ONE FREE Blue Brooms2 Balls Shoes i9 eiiiiiiii Piling BROOMBALL yea aumoe 51 7253200 rell Aberdeen was taken to St Josephs hospital here with back iniuries The pilot Eugene Wittke also of New Jersey was not inlured They were the only two persons on the plane AP Continues at BARRIE TV APPLIANCES Temporary location summon MENS 20x log 595 Special We they last ALL OTHER STICKS free ROLL OF TAPE WITH EACH PURCHASE ALL 399 88 DunIOp St East 7284297 CROSS COUNTRY SKI PACKAGES While ERIE ONTARIO wwm

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