ga¢ the examiner Thursday Feb 1979 NE WSRJM Iraiq Ison IIIdIdUIHQ editor sheila McGovern ity editor Pill artane wrre ertitoi Dave ollei upoi ts editor Itiudia iiuii itestyle editor RE POR If RS serving barrie and simcoe county mama Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited I6 Hayfield Street Borne Ontario LAM 4T6 Bruce Rowland publisher MWSIOOM 7266537 CIICUlAYION 7266539 ADVERTISING 7266537 ClASSIFIEDS 72824 Few attended Open meeting in councils firstevcr public information meeting Monday night was good sign for civrc politics in Bar ric The meeting was campaign promise by Mayor Ross Archer to keep the public informed on regular basis of council developments and plans for the future Its promise were glad to see was kept The open sessions dual purpose to he held quarterly SllVt First the public gets chance to find out first hand what its elected rcpresentalives are doing In turn council can become better acquainted with the feelings of electors on the issues of the day If Mondays meeting had one obvious drawback it was this Only 19 people showed up to ask questions Thats not nearly good enough Of those in attendance some were people llll ex pressed political ambitions simply The public at represen ed large wasnt adequately We wonder why number of major questions are now before council Is there nothing the public tilts to know about how their city is being run tr is everyone satisfied Is it apathy that keeps the public away lll is the electorate cynical about government and die way it works That is not tenable position In general politicians are £1lltl£llllltli person They recognize the public has right to know shoot government and its plans But the public must exercise that right We hope more people will attean the next lititi se sion They might even take the time to drop III on regular council meeting ivic government and the city as whole would lie better for it Ietters to the editor Dear Sir Many of the residents of Innisfil Township feel it is about time we received large shopping mall in cluding large department store preferably the Hudson Bay om party We really appreciate the shopping mall at Stroud but it really does iiol include enough variety stores For many in the retired age group the trip to Lpper anada in New Market or the strip on Bayfield Street in Barrie are too far away and too hectic for our age group to patronize Innisfil would benefit with huge property tax revenue from large mall for water and Stttt services when mart and liiiii went into Vespra lowiisliip the provided their own services and Vespra lownship reaped wry large pro pert tax plus employment for man ot their residents The proposed mall should be located in the middle ot the township adjacent to main highway lo servi both north and south area It will be interesting to we what other residents Innisiit think about this idea Irom stronp itlpliltt tor more piogressixe Iiinist it ownship Itorisliatt Vroud Dear IIditor Remembrance sei icc it oi The 23th Naval Veterans cu small part ot oiii siloi iiiixeii nion sponsored by the Itoyal ana celebrations Itlt llll oi in it dian Naval Association will be held re acriiiaiiiting toi llitl tie in Ietcrborough Ontario during the Victoria Day Weekend May Hill 1975 Through your publication we would like to extend an invitation to all Naval ets and their families in your area who might be interested in returning to the site of the lst Naval lteunion held in ltletr borough in 1933 Special recreational activities and sonsxitlioiicatiothei Additional intoiiiiaio gistratiiiii toriiis iiia lit olitiiiiiel from writing the aililiiw lltiiti plan early to tout the Iiiil Iifii borough in Iii lilllltv IItiiiiiiw Ileiiniorlhairnitiii Ill ILo til lclitliiiiiitiLliltiifaiii lull Lawn bowling in Allandale about I918 Two teams of ladies are shown on the greens of the CNRAA club Canadian National Railways Athletic Association on Essa Road The club was among the best in town those days BUSINESS 726 6537 SltphttINlthtll leaned ttIltt aiiMoliiii Nitricyt IUIHIIMI tori otiiii tinliiiiimiiwi iii Itlltllil aryt oi llt Rpiirt ilitty iirtiiii itflltlil oriei titoi Ilovr Iliii pii iioiimiitiir Parliament Hill ADVERTISING Len Sewck manager SALES Bert Stevens JulieFranks lanMai Lend Aden Smith SteveSkinner Brenda Woods Cl ASSIF If Ruth Blais supervisor Freda shinner Peggy Chapelt Dana Homewooo JaniieMnrton BUSINESS Marian Gough accountant DelvaMills Gail McFarland Vikki Grant Kathie Mitchell CIRCUL ATION Bill Halkes manager Steve White assistant manager Andy Hauahton Alva iiflantii Pat Mirsrin Home Porter hm yt Aiken COMPOSING ROOM Jack Kerney toreman Glenn Kwan asst toremart Don Saunders Lorne Wass Will Cadogan Stan Wray Bill Raynor EdAlIenby Janie Hamel Susan Kitchen Ron Gilder Barbara Strigl PRESSROOM Don Near loreman Fred Prince asst toreman Harris Blanchard Brian Mari Look Mao no Chinese i1 with iIiii ii li liit liii Viii itililii ittlil putt it ilinpplii IN IN Ill ilt tl iiiix iwi iii ll iii it ii iiil illit lil lo 71 ti limit lliitl iipu iM II liill III iti itlI Itlilitllillil ii ioLiiiiiiiiz llltll iiii ii pi luv it llililtii il iii la Lilli liiliiililli Iiiili Iiti lll illlliti llt isw iii tiitaliiiiiliiiiitlimi loii ii iiIII lllllllitllllli llilllit1iiliiit iiit lliltillt will It niiiii ii ihi ill foi illil 1ll llll liiitli tlill itlli it tioziiliii litliiliit lilti ill 3w Ii tin tllllllllliil llllltillitiii it li will In in vltl Mimi tiiiii lit li tli iii Iitilt Ittiv il iiii il it till ltii liilii dint llv not it ii it row YOU DIDNT TRUST THAT mm AGENT The xaminer is member or The Canadian Press CF and Audit Bureluol Published daily except Sunday and th circulations ABC Onl the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in is newspaper credited to The Assocaatea Pressi Reuters or Agence statutory holidays France Presse and I0cal news stories published in The Examiner WEEKLY by carrier 90cents YEARLY by carrier $46 80 BY MAIL Barrie $46 80 National auyprtism SIMCOE COUNTY Montreal 336 50 MOTOR IHROW OFF S39avear EL SEWHERE IN CANADA thv xaminer claims copyright on all original news and advertisino match3 eateu by its employees and published in this newspaper Copyright registration number 2038t5 register attices 65 Queen St wYorarito861t7l0 60 Cothca The advertir agrees that the publisher shall not be liable tor damages 85 09 out at errors in advertisements beyarid the amount paid tor the spot DC tually occupied by that portion at the advertisement in which the error oc curred whether such error is due to the negligence at its pervants of Why 3506 ma wise and there shall be no liability tor non insertion at any ddVellwmen beyond the amount paid tor such advertisement Trudeau favors June vote for next federal election tutui ii Ilii il Yin pilliuixt in ii isiiiciih it itcltill litii iiipiiiit ï¬llet ilii ri iloi Ilii htttli ii iii wialiinx iii in limit ix xilil1iiistwi iii ltlillltlll liitKtldtt tlll ii lit ittiii who in iiiltx tiilt ielavti iiii to wit opposiiii iiiiili tot tiliiiis iiil lli lltllldt l1 Itli tad zi llitihiltiiilii sil No majority needed here It lllIRIiK NIILHUN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Scrv ici IURUNIU Fears of onsirvative victory in thi nerit federal election seems to have moved fey of this country punditK to re ftttiilt our electoral III Their trauma is that the Tories under Joe tlark with few New Dentinrats will win almost every seat in English ariada while 2l1illitl Iierre Trudiail Liberals and few reditiste That because in our vlli thi HICIUI doesnt need majority lit iiricpary race one third of the Its plus one giw you the stigit So the ltIlÂ¥liitiit wt per cent of Quebecs vote could he ilti on there and vice versa tor the llltldi it he rest of thi country This would some lii hint for nation unity 5o thoughts haw nvw ii Ilititll Ii revising the elecoial Llfli prevent Kltli hoireiidous English lltlit ti ldti Illthl IIttlt IL The tavorite salutioi ne iiioiiient ap pear to hr gt011 iiirni Ill pioimrtiona repriwinaion iiimiii the wiiLiiirs ile tiih ii Iaiiiaiimr iiii hash of the iil wian neon itiai lyiil stlli In our Look at Illiliillii torin impo ylilii iliiXilii liiitntf it liad litr sw or Ii Vvliifilllfllit tliili iplliiil iit ll Hit tii iit iHi lI ot iic wtis viii pct cm itlllvlil Ttii in NEW tii poi ttiiill sialivt1iiii Miltlii Liit Iii fai yepri tli5rtll proportional to niiniiiiy or every two L2HtilIlilIv oi Ttiiwviis riiiiz litii ITI IIi ll iuti liii stipgwit tilt waning govcrr lii iiici is IIIi less trassiie than our iiiieii it nakc it appear Htli 1U exclude large chunk lit uoing because ot age citien shp oi ohii aciirs Iii Ill tor example onlj 31 iiiliioi oi Hittarios eight million pimplexiireregisteredtiixiie Ht llia Ellillilitl only ntiiiioi iirned out or i1 pct cci Ii tttitario the percentage aries lielxieci 351 and 74 per cent lll Ittliltif voted toiisemaliue enough to time them the governntcn Ihats not lot oii oi etLlit iiiilliiiiz but the voters liked the aliriialsusexcl lis Ill ii it since lllltllll already has minority LJWtIlillitll proporlzona representation wouldnt mean much herc although it would lttltldll giving us perpetual IIIIIIUIII Liiiwiiiiiiiii tlierc too lltlltlltlltllll smilii Izco1iiiprove voter tutti out IIcirp oi iilllilit Itivtli lti Iilillllt II illiIL lsil in democracy lligt iiiv sa at homes on liltlt vols is compulsory liiiiii do so Ititli lilt and rliali tat iii div llHx toie tor inyonc Iiu you Hills ias ii hallo Men its against exi jwai illi etoi li iiiilcai as is to anyone wiic Illtt tlii tt 1m right but iitji ii Ilt Iiiiu iiopi lltlt oi course ililigtlii lilii Iitllktil fttl IiiIi ifi tiii ti write your mp 19 If you would like to write your Member of Parliament or Member of Prawnciai Parlia meet printed below are their mailing adA dresses It you send us Copy at your letter it might be suttoble tor our Letters to the EdtICt columns Alter all it there is matter oi concern that makes you want to write to your MP oi MPP it it is not personal matter it should be of interest to your friends andnegbbors too iDERAl lynard MP North Simcoe Parliament Buddian Ottawa Ont lou Mina MP PeeiDUiletiliSlIIlCOe ParhamentBuddings Ottawa Ont itchi Stovoni MP YorhrSimcoe POIIOIIlEIIIBUIldIIIg Ottawa Ont Gui thu MP Grey Source For liameiit Buddings Ottawa Ont PROVINCIAL Georg Ivylor MPP SltltLOO Centre Ontorroiegislutute Queen Park Iciioiito Gordon Smith MPP SIIIILOGEOS Ontario Legislature Queens Park Iuionto Cootgo McCaguo MPP Dutieiui Siiiiioe Queens Path loioiitci bible thought Let him know that he which eoiivcrlcth the sinner Ironi the or of his way shall saw soul from death and shall hide multitude of sins James 330 There is no substitute how well me how time consuming can ever take of soul winning He that wiiine wise aning or the place tli souls is