14 tho oxamlnor Thundy Fob 879 to tsflmmi ONLY FEW CHOICE BEDROOM SUITES LEFT COME AND VIEW HIGH RISE LIVING AT ITS FINEST FIND OUT WHY HIGHPOINT IS BARRIES MOST PRESTIGIOUS RENTAL COMMUNITY LUXURY BEDROOM APARTMENTS loapts to ram DOORMANSECURITY GUARD 34 trucks and trailers l976 FORD 350 tour speed stan 16apts to rant dard power steering power brakes heavy duty suspension dual wheels 12 It platlorm with racks Very clean Telephone 726 9998 1971 GMC VAN six cyligder standard Fair condition $600 or best otter Phone any time 72885827 1976 FORD 150 RANGER Super Cab 58000 miles 390 motor two tanks heavy duty step bumper Radial tires plus radial snows deluxe paint ratio automatic power steering and brakes plus Ford cap new brakes December 1978 Originally Alberta vehicle Asking $5500 with satety Phone evenings 728 2585 1977 JEEP CHEROKEE Includes winch 40000 miles 57500 Call 726 8230 1973 GMC Crew cab Alon power steering power brakes air conditioning 350 Excellent condition Certitted Telephone 7370791 1975 DODGE POWER WAGON With Myers plow Best oller Telephone 726 533 1976 FORD pickup Contact Bank 01 Nova Scotia Bradlordl 416 775 5311 73JEEPWAGONEER Fully equipped including quadra hat and air conditioning Al shape Lic AWE 911 53185 Bank terms available Bay City Motors 45 Bradlord St 728 2220 37motorcycles 1973 KAWASAKI 500 Rtlllllll motor New drop bars rhiinibirs illlll liiilt Idll ing Phone 726 2740 alter 30 in BARRIE MOTOCROSS CENTRE 11 389 Bayiield St 01 Candles Rdi CAN AM CZ HODAKA HUSQVARNA sales and service Always some cellentbuysnt used machines 726 4112 1971 MONTE SSA REL and dirt bike Good condition $350 Telephone 10 104 716 820 alter in 72 9146 38snowmobiles I979 63 YAMAHA I976 SKI 00 engine new 140 lutt Telephone below in 728 7406 TNT $1200 rebuilt lirm 1975 YAMAHA GPX 433 very good on dition Telephone 32 2949 1974 JOHN DEER snowmobile JDXB 38 snowmobiles Models stll avalaliis tor Immediate dslvsrv ET 250 ET 340 DELUXE OUT ET300 EX 440 SMOOUT ET 340 Excel Bank Iinoncing available it you quality CIIII Toll Eras 18002658128 ENTERPRISES LIMITED Msodovvmsk lane Cambridge Blair Ontario Home at Teasd Motorcytss Strom and oats Parts Accessories goartlclss tor sols 17 MULCASTER ST ROOM DIVIDER with planter box with rollers 20 It long by 511 higti Bayshore Hotel FIVE HUNDRED Irrel 2x8 pine decking 60 cents per loot Sixteen squares 24 BC shakes at $85 per square Telephone days 7261966 or evenings 728 5800 Chuck Peacock COMPONENT PACKAGE For lust $399 you can own this now JVC staro component system This package includes IVC receiver JVC turntable and pair at A5 speakers or pay lust $375 wadin on our rantlo own plan Phona tonight delivery tonight KRAIY KllLTS IARRIE PLAIA 7371182 TF SNOWMOBILES TThSF3 40articies for sale NEW AND USED Sit on ilyiiii wont believe its it bed Barrie Benito It 40min tor sols Contarnporoy stylnp with rovorsltlo soot cushions Fofltuns 51mm Skirnbor th Motinu Loaso pillow beds $61995 Toluphono 7260561 SIMMONS ANNUAL WINTER SALE at Walkwel Shoes 58 Dunlop St East Great savings on winter boots USED RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT lryers grills treezers coolers etc Many new tables and chairs 728 8381 737 4880 PENTON MOTOR bike 125 cc S200 Yamaha Trombone almost new $175 LacrossestickJS Phone 726 6365 NEW UNUSED Panasonic Microwave Oven large capacity S650 Telephone 717 3861 ANT IQUE DOUBLE WARDROBE in excellent rondilion Asking $400 or best otter Telephone 128 2574 tar intorma lion MOBILE TYPE ish Hut on skis Can be towed iiihind snowmobile For more in loririation mum 1311 COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER 10 ton 3phase water cooled with dual compressor $1500 as JIM TIT2431 TT COME TO CLARkS Home Furnishings Warehouse Annex tor good used lur niture and appliances Filly relrig erators tram S49 stoves train 359 washers dryers tc Rerondrlioried and guaranteed 10 days Furniture items in clude bedroom sets chests oi drawers dressers chesterlield sits odd chairs and kitchen sets 33 Bayliild Streel downtown INCREDIBLE For only $650 week you can buy this RCA Xllw Spanish console colour blovlslon Put no monay down and start paymants In April 79 Phone tonight and take trao dallvary tanlght RRAIV KELLYS IARRIE PLAlA 7371102 TF tlrIJHO Ir lNlIt 40 artlclss for solo 30 OFF Now 26 oxroo colour TV in crates Iar lust $59995 or pay $6 weakly on our WW ronttoown plan No monoy dam no payments tll April 79 Phono Wt dollvory tonight IRA KELLYS WILLIHGTON ST IARIIE PLAIA 1311 II TF FORD l6 horse power garden tractor with hydrostatic drive snowblower cab and more $27001irm Excellent condi tion wttl guarantee 726 31408 pm CROSS COUNTRY SKIS Mens and womens Complete sets brand new Telephone 424 9786 SNOWBLOWER 5h Briggs and Strat ton motor Telephone 728 7044 CONTENTS OF HOUSE furniture rugs drapes etc Everything in excellent condition Telephone 726 l4 PORTABLE SANYO CLOTHE washer model SW480 with large spin dryer ideal tor apartment use Asking $175 Telephone 726 3951 FOUR MAN iish hut new with propane tank 585 Telephone alter pm 7264115 FRIDGE STOVE and automatic washer in very good condition $250 or best otter Telephone 728 6743 alter SNOWBL OWE 20 inch cut chains on wheels clutch driven $175 in good condition Telephone 424 6798 alter NHboats and motors 25 xcellerit condition llwd tour summers Race and cruise equipped Many ixtras Four sails including spin Merr 7S Asking $16200 Call 726 27 days 737 2349evenings 42articles wanted CASH FOR old turniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pri 19501lllT15 728 8234 FRIDGES lreezers air conditioners etc wanted We paytup dollar New and Used Furniture and Applianres 737 4774 CANADIAN Sll VE COINS tulrirb I967 American belore 1964 No rollertion too large or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards irwelliry 7261663 eveninosna 3167 COMICSldlDMOAZINESiriuoorlcon dition Large or small OllLillOllS Telephone 726 3517 44 dogs and pets MAYS POOULE PARLOR sional clipping and grooming onable rates Phone 726 0061 BARRIE POODLP and clipping at all SireitEasl 7264141 Protes R008 Solon SIrITTlpOOlllg lllfltli Sophia 54service and repair TELEVISION REPAIRS also repairs to stereos etr Quick etticient guaranteed service within 30 mile radius at Barrie call STEWART ELECTRONICS 2783151 sowecowmo driveanSWana sidewalks Reasonable rates Free estimates Telephone 726 5362 57livestock tor sale BOX STALLS Available private stable Individual teeding program daily turn out Living accommodations tor con genialperson 487 3375 WANTED DEAD or crippled tarm animals tor tree removal Call anytime collect 705 326 9243 Simcoe Recycling FOR SALE Fresh grade Holstein cows and pony with harness Telephone Wayne Hickling 728 9598 59poultrychicks DEKALB READY to lay pullets avail ableAlsotarmtrcsh eggs Laying cages tor sale Craig Hunter Poultry Farms Stroud 436 1811 60teedseedgrain MIXED HAY 322 2949 400 BALES OF HAY tor sale bale Telephone 72658l1 STRAW Good clean mixed grain Large square bales tor sole Churchill area 456 3845 lor sale Telephone 90 per 67truitsvegetables APPLES Apply Koole and son Con cession Oro 72 8489 or 7261907 No Sunday sales POTATOES FOR SALE Sabego 75 lb bags Wlll deliver Charles Ellsmere Telephone 776 4956 baapersonals DRINKING HATER PROBLEMS Guaranteed cures Free water tests Purewalcrot Canada 737 1200 RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie live minutes Windy Haiitharm726 0192 BETTY Card reading and psychic counselling etc Phone 737 3074 lor op pomtrrient PLEA MARKET Opening Sunday March 4th 79 254 YONGE ST PAINSWICK The Marketplace and Tito Auto Market where we supply the seller with hundreds ot buyers and the buyer with wide range at new used furniture on tiques collectibles odds new mom and mm lemme umUIE MW my Hum NJIjlTLtV FOODLI TRIMrim UttiltSSllllili mi ï¬nlkknKksi L58 4569 grooiriing al preed nix up and 11 iauiinri iron llli mam slsii 17379 pygt derground parking public transportation at front door two raw cedar saunas TLéLKH Jéjj WU If rou DotthlEED it Billth ino i3ri 41 lt ii Illrl exercise room dry cleaningserwce modern kitchens With stove reingermors Included Electric stoves tr $2999 my Maintains ii 51 MARKING Sill ri UV MIMI11M it llll1lll Hinds ingqrcufls from $3199 prices Evenings and weekend Friqi shlinqwmï¬on cu notur my lllllil lii tutti tis news by oak floors SpeCIOCUIOr Vlew surrounded OI liner $7999 pC living on buttons Iiith we uiit tor run 3729 oi mm 71 Us mUCh more 99 Hiriqir IIViJi1iy lmuiriiiiii Mail WLII Ill ldll DUN NAN IUIJ in SUIIB lw 1W him drill Idn Ii Illt ri IIISLJIJIJHT Hi 1Slu NDNW ilirlrin Hi liilisli tiillvlirni Tillyto iii pupil SI liiipmrii F116 Iitiillllr lin 1w ltrnlii Hull 9m °°° b° p9 9253 wit 33 II RIGHT NEXT To BAYFIELD MAI mains ruin lllillllll iri rrw ir ti xUU 0Y0 Tern Itlgpm Hug 50 lfom 599 kitchen iili not MitziI 197 mi mm MW drumT Hi rml Triecare 126 05 suiteslrom $4999 with wv WWW lvliriiiiii 4w tinder 711 HIM riiii Fs 76 iv FACIAL fiTT BODY tin Ii problem tinv AHD usro rustinun Alto Removed imam OUR NONMOBIH if or APPLIANCE STORE 202 MOP tr du illliilill 1iiririr int lt and 46 iIilLfliFIt il Wort ydia Hren iii Hi ii 11 Ill our sitli altaltir6n 7251654 IR Ii lKIIillllrl 1T iii INAIll Illirll swaps CYinr4 IFIHL urns Viewmg hours 11 om pm daily 7374174cmmiuy wm mm Mirn Mo ial5I3c 76 ME RC TWISTE l7 houses to rent ll am pm Saturday and Sunday l7 houses to rant shopping schools etc Little Avenue and Bayvtew Dtlve 20rooms to let ROOMS FOR RENT by the day week or month Linen supplied Downtown area Telephone 728 2445 IAr CLEAN COMFORTABLE room available lor one or two Full house privileges in warm social atmosphere Fireplace appliances parking TV Luxury at regular prices Youll love it 728 8424 LARGE ROOMS suitable tor two people also single rooms Shared kitchen Telephone 726 6392 lt FURNISHED ROOMS downtown Large clean bright rooms Central kit chen Parking Hamilton Realty 737 1000 ROOM FOR RENT downtownrarea share kitchen and bath Telephone 737 4757 tor turther intormation FURNISHED ROOM retrigerator and linens supplied $22 weekly Central loca tion Telephone 726 8358 LOVELY CLEAN HOME Large bright furnished bedroom with sink Rooms cleaned linen changed weekly Kitchen tacilities Free parking Cen tral Gentlemen prelerred 728 0598 Two BEDROOMS one large one small Linens supplied kitchen privileges share bath downtown location Available immediately Women only Telephone 726 6210 oACHE LOR APAR TME NT tor tent tui 1y turnished laundry lacilities central suit girlLTelephone 728 0755 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room clean own entrance own bathroom parking Close to Wellington Plala Telephone between pm and pm 728 8478 SINGLE FURNISHED Room to rent downtown location Suitable tor working gentleman Telephone 728 1398 between 500pmandlo00pm Ar LARGE FURNISHED room tor rent Centrally located For gentleman only On bus route Call any time 728 8258 ROOM FOR RENT Centrally located Gentleman preterred Parking Apply 30 MaryrSt or telephone 728 7142 rent FURNISHED clean room to downtown location Mature person preterred 25 weekly Telephone 7260618 lose to FOR RENT in Angus 333 For turther details call Mrs Osborne at 424 6039 21room and board COMFORTABLE ROOM in private home working girl preterred Kitchen privileges and meals provided On bus route St Vincent Street area Telephone 726 0729 22rooms wanted YOUNG MAN absiainer and non smoker would like room and board in Craighurst area Telephonepgjrlgre MALEBIJSINess executive re quires room and board in private home tor approximately or months Tele phone 728 5928 between am ands pm GENTLEMAN pensioner 59 years old single non smoker redoires turnished light housekeeping room in panic area in exchange tor light janitorial duties 20 years experience In hotels schools etc Reply to Box 143 The Examiner Bar rie THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIVING HERE AND JUST WISHING YOU DID IS READING THIS AD Hurry Very soon Tamarack Woods will be fully occupied bedrooms stove fridge and full broadloom all for 8300 $335 month landscaping tot lots tennis court and convenient to BARRIES PREMIER RENTAL TOWNHOME COMMUNITY IS ALMOST FULLY OCCUPIED TAMARACK WOCDS FAMILY nnmu TOWNHOIE LIVING llik lii ii iii ill MThSTF For more lnlOTITldllc call 7373992 23ottices stores tor rent 12W 50 FT OFFICE SPACE 54F Maple St Avnllable anytime 728 1743 till 7pm728689961ter77pm MODERN OFFICE space tor lease small or large suites immediate oc cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Angelott OFFICE SPACE 515 so It excellent blding Lease or sub lease Available Feb 1Centrar73773861 OFFICE TO RENT 99 Bayiield Street Parking and utilities included $70 monthly 726 2772 business hours Even ings 73777349 RENTANOFFICE DOWNTOWN BARRIE DAILYMONTHLYYEARLY OPTIONAL PIIflIIIItOd Equippod Statfsd OTsIopliono Answering Typlttg Mailings Olscsptlon Aroo °Coftu BARRIE 7260981 24space for rent FOR LEASE OR SALE industrial space and warehouse Telephone 726 3400 Angelo WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM etc 108 Victoria Street 1590 square teet Gross lease everything included S475 mon thly Apply Stewart Wholesale 728 3051 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 1000 18000 sq lt tully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks drive in doors 14 It 181t clear part at large ex pending industrial mall 726 7130 up ToizoosouAiiiz FEET available 5250 so it includes utilities Telephone 737 4880or 728 8381 26accommodations torshare APARTMENT TO SHARE $150 per month Across trom Barrie arena Phone 737 272187 Preler girl THIRD PERSON lemale needed to share accommodation Sl00 all includ ed Central location Phone business hours 726 9711 ext 13 ask tor Peter GENTLEMAN HAS clean quiet lurnish ed house to share in Tait Trees area use 01 house tacilities Linen supplied Phone Len 737 2756evenings PERSON TO SHARE chalet year round recreation extras Available im mediately $175 per month 16 miles trom Barrie Call 424 9800 leave and name and number EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 32cars for sale AUTO INSIJRIAl4l arid Iil1lt in surance Compiiimv rule an ori Nelson UaTl 77k 9371ri in io CAMARO poww bowlr brakes 350 V8 dont nditini Asking $4200 or biu itlit Tunpituiw III 749 I977 THUNDI I911I4U Iiil ImI rutlit condition 65 win Ylllv rt rt wt iuk 37000 TtIIIpITUlh Jullut 18717 STOP It VILLA GE T0 BOD for your auto body mechanical repairs PLUS SHOWPLOWING Guaranteed the most reasonable prices in town l7 JACOBS TERRACE Am titttii soiiiiiii Shcoo Ilock 7265990 LS 197 THUNDEPIIWI good ortditiiin snow tires 11 illl power AM CfUlSi control tilt Iltlllil rrr lining itill Cerlitied $2650 TlllIJllulTl 726 7968 alrter6p 1975 MONT EU MI lWltdOr1tlllnl condition only 44000 riili power steering piiwir DTcIklS radii brand new radial lift irtilied Priviiti all 726 7959 1978 DA SUN 10 trout Willll Illlt low mileage maroon with mar ntir rir standard in IXIlllill Jlilllillll Telephone 717 0384 1974 PONTIAC LIZMAN ixi tlltt fill dition new orniiu and rtTlIIIIll iir titled $2500 or onicIir lillt Telephoncbetori in 728 7406 1974 BUICK CENTURY tliition WilJUIt Michelinm power stiltring UVrlRl HI dows an AM xterm irrillrIi dI1inn $3498 or Illl IIIIIT Tllillllllt 416157 78 PAIKMONT 1978 Ford Fairmont dr sedan Lic MNR357 cyl auto radial tires Almost newlor only 549 Baytield St iust north at Georgian Moll Barrie 7370254 F2H 194 AUSTIN MARINA t1lllitrllrllly good needs little body work Other wise good roiiditiun Mirphone 777 5719 Dr 487 36110riialtir in 1976 MARY IV LIHIJH diuioviir edition illl poWIr optiiiiiv itl iIIiiit on dition 56800 Telephone 776 IiiI 1978 FORD GRANADA power slurring power brainn dcIrost AM radio two door bronze excellent roriililiori Telephone 728 448 IUIOIllrtlllr lll tr II Hlrllllf rrliliirl 1973 PLYMOUTH RICKTT Wagon is S400 Phone 117 I941 lor lurllirr details I969 BEAUMONT quori Ior parts 350 motor turbo 350 trinriiiltsiori S400 or best oller l974 Vega good tor parts or road $250 or ltlSl otlir Call 815 7099 76 HORNET 1976 AMC Hornet dr sodor Lit MPY895 cyl auto dark green with tan vinyl root Only 30000 miles Priced to sellquickly atonly IllICOE DA 549 when lust north 01 Georgian Moll Dorris 7370254 F2H ISJF 32cars for solo 77 DATSUN 1977 Dotsun 8210 Hatchback Lic MW911 cyl auto An ideal second car for only S3450 IM Co DATSUN S49 Baytisld Stv lust north of Georgian Mall Barrie 7370254 FQH 1978 FL CAMINO 810w minagr new radio power Sltftllllq Drakes tinted glass lent Tellphone 424 0149 alter 1968 DODGE DART $150 or best illit UncertiliiI Telephone 726 1741 1974 VEDA two door tiatrtitiark low speed sliiidiirrl iixcillinl childlion It liliid Telephone 122 2961iiilrHMN iv toll 191 CHRYSLI Ni lylTRl lllilJIVII gold with brown vrnyi lop power lttiwr ind brain Wiridow Stdl tllI iriiiv all work Ar and an stirirks trainI lllll IllW Ditlltry Miitioiii Slï¬lltirirtitirrt 11 1011 1974 IliMOUltt SIAII1LIII il ilRlei it autoritii IWIV lt ll inwiir britkis dit TUTTI illlllll rili Iiiirkil sitil llmir rriitsirir rirl liltl $7000 or best olIir Tiltpllfllll Ur MM 197 BRANT PRI tut uni low milemin rirtitwr 728 Hiealtir 6p in 1978 Bird pcMir brakes automatic tom tllLii Vitin root pIili unrlrircnalinig 776 1225 1973 AUDI 100 fylillCIl triur spinrt whittled grind timty inri interior ttnlly tTllIlllI qriort ll tirtnir ill rindition Rtl nsli rit IIT jail 716 746 i974 OLDSMOBILi DEl TA ROYAI l0th dour hardtop all powm ir lllll= lionino TN radio 45s nullil ttVllllt $2100 Teleplioni 776 680 1971 Ml RCURY Mi ll OI1W4T stiirr ind power brakes radio ixr eIIint body 429 Ithlll $1100 lrltlltkl Itllplllillr liki power olIii riniwr lll ITIJITIIli llllplUllt Lilllrlnlt powir IIIkll still two Tow nllltilljl ioui Phone tiltir tour Ililil llltlr 776 6805 Irilltll 71 11i MAI tBIl 2i liltIIlt iiriiriditioned Ililfl llllIIIII illiwir steering powrr brakes tllllil iiitoil Qir riidiu Vinyl top Company or lllll drivir $5500 Oiltord 705 456 3618 1971MFRCURY ME TLOP power l4 inn and brakes radio good running con diliori as is 3100 Telephone illir 728 5644 1977 GRAND PRIX 350 baniII hatch root ANTt stereo other ixlriis Call 424 9800 Leave name and number 1977 Cttl CAPRICI $500 Ul tr IIIILII 30er iiinditioii Telephone 436 5036 1978 HONDA CIVIC MATCHIJACV automatic radio snow lxris ini ltliiculatu less than 10000 kilometres Factory warranty Telephone 728 447 nthr in 197 CHI IMPilA tour door sidiin icluiil tnrriily car air conditioning rear Window drlotltllr AMFM radio cir tilirrl$4700 Telephone174729 76 Volare Tudor Deluxe ylllltlll 400217 Willi overdrive DOWN SlllrlrltlTrll10Wlllll1itIlVIIIlloolillltl bucket seats only 44896 miles llnwless bronze metallic tiriish ii KT 786 33895 Bank terms available Bay City Motors 45 Brudtord $1 728 7770 I976 GRANADA automatic power Slltfllllq power brakes on ronditiomrig AAAFM radio vinyl top radial tires vinyl inlirior no rust Asking $3600 cur titied or best reasonable otter Telephone 726 669 days or 728 6729 alter 6p 1971 MAVERICK good running order recently certilied $350 as 15 Telephone 7373817 alter 5p 33ca rs wantedto buy WAN it Clean used cars Barrie Hon In Auto Bales 17 Gowan 51726 6488 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top prices paid Freeimmediate pick upany IlmL 436 2900 cocr egos Cars and trucks WANTED tor wrecking Fast pickup Phone 435 6322 days 424 5949 evenings JUNK CARS WANTEDIHiatieEt prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 7268711 7w TRACY WANTS carsand truckslrlor wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 7268487 TOP PRICE lor top car Toke Motors Limited 119 Bradtord street Barrie 778 El ll liquid MilliI good tillililrlll Hasnt been priliiiiiilly Iiliphoiii 28 0617 1971 Ski 10001 Vli litioii LUW 71729 i9i 140 ilLvl t4 rrtutiir new rlltltl 728 4350 Id7f vi iii i4 nu wiirraiity $1450 171 tlliHll Ontlllllll mileage 31050 tirni evenings till $1 100 Iltxll iri uhml 31 Telephone izi 1111 trrilv TlIMtlll 8100 Sllll undri rS INT 140 lIlllt Iilw ltlt igtii 11 11115 flirivit ARCTIC CAT snownoaitss ACCBSORIIS Sold at SPORT HAVEN MARINE Shanty Bay Rd Harris 7261001 It as 1975 Ill VNilil iii spl lliliir itlrl 1m iii singr wIipiiw 1974 751 Hi IM il il in 113 FRALICK ALUMINUM Ellliltll iiliill Ril iv it iskiniiï¬l It frail No strand thi YUllt lrl turiwiiti 71ll iï¬knfl llll1ttiiil 197 74 tv iiiv lttr par Illlllllt ri INT running it Lii llltltlllilil ITI ilizi It so articles to Isais TRADEIN CLEARAN udget Plon ONLY AT BARRIE TV 8i APPLIANCES 38 DUNLOP ST BARRIE 7284297 Th STEINRitt le li illitll1llit rwl with AM ic tiiiii I1 lri phono vlllllllrll litlit lilllltlill14 tlli lltthitllrlkll 210 7171181 xuoo 20 Color Portable TV S4weak payments till April 79 Phone tonight for delivery tonight KRAZY KELLYS IARRII SHOPPING PlAlA 7371182 COMPLETE iiousi now ilili NISHING Must 50 Telephone 728 7293 anytiiiii or I28 447 rtlltt ii in FRESH ONTARIO LAMll price plus LUIIIITU and Telephone 726 052 alter 111 STEREO Techitics model SI 1500 Willi V15 type cartridge AKA AMP 2600 amplilier AR speakers 250 H0tila TF ilLli yitril wr upping near mint Sell together or ipiiilily 728 8115 FIREWOOD SEASONED tiAiinwoon LAKESIDE TREE EXPERTS 7283465 or 7260015 Pickup or Delivery F13 Kaiser Aluminum Siding Sollit Fascia Windows and Doors Call now lor free estimate 4361830 Thsrr mesmm EIIIHUIUA imiudo Ltii ulilllulllt Salas unit 50v III Trust Home Duiimi llill lions Iii Alliuiiia Blvd Unit 19 716 119 Take the worry out of winter drivingl Join the ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE today For details call LEW GRAVES representative 726 ALLJET CHIMNEY SWEEPS NO MESS NO FUSS REASONABLE 7267693 or 7263820 TThS AARAN CHIMNEY SWEEPS 4589684 DRIVEWATS PATIOS SIDEWALKS ETC ALSO ALL HAHDYMAH AND REPAIR WORK CALL PODEWILS 7269559 DRESSES F11 it made bv JOSIL AfUlNO Specializing In pantsuits gowns on taro tions 42 EugoniaSt Phano 7266M LOHNES DUPLICATING Ottsot shortrun copyprinting News lattors bullutiris assorted longs atc 7260956 Stowtm Electronics Repairs to TELEVISION STEREO RADIO Other Electronic Equipment 74 PEEL ST 7289457 TF Vl WALSON Fireplaces and masonry For limuslirriatus pllurio 728 1599 USIOM BUILT and designed Sporiuliring in natural stone and antique brick using baliliios Worknionship guoruiiloud Pator Harislru 737 2871 BRICK AND STONI Fireplace Specialists wittar prices 25 years oxponance Telephone 77288010 or 728 3370 lb MIXED SEASONEDHARDWOOC mpir lucacoid dalivarud Pleasacoll 7265724 HRHV000 Iausuiiod rnopla and ash Dalivarail Ircrik Hirsclltak1728 9357 SEASONED HARDWOOD FIREPLACE STOVE OIEAPER BY THE FULL CORD FREE DELIVERY 7281637 TThSF13 100 DRY MAPLE SEASONED YEARS PRICE 16 MC com 35 susu corn $95 rm onivm 4872113 GEPCRAL REPAIRS renovations rubbish mod Iurniluro and appliances romovad Sgrvlng Barrie Innislil Coll Gord4365414 HOME IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCllON House raising Ioun dations renovations additions Phone 436 2955 altar in NWTHERN CARPENTRY Specializing In in torioi work Roi rooms kltchlnl both Norris panelling Imish work 72691 CARPENTER FULLY EXPERIENCED with renovations odor docks bathroom tiling rac rooms olc Telphone 7301271 HOME MAINTENANCE Ipocialists 1n chimney cloonin snow removal Irom roots42401344 513laltor76 ACTON BOOKKEEPING TAX Personal and business roturns 79 am to rn 726S218 immu SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGNING SPECIALISTS rooting and rooling repairs Shoot metal work Martin Vurstiatori Now lowall 4244956 FIBREGLREPAIRS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS boats snowmobllol mythlng Ilbarglass Erna ostimatas Low wtntor rat Workmanshlp guaranteed 4245802 FEE or HOME CLEANING on regular basis For more lnlormation ploasa coll zgqisu GUITAR LESSONS Classical popular and rod For lunhor lnlorrnatlon call Gory 779799 PIANO LESSONS All types oI music tor all eggfor Iunhor lntormotlgn 911137 1468 7571070 Thursday 30 34 it 77 47 776 15 11 73 RUN YOUR AD IN THE DAILY usiness Director LNeed help Just look over the ads below The ad vertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the linest iob possible GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Marcel PONlanUltO Studio 726 1489 ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin nor and advoncad Two months trial in arm mont loaned Ior homo practice Canadian Academy 01 Music 121 Hoytold 728 1799 STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and stone work chimney ro air Firplaids specialty FtQIOstimnto 7054245l58 VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating lr tsirior exterior Work guaranteed Es toblisliod 30yoars 726 2225 726 9032 PAULS PAINTING Paper hanging Murals Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 7371295 DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING IflIDflOI exterior popar hanging Ultiim work Satislaction guaranteed 726 6808 GATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom hornin at all typos We stock many sizes Phone 26 3270 LEA CUSTOM FRAMING Conservation regular Oils prints ovals certiï¬cates needlework 16 Toarl Experience 57 Essa Rd roar than Tins Set 10sai prri 7263551 PLASTER REPAIR Iancy moulds artistic coil lugs docorattvo walls apply on plaster or Mil KOORA ostimatas 7264612 AHtllsWAY SIGNS Sim 1948 Designers Mmutactursrs at Hour Plastic SALES RENTAL SERVICE MAIHTIHAHC Outdoor Advsrtlshg Hit diam trout pllonss in Iorrlo Alli operator for Him25240 595 WaltStSOrIIIII 3252277 F21 mom GENERAL HANDYMAN root cleared ol ice snow chimneys 8i eaves cleaned small moving jobs rubbish handyman repair work 7265378 or 4873141 MAN will ramovarsnowulrom roots Prompt sarvico Roosonoblo rota Call BEL59 SNW REMOVAL Iiorn root tops Frao ostlmatas roosonabla rates lolaphono 79743694 ICE ramoVaI lrom roots driveways Exporloncod rooters Reasonable prices 77849571alt0t Robot Frank ttoor TOP sNowiiuviovAi prompt and oxporisncod Reasonable mtas Call 724989nytima1 tll ii yiii KARL FORSTL SNOWBLOWING Drivoways parking lots sidewalks at Roasonoblo rotos Phone 728 5791 Home JIMS SNOWBLOWING sidwolks small parkag lots between 910 rn 726 9659 7259859 7168566 as tolephorw 7371631 PAULS SNOWPLOWING Thro trucks tar prompt dependable service at compotltlvo rates Call Paul 7373064 MBH SNOWPLOWING iiuidmiioi and small omnlClcl Reasonable rotas Fost dopoiidablo seiVica Call Lorry 726 4599 am ALLAN SNOWPLOWING Reasonable lutas Radio dispolihec 24 hour service Telephone 737 2892 SNOWPLOWING Commercial Residential Snowplowing 24 Hour Service Telephone 7283603 F10 WRIGHT SNOWPLOWING Small Cum Residential Ii yrs Serving BarrieArea R12 ASONA BLIC RATES RADIO DISPATCH DEPENDABLE 7267757 m5 SNOWPLOWING Sntoll commu Lial and residential Roosonobla rahs 7298400 TONY 5Nowriowmc Raosonobla rates 24 hour service Radio dispatched Rosidon tlol and commercial C011726 5217 REKIHEN SNOW PLOWING orid Snowblow iii Reasonable rates Contracts seasonal or VLIIOH up Call 7205666 5Now REMOVAL FROM ROOF Toes only Pious call Don or Dova Howard 7372 COMMERCIAL and RESIDENIAL snow plow ing Driveways widened Piles blown or hauled awuy Call Whiskers 726 9512 NANDAS SNOWPLOWING 152 Cundlaqu ROItdOHIIOI Reasonable rolas Telephone 7261728 WIVEWAYS ONLY SNOWPLOWING 74 hour IONK roasonoblu iotas Coll anytime Painswick 737 2721 SNOWPLOWING 24 hours daily Reasonable rate No lob too small Coll UW TOWING FAST DEPENDABLE radioequipped service vehicles Reasonable Rates 31 years In tho Itusktoss 7260265 REYNOLDS TV SERVICE Repairs to color stack and white TV storoos etc All makes mdinodglilyolal USTOM UPNOLSTEIY Ioaaonh robs Noriunanshlp guaranteed Fro cum Iall lORNE 7205405