Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Feb 1979, p. 16

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Nepean Ont police constable and ambulance worker attend to Morris Costanza of Ottawa after he was struck by car while picketing at the Ne Drapeau clash of hearing MllNIIlllstl llr Mayor Iean Drapeau and Gerard Nid ing his former righthand man came into public conflict Wednesday over the touchy isue of their mutual knowledge about 3200000 in lllViitl deal ings iiitolying an lilympic con tractor and electoral financing lirapeau flatly denied earlier statements nliiig lorinei chairman of the Ll exccutne tllUIltll at lllyrnpic ianiry hearings KHlnesday llut the mayor did back oil from dental lat kzt tlra he initiated 1th iitmtim oheil llotuassa then lr pieniier to struclroi ol the Village He insisted that hi llll Itritnassa minister and officials of the firm tha iiinl the lung pyramid strucure housiin Games athletes lr lerrasse Zaiolega lnc dealt ll preserx ng giceii space and tr on financing coiislrutlion other hawclaimed lherl were no discriw tor it financial nature lliapiuui told the Illlnllltilll lllqllll trli the $1 37 billion curl of the lllw lynipics denying Karolegu partners lesirnorc tha €le lllftllllL locussed or he need for public funds alter pinav imestineril piohlerii arose dismiss cor dyinptr IIIllSlI ISSI The main isstie ifflllttl Vlas the question of whehri Drapeau knew that consult llll firm Itegis lrudeau el Assn cies was building luwrj country home for iding in IEIT 74 at ahotil the same time it was awarded My lllllllliti worth of Olympic contracts lirapeau testified that it as not Ulllll last summer he learned Niding house paid for by company head llegis Trudeau lwo eeks ago Niding ItSIlllffl he had told the mayor of the situation in an in formal conversation in He toher lflTit lsut lirapeau insisted Nrrlirn first rewaled the facts to him Raps lawyers for delays lllltlelI itl county court judge declaring he is ap palled at long delays in bring ing persons to trial has ordered the release of man held in Ztll Sllitt his arrest eight months ago Judge Stanton Holt chided lawyers Vlednesday for delays that have kept fiershov Levin 37 Ill Jail in lieu of $illilititl bail since his arrest on charge of importing lino pounds of hash 1in Judge llogg said he was re leasing Levin on his own recog nuance to set an example so everyone involved in the case understands the need for speedy trials The judge ordered Levin to report to police three times day stay within four blocks ol his home and iiol gel in car WIII not tolerate man sit bug in jail year the judge tolrl lawyers for the rown for Levin and for three other ie Iendants in the case whom he had ordered to appear before him for hail renew find it passing strange that counsel who are so concerned WIIII ciVil rights doitl lift fin gar We associate these things with UUIIIIIIS such asr Turkey or suiiielhing Pickefer hit by car pean campus of Algonqurri College Wednesday Coslanza was reported in satisfactory condition at Ottawa Queensway Carleton Hospital CP Phoo MATAIIRESS BOX SPRING Twin Size onur $8 DOUBLE SIZE $9966 Queen Size $199 exaide few weeks before Lle pome raids at the end lit ititist lITK idtiiLI had told fill fevt weeks earlier that he exiwcted to he sued for much larger amount than he had expected to pay loi lliehouse llrapeau said he discussed the house with irlmg in WT and 197i but was never told lrtirlcat was paying for the construction on either or union Qtiehec pioinctal police raids three light till the Shiitw llHsi siorllj helm li fllllrrl elrcion lil lllrl ille 112 Itllifl Hit rilllltl llizzpeali woi In rr ill 30 36 39 48 541 6011 78 llll lll lil Il eziin tie Ii Tin win rrziinn sriliarl Mu the Sloane lllll iir1 lIr wliml new lliis rill mi in lil eiiiri Irllt lllyio irlsri one in tes none on we or pargii ltmrl hr rlia llli Iil Ii Lrsnu Vb iiiape ill leaer rr It Adghslable Sir3 Bed am Hea boards llifiL nil you 39 ilei iii fillli won tetmev Ill tieruxw all unlir hon lllll In adding the WWW do Ill Iiil patrjx sleiii in xlduil l1itl liqn9 lil ririrt lrv lilW ON NAME BRAND ltttirl tm nihilltral llllillr laltll riHl per trill it It vm FOORY mum lltttltlétll It tlf llr lllil BARRIES lEDlNG BEDROOM INTERIORS STORi Ittlllfh lit urtiihritor ri ilr mi BARRIE MAI IRESS tioMdriulai llEll Ilf AND BEDROOM INTERIORS le were ioii siiiallei ottne and llfll aeie 15 Dunop 7289922 things we rotilrlir tale with Downtown Bunic Il iiesairl FREE DELIVERY lliey the ierrirrh took llll Iliall Ii IIII Iuuiolov prilili Illlillrlliill ll Ililfl lirliil aiii All Rsiis arena alike Canada Trust has wealth of experience in retirement sayings plans Itiats rrnprrrwr it Im1 ltl most cases swrtching because RS glwir dr rw lull or come in than satre you tirirriéeor rile ll liltlilllllilllA It you already have RSP trinrrltr TNllfIlilllfI to Canada lrrll alike or iii gt2 let Canada Trust BARBIE llurilop at Meymria vi tirr nitl lilfl it til 30Sat10102 lnsufficienf data on police activities to the oxnmlnor Thurday Fob 1979 Law union critical of commission VANCOUVER ltli The Law Union of British olumbia has criticized the royal com mission on RCMP wrongdoing and the IH atlorneygcncral for not providing enough in formation on police activities In brief today to the com mission headed by Mr Justice David McDonald the union lists questions unanswerul by the commission since union presentation year ago We ask the commission to explain how it is possible for people to recommend legislative or administrative changes if yoli dont tell them fully what abuses what lines of authority and of what the patterns of activity and thinking have been up to now in the security apparatus The union also says report last month by Attorneytiencral iartle lardom on possible ille gal entries by ltlll in IH raises more questions than II answers It says the report gives only the barest possible facts about four cases out of 402 cases al liided to in evulencc given to the commission last April by eniier director of llIMl criminaloperations Ill IISIIIINS III HAN The union an assrkiation of lawyers law students and legalaid workers who espouse socialist philosophy got in mind in Wednesday hearing when spokesman raig Iaterson questioned the commissions ban on cameras and recording equipment laterson rose on point of order after deputy sheriff confiscated tape recorders from two llt radio reporters and ll IIlSllll reporter After retiring for hours to debate the motion Mr Justice Shop early for the Its the big saleoftheyear in all our stores throughout the Gas Company System Display and demonstrator appliances must go to make way for new clearanc McDonald and commissioner David ltickcrd of Toronto agreed that the commission should uphold the ban that had been applied at earlier hear ings Commissioner iuy Gilbert of Montreal dissented Paterson told the com missioncrs that it was not appropriate at public hearing into secret police operations to have the tape recorders of the media taken out of here by sheriffs ofl iccr He argued that the royal commission is not judicial body and should not apply rules that normally apply to court procmdings lle lllflllffl the commissioners for investing themselves with Judicial persona that scares the general public away Last year the law union criti IZtfI the decision to hold the hearing In downtown fill building saying the locatioa it75 ADAM BOOKS INC 14 Dunlop St Bunlo best selection discouraged the public from at tending ATTENDANCESMALLER This years hearings were held in the provincial court house in the citys less affluent downtown east side but Mr Justice McDonald said the year It asks how many RCMP personnel operate in the province and why 402 out of possible illegal entries in Canada committed by the RCMP between 1972 and I976 occurred in llf It also asks for details about office and the commission over who is to investigate police se curin activities in BC MUS PRODUCED Toronto doctors Theodore Drake Frederick Tisdall and Alan Brown developed pablum 1979 models This is the time to make big savings Certain items are in limited supply others may not be available at all store loca tions Prices slashed on many unadvertised specials some with crowd this year was smaller than last About Ill people at tended WHImsdays session most of them members of the media or security personnel The two day public hearing here was the last of series at which briefs submitted to the commissmn at least month in advance were ItSCUSStd The UIIIIIIISSIOII is to make recom mendalions on the policies and prixedures governing Security agencies in anada The union brief which mainly asks questions instead of offering answers demands information on the number of Wiretaps issued in It each alleged conflict between the the first massproduced pre provincial attorney generals cooked baby cereal NEW PIANO FOR 55 Not qulfo but It you have good qualify older upright piano can rebuild it for loss than $800 and guarantee the tone and touch wlII be superior to most of todays 520 new pianos Hiyahf 0t III why copper III has Itrhpl Mtflph Iuihonl dnpou Mhyhui nemu EM toll MNIWIW tnbb chl Mfiochfl For fr that and appraisal cull ONTARIO PIANO SERVICE 7371979 OFF ml amt Tuba Repairs Restoration DIS0min for loving etc of and electric appliances dents scratches which do not affect performance If youre get ting careful about how you spend your money be sure to shop for the values in this remarkable sale theyre too good to miss HARDWICK GAS RANGES Deluxe 30 range Jethlow allglass over door continuous cleaning cookand hold oven Almond Harvest jold Avocado Coppertone SPECIAL White PKN 9631K 630D 30 range With Panorama oven door Reg $579 00 Almond Harvest Gold Avocado Coppertone White PKN 9632M 630A Reg $519 00 Eye level Oven Model With upper MicroRay Broil feature Almond Avril idri Harvest Gold White PKN 8431 KH 730AT 30 Wide Reg 58 00 Save $70 30 Modern Chalet Range wrth glass warming ltl13llfll0yi level PKN 93t 210A Avocado Harvest Cold Zoppenorio SPECIAL 62900 White Her 8669 00 FOR THE LAUNDRY Inglis thoraer Gan Dryer GO iIOfll rierriy ethaient ecooarnica xceptiorial boy White Rec $298 00 Inglis Liberator ll Elector Washer 30 43000 washspin speeds 3cycles White Reg $45500 Maytag Gas Dryer 106 low temperature stream of heat drying While Reg $47500 Maytag Washer lectnr tO6l All taiirit cycle vffltCIlOfl While Reg $52500 SPECIAL 49900 ODIIIIUOUS fl4aflllq Vfl SPECIAL 48500 SPECIAL 375900 SPECIAL SPECIAL s43900 SPECIAL 45500 GAS BARBECUES Arkla Embermatic GRD 3O Suburbanite Portable for Natural Gas Complete with cart tOli hose and qwck drsconneCi Reg $209 95 svscm 18900 CHECK OUR OTHER SPECIAL OFFERS PROPANE AND NATURAL GAS BARBECUES ELECTRO AIR ELECTRONIC AIR CLEANER Installed on your forcedair furnace it removes arborw dos bacteria pollen pet hairs from the as and gwes great 00 relief to allergysufferers Mode 55 289 DISHWASHERS Electric Admiral PortableConvertible Bsprograr ousr Euid Lrfri DC 2468 Colour $10 extra Reg $469 00 SPECIAL 344400 Inglis PortableConvertible CitalIOn moer 30 ETtOC Ceiow $13 extra Reg $475 00 SPECIAL 344500 Inglis UndercountermodelGD37lOO wrthdcolotipane krfrncmdec Reg $445 00 SPECIAL 540900 OTHER INGLIS DISHWASHERS AVAILABLE AT SPECIAL INSTORE SAVINGS Speed Queen Gas Dryer Ambassador Hf lOtiN Mutt cycle timer Permacote drum ilo oiliqnilion White Reg $355 00 Speed Queen Washer IllInt Atlllklifydlltif AD 100 Mull wt to timer Willi Permanent Press and Wauhablo Knit cycle Porcelaintun White Rug DRYERS $41500 POWER HUNHDIFEERS Morsturizc the air in your home reducr fuel costs make lower temperatures more comfortable Humidistat controls 00 amount otmorsture Easy tainstallonlurnace Aslaw as deld MICROWAVE OVENS LiftonMotfaf Meal in One Excluswo new shell entirely new cooking patt ern MUC 2558 SPECIAL SPECIAL s44900 CHECK THE SPECIAL INSTORE BARGAINS ON WASHERS AND $73900 Touch 81 Go Pushrbutton programming controls both WHO and REFRIGERATORS Electric Inglis Sterling 17 Cu It Bigfreezer capaCin deluxe trim Moder JY 76100 Almond Harvest Gold $10 extra White Value priced s61900 Admiral 14 cu ft model CN 478 Almand Harvest Wheat Avocado 510 extra While Reg $60900 SPECIAL 357900 ADDITIONAL SAVINGS AVAILABLE ON OTHER INGLIS and ADMIRAL REFRIGERATORS AS STORE SPECIALS THE temperature MUC 2467 $69900 Deluxe model With Food Sensor Van Temp and cook hold control and defrost cycle MUC 2458 358900 Standard model wrth VanCook feature to defrost roast summer or reheat MUC 2446 549900 SPECIAL BONUS GIFTS OF MICROWAVE COOKWARE INCLUDED WITH ALL LITTONMOFFAT MICROWAVE OVENS IN THIS SALE Enterprise Microwave Oven 0600 MD 31 II It 99 min drqaal timer power level Whi Reg $599 00 SAVE $80 to Vin ton alurninurii cabinet 00 SPECIAL 351900 Above model at 500 Consumers Road only FINANCING IS AVAILABLE No down pay ment Up to years to pay in convenient monthly installments And you dont have to be aGas ompany customer to qualifyI nu Mante rngor dll1 traiqu at ii epled lo mew IldlltIrSl COMPANY TORE BIGNAME APPLIANCES BIGVALUE PRICES Prices effective until March 1979 or while stock lasts Prices quoted are for delivery only Installation Is available and can be included In finance plan Consumetsflas 8300m STORE HOURS lo 42 pm Monday to Thursday 81 am to 91X pm Friday 165 FERRIS lANE 7266558 is

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