the examlner Thursday Fab 1979 Vietnamese move reinforcements into Cambodia RANGKOK tAPi Reinforcements from two or three divisions are being moved into Cambodia from Vietnam and appear to be headed for the Phnom Penh area to try to mop up Cambodian army troops still fighting for the ousted government of Premier Pol Pot senior Thai source said ttxlay Western sources said they could not confirm the report But they said the 100000man Vietnamese invasion force that rolled into Cambodia on Dec 25 was experiencing manpower shortages both in garrisoning captured areas and launching offensive operations against Pol Pots Khmer Rouge army The Pol Pot radio in southern China called the Voice of Democratic Kampuchea Cambodia said today that guer riIIas were stepping up attacks inside Phnom Ienh machinegunning or throwing grenades at Vietnamese en campments and patrols in the capital Another step from exile by Nixon WASHINGTON iAPi Former US president Richard Nixon emerged from his private meeting with hinese Vice Premier Teng Hsiaoping smiling broadly the smile of man who had taken another step away from years of self exile Nixon met for 32 minutes with Iengr at Iengs request it was reported Neither man would comment on the discussion After the meeting in Blair House across the street from the White House Nixon ignored reporters and photographers who were held back half block away He glanced at the White House stepped into his waiting limousine and sped away He flew by commercial plane Wednesday night to San Diego Ihis closed the third and most conspicuous of his visits to Washington since he resigned the presidency under threat of IIIIIXHCIHIHIH years ago He came here twice before for the funeral of Hubert Humphrey and for an informal meeting of former White House aides But this time he was in Washington as the invited guest of President tarter and the leader of hina Some members of ongress criticized the invitation hut taitcr called it fair and proper That chocolate bar to cost more ItthNlt Ii anadas major chocolatebai manufacturers say the Zttircent chocolate bar will he on confectioners shelves within six months Spokesmeii for Rowntree Mackintosh anada Ltd and William Neilson Ltd said lednesday the increase is inevitable due to higher prices for sugar and cocoa Most chocolate bars now sell in iiitario for 23 cents plus two cents tax Wants to conduct own defence StlilitItY tint itli Romeo Kerim tit charged with attempted murder in the shooting last November of Mike Solski then Nickel entre mayor has fired his lawyer Robert iopp and wants to defend himself Kerini asked Judge William Fitzgerald on Wednesday to release him on bail so he might gather information Judge Fitzgerald remanded Kerim to Feb pending ball bearing Friday Solski was seriously wounded but now is home with some paralysis in his right arm Almost all students failed exams IURtiNIti itli Almost all stationary engineering students who took their exams in December failed but mistakes may have been made by the ministry of colleges and education Ross uleiiback supervisor of the stationary engineering piograiii at George Brown oliege in Toronto said the exams set by the ministry ask questions on items not covered in the course outline which is also set by the ministry II 42 students from George Brown who wrote examinations in second class drafting secondciass lIIIIiIIlts and thirdclass air conditioning and refrigeration faich Twenty one of 22 students at Mohawk toilcgc iii Hamilton tailed an examination on powcrplant boilers and ittIXIIIJIIIts and nine of in students at Niagara olIege in Welland tint tailed an examination in stationary physics Police officers fired sentenced It Iit tNIIl Ii Iwo Metropolitan Ioronto police con stables were fired Wednesday and sentenced to jail for one month after being convicted of breaking into warthouse and stealing $50 power saw Michael OBrien Bit of Toronto and Lewis John Ihaiii Jo of Sutton tint were dismissed with disgrace by the force they had worked for four years Both officers have fathers who served in senior positions itli Metro Toronto police for 23 years tounty court Judge Stanton Hogg said the officers had caused their fathers extreme pain and anguish Ihc coiiiniunily may tolerate leimess inefficiency and stupidity but not corruption the judge said In most of these cases where it is first offence IIII sentence is suspended with probation Hut police officers arc seivants of the public and they are there to piotcct plililtt property not to steal it The two officers were in uniform and on duty when the were caught through use of videotape security camera in Toronto warehouse Jan 28 Commi55ion settles on plan TARA tint TN The Niagara IJscaipmcnt toiiniii sioii has settled on plan for development which itstIttlili the original plan of 1973 Stuart Smith intaiio Liberal leader said Wednesday Smith speaking to the truce ounty Federation of Agriculture said most of the acreage delitcd from region where future development will he allowed is in tircy and Bruce counties The commission is to release report Friday providiiul details of its outline fordevelopment on Ihcescarpincnt IIic commission is responsible for devising plan for development on land stretching from Niagara Falls to Iobcriiiory In calling for more aid to the agriculture industry in Ontario Smith Illltllttl Iicastirer Frank Millers an nouncement Wednesday that $100 million will be spent during the next five years to bolster the pulp and papci industry in Northern Ontario The pulp and paper industry has raped the North by not practising conservation he said DUEEERIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS ANNOUNCEMENT The appointment of Mr Doty PEng as President of Dufferin Concrete Products is announced by Mr Giusson President St Lawrence Cement Co Mr Dotys extensive background with an international manufacturer of building and industrial products in the con struction field will be of inestimable value in his new respon sibilities Dufferin Concrete Products manufacture and distribute ready mixed concrete block and building materials throughout thn Province of Ontario Mr Doty will be located at the Head Office Valhalla Executive Centre Toronto Pope John Paul gets goodby kiss from little girl at the Mexico City air port as little boy looks on Many Mexicans turned out at the airport to say goodby to the Pope after he went on an open motorcade through the city on Wednesday AP Photo Pope visits Bahamas en route to Vatican liipi loliii Iaiti II arrow in the lnJIIIdIILi tlIl toiltif lot Iittcl slop til iou to thc iilitiii alter Meyiuiii tout Iitill Iic pu IIlt Itoinan litholic thinch tiiinly beltan iiilfit loi thc pool whilc thIwI Iii iIitL to at till it poitlt VIIII yit old poiittlt iiiy and drawn from thr iiio IttitIIIit day of his Latin Anoiaan tiip landed pit alter IIIItIItIilt Ntflllttlt IIILIII lnnoiisziic took hnn to the ttitti lIIialiith liiiil tiiiii fti ljyttll than tilitiii pcoplc hail Ji=3cil lit liottt in hc lIllIItItI 4ittitlit It lioi iililii III lopc spoIc ot iclatiiir between ttilliolic iiid lltiltlitil iiiil ltI Iltilt lillll lIiiIIItI Iit Hs gtIIII1IIiI tilll tIt lll to tiilliliii iatc totally iizil pii excitinily toriiihciiitucioi iItiiuty Ill liiIIi Iii llit Iiilllillliit III papal iitlaiici lIcu tIlIti tIiIian JtlIIlitt inil Illt Iopc sint III1 to Me itItIII IlltIIl Xisilo tio not iibiii IIIIiJItt on in return lioni the primal iijtiic lo ltItti till illiiil to send youi ccclcncj cordial greeting accompanied by in most lcivciit wishiw for pio piiit thi InIoud nation whir noIiIc ll lilo most so ttltl applet lt ilic tiIIIlt iiltl II II ill lic lopi II will tinswagi Itll ot titanic to Mexican fItItItIII ltiJ Lopc loitillo sayitu llt IiilIIi ltllI to hundreds of ovcihiuid fartwill Ilcw llilllt wm takiiit back to itonic un thousands of tlliii Ing oiLcttaIiIc proof ttl iIccp Ictiin it tlic chico 1in illcctioii Illtl giatitynn nipoit and inipciisliablc narinoiy of ditldtmt Ii Mien thc thc spiiitiial and human tIiiyUl yellcd ionic icius tllll of Iltt Itlltll people IIic noitliciii indiitrial tll of lontciicy Iit stop in Icico and thcic his lacc icdilcncd by nearly Heel III Illi IIIII with slttlflJlIht layii All RSPS are not alike If you already have mhremerit iVIIlt plan Jttfllt3t wNIItIIIIIqItiCliIIiltIElITtlSl In wool in co uwuchint IE easy Canada Trust BARRIE Dantop at Memorial Square 7264848 open Fri til 30 Sat to to 2i llltilIJIItl CJftlflaf it 88 Dunlop St East Itittiiitt liliii litrii Nutritilli lc ttIlItIt Hull tillltitlii llit was the Iopc oicc ol IIItIIItIi chantcd lohp liiil II cutiyoni Into tIll Mexican 4n hc IIic haw Inciz IliiItIIlIl group ol full of bani iiid IIIt ttttIt iniini ot not Hi littlliltllIIilt whitc doyi plate Iiclopc nod Continues at BARRIE TV APPLIANCES Temporary location 7284297 Just say the Wtittl ind Well do the renal Call or Hittt III for ltllilll RSPS are not ililw PCs want survey stopped OTTAWA iCPi James McGrath renewed Ion servative attempts Thursday to stop Statistics Canada survey which asks consumers how iiiiicii toilet paper and lingerie they bought last year among otherthin McGrat his partys social affairs critic said the survey represents an unawarranted in vasion of privacy and must be withdrawn Industry Minister Jack or ncr who speaks for the statis tical agency in Parliament said in an interview he is awaiting more information about the survey before making any decision He denied onservativc alle gallons the 45 page question mine is put to every ZtttIi recipient of family allowance in Iuesday onseivativc Hill Kempiing asked Homer to stop the survey inniiuliately Kempiing told reporters he had been informed persons could be forced to answer per sonal questions about family in come debts bank balances and how much was spent on per soiial hygiene products kitchen utensils and underwear ELFtitlIISIIUNIII Statistics anada spokes man said Vtediiesday li3oo families were randomly se lected from urban and rural areas and the agent had been conducting similar survey ev ery twoyears since tutti While the department can take legal action we work with people who are likely to volunteer the inforinition said Jenny iodoluk director general for the household statisticsbiaiich Miss Iodohik said such sur cys are necessary to construct the consumer price index the common economic indicator loi thechangc iii the cost of living Iltilittt said the business community lltttl specific information obtained in such surveys Boys parents ordered back IYItitlH Mass The parents of had tirccii wcrc field in civil contempt of court lHInesday because they fled to Mexico to give their Icii kcinia stricken boy Laetriic ticatiiiciits against the Klsllt of Judge Judge tiny olteiia who is llttl an order prohibiting Lact rilc treatments for the three year old boy last week ordered ihc parents to bring their son but to lissaclitiselts by liI Howey ci the My mouth Stipc IItii touit Illtltlt did not say what if any penalties could be imposed if the tireciis ig iiorcd his tittltl icoigcDonovan lhc couplc lawyer said he did not know wlictlici the lien11s would ic lltiiI Lustercl lltltiIttIlJlIlItlI slipped out of Massachuscth and checked thad into Iact rilc clinic in IIlltditit Mexico ihmm mm mo flfll FIE In 30 om Mild weather threatens ice palace Carnival organizers had to borrow snowmaking equipment from nearby ski resort Tuesday night to freshen up the ice palace that will be the focal point of Quebec Citys carnival activities Recent mild weather had taken its toll on the structure The winter carnival will be officially opened Thursday by govgen Edward Schreyer CP Photo Three sentenced to life SAMf SIftl MARIE int ttIi IIiieiSaultSte Marie tint men were convicted Wednesday of killing city taxi driver last June and were sens teiicid to life in prison An iiitaiio Supiciiie ouit jury found ioidon Simon Ste veiis 22 guilty of first degree murder and convicted John Moore 25 and Ierrencc Hogan 2o of second degree murder Mr Justice Alexander Stark sentenced the men to life in prison almost immediately after the jury concluded its five hours of deliberations Stevens must serve 23 years before he is eligible for parole and Moore and Hogan must serve Itiyears The body of lioiiald Lanthier Zt year old cab driver was loiiiid II gully about too met rcs both his blood stained cab onJuiiiIto Mcdical witnesses testified he had been strangled by thin cord oi wire and stabbed IJ times in the chest and once in IIIt right thigh lie was last heard from lil lore going to city club to pick up fare witness testified that Ste veiis threatened to fix Ian before thicr week he found dead Stcyeir during tomb Illl ii ttitiyti iltii was vciissforiiici giiI llliiiil Barrie labour Council UNANIMOUSLY AGREES TO SUPPORT THE STRIKE 0r 0PSEU mark about Latithici who yam dating Ste National Drapery design better ifor less than you might expect onaL rapery bond Beau Out of Town call collect CUS tom drapes tzful custom drapes in as little seven days ONE OF OURS IS WORTH AVERAGE QUARTER HOUR AUDIENCES VADULLTSWtVBc AM TO AM MON SUN OF THEIRS BUREAU BROADCAST MEASUREMFNT MON SUN MON SUN MON SUN NH WEALLJQVfi FULI COVERAGF ciga 0000 WI 22 as sashes 7600 7700 DAYTIME i0 AffiliEAUPM cxea 4700 $232 catarany 77 9500 10800 AFTERNOON DRIVETIME 4PM8 PM 5033 3330 CFOR 1300 cxca 1100 Elihmuu CKMP 1000 7500 8600 Ms Wi CKBB 1200 EVENING PM MIDNIGHT mm 800 GHQ CFOR 400 II II 2700 4500 SOMETIMES FOUR IT TAKES LOT OF ORDINARY RADIO IN SIMOOE COUNTY TO COMPARE WITH $50639 NRC cm 931